I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 805: Could this be the halo of the traverser? (3 in 1)

After understanding what these people had prepared outside, Bigfoot, who was originally fearless, suddenly didn't want to try this kind of fruit that looked like a chestnut.

This is really scary!

If the fruit is really poisonous, he will be filled with feces, which is more daunting than the poisoning itself.

Even if I think that this kind of fruit is not poisonous, Bigfoot is very disturbed by this unexpected operation.

But at this time, it’s impossible to shrink back. Think about the glorious scene where the son of God hangs his ID card in front of everyone when he becomes a citizen, squatting down with his feet and grabbing. Take out a handful of fruits and place them on the ground. Use a stone to break one of them. After peeling off the hard shell, which is not particularly hard, the nuts inside are sent to your mouth.

It's just different from the kind of ease before, now he has a resoluteness in seeing death as home.

After the nuts were eaten, Big Feet began to chew.

It's not bitter, and it's different from the taste of chestnuts. It doesn't have any special taste, but after chewing for a while, there will be a less obvious scent.

After chewing for a while, this scent becomes more obvious, giving people a feeling that the more they eat, the more fragrant.

So far, the heart held by the big foot was completely let down.

Just say that this kind of fruit looks very similar to chestnuts, how could it be poisonous?

Immediately, he smashed another ‘cack crouch’ in the mouth and ate it, and the people around me followed and swallowed.

The bigfoot, who felt that the more he had eaten, the more fragrant, after taking the second one, he wanted to eat the third one, but was stopped.

Regarding food poisoning and what to pay attention to when tasting new foods, Han Cheng had popularized it with people in the tribe before the people from the semi-agricultural tribe came.

For example, when tasting a new food, you cannot eat more at one time. After eating, you need to wait for a while, confirm that there is nothing wrong, then try it again, and increase the amount of food in turn.

This is because some foods contain less toxins, and if the intake is not large, there will be no obvious symptoms.

Moreover, for many medicines, it takes a long period of time from taking to working.

Not all poisons are as violent as the bowl of arsenic that Pan Jinlian fed Wu Dalang to drink. Before the bowl of medicine is finished, the stomach hurts.

For Gu and the others, Dajiao felt a bit too much. He had already tasted this new fruit personally. The more it tastes, the more delicious it makes people want to eat it. How could such a fruit be poisonous?

But even though he thought so in his heart, he still silenced according to Gu and the others, feeling the changes in his body.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, no symptoms occurred except for some thirst.

So, the second round of tasting continued.

This time, whether it was the big feet who were trying to eat, or the other people watching by the side, they became more confident and bold.

Originally, Gu had already said to stop when he ate four capsules in a row, but he ate it smoothly, the more he ate it, the more fragrant he ate, and there was a precedent that there were no symptoms after eating two capsules in a row. , So Bigfoot broke two more chews and swallowed it.

And Gu and the others didn't stop them too much.

"This fruit can be eaten, and the more you eat it, the more delicious..."

In such a wait, Bigfoot is still telling the people around him how he feels about eating this kind of fruit, causing many people around to swallow and want to eat a few.

However, Yugu and other old people from the Qingque tribe who had been popularized by Han Cheng stopped by their hands, but no one really ate it...

Why is it a little uncomfortable to vent? It's still raining outside, why does my chest become so stuffy?

The head is also a little dizzy, the body is weak, and some are nauseous...

When I noticed these symptoms on my body and realized that I should have been poisoned by this fruit, the big script wanted to tell everyone the first time.

Just thinking of the dung scoop placed at the door outside and the contents of the dung scoop, Bigfoot swallowed back what was about to be exported.

I don’t eat too much. If I endure it, maybe this uncomfortable energy will pass...

In this way, after the big foot resisted for a while, someone finally saw something wrong with the big foot.

"Bigfoot, why do you sweat so much?"

"Bigfoot, why is your face so white?"

"Is it poisoned?"

Everyone said rushingly.

"Quick! Get the dung scoop!" Gu shouted at the person near the door.

Hearing the words dung scoop, Bigfoot's face turned whiter.

"I'm fine, no...nothing..."

He is still working hard not to make close contact with the dung dipper.

But the words are not full of words, how can it be all right in this state?

So, under the big hands of the eager and enthusiastic people to save people, Bigfoot was controlled. Grassroots, who has become a citizen of the Qingque tribe, took a long-handled dung scoop and moved towards Bigfoot...


The dung scoop hadn't reached his mouth yet, and the big feet that smelled the scent had already vomited.

The vomiting big feet is all right to myself, I have to rush to try this new fruit behavior, very regretful.

As soon as I try a new food, I will serve it with dung. Who can stand it?

"This method is really good!"

The root of the grass holding the dung scoop looked at the big foot that couldn't vomit, and his eyes gleamed in admiration.

Of course this method is good, don't look at who taught it!

The son of Han Da is not here, if he hears the sigh of Grassroots at this time, he will definitely puff up his chest proudly.

In fact, this dung scoop is not only effective in inducing vomiting, but also has a very strong healing effect on unreasonable troubles.

I remember a woman in Hancheng’s village. According to her seniority, Han Cheng should call her an aunt. She was definitely a good hand who cried, made trouble, and hanged herself at home.

The uncle didn't dare to push her hard, because as long as she pushed hard, the aunt would use her nirvana-take out a bottle of treasured pesticides and clamor for medicine.

Such things are going on too much, and that uncle is also aggrieved in his heart.

So, when the war broke out between the two again, and the aunt once again offered the nirvana of drinking medicine, the uncle did not subdue as before, but cried and wailed there, saying That aunt drank medicine.

Then I quickly found a few enthusiastic neighbors and pressed the aunt to the ground to keep it under control. Ignoring the aunt's shouting that he did not drink the medicine, I took the dung scoop and poured it...

Since that time, that aunt has had a lot of life, and generally won't make troubles unreasonably, even if it's unreasonable, she won't make troubles again...

"Fill water! Fill water!"

Seeing that Big Foot can no longer vomit, Gu and the others began to fill Big Foot with water.

Seeing that Bigfoot couldn't drink enough, he made a bamboo pipe and stuffed it into his mouth, and poured water into it with a scoop.

After puffing up the belly of Bigfoot, he used a miraculous dung scoop to induce vomiting.

This tossed back and forth several times, until the big feet spit out all the clear water, then stopped.

Looking at the big feet lying on a simple bed with pale face and little energy, even if they were in a coma, they still have painful feet on their faces. The road repair team headed by Gu all seemed Anxious.

I remember that when the son of God used this method to treat the poisonous bright grass and the poisoned bright, after such a set of procedures, it didn't take long for the bright to slowly slow down. Why did he get here and wait for someone? After Fan's operation, Bigfoot doesn't seem to get better, but it has become more serious?

Although Bigfoot is a slave, it is a slave of their Qingque tribe, and it is also very hard-working when building roads.

And this time it was to try new fruit for the tribe to make it look like this, of course Gu and the others felt worried.

Many people didn't sleep much that night. Under Gu's arrangement, people from the road construction team lit a fire in the room to illuminate the room. Everyone took turns guarding their unconscious feet.

"Send Bigfoot back to the tribe, the son of God may have a way."

The next morning, looking at Bigfoot, who was still in a coma, Gu gave this order.

After saying this, the others nodded one after another. Under such circumstances, only the respected son of God might be able to save Bigfoot.

So people moved quickly, using wooden sticks and ropes to quickly make a simple stretcher, and then put the big feet still in a coma on it.

"Lost these fruits..."

Someone saw the fruit picked up by the three big feet, said aloud, and picked it up to throw it away.

After seeing the state of Bigfoot at this time, no one dared to drool over these chestnut-like fruits.

"Yes! Throw them away!"

Someone said angrily.

It is these fruits that make Bigfoot look like this. Many people at this time are already extremely angry with this kind of fruits.

"Bring some back and show it to the Son of God."

Seeing that everyone took all these fruits out of the house and prepared to throw them away, an old man from the Qingque tribe said aloud.

Seeing these people looking at him with a little dissatisfaction, the old man of the Qingque tribe said: "Don't forget the poisonous grass!"

Regarding the matter that Liang had tasted the poisonous bright grass juice that was highly poisonous, and was rescued by the son of God, and used this juice that was enough to kill people to cure the second brother’s disease, it has long become a member of the Qingque tribe legend.

Especially after Liang, who is determined to become Shennong, told from time to time that there were not many people in the tribe who knew about this.

Hearing this old man's hand say this at this moment, everyone also reacted.

The poisonous bright grass that can kill people has become a kind of medicine that can cure diseases and save lives under the use of God's Son.

So can this poisonous fruit that is about to kill the bigfoot medicine also become a thing that is of great use to the tribe?

The Son of God has this ability to turn decay into magic.

So someone got out half a bag of this poisonous fruit, and let the people who returned to the tribe with the unconscious big feet take them back and let the **** son see...

Less than half of the time the group walked back with their big feet, the big feet, who had been in a coma, woke up.

Although the state is still very weak, the news is enough to make people happy.

The weak Bigfoot became a little anxious after he understood where he was at this time, and what these people were lifting him to do.

He felt that he was fine, and wanted these people in the tribe to carry them back to the place where the road was built.

After all, their task this time is to build roads here. Now these people have carried themselves back to the tribe. Not only can they not make the road, but those who carry themselves back will also be unable to make the road. This will delay a lot of progress. of.

Most people in this era have big nerves and tendons. After understanding the meaning of big feet, many people are more in favor of big feet.

Because in their opinion, since Bigfoot is awake now, and it seems that his mind is not confused, naturally there is not much to do.

Now the rain has stopped, and road construction can be continued...

At the critical moment, the old man of the Qingque tribe who was following spoke with his hand, asking everyone to continue back to the tribe with their big feet.

Because the Son of God has said before that people who are in poor health can not use or work less.

Now Bigfoot, although he has awakened, is still very weak, which is in line with the standard said by the **** son.

Moreover, even if the big foot is lifted back to the place where the road is being repaired, the state of the big foot at this time will not be able to build the road at all...

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Han Cheng, who stayed in the tribe and was doing something while waiting for Bai Xuemei’s production, heard someone rushing over to report that someone from the road construction team was carrying a person back on a stretcher. shock.

After a hurried question, he followed this person out.

As soon as I walked out of the inner courtyard, I saw the people carrying the stretcher all the way in from outside the courtyard. After seeing this scene, they were surrounded by people spontaneously.

"The Son of God..."

Seeing the people in the tribe caring so much for themselves, and seeing the anxious **** rushing towards him, Bigfoot was moved and guilty in his heart, and he was anxious and sat up directly on the stretcher. , Yelled at Han Cheng who came in a hurry with red eyes.

Seeing that the guy lying on the stretcher sat up suddenly, and called Godzi at himself, Han Cheng mentioned the heart of his throat and put it down in half.

"what happened?"

Han Cheng asked again before he got around...

"Taste of the new fruit is poisoned?"

Han Cheng asked people to lift his big feet into a specially built house that served as a hospital, while understanding the situation.

After placing the big feet on the Tu Kang, which appeared cleaner than elsewhere, Han Cheng also knew the whole story.

"Do you have that kind of fruit? Let me see."

Han Cheng asked.

The old man from the Qingque tribe quickly took out a few of the kind of fruits he was carrying with him.

Before eating this kind of fruit, I almost couldn't hold my big feet. When I saw this fruit, my eyes showed some fear.

This is a psychological shadow left by the dung scoop and this flavorful fruit...

this is……

Tung oil? !

Han Cheng took this kind of fruit from the old man's hand. He was a little careless at first, but after watching it for a while, his whole heart jumped involuntarily.

This thing is really similar to the tung oil fruit he saw in later life!

"Bigfoot, how did you feel after eating this thing?"

Han Cheng held the fruits in his hand tightly, and looked at the big feet lying on the bed eagerly asking, his eyes lighted a little.

After seeing Han Cheng's reaction, Bigfoot and others noticed the difference.

Is this poisonous fruit really a very useful thing?

Bigfoot didn't dare to neglect, and immediately said: "In the beginning, it tasteless to eat. If you eat more, it will taste better..."


After listening to Bigfoot talking about the feelings of eating this kind of fruit and after being poisoned, Han Cheng couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing.

Of course, this was not schadenfreude, but through the various feelings said by Bigfoot, he was completely sure that the few fruits in his hand were tung oil!

This is really a bright future, so what is missing?

I was still worried about not being able to find tung oil before, but now this tung oil fruit appeared in front of me in such an extremely unexpected way.

This is really amazing!

Could it be that the aura of the one who traveled through yourself played a role?

Tung oil fruit can be used as medicine, but it has a greater effect on chemicals.

But I can't eat it. A small amount of food is not a big problem, but a large amount can kill people!

When he was a child, several of his Murakami children older than him, because they ate the tung oil fruit, they almost lost their lives at the time. They were dragged to the hospital by a four-wheeled cart overnight and infused with fluid for several days. Completely fine.

Han Cheng remembers this matter very well, because when they were there to smash the tung oil fruit to eat, Han Cheng had several other people about his age.

At that time, Han Cheng and the others were greedy. They wanted to ask them some food, but they didn't give it...

The feelings mentioned by Bigfoot and the symptoms after poisoning are basically the same as those of those in Murakami. In addition, Han Cheng also saw long-ripe and split tung oil when he was a child. Combining the two, it is determined that this thing is tung oil. The fruit is not too difficult.

Seeing Han Cheng's face full of excitement, he was smiling here, and his big feet, who had not fully recovered from the poisoning, also cracked his mouth and laughed.

This is indeed a fruit of great use, and this poisoning of myself was not in vain!


it is good! it is good! Well done this time!

Bigfoot, you made a big contribution to the tribe this time!

From now on, you are no longer a slave, but a secondary citizen of the tribe!

After the snowfall, when the sports meeting is held, I will bring your ID card in front of everyone! "

Han Cheng laughed and stretched out his hand to pat on the shoulder of Bigfoot, the excitement in his heart couldn't be concealed.

Originally, he was so excited that he was not poisoned in vain, but that he found a useful fruit for the tribe. After hearing this, the whole person was stunned.

After a while, it was considered a thorough reaction.

Is he no longer a slave? Have you become a secondary citizen in the tribe? At the sports meeting after the snowfall, the **** child will bring his ID card in front of everyone? !

Excited by the big feet lying on the bed, he sat up again, trembling all over.

His lips trembled and wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth several times without making a sound.

There were also slaves among the people who sent Bigfoot back from there.

At this time, looking at the excited and unable to speak Bigfoot, each one was full of deep envy and deep regret.

No longer being a slave, becoming a citizen of the tribe, this is what many slaves dream of wanting to do!

But now, what they dream of is right in front of their eyes and falls on the head of Bigfoot. How can this make them not envious?

At this time, they all came up with the idea of ​​why the person who discovered and tasted this fruit was not their own.

I knew that this kind of fruit had such a big purpose. It would allow the son of God to directly grant the status of a bipolar citizen, not to mention tasting the fruit, even if they were really filled with dung, they would be willing!

It's a pity that there is nothing in the world. If this is said, if you miss it, you have missed it. Apart from preparing for the next opportunity, there is no other way...

Bigfoot can wake up from a coma~www.NovelMTL.com~ and does not seem to be particularly weak, it means that he has passed the most dangerous moment, and then only needs a good rest. Basically There will be no more big problems.

After a few words of praise for Bigfoot and everyone who sent Bigfoot back, the son of Han Dao lost no time to give the slaves of the few people who sent Bigfoot back.

The general idea is to let them not be discouraged, and he sees all their contributions to the tribe.

As long as we continue to work hard to contribute to the tribe in the future, one day we will be able to be dismissed from slavery and become a citizen of the tribe like Bigfoot.

It takes time to boost morale. With the living example of Bigfoot, what Han Cheng said was particularly convincing and contagious.

After being so fiercely infused by the son of Han Da, each of these people became motivated, and they wished to invest in the construction of the Qingque tribe now.

And the divine son of Han Da, who was so happy, arranged for people to cook food for the wounded and the other people who came back with the big feet.

Among them, the food for the wounded and sick is the best, and it is at the same level as that for women just after giving birth. This is a rule set by Han Cheng long ago.

After all these things were arranged, Han Cheng in a happy mood brought all the tung oil fruits brought back by these people, and he sat here and watched with a smile on his face.

When I was in the hereafter, I didn't think this thing was so important. Now that I have come to this era, I realized how indispensable it is when I use it.

This is the same as the fact that people hate less when the book is used.

"God, how do you use this thing?"

When Han Cheng watched these tung oil fruits continue to smirk, Wu leaned over.

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