I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 807: God son, there is no oil (3 in 1)

(The last chapter may involve some sensitive words, they have been blocked, and it may take two days to be released...)

There are generally two key issues that need to be resolved.

One is how to make a larger wooden pit on the wood that can hold more things, and the other is to solve the problem that the wooden wedges cannot be pulled out when nailed into the wooden pit.

Especially the latter question about wooden wedges.

If this problem is not solved, the matter of oil extraction will not start.

Even though the time and energy of the primitive times were not worth money, but after so long and laborious and time-consuming, only one disposable product was made, and this disposable product can only be squeezed out of ten catties of oil.

Even if Han Cheng has become accustomed to a slow-paced and inefficient life, he still can't accept the disproportionate things like effort and labor.

"God, can you dig a hole along the trunk?"

After hearing that Han Cheng said that he might need to cut thicker trees in order to create pits that can hold more tung oil fruits, the cat's ears still had a childish face and a little twitched.

Because it’s already a lot of trouble to put down the tree now completely, if you put another tree thicker than this one, it will be even more troublesome. Let alone the rest, the tribe’s The large bronze saws are not long enough, and need to be rebuilt for longer ones.

Because he didn't want to cut down bigger trees, the cat's ears stared at the thick trunk lying on the ground and began to consider how to make bigger tree pits without cutting down bigger trees.

After thinking about it for a while, it actually made him think of the solution.

After hearing what the cat's ears said, and then looking at the thick tree trunk lying on the ground, Han Cheng was awakened all at once.

How did I forget this method!

Dig a wooden pit perpendicular to the trunk. Affected by the thickness of the trunk itself, the pit will be greatly restricted, but as long as you follow the direction of the trunk, dig the pit from one end to the other. As the length increases, The wooden pit can be much deeper, and the capacity will naturally increase.

"Good! Good! Cat ears, your method is really great!"

With a smile on his face, Han Cheng slapped the cat's ear **** the shoulder, and he did not hesitate to praise.

At the beginning, there were still cat ears that were a little worried. At this time, seeing the son of God was not only not angry, but also praised himself so much. The little anxiety in my heart has long since disappeared, and what is left is only a deep joy and fullness. Excitement.

Solved a problem myself!

"It's just too high after it's erected, and I have to stand on the fence and smash a wooden wedge in it."

After standing aside and figuring out what he was going to do, the witch scratched his hair and said.

"It does not matter if you don't stand on the fence, you can build a shelf, stand on the shelf and smash it, just like when we unwrap the boards."

The cat's ear, who was praised, was very active at the moment, and the whole person was more excited, and immediately gave another solution.

When the tribe saw the trunks into planks with big saws, they encountered those that were too high, and they needed to set up shelves on both sides of the trunks, and the two people stood on the shelves and saw hard.

So it's not surprising that Mao's ears say such a solution at this moment.

Han Cheng smiled and waved his hand, smashing the wooden wedge into it, there is no need to erect the tree trunk. You can also smash the tree trunk inside.

After all, this is something that one person can accomplish, which is different from a saw drawn by two people.

After Han Cheng said such a method, the eyes of people like witches, lameness, cat ears, etc. who have been around Han Cheng's body for a hundred years suddenly brightened. This is indeed a good way.

So Han Chengcheng began to arrange for people to start digging a wooden pit along the intact end of this thick oak wood, and at the same time let him saw off the other end, the section that was destroyed after being pulled out of a wooden pit.

When choosing this tree to start with, in addition to the appropriate thickness, there was another reason that the tree was handsome and tall enough and tall.

Now even if it is cut off again, the remaining part is still nearly six meters long, which is enough for use.

At this time, Bigfoot's body is no problem. Because he discovered the tung oil fruit, he was directly lifted from slavery by the son of Han Da and he became a second-level citizen of the tribe. Now he is full of energy and can't wait to devote his whole person to the Qingque tribe. Under great construction.

So the upper body was fine just now, and he came to see Han Cheng, saying that he wanted to go back outside to repair the road.

Han Cheng saw that he was okay and he was still so active, and he asked him to pay more attention to rest before agreeing.

Those who sent Bigfoot back, seeing that Bigfoot would not be in danger, left the tribe the next day and went back to repair the road.

Even so, Bigfoot will not be alone in this trip, because in addition to some members of the trade team, there are some women and minors in the tribe who followed him.

They went there to pick up some tung oil fruits, and then brought them back.

A group of more than twenty people walked along the newly constructed road towards the west.

There are also four donkey carts with him.

The minors were sitting on the donkey cart, full of novelty and joy. Some people lay on the donkey cart, through the gap in the car board, to see the fast receding ground. (No nonsense, just looking through a small gap, the things on the ground are going back really fast. Back then, the ox cart was still sitting slowly)

Some people lay on the donkey cart and looked at the cloud that couldn't get rid of it and marched with them, while some minors pointed to the unseen scenery on both sides of the road, excited.

The donkey cart went all the way, leaving laughter all the way...

Within the tribe, the work of digging holes stopped again, and the work encountered problems again.

This time the problem is still more difficult.

Drilling holes in the tree trunks went smoothly at the beginning. After all, they have been refined into old carpenters. It is not a problem to dig out such pits, but as the pits deepen, the problem is also It slowly appeared.

Because the cave deepened, the more difficult it was to dig it. When the pit was barely made to a depth of nearly two meters by the lameness, there was no way to go deeper.

At this time, there was still nearly four meters behind this thick tree trunk that had not been chiseled.

Even if the tail end needs to be left without chiseling, there is still three meters to be chiseled.

"God, cast a longer tool..."

Lame, who is inspiring to become a character like Luban, also became anxious this time and made up his mind to dig the hole in the trunk.

After thinking about it, Han Cheng shook his head. It was too much trouble to do so.

And even if you can make a five-meter-long chisel, it is very difficult to use the five-meter-long chisel to make a regular hole. This requires too much skill and physical strength for the carpenter.

"Saw this trunk, from beginning to end, in half from the middle."

Han Cheng looked limpingly and said.


Limp seemed hesitant. He was worried that after sawing the tree trunk with a saw in the middle, there would be no way to squeeze oil. After all, when the wooden pit was dug to squeeze the oil before, the son of God deliberately explained not to break it.

And they themselves felt that if they opened this thing, they might not be able to use it to squeeze oil, because when they nailed a wooden wedge, they had a lot of strength.

"It's okay, try sawing it."

After understanding the lame concern, Han Cheng smiled and waved his hand.

Han Cheng had never touched this kind of artificial oil press before, and now he can test it out and learn while fighting.

I encountered difficulties in digging a tree pit in front of me, and there was no way to continue digging deep without breaking it.

At this time, there is no other way to think of it except to open it.

As for how to put the two pieces of wood together after breaking open, that is what needs to be solved after breaking open.

Limply led the way.

So, it didn't take long for the torn tree trunk to'stand up' again under the efforts of everyone, and then two people who often saw a big saw began to stand on the erected shelf, pushing one by one. The start of the pull, the saw from top to bottom...

After the trunk was broken in half, it became easy to start chiseling. Several carpenters chiseled there in batches according to the line drawn by the limp. The progress was four or five times higher than before.

Although the progress has improved so much, the working people who are lame do not feel much excitement, because they are all worried about the next thing. I am afraid that the tree trunk sawn from the middle will wait until the middle. After closing it again, it is not easy to use.

After more than two days of polishing, the two halves of the tree trunk were completely cut out, each with a semicircle on it, and when they were put together, it became a hollow cylinder.

"How about trying some tung oil."

Lame wanted to find a way to glue them together as much as possible. Han Cheng thought about it and didn't let it go. Instead, let people start to get the tung oil fruit inside and experiment.

Because the tree is thick enough, even if part of it is removed, the rest is very heavy.

Now one is pressed on top of the other, which is much heavier than the legendary coffin lid.

Han Cheng wanted to test whether he could hold this kind of support only by relying on his own weight. If he could hold it, it would be great, and it would save a lot of trouble.

The people who went to the place where the road was built to collect the tung oil have returned, pulling four donkey carts, and the people who followed did not come back empty-handed, and more or less carried them on their hands.

If the ‘oil press’ can be set up, the tung oil fruit obtained this time from the tribe alone can basically be used to brush vine beetles.

Under Han Cheng’s explanation, after going through the procedures of stir-frying, shelling, mashing, and wrapping, some packages wrapped with fried tung oil powder were filled with the ones that were placed sideways here. I don’t know if they can be used. Inside the oil press.

This time I filled two packages of tung oil powder into it, which was about 30 kilograms.

After pushing them to the bottom with a stick, as in the last unsuccessful experiment, a circular wooden board with the same thickness as the inside was filled in.

After doing this, I began to put wooden sticks in it one by one, and when the wooden sticks were stuffed to a certain number, after the sticks were simply not stuffed, I started to put the bronze hammer on.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the hammer hitting the wooden stick and nailing inside continued to sound, and the surrounding was quiet. Everyone looked at the modified oil press, waiting for a miracle to happen.

People like Lame and Cat Ears who participated in the whole manufacturing process did not even dare to show the atmosphere. They stared unblinkingly, and their hearts hung up, for fear of something wrong.

However, errors still occurred.

Facts have proved that it is impossible to fasten the coffin lid tightly without nails.

At the beginning, the support was not very strong. Relying on its heavy weight, the half of the tree trunk pressed on it can still be kept still, but as these sticks are constantly nailed in, the support inside As it grew bigger and bigger, the upper half of the tree trunk was still supported by a gap.


Li and the others sighed together, feeling very disappointed at the result.

Although Han Cheng was a little disappointed in his heart, it was not that big. After all, this thing was groped from scratch, and any mistakes in the middle are possible.

Immediately, people will lift the upper board together, remove the stick, and refill it.

This method of sawing the tree trunk in half was devised to solve the difficulty of digging the pit. At this moment, the difficulty that the wooden pile nailed in was not easy to be removed was also solved. .

No matter how strong the sticks are supported inside, you only need to open the upper half of the trunk, and this support will immediately disappear, and the tightly supported trunk will also become loose.

After filling these things up again, Han Cheng asked someone to find some tough vines and bound them firmly, binding them a dozen times.

After finishing these, continue to fill the wooden piles, and then use the bronze hammer to continue nailing inside.

"Oil! Oil! There is oil!"

With these vines for restraint this time, as the stumps continued to be nailed in, the half of the trunk above was not stretched.

After smashing it for a while, a sharp-eyed person pointed to the bottom of the simple oil press and shouted in surprise.

Han Cheng and the others around saw this and looked there.

At this sight, Han Cheng Le was immediately broken, and only drops of slightly yellow oil flowed out of the holes drilled in the bottom of the simple oil press, and then dripped into the pottery pot below.

Such a scene is not very beautiful, but Han Cheng looked at it with a smile, lameness and cat ears who participated in the manufacture of this simple or crude oil press all the way, even more so. Cheers loudly.

The second elder brother, who was hitting the stump with the bronze hammer, looked down at the dripping oil, grinned, holding the bronze hammer in both hands to increase his strength, and then again and again. Knock it up.

As the squeezing force increases, the grease comes out more, from the drop at the beginning to the drop, turning into a thin line, dripping continuously in the pottery pot below, collecting more from less.

There was cheers all around, and everyone had a happy and exciting smile on their faces.

This is the taste of success!

Before you succeed, you often need to put in a lot of effort, experience a lot of pain, and endure suffering, but when all this is over and success really comes, everything you paid before becomes a sincere joy at this time.

And the more people who give and experience the more suffering, the more joy they get at this time.

Just look at the lameness of happy people who jump higher than those with agile legs and feet.

Because of the appearance of this grease, the entire tribe suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Under the hammer after hammer of the second brother, these tung oil fruit powders were squeezed to become more porcelain, and the grease contained in it continued to flow out, gathering a piece of amber in the pot.

"Fried the tung oil, peeled the tung oil, mashed it and pressed the oil!"

Han Cheng screamed in excitement, and everyone around him also yelled excitedly: "Oil! Oil!"

Then there is a joyous and busy scene, people fry the tung oil, peeled, smashed, and smashed with great interest.

And here, after no oil dripped from it, Han Cheng started filling the pot with the tung oil collected in the pot.

Then use a scale to weigh it. After removing the weight of the jar itself, the oil obtained this time is a little over five kilograms.

The amount of tung oil fruit powder put in this time is about 35 kilograms, that is to say, the oil yield rate is about one-seventh of the tung oil through this method.

This kind of oil production rate is not high. There must be a lot of oil that has not been squeezed out in the oil residue that these two dumplings are poured on the side, but this does not matter to Han Cheng now.

As long as most of the oil in it can be squeezed out, there is no problem. As for other things, waste a little and waste a little. Whoever makes the oil press he made is so rough, and the tung oil resources there are like this. Is enough? !

At this moment, the four words appearing on the face of the son of Han Da who looked particularly proud of the tung oil in the jar in his hand, that is rich and willful.

After the crowds were busy, more tung oil fruits were processed, and this time I put a lot of them inside, which amounts to three hundred and fifty catties!

In order to put more tung oil powder into it, these tung oil packages were not loosely packed as before, but were stomped on with their feet and turned into pancakes.

Only in this way, new problems emerged.

The problem is that the pancakes that are trampled on by people are of different sizes. After placing them next to each other, the big ones are big and the small ones are small. There will be a lot of gaps in the middle. In this case, many In the next oil extraction, it will not be able to squeeze, which will greatly affect the oil yield.

After Han Cheng stood here scratching his scalp for a while, he came up with a solution.

He called the lame, and then let the lame weave a circle of the same size with bamboo strips.

The halo of these bamboo strips is forty-five centimeters in diameter and four centimeters in thickness.

With these circles of the same size, the problem of the different sizes and thicknesses of the pancakes is solved at once.

When making oil cakes, you only need to spread the linen cloth on the ground first, then place the circle on the linen cloth, and then continue to fill it with tung oil fruit powder, and then fold the extra linen cloth in half, step on it with your feet, and Just tie the corners of the linen cloth to each other.

And because there is a ring of relatively hard bamboo rings on the outside, the cakes will not deform as easily as before after the cakes are erected.

With the previous experience, this time I did not put the biscuits inside as before. First put the'lid' on, and then put the biscuits inside. The lower side is neatly arranged inside, and the round plank is placed at the end. After all this is done, the upper half of the trunk is covered and tightly tied with tough vines.

"Start squeezing oil!"

Han Cheng yelled, and several people began to fill it with wooden stakes.

Because the tung oil fruit powder that I put inside this time is much more than before, so this time the stakes are left outside for a long time.

"Bang! Bang!..."

After filling tightly, the second senior brother with a vigorous spirit grasped the bronze hammer and began to smash the wooden stake.

At the beginning, the wooden piles went in quickly, but as the number of hits increased, the speed began to slow down, but in contrast, tung oil dripped from the bottom of the oil press.

This time, the tung oil powder was very sufficient, which was ten times that of the first time, so after the second brother continued to wield the hammer for a while, the tung oil that had dripped down ~www.NovelMTL.com~ directly became After a trickle, it rushed into the pottery basin below.

At such a scene, Han Cheng and others were happy to see.

The second brother was also full of energy, hammer after hammer, squeezing the tung oil powder continuously.

After all, human power is limited. After the second brother smashed for a while, he was panting and the hammer he wielded was not as powerful as before, so the first brother stepped forward to take over...

Seeing this full pot of tung oil, Han Cheng and others were extremely happy.

With these tung oils, the **** son will finally be able to start brushing vine armor, and the quality of his tribe's vine armor can finally go further!

The joy in Han Cheng's heart was weighing the tung oil squeezed out this time in batches, and after the addition, it became lighter.

These tung oils were put in a basin and looked at a lot, but after weighing they only weighed 35 kilograms.

Calculated according to the oil output rate recorded during the last experiment, this time I should get 50 catties of oil.

Even if the fruit of this batch is not as full as the one used for the experiment in the previous batch, it is impossible to be so different, it is just 15 catties less!

Where did the fifteen pounds of oil go?

"Look again."

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng said to the second brother who had recovered a lot, and the second brother picked up the hammer and continued to smash the stake.

It's just that under his constant smashing, the stake basically stopped entering it, only a few drops of oil dripped from it.

"God, there is no oil in it."

Wu said on the side, Yuan didn't follow, but thoughtful.

Today's circle has been initially introduced into the world of mathematics by Han Cheng after the shocking influence of the Qingque tribe for nearly a year.

From the weighing of Han Cheng just now, she also saw some doorways.


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