I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 809: Happy little princess (3 in 1)

The autumn is high and fresh, and the clouds covering half of the sky are slowly walking, looking a lot like the sheep grazing by the people of the Qingque tribe.

Everything has spirituality, and these animals have also felt through their own means that autumn is about to pass, and the cold winter is about to come.

Therefore, these sheep do not need to say anything more, one by one, they are bowing their heads and eating the grass, their mouths move quickly, and they work hard to put autumn fat on themselves and prepare for the coming cold winter.

However, the leading sheep is not very safe, does not eat the grass well, and always wants to run south. If it weren't for someone to force the rope tied to its head, I'm afraid it would have already run away. Trace...

On the bank of the river, which appeared to be much wider than the small river in front of the Qingque tribe, there were grasses overgrown with bones hidden in it, and it seemed that it was not as dazzling as before.

On this wasteland, there are many carnivores scattered, and in the past, a guy who was more fierce than a fierce guy, at this time, it was very quiet when they got together, and no one was provocative.

These beasts, each keeping a certain distance, are like experienced hunters, cast their eyes on the other side of the quiet river from time to time, all with full patience.

The only thing that made them feel a little uneasy was the group of large monkeys with weapons in their hands and a far greater number than before.

These big monkeys did not stay here as quietly as they did. Instead, they constantly used the tools in their hands to dig the ground, or beat them with a hammer, making a bang, one by one. The thick wooden stakes were firmly nailed here.

Immediately after the stake was nailed, someone hurriedly pulled a rope on it, or tied a net woven with finger-thick hemp rope.

While most people are busy with these things, some of them have bows and arrows or sharp bronzes in their hands and look at the big guys who are not easy to mess with once they start to surge.

Although Laoyang and the people of these primitive sheep tribes have said more than once that at this time, as long as they don’t actively provoke these guys, these beasts will not take the initiative to attack people, but the first time they saw this Those who were in the battle still couldn't let go of it, and felt that it was better to arrange some people to guard them.

When these people in charge of vigilance looked at these beasts, most of them were rather itchy.

Look at the two bears over there. They eat fat and crooked, their fur is greasy and smooth, and they look very beautiful.

If this is to kill it, peel off the skin, and spread it on the kang after tanning, it will be beautiful.

I think so, but these people didn’t do it. First, there are too many beasts here. If they do it, they will be attacked, even if they have a large number of them, and the weapons they carry are also Not bad, once such things happen, they will be the ones who will not suffer.

Secondly, when he came, the son of God gave an explanation. The only purpose of coming here was to arrest a lot of old sheep, as they said, that there were too many sheep that could not be caught.

After this purpose came here, the elder brother who was the leader also repeated it twice. Most of them were reckless, but the words of the **** son were very listening and could also prioritize them.

But even so, these people who took weapons to guard, or laid traps on the banks of the river according to the instructions of the big brother, were still a little skeptical of what the old sheep said.

It's not that they don't trust the old sheep and them, it's that the scenes they said are too unbelievable.

Too many sheep that can't see the end are connected together, rushing forward and then, no matter how many people block the way in front, they are all the same...

People in the tribe would hunt before they started farming with the son of God.

However, even though they had been hunting for such a long time, none of them had seen the scenes that the old sheep said.

In addition, they know a lot about sheep, which eat grass.

This grass-grazing animal has a cowardly character and lacks sharp teeth and claws. When in danger, the strongest way to save life is to turn around and run away.

Now here and on the other side of the river, there have been so many predators. Even if there are so many sheep, how can they run here?


Laoyang and several other people from the sheep tribe, pointing to the far side of the river, shouted in surprise.

After hearing his yelling, everyone looked towards the opposite bank of the river following the direction of his fingers, only to see an extra white line in the distance, approaching quickly towards this side.

Under the gaze of everyone, this white line gradually elongated and thickened, and finally turned into countless surging sheep from a line!

The predators scattered along the way on the opposite shore rushed towards the galloping sheep, and immediately one of them fell to the ground and bit their necks.

However, the rest of the sheep still ran forward without care, running toward the beast waiting there, changing their cowardly appearance in the past...

Everyone in the Qingque tribe who saw this scene for the first time looked a little silly.

It turns out that there are so many flocks. It turns out that these running flocks really no longer turn around and run away when they see danger as before, but rush forward indefinitely!

This shock lasted for a while, and when a sheep jumped into the river to swim here, it was replaced by deep joy and excitement.

They must catch a lot of sheep this time!

With the first one on the bank of the river, an autumn feast began.

With the rumbling of the hoofs, the autumn wind blew, bends the weeds, and blows away the blood, the sky is still blowing, and the clouds move to the south, in the same direction as the migrating sheep, and they look like It is the shadow of the sheep, reflected on the blue sky...

The wind stopped and the clouds dispersed, and it seemed that the flock of sheep passed by this piece of land without stopping, and the sheep rolled forward without stopping.

A pile of bones and some dark red blood were added to the trampled grass.

The predators licked the blood from the corners of their mouths and left contentedly. The scavenging birds descended from the sky, chattering for some of the remaining intestines or pecking the bones as a noise.

The blood-stained, tired and unsuccessful senior brothers and others, looking at the many sheep that are **** and thrown here, they can’t help but crack open their mouths, a group of big big fool.

With traps, nets and other things this time, plus the number of people coming, this time they caught more than 200 sheep! There are more sheep than the tribe!

Faced with such a great harvest, it would be strange if they were unhappy!

No wonder the people of the sheep tribe have so many sheepskins, no wonder the people of the sheep tribe can bring so many sheep to their tribe in exchange for something...

With joy and enlightenment, many people are slurping their mouths. After catching so many sheep this time, the life in my tribe will become even better this winter!

As long as I think of something called a hot pot made by the gods, everyone will swallow even more.

The taste of lamb slices cooked in this way makes people want to have a few bites of these raw lambs!

Under the instructions of the senior brother, everyone set up a fire here and roasted a dead sheep. After eating dry rice with millet, some people began to lift the bamboo rafts placed aside to the water's edge. In the water, then start loading sheep on the bamboo raft.

The first to be loaded is the dead sheep.

These sheep are dead and it is best to transport them back for processing first.

After the dead sheep was installed, the live sheep began.

Ten or so bamboo rafts were filled, and none of these sheep were loaded away.

There are nearly seventy of these sheep left, and it is of course impossible for the big brothers and others to throw them away.

After the bamboo raft was paddling against the current towards the Qingque tribe, the big brother asked someone to untie the ropes on the legs of the lamb.

Of course it is not to let them go, but to tie them to their heads in groups of four, led by one person, and use the method of water and land to transport the harvest to the tribe...

In the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng squatted there and continued to use the hard-won tung oil, brushing the cane armor there, and then finished the two remaining ones. The hundred ten pairs of cane armor in the tribe were used for the third time. After oiling, it has been completely completed.

While Han Cheng was doing this, Bai Xuemei, who was holding her belly in her hands, stood by and watched.

Today's Bai Xuemei, with a big belly, is a bit scary. If you open the clothes, you can clearly see the blood vessels.

This is much bigger than when she was pregnant with Little Pea.

So that Han Cheng sometimes worried that Bai Xuemei's belly would be forced open.

At the same time, she was wondering if she was pregnant with twins.

If it is twins, it is better to have twins, so that you will have both children at once, saving trouble.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, let me tell you something interesting...hahahaha..."

The Bai Xuemei who was standing there suddenly remembered something, and shouted loudly.

Han Chengcheng stopped his movements and looked at Bai Xuemei, waiting for this silly lady to tell herself something interesting.

However, Han Cheng who waited for a while did not find it interesting.

This wasn't because what Bai Xuemei said was not funny, but she didn't say anything at all, she couldn't help but laughed, and she couldn't stop at all.


Seeing the breathless Bai Xuemei smiling, Han Cheng couldn't help showing a helpless look. He had never seen such a powerful joke teller.

Without saying a word, I couldn't laugh at myself first. This really reached a state...

Han Cheng is now going to take back what he just said about Bai Xuemei.

He had seen the realm of Bai Xuemei high enough just now, but now he looked at Bai Xuemei’s trousers soaked in water and the water flowing down her trousers all the way to her ankles. The shock of the silly wife's ability to tell and laugh has once again risen to a new level.

Telling jokes did not make others laugh. Han Cheng, who laughed at himself and couldn’t afford to laugh, met in his later generations, but he never said a word, but he laughed at himself, except for his stupid wife, Han Cheng Have never encountered it.

After looking up at the mountain for a while, Han Cheng realized that something was wrong, not only because Bai Xuemei laughed and peeed a lot, but also because the smiling silly lady who couldn’t stop the car smiled. He smiled and clutched his stomach, "Ah, ah," and cried out the pain.

I'm going, it's not a laughing pee, it's breaking the amniotic fluid with a smile, and the kid in my stomach is coming out!

After a stunned reaction, Han Cheng threw away the vine armor and other things on his hand, and held Bai Xuemei, then shouted loudly for people to carry the stretcher.

At this time, what kind of vine armor, what kind of tung oil, is not as important as this silly lady of my own family and the baby who is about to be born!

The person who heard the news hurried over carrying a stretcher, and together with Han Cheng, she helped Bai Xuemei, who could no longer laugh, onto the stretcher, and then hurried to the house where the inner and outer walls were painted with white ash, which served as the inpatient department of the hospital go with.

"Prepare hot water and get all the knives!"

After arriving at an exceptionally clean house that had been cleaned up, Han Cheng and others placed Bai Xuemei on the tukang while shouting orders.

There have been many children born in the tribe over the years, and everyone is no stranger to these. As soon as Han Cheng finished speaking, someone immediately prepared these things.

The taboos of later generations do not exist here at Han Cheng. Let the rest of the male primitives in the house go out, leaving two female primitives who often deliver babies in it. Han Chengcheng began to help Bai Xuemei undress.

Han Cheng didn't catch up when Xiao Wandou was born. This time Han Cheng wanted to personally welcome his second child to the world.

Although it wasn't the first time to give birth to a child, the bouts of pain still made Bai Xuemei painful.

Han Cheng rubbed his hands vigorously with some hot willow water, while cheering up for Bai Xuemei.

Although he was not the one who gave birth, and it was not him who caused the pain, but he just sweated.

At such a scene, the two primitive women who stayed in the house to help were a little stunned.

In their memory, even at the most difficult and dangerous moment, the **** child has not been so anxious, but now, it is because of the childbirth that every woman has to experience, and it has become like this.

"Brother Cheng, it's okay..."

Lying on the kang with a pale face, Bai Xuemei comforted Han Cheng instead.

Han Cheng picked up a clean linen cloth and wiped his head, and smiled at Bai Xuemei.

This is really messy if you care.

Just facing such a thing, how can he calm down?


The baby's loud cry sounded in the room, and Han Cheng held the slippery little guy in his hands, his excited hands trembling slightly.

Excited, he secretly glanced between the little guy's legs, this is the baby girl.


The smile on Han Cheng's face couldn't be restrained, and finally he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Inadvertently, he already had both children!

The witch waiting outside the door, hearing the baby's loud cry, instantly smiled, his eyes were out of sight, and the folds on his face could kill flies.

Every time a new life in the tribe came to the world, the witch was so happy.

Han Cheng's own state was no longer suitable for the next thing, so he handed over the umbilical cord reduction to the two helping primitive females.

And he, after washing his hands carefully, began to clean up sister Bai Xue with warm water and linen cloth.

The two primitive females have delivered a lot of children, and they seem to be very skillful in handling things. It didn’t take long for the newborn baby to be cleaned by them with warm water, and they were ready to use it. The baby's baby was wrapped up.

The outside of the swaddle is linen, and the inner lining is two layers of unsuccessful silk.

The reason why I put a layer of silk cloth inside is because the linen cloth is somewhat rough and easy to pierce people. The baby's skin is too tender to bear.

In fact, the most ideal is pure cotton cloth, which is not only soft, but also has good breathability and sweat absorption effect. It is just that this thing is not available in the tribe, and it can only be replaced by silk cloth.

The little girl looked very similar to the little pea when she was first born. She had wrinkled skin and looked like a little monkey without growing up.

Han Cheng, who already has experience as a father, didn't dislike it this time. Instead, he hugged his little girl and couldn't see enough.

"Brother Cheng, let me see..."

Bai Xuemei, who was still pale, put up half of her body and looked at her with eyesight.

Han Cheng hurriedly helped her to lie down, and then put the little girl who was wrapped in the baby to Bai Xuemei's side.

Although Bai Xuemei suffered a lot of sins in order to give birth to this child, when she saw this little person who was asleep peacefully in her infancy, there was still a smile on her face, emitting a thick. The brilliance of maternal love came out.


Little Pea rushed in and looked at the little man lying next to Bai Xuemei wrapped in the baby's baby. After a while, she couldn't help but raised her head to look at Han Cheng, with curiosity and questioning in her eyes.

"This is my sister, your own sister, you are the child of Mom and Dad, so is she, she is still your little sister, and you are her elder brother, you have to protect your little sister in the future."

Han Cheng smiled and spoke softly to Xiao Wandou, holding a small hand of Xiao Wandou, and gently touching the face of the little girl.

After having two children, there are more things to pay attention to. Among them, the most important thing is Dabao's psychological feelings.

Because of the birth of the second child, many of the care and love of the parents will surely be shared, and if they are used to enjoying the great treasure of parents' love alone, they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Little people seem to know nothing, but in fact, they all have their own feelings about some things.

In this process, if the guidance is not good, the one who suffers the most is actually Dabao.

Xiao Wandou seemed to understand what Han Cheng said, but he also felt some differences.

After being touched by Han Cheng holding a small hand on the face of the little girl who had fallen asleep not long after she was born with her eyes closed, the lively little pea calmed down, lying on the edge of the kang, with her head stretched out. , Staring at the little girl who was sleeping after the baby with sullen eyes.

Although there are many children in the tribe, Xiao Wandou has also vaguely noticed that this little man has a relationship with him, which seems to be different from the rest of the children.

"younger sister."

Little Pea watched for a while, and watched the little girl who moved with the breath above her head as she breathed. She was so happy that Han Cheng grinned her mouth behind her ears.

After the mother and daughter settled down, Han Cheng didn't let anyone else do it, and went to cook the eggs and pouches with Bai Xuemei.

As more and more chickens were domesticated in the tribe, the accumulated eggs also increased.

The primitive women in the tribe can eat a bowl of egg pouches every day for a few days after giving birth to their children to supplement their nutrition.

Most people are three a day. As Han Cheng's daughter-in-law, Bai Xuemei can't treat her badly, so she directly beats her six into the pot.

As the **** son of the tribe, this privilege is still there.

Put the boiled poached egg into a bowl, then put some hot soup into it, put in two spoons of fruit candy mashed into a powder with a stone mortar, stir gently with a spoon, and make a delicious egg poached bowl All right.

The only regret is that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ there is no brown sugar in the tribe. If there is brown sugar, it will be more perfect.

When Han Cheng passed by carrying the egg pouch, the little girl who had rested for a while had already woke up. Bai Xuemei was holding her to feed her food. Little Pea watched from the side, looking distraught, and wanted to get together and take a bite.

However, most of the women who had just given birth did not have **** at the time. Bai Xuemei was such a person, so feeding it now is nothing.

After the feeding, the little girl, like the little pea at the time, not only did not eat food, but became hungry as she ate, so she soon began to cry with her small mouth.

Han Chengcheng took the little girl from Bai Xuemei’s arms and asked Bai Xuemei to eat the egg pouch while it was hot, and then she was holding the little girl who was still crying with a small face. The door, went to'begging' for the little girl.

The food in the tribe is abundant, the place of residence is also safe, and the most important thing is that there are many women, so the most important thing is the women who are breastfeeding.

Han Cheng is no longer the innocent young man at the time. A few years of life has made him a thick-skinned old driver.

No longer as shy as he was when he was ‘begging for food’ in holding little peas, I came to a few women who were feeding the children there, and smiled directly and said something to ask a woman for food.

Naturally, women would not be annoyed. Breastfeeding is a sacred thing. Someone immediately took the little girl from Han Cheng's family, held it in his arms, and started feeding.

After coaxing the baby's artifact into her mouth, the little girl immediately calmed down, eating very greedily, and at first glance she could grow up.

After holding her daughter to beg for dinner, Han Cheng took the little daughter back to her room and put it next to Bai Xuemei. After staying here for a while, he went to the kitchen to prepare maternity meals...

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