I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 803: Wu Wu: Son of God, I...I'm going to die

(Reward for the Garden of Eden of Book Friends Books plus 5/5)

Han Cheng got up in surprise, and went all the way to the warehouse where the grain was stored. According to his memory, he opened the door of the warehouse marked "Nineteen" on the wall.

Most of it is stored in soybeans, and the other part is stored in peas with a little black skin.

After Han Cheng came in this time, he ignored the fact that since he got out the stone mill and the bittern, they began to turn into the soy beans of Variety Food, but went straight to the peas stored on the other side.

Han Cheng also paid enough attention to the new grain peas obtained from semi-agricultural tribes after figuring out their value.

Therefore, in the spring of this year, Han Cheng directly asked people to plant all the pea seeds that he got, all in one mind, about 30 acres.

Now after the harvest, several thousand catties of peas have been obtained.

Looking at these black raw peas at this moment, Han Cheng was full of joy and excitement. What kind of raw peas are these? This is obviously jelly!

Now that the autumn tiger continues to show off, the weather is unbelievably hot, and many of the tribes with strong appetites have lost their appetite. It is a good time for jelly, this kind of appetizing cooler to cool off!

"Come out with two bags!"

Han Cheng said to the senior brothers who followed.

There are many people in the tribe, and all of them are full of food. Now that you encounter food like jelly in such hot weather, you can imagine what will happen next.

So Han Cheng directly asked the seniors to carry two bags, almost two hundred catties came out.

For Han Cheng's order, the big brother and others naturally obeyed.

After carrying the grain out of the granary, and closing the door of the granary by the way, Han Cheng took the seniors and the others to the cooking hall.

Ask someone to find a few large pots, pour the peas in the bag into them, and add water.

The process of making jelly with peas is similar to making tofu with soybeans. The dried beans need to be soaked in water and then ground with a stone.

However, Han Cheng didn't let people add water and then left it alone. Instead, he called two primitive women who had done food washing work to let them wash these peas.

When the tribe shelled the peas, they were on the threshing ground.

Although the threshing field was ground with stone rollers before processing the grain, it is inevitable that some of the grain will be mixed with sand and dust. It is very important to wash before the formal food production. of.

The two primitive females were sitting on the wooden pier, each holding a fence woven with broken bamboo strips under the guidance of Han Cheng, and began to wash the grain.

The so-called fence is a necessary tool for washing grain. It is a round shape with a diameter of about ten centimeters, with a handle, and a slight depression in the middle.

Because it is woven from bamboo strips, it leaks very well.

The two primitive women held the fence in their hands, and stirred the peas that had been submerged in water in the pottery in front of them a few times to disperse them so that the finely divided sand and stones deposited in it could fully settle down below. .

Then, some pea shells floating on the water surface that had not been cleaned were fished out with a fence, and then the food was officially washed.

The two primitives held the handles of the fence which was also made of bamboo, and sank the front end of the fence into the water, and then began to rotate rapidly.

In the process of rotation, it does not rotate horizontally, but sinks to both sides one left and one right.

In such a process, some peas will float down the water that is stirred by the fence, and then they will be picked up on the fence.

As for the sand that is denser than peas, it is basically not stirred up.

When the two of them fished out all the peas, the water in the basin became muddy, and there was still sand deposits on the bottom of the basin.

The raw peas that have been washed are put in a large bowl, soaked in water, and can start making jelly in the next morning.

With a fan in his hand, the witch who slapped it one after another, watching Han Cheng and the others processing peas from a distance.

He already knew that Han Cheng was making a kind of food.

If it were in the past, the witch would definitely come together when he found something new, especially food.

But this time was different. The hot weather made Wu feel breathless, and he couldn't give the slightest desire to eat food.

Even when I think of food, I feel a little sick.

Make evil!

After being aware of his current state, the witch shaking the puff fan couldn't help but chant this mantra in his heart again.

In the past, when tribal food was lacking, they could eat all kinds of food by themselves, and they always felt that they were not enough.

But now, facing the food that is far better than that at the time, I feel a little nauseous. This is not what a crime is!

After repeating this way several times, Wu suddenly realized one thing, that is, he was old.

You can’t eat even delicious food. Isn’t this just getting old?

After such thoughts surfaced in his mind, Wu immediately felt a little flustered.

In the past, witches were not afraid of death, but now they are different. As the days in the tribe get better day by day, witches don’t want to die.

Because he wanted to see how far his tribe could develop under the leadership of the **** son.

I want to watch these minors in the tribe grow up and work hard for the development and growth of the tribe...

Because of this thought in my heart, the witch, who suddenly realized that he was old, became a little worried, and did not eat much food that night...

The next morning, the son of Han Da, who was also deprived of appetite due to the hot weather, missed the jelly and missed it, so he got up and personally grinds the soaked peas.

Big belly Bai Xuemei was still standing aside, holding a wooden spoon in her hand, and poured half a spoon of peas and half a spoon of water into her eyes.

The air in the early morning was clear, with a look that hadn't been awake before, and several dog barks, roosters, and sheep barked from time to time in the silence...

The sunlight that has not yet been hot scatters through the bamboo forest, leaving a little light and shadow.

The ground soymilk converged into a column of water, and fell into the large earthenware pot below. While making a soft sound, it also smashed a piece of finely divided bubbles, and the air was filled with the smell of raw soymilk.

The leisurely and comforting morning actually gave Han Cheng the idea of ​​letting time freeze.

The sling is hung up again, and the bowl of soy milk that is ground also needs to be filtered...

With the passage of time, the pure Chaoyang gradually turned into an old driver, no longer the gentle and clear appearance before, began to show its power.

The weather also became sultry and hot, and everyone who worked began to sweat.

After half a night of thinking, the witch who decided to force himself to eat more food, at this time he didn't have much appetite.

At this time, Han Cheng had already poured two jars of soy milk into a clay pot, letting people boil it on fire.

As the flame rises, and a large amount of white gas rises from the pottery pot, the temperature in the already hot kitchen becomes higher, and the whole becomes like a steamer. When a person enters it, it immediately becomes a whole body. Sweat.

In summer, cooking in the kitchen is really not a good job...

Han Cheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and saw that the soy milk in the pot was boiling, so he scooped it up with a scoop and poured it into a bowl that was already prepared on the side.

"God, are you going to put the bittern?"

People in the tribe, especially those who help in the kitchen, are familiar with the process of making tofu.

Although the peas and soybeans look different, they both carry the word "bean", and they are both in the "bean" generation.

And the previous series of operations are exactly the same as when making tofu, so when I saw Han Cheng scooping up a bowl of soy milk, except for letting people continue to put the raw bowl of soy milk in a clay pot to continue cooking, what else? I didn't do it, and I didn't mean to order tofu at all. After waiting for a while, I finally couldn't help but speak out.

After all, the cooked soy milk will not be so good if you wait too long and then have some tofu.

Han Cheng wiped the sweat from his face with a towel hanging around his neck, smiled and shook his head and said, "You don't need to put salt in it. This is not making tofu, but another kind of food.

Moreover, with the exception of soybeans, the rest of the beans cannot be made into tofu. "

Compared with tofu, jelly is easier to make. You only need to cook raw soy milk and scoop it into a bowl to cool it.

If you buy pea flour directly, it will be more convenient and quick to make.

Unfortunately, there was no ready-made pea flour for Han Cheng to buy at this time, so he had to grind the pea flour by himself.

"This is a delicious food, and it will make you appetite after it's done!"

Thinking of the refreshment of the later generations when eating jelly, Han Cheng swallowed his saliva, and with a mysterious look on his face, he explained the new food that was about to be released to the people who asked him.

Now that it’s hot, soy milk has cooled down and solidified slowly. I waited here for a while. Seeing that these bowls of soy milk had solidified into jelly, it would take some time. Han Chengcheng confessed to these people who were helping in the kitchen and turned around. Kitchen like a steamer.

These people in the kitchen are all people who are used to making food. With Han Cheng's demonstration just now, coupled with the experience of making tofu, this is not a problem.

As for the son of Han Da who came out of the kitchen, he also had a very legitimate reason to leave the kitchen.

The reason is that he has to prepare some condiments to prepare for this new food.

In fact, the real reason was that he couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen...

Tahini, chili sauce poured with hot oil, and green coriander are good things for mixing jelly.

It's a pity that Han Cheng has none of these things.

Fortunately, vinegar is an indispensable seasoning for jelly, otherwise the jelly made this time is almost impossible to eat.

When he came outside, Han Cheng pulled a lot of garlic from the garlic braid hanging on the wall under the eaves.

Garlic has been owned by the tribe for several years. After several years of artificial cultivation, the size is much larger than before.

That is, there is still a large part that is not divided into many cloves, which is easy to grow into a single head of garlic.

The single head garlic tastes really spicy, especially when it reaches the root of the tongue, let alone the sour and refreshing taste.

Put these garlic cloves on the chopping board, pat them one by one with a knife, then peel them, put them in a stone mortar, add salt to it.

Crush the garlic cloves into garlic paste, scoop it out with a spoon, add cold water and stir, the garlic juice is also considered.

The catch is that there is no layer of sesame oil on it.

Hancheng pounded a lot of garlic juice and made a full pot.

"The Son of God! The Son of God!"

Squatting in the shade, Han Cheng had just adjusted the garlic juice, before he could get up, a man who was helping in the kitchen rushed out of the kitchen with sweat and shouted all the way towards Han Cheng.

"What's wrong?"

Han Cheng was a little surprised by this guy's startled reaction. After standing up from the ground, he looked at this person and asked loudly.

"Bowl of soy milk...bowl of soy milk...into...a piece!"

This person seemed to be a little breathless and said, with excitement all over his body, and there were some novel emotions in the excitement.

This is the jelly!

Han Cheng suddenly became excited when he heard the words, and after putting the pot of garlic juice on a supporting stone slab, he hurried to the kitchen with others.

"God, can... can play..."

When Han Cheng came to the door of the kitchen, several people who were helping in the kitchen were stretching their necks around the earthenware pot of jelly placed on the table.

One of them leaned on his side, making the appearance that he would run away at any time. The old man stretched his arm and poked it slightly with his finger. The soft and bouncy feeling in the basin was passed down the finger. Come here.

The person who stretched out his finger to test, and the other onlookers who were watching, all went back two steps quickly, looking at the jelly in the bowl with novelty and some vigilance.

At such a scene, Han Cheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing the laughter, these people looked up and realized that Han Cheng had come. The person who had just reached out to touch the jelly, raised his finger and said to Han Cheng, looking a little confused.

If the jelly is not soft, it is not jelly!

Han Cheng washed his hands in the bowl and came to the side of the first two bowls of soy milk. He stretched out his fingers and touched it to confirm that these had really solidified into jelly.

And this layer on the most surface is still a bit hard to the touch, this is jelly.

"Take this big chopping board outside!"

After confirming that the jelly was completely made, Han Cheng vocally directed the two people to lift the big chopping board to the shade outside. He didn't want to stay in this kitchen for a moment.

These bowls of jelly were also transferred out one by one under Han Cheng's order.


"The Son of God..."


Even if the weather is hot and the autumn tigers are raging so badly, they can't stop the people of the Qingque tribe from surrounding Han Cheng to see novel ideas.

Especially the green grass rushing out of the kitchen just now, shouting all the way to find the **** child, it suddenly aroused the curiosity of the people who stayed in the yard doing something.

At this time, Han Cheng held the earliest jelly bowl and buckled it on the raised chopping board, and then uncovered the bowl, and a bowl-shaped jelly block appeared in front of everyone.

This large piece of jelly is black-gray overall, semi-transparent, and with a kind of luster. If you touch it with your hand, it will tremble and sway there, which is very beautiful.

Seeing that the new type of food that the **** child said was so good-looking, many people onlookers couldn't help being surprised. Those who didn't exclaim all couldn't help their eyes widening. .

Looking at the beautiful and somewhat excessive food in front of them, many people will have the reluctant thoughts.

Han Cheng looked at the jelly made by himself with a satisfied expression.

Hearing everyone there admiring the beauty of the jelly, Han Cheng smiled. This is because no mung beans were found. If you find mung beans, the jelly made from mung beans will make you feel even more amazing.

Stacked there like a large piece of emerald, even Han Cheng, who has seen the world, feels very good-looking.

It’s better to use a scraper with many small holes to prepare the jelly. It’s a pity that Han Cheng’s idea of ​​making jelly rises suddenly, and there is no time to make a scraper, so I can only cut it with a knife. Up.

Han Cheng took the rectangular copper-cast large kitchen knife, glued some clean water to both sides of the knife, and cut it off against the large jelly buckled here.

Many people onlookers who watched this scene aroused unbearable thoughts, and some even wanted to stop them, because this jelly was so beautiful in everyone's eyes!

Han Cheng took the knife and just cut it one by one. Compared with the good-looking of the jelly, he was more concerned about the taste of the jelly.

The jelly is not very easy to cut. The main reason is that it is a little bit sticky. It takes a while to get some water to wet the knife.

"Grass, blue and white, come and cut it."

After cutting for a while, Han Cheng buckled two pots of jelly and said to the green grass and blue flowers aloud.

So many jelly noodles, waiting to be eaten with such an open mouth, can only be cut by Han Cheng alone, and it will be cut to the year of the monkey.

Put the chopped jelly into another bowl, pour a few spoons of garlic juice that has just been pounded into it, and then add some fruit vinegar, stir with a spoon, and fill the bowl. It looks very good appetite.

Han Cheng picked up a bowl and tasted it first. Although he lacks many seasonings, it is very rare to be able to eat jelly at this time. Where is there so much attention?

A mouthful of cold and slippery jelly, with that refreshing energy, slides all the way into the stomach, and immediately makes people feel refreshed.

Originally, Han Cheng just wanted to take a bite first, but after taking this bite, he couldn't stop immediately.

He snorted and finished the bowl of jelly before stopping.

He took a sigh of relief, and only felt comfortable all over, even this uncomfortable autumn tiger didn't seem to have such great power.



There was a sound of drooling around.

Seeing that Han Cheng, who has always had a mouthful mouth, ate such a large bowl of jelly in one go, he showed a look of enjoyment. The people onlookers had already made this jelly look so beautiful and couldn’t bear the thought of giving it to Throw it a thousand miles away.

At this moment, they just want to quickly taste the taste of this new food.

As for things that make people want to eat when it is too hot, under the impact of this new food, they disappeared without a trace.

Han Cheng put down the bowl and wiped his mouth to signal that everyone shouldn't worry, everyone could eat it. Then he picked up a clean bowl and scooped up a bowl of jelly, ready to give it to Wu.

As a result, something unexpected happened to Han Cheng. In the past, as long as Han Cheng got new things, the witch who would get by his side was not there this time.

Han Cheng looked around, not seeing the figure of the witch, but found the witch's special hand warmer Baoyuan.

After asking Yuan, Han Cheng learned that Wu was staying in the cave used as a storage room.

There was something unusual about this, which made Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a little worried. After explaining that everyone was eating jelly as usual, Han Cheng took the jelly in his hand and took the chopsticks all the way towards the cave.

The temperature inside the cave is lower than outside, which is really good for enjoying the coolness.

At this time, Wu was sitting on a rock, slowly fanning the fan in his hand, looking weak and worried.

One of his concerns was because of the hot weather, and more because he realized that he might not live long when he was older.

The two mixed together, so that Wu became even more appetite.

The more he has no appetite, the more uncomfortable the witch's heart becomes.

Because in his understanding, if he can't eat food, it means that the person will not become a person.

This is also the main reason why he knows that the **** child is making new food today, but Wu sits alone in the cave without going over and watching.

"Witch, eat jelly."

Han Cheng walked in and saw Wu sitting on the rock, his whole body looked a little wilted and said aloud.

Han Cheng didn’t say that it’s okay to eat food. At this time, when he mentioned food, he was already disgusted in his heart. By the way, he remembered the steaming, burning hands and eating the food in his mouth. After a while, the whole person bowed and retched.


Han Cheng, who was watching this scene, was shocked, hurriedly put the bowl aside and walked quickly, reaching out a hand and slowly tapping Wu's back.

After doing this for a while, Wu was considered to be relieved.

"Witch, what's wrong with you?"

Han Cheng asked worriedly. There was already sweat on his forehead. At this moment, he was frightened by the witch's state, and suddenly another layer of sweat came out.

"God, I...I'm going to die."

The witch who straightened up looked at Han Cheng and said with sadness and weakness.

As soon as he said this, Han Cheng's heart beat abruptly, and after a short pause, he began to ring like a drum, his legs and feet were a little sore, his whole body was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground.

Looking at Wu, Han Cheng felt dizzy all over.

This... how is this possible! How can you say that you die!

In the entire tribe, Wu is the person Han Cheng respects the most, as the kind of elder.

Han Cheng just wanted this increasingly childish old man to stay with him and the tribe in this way.

To see the minors in the tribe grow up, to see the tribe getting better a little bit with the efforts of everyone, why is it suddenly going to die now?

While dizzy, Han Cheng's nose was sour uncontrollably, with an urge to burst into tears.

The witch sitting on the rock stretched out his hand to support the shaking Han Cheng, letting Han Cheng sit on the rock side by side with him.

"Witch, you...what are you doing?"

With Wu's support, Han Cheng tremblingly sat on the rock, watched Wu ask questions, his voice trembled, his throat became severely dry, and tears had dripped uncontrollably.

Wu Wu did not expect that the son of God would have such a big reaction after he learned that he was about to die.

After a brief period of discomfort, I was infected by such an atmosphere, and thinking that I would never see these things again, Wu's heart became even more sad, and tears slipped down in his muddy eyes.

"I... I'm old, and... I can't eat any more food..."

After a while, Wu said with a particularly sad expression.

"Witch, don't worry..."

After hearing Wu say the reason, Han Cheng's eyes burst into more tears, and he opened his mouth to comfort Wu. After half of the comfort, Han Cheng was stunned, and all the next words were stuck. I even forgot to cry in my throat.

"Witch, what do you say about you?!"

After froze for a while, Han Cheng looked at the sad and crying Witch sitting there, and hurriedly asked again.

"I... I'm old, eating... I can't eat any food, I eat... if I can't eat food, I will die..."

The worries that Wu has been suppressed from yesterday to today, as well as his love for life and fear of death, were spurred by Han Cheng. At this time, he was in the eruption. At this time, when asked by Han Cheng, he was even more sad. .

old? Can't eat any more food? !

Is this the basis for you to judge that you are going to die? !

Han Cheng, who was no longer in tears, looked at the sad Witch who was sitting there crying, and he felt like an electric shock.

Is there anyone scary like you? Did you lie to tears like this?

Wu Wu, you cheated me into crying. I haven't asked you to settle the account, but you are still crying here, so your conscience won't hurt? !

Han Cheng, caught off guard by the answer, stood here, not knowing what to say to express his feelings.

I can’t eat anymore because the weather is too hot. In the past few days, there are too many people in the tribe who have a bad appetite. Why are they going to die?

Let's just say, a few days ago, in the evening, I heard the movement made by him and Yuangu. It doesn't make sense that it just passed after a few days.

"Witch, don't be sad, you're all right!"

Earlier, Han Cheng's half-sentence still contained comforting elements, but this time it was completely certain.

After hearing Han Cheng's words, Wu who was crying there was stunned, and then cried harder.

The son of God must be lying to himself. He is the oldest in the tribe, and he can't eat food anymore. How could he be okay?

When Han Cheng saw the witch crying more severely, he was also very helpless. For a while, he didn't know how to persuade the crying old man.

At this moment, Han Cheng glanced over the bowl of jelly that he put aside, and Han Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Witch, don't cry, come and eat a bowl of my new jelly."

Han Cheng brought the jelly powder to Wu's body and said aloud.

The vigorous witch who was crying felt disgusted when he heard Han Cheng talk about food.

"I...don't eat,...don't eat..."

After retching twice, Wu straightened up and waved his hands again and again.

"This food is different from the previous ones. It is very refreshing. I don't really want to eat these days. I just ate three bowls!"

Han Cheng said with a look of aftertaste. In order to increase the credibility, he exaggerated one bowl into three bowls.

There is no way, old children, old children, sometimes they have to be coaxed as children.

After Han Cheng said this, Wu who was shaking his hand there was taken aback for a moment.


Wu wiped away a handful of old tears, and looked at Han Cheng in a daze.

"of course it's true!"

Han Cheng said very confidently, and moved the jelly bowl in his hand to Wu's side.

Wu just wanted to pick it up, but another wave of disgust came up. After doing this twice, Wu gave up the idea of ​​eating.

"Wu, close your eyes, don't look at it, take a bite and taste it first."

Han Cheng looked a little anxious and felt a little worried for Wu~www.NovelMTL.com~ Wu followed Han Cheng's advice and closed his eyes, Han Cheng held a bowl to feed him.

It's just that the face of Wu Shu who closed his eyes carried some determination as if he were at home.

"Open your mouth." Han Cheng said.

Wu opened his mouth, and Han Cheng put a chopstick jelly into Wu's mouth.

The jelly is cool and smooth in the mouth, with the sourness of vinegar and the spicy and fragrant garlic.

Wu, who was already half nauseated, didn't feel nauseated when he realized that the taste was really different from the taste of the food he usually ate.

He was stunned here with his mouth half open, and then suddenly increased the speed of chewing.

He swallowed the jelly in his mouth in two swallows.

The closed eyes were also opened. Looking at the bowl and the jelly in the bowl in Han Cheng's hand, he didn't feel sick anymore. Instead, his eyes were bright, and he wanted to pounce on the delicious jelly in the bowl. All the children eat in their stomachs.

Upon seeing this, Han Cheng pushed another chopstick into Wu's mouth.

After being fed two bites by Han Cheng, Wu felt that it was not satisfying to eat like this, so he took the rice bowl from Han Cheng's hand, and kept pulling his mouth, reluctant to lift his head.

The speed of eating is comparable to that of wind and clouds. It is just a moment's effort, and a large bowl of jelly is gone.

Should an elderly person have such a rapid eating speed?

I was so fierce that I was amazed and resigned to the wind. Is this what a person who can't eat to die can do?

"Witch, is this rice fragrant?"

Han Cheng looked at Wu who had eaten a large bowl of jelly at once, sniffed and asked.

"Fragrant! Really fragrant!"

Wu sincerely admired.

Then he raised his neck and drank some of the juice left in the bowl. After smacking his lips, he looked at Han Cheng and asked hopefully, "Son of God, is there still this rice?"

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