I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 821: Even the dead will not be spared (3 in 1)

"What? He wants to fight for me?"

After learning the meaning of the leader of the wind tribe from the old primitive population, the son of Han Da, who was still intoxicated just now, suddenly became drunk.

Not only that, but also a little embarrassed in my heart. Can I not hit my face so fast?

"Tell him not to fight, but to get along well."

Han Cheng sniffed his nose and said to the old primitive man, and at the same time let go of the Feng tribe leader's hand holding his shining eyes, and took five or six steps back, keeping a safer distance from this dangerous guy.

Damn, I want to influence you, but you want to fight for me, how can this be done?

Why is your brain circuit so strange? Why don't you find the nanny to fight?

As Han Cheng stepped back, he frantically complained to the wind tribe leader with thick eyebrows and big eyes in his heart.

But thinking of the old primitive man just talking about stealing lollipops from minors, Han Cheng felt relieved.

This guy can even do things like grabbing a child’s lollipop, and he can do things like that, and it’s only natural. Now it’s not surprising that he wants to fight himself who is not very strong. .

The leader of Han Cheng’s crazy Tucaofeng tribe did not feel it. On the contrary, after hearing the meaning conveyed by the old primitive man, his mood became even more excited, especially after seeing Han Cheng’s move back. , The eyes became brighter.

He didn't guess wrong, the first person of this tribe didn't succeed in fighting, he had already developed fear of himself.

I will soon be the first person in this tribe!

The leader of the Wind Tribe was extremely excited. He pointed at Han Cheng who was two or three meters away from him, and shouted provocatively: "#¥%WE......"

The provocative shouts of the leader of the wind tribe quickly changed from the previous high-pitched voice to low, and then became completely silent.

At this time, the leader of the Feng tribe was terrified, because in this short moment, he had been surrounded by layers of people.

The people who surrounded him included those minors from his own tribe.

Rao is the leader of the wind tribe, how big nerves he wants to replace Han Cheng as the first person in the Qingque tribe. At this time, facing such a battle like this, he can’t help but tremble. The whole person has a thought. The urge to dig a hole in the ground and then bury yourself.


The old primitive man who had just put on his shoes didn't know when he took off one of the shoes again, and then he pulled up the face of the leader of the Feng tribe without much hesitation, very smoothly.

When the shoes with great flavor made close contact with the face of the Feng tribe leader, the flesh on the Feng tribe leader's face trembled and his head tilted to one side.

As the old primitive man’s soles were pulled out, the place suddenly became lively. Everyone started and fisted. The leader of the Wind Tribe didn’t even have time to make a scream, and was already caught by the angry crowd Submerged.

After pumping a shoe sole, the old primitive man who wanted to continue pumping has been squeezed out by the surging crowd.

For this guy who wanted to challenge their beloved **** son as soon as he came to the tribe, the people of the Qingque tribe were very annoyed. In their opinion, this was an unforgivable sin, more inexcusable than betraying the tribe!

Not only the old hands of the Qingque tribe, but even the Feng tribe and the Linfeng tribe, who have not formally joined the Qingque tribe, each hated the leaders of the Feng tribe who made such a request.

The Son of God is so kind, so amiable, how can you fight with the Son of God?

Just find us if you want to fight.

Once a person commits public anger, the end is basically very miserable, not to mention that the person who is annoyed by the leader of the wind tribe at this time is a primitive person with much stronger hands-on ability than brain-powered.

Therefore, his fate is destined to be very miserable.

Especially when Han Cheng did not stop him for the first time.

For the leader of the Wind Tribe, Han Cheng’s initial idea was to slowly assimilate him through various beautiful daily routines and regulations in the tribe, and tie his heart to the chariot of the Qingque tribe. .

But this idea changed after learning that the leader of the Wind Tribe wanted to challenge him and asked to replace him as the first person in the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

In the Qingque tribe, it is not that people are not allowed to have ambitions, but such ambitions must be used in the right place.

For example, the stone wants to create a bigger and better Kongming lantern, and then realize its ambition to fly.

For example, Liang wanted to taste more useful herbs and prescribe the right medicine so that everyone in the tribe would no longer suffer from the ambition of suffering.

For example, lame wants to make more and more complicated things, and make the tribe better...

These are the ambitions of Han Cheng's joy, will continue to encourage and strongly support.

Han Cheng couldn't accept the ambition of the leader of the wind tribe to seize power as soon as he arrived.

I worked so hard and spent so much time and energy to lead people to build the tribe to this point. You are a foreigner who has not formally joined the tribe. You just came here thinking about seizing power. This is Who gave you the courage?

Faced with such a person, why should I tolerate him?

Han Cheng has always cherished human lives and wanted to keep as many people as possible so that the tribe could grow stronger and better day by day.

But this does not mean that any person or behavior is within his tolerance.

At least people like the leader of the wind tribe, he didn't want to stay.

Why stay? Waiting for him to seize power from here?

Or do you wait until you have learned enough from your tribe and then rebel out of the tribe and take your tribe's skills to live elsewhere?

Of course, another reason for Han Cheng to think like this is the identity of the leader of the Wind Tribe.

In any case, no matter how many times he was pumped to the face by the old primitive man holding the soles of his shoes, he couldn't change the fact that he was once the leader of the wind tribe.

There are many other tribal leaders that Han Cheng accommodated, such as Shang, Trade, Gu, and Dou, who were once leaders, but he couldn't accommodate the tribal leader of the wind who had moved with delusion.

Because even after joining the Qingque tribe, he used to be the leader of the Wind tribe, and the influence of the leader is generally greater than that of ordinary people. It is not certain that someone will follow him to do something to harm the tribe in time.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Han Cheng did not call to stop at the first time, but paused for a while. He felt that the leader of the wind tribe should be no longer good, and then he began to stop the angry Qingque tribe. Of the people.

This can be regarded as killing someone with a knife.

Compared with stopping everyone in advance, and then arranging for someone to punish the leader of the wind tribe, Ming Zhengdian, this method is too safe.

After all, this guy is the leader of the wind tribe anyway.

Nowadays, people from the Feng Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe came over here and wanted to join their tribe, but he ordered the leader of the Wind Tribe to be killed immediately...

Regardless of the cause of this incident, it will have some impact more or less, and it may even affect the integration of the two tribes.

In contrast, Han Cheng paused for a while and then called to stop.

This is not the hand I ordered, but you, under your anger, beat the leader of the Wind Tribe to death.

The kind-hearted son Han Da not only didn't blame the leader of the Sinwind tribe, but also called you out when everyone was the most vigorous, not letting you do it again.

If this were not the case, the leader of the Wind Tribe would be even more miserable...

It has to be said that Han Cheng, who has traveled from a later life, has far surpassed the people of this era in shamelessness.

However, there are times when you do need to be shameless, because this shamelessness can make things better and minimize the bad influence.

When everyone stopped their hands and feet at Han Cheng's orders, the leader of the Feng tribe could no longer move while lying on the ground, and the whole person looked a little distorted.

Seeing such a scene, the elders of the Qingque tribe felt very relieved, and they should deal with such a person who does not know the heights of the sky.

Those who have built roads for the Qingque tribe for more than half a year and the neighboring wind tribes feel basically the same as the old hands of the Qingque tribe. Many people are even led by the old primitive people who are still wearing shoes. Down, spit at the immobile leader of the wind tribe, the kind that is very hard and heavy.

But those who came to the two tribes of the Qingque tribe for the first time were not allowed, especially the leader of the Linfeng tribe.

When fighting just now, the crowd was turbulent, and everyone didn't think there was anything, but at the moment the hot mind calmed down a little bit. Looking at the miserable Feng Clan leader, everyone's heart was a little different.

This is the person who came along with them, or even their leader, now they have been beaten to death like this.

Especially the leader of the neighboring wind tribe, seeing the leader of the wind tribe lying there still, the feeling in his heart is even greater, after all, he is also a leader.

And just like the leader of the Wind Tribe, they were the kind who had just joined the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if his feelings were small.

Although he is a primitive man, there will still be a sad mood between the rabbit and the fox.

When he looked at Han Cheng again, his eyes were full of fear, for fear that one inadvertently would end up like a leader of the Hefeng tribe.

"Why do you put such a heavy hand..."

Han Cheng looked at the leader of the Feng tribe, and said with distress and blame.

As soon as the words were spoken and the posture was put on, the leader of the neighboring wind tribe who was worried in his heart felt much better immediately.

Yes, killing the leader of the Wind Tribe was done by myself and others, and had nothing to do with the kind **** son.

Moreover, if it weren't for the kind **** son to come out in time to call the big guy, I am afraid that the others have not stopped at this time, the leader of the wind tribe will become even more miserable!

The leader of the wind tribe wanted to fight with the son of God and **** the son of God’s position in the tribe. The son of God not only did not blame, but he personally called to stop. He was regretted for the death of the leader of the wind tribe. This fully explained the kindness of the son of God... …

"Buy him."

After Han Cheng said those two sentences, he didn't speak any more. After standing in front of the leader of the Wind Tribe and watching for a while, he sighed deeply and said with a low mood.

Under Han Cheng's continuous influence, burial has become the best destination for the Qingque tribe after the death of the people, replacing the previous method of burning.

At this time, the main purpose of telling people to bury the leader of the wind tribe was to appease the two new tribesmen.

At the same time, after burying the leader of the wind tribe, the impact of the death of the leader of the wind tribe can be minimized as soon as possible.

Standing in the crowd, the stone that had been in contact with the old primitive people the longest, began to tell the old primitive people the difference between burial in the Qingque tribe and burning with fire.

After understanding the difference, the old primitive people and others who had admired Han Cheng became more admired.

The leaders of the Linfeng tribe and those who came to the Qingque tribe for the first time were also relieved.

Faced with the leader of the wind tribe who wanted to fight him and rob him of his position, the son of God was able to do this, and it would naturally not be too bad for them in the future.

The kindness of the Son of God is really not as simple as talking about it.

If such a thing is placed in their tribe, the most likely wind tribe leader who died is to be thrown into the wild to feed the beasts...

The senior officials of the Qingque tribe, such as Wu, Big Brother, and many people in the tribe felt that it was too cheap to treat the leader of the Feng tribe in this way.

But Han Cheng said so, they didn't have much to say, they could only deal with the matter according to Han Cheng's arrangement, while scolding the dead wind tribe leader, saying that he should be damned, and the **** son was kind.

Han Cheng knew the thoughts of Wu, Big Brother, and others, but they didn't proceed according to their thoughts. They still let people bury the leader of the Wind Tribe.

Because he felt that being magnanimous was not bad at all to the dead enemy, at least he could show his broad mind with this.

Han Cheng thought so, but the people of the Qingque tribe didn't think so.

Kindness and generosity are the things of the Son of God. For those who dare to harm the Son of God, they are not willing to be generous at all, even if this person is already a dead person!

So, on the head of the Feng tribe leader who was going to be buried in the pit, he was put on a crow hat that symbolized ugliness and timidity in the Qingque tribe.

This is not over yet. After burying the leader of the Wind Tribe, some people felt that the punishment was too light, and put a crow hat on his grave.

Because the crow hat made of crow feathers is easily damaged after being exposed to wind and rain, after a while, the stonemason wood of the Qingque tribe chiseled out a crow hat and placed it on the leader of the wind tribe. Above the grave.

In the days to come, the leader of the Feng tribe, buried in a small corner, became another negative teaching material for the Qingque tribe.

When the people of the tribe came in from here, they would spit at the grave of the leader of the wind tribe.

Some minors saw the first scene like this and felt puzzled, so they asked the passing adults, and the adults told the minors about the ugly behavior of the leader of the Feng tribe.

Minors who seem to understand but not understand, think about the son of God who treated them very well, and think about the scene of the son of God if he is hurt by others, and his heart suddenly feels uncomfortable.

So he clenched his small fist, came to the grave of the leader of the Feng tribe, stood on tiptoe, and spit at the crow hat carved from the stone above.

I spit out my breath, but after vomiting for several times, I stopped angrily...

The stone that records the major events of the Qingque tribe also records the causes and consequences of the events.

With the passage of time, this place has gradually become a scenic spot of the Qingque tribe, almost on the same level as the hero cemetery of the Qingque tribe.

It's just that the hero cemetery is a completely positive image, and the grave of the leader of the wind tribe is a completely negative teaching material.

Later, the people of the Qingque tribe called it "Salivatomb" or "Crow Tomb".

Its existence is of great significance to the education of the people of the Qingque tribe. Through the comparison between the hero cemetery and the saliva grave, the tribe can understand the most basic justice and know that those things are worth learning and admiring. What things should never be touched...

The leader of the Wind Tribe would later be able to exert such a great significance, even Han Cheng himself never expected.

The wind tribe leader in the crow grave certainly didn't know these things, as if he knew it, he would surely come alive angrily, and then curse the shamelessness of the traverser.

To be able to squeeze the remaining value of a dead person so that there is no left, this kind of conscienceless thing, only a despicable traverser can do!


After burying the leader of the wind tribe, with the various miracles of the Qingque tribe, they continued to unfold in front of everyone. The death of the leader of the wind tribe caused some adverse effects and was quickly erased...

Excluding the dead leader of the Feng tribe, the total number of people in the two tribes is 131. Among these people, adults are mainly adults, and they are still relatively young adults, accounting for more than half of the total number, there are eight more than ten.

Such a ratio is not surprising, as long as you look at the experiences of these two tribes over the past few years.

First, they migrated to the north to develop, and then in the north, they encountered extreme cold in winter.

Under such circumstances, the most dying is the elderly, the young, the weak and the sick, and the people who are not healthy and not young enough to survive are very uncomfortable.

Of course, he is not young, his legs and feet are surprisingly agile, and his body is also very good. Old primitive people who can carry big soles and show their power are an exception...

There are so many more people in the tribe, and everything needs to be solved.

The housing issue is a problem.

Although a lot of new houses were built after the expansion of the tribe before, the addition of semi-agricultural tribes and the addition of the remaining sheep tribes took up more than half of these new houses.

The remaining houses were transformed into warehouses.

The Qingque tribe has reclaimed a lot of land this year, and the output of grain has also increased. The remaining houses are filled with grain and there is no free space.

It is obviously impossible to build houses in such weather. At present, it seems that the only way that can be adopted is to make the people of the tribe crowded and build new houses after this winter.

The senior leaders of the Qingque tribe, such as Wu and Dashui, all share this idea, and even the circle, who is addicted to the world of mathematics, agrees with this method.

And Qiyuan also offered to propose that if it is really hard to squeeze, two or three minors can be arranged to sleep with Wu and them on a kang.

Of course, Han Cheng did not agree with such a proposal. On the one hand, he was a little worried that Wu Heyuan's evening romance would teach minors. On the other hand, the most important aspect was that Han Cheng already had a solution. ,

Of course, if it were not because there was a solution, Han Cheng would not be so hard-hearted.

Han Cheng's method is actually very simple, that is, he remembered that since it was built, it has been a building that has been idle there, almost forgotten by the people in the tribe. This building is the grain cellar.

"If you fill the grain cellars, you can free up a lot of houses. In these houses, there will be fire kangs. After a little modification, you can live in them."

Han Cheng didn't sell it, and directly stated his solution.

After saying this, Wu and the others immediately opened their hearts. Yeah, why did they forget this matter?

Therefore, under Han Cheng's arrangement, everyone immediately began to get busy.

The storage of grain must be carried out in winter under today's circumstances, because the temperature of the grain is the lowest at this time and can be stored at low temperature.

Under Han Cheng's arrangement, people first obtained a lot of plant ash and dry lime.

First use dry lime to spread about 20 cm on the bottom of the grain cellar, and then spread a layer of dry millet stalks on top.

The dry millet stalks are covered with a layer of plant ash, and on top of the plant ash is a layer of dry millet stalks, and then a layer of dry wood board is laid on the dry millet stalks.

This is done to prevent moisture.

After the foundation of the grain cellar was laid, according to Han Cheng's instructions, the crowd made a circle of hemp rods and hemp rope woven around the grain cellar.

The wall made of hemp rods does not directly touch the wall of the grain cellar, and there is about forty centimeters of space around it.

These gaps are also filled with plant ash and dried millet poles.

This is also done to prevent re-moisture ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ some moisture from the surrounding will be absorbed by these things.

Its principle is similar to that in some museums, some growing beans are placed next to the cultural relics covered in glass.

After the grain cellar was placed, someone began to transport the loaded grain from the granary to this side.

Some people carry food bags on their shoulders, while others use a wheelbarrow to push them here.

With the work of everyone, many grains were moved from the granary to here, and the golden sands fell into the grain cellar.

The old primitive man, the leader of the neighboring wind tribe, and others were directly stunned when they saw this scene.

The Qingque tribe is a bit richer. They have always known that, but the large amount of food they saw today has once again renewed their three views...

(Thanks to the book friend Wu Weiqing for the rewards. Thank you. For the first time there is a bookstore from the bookstore. It must be changed and the day after tomorrow.)

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