I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 784: Delicious dark dishes (4 in 1)

"I also forgot..."

After Han Cheng finally let this bewildered child bride-in-law understand what he was asking, he looked at Bai Xuemei with hope.

Then, under Han Cheng's extremely hopeful gaze, Bai Xuemei froze for a while, and said weakly.

Hearing these words, and looking at Bai Xuemei's awkward expression and innocent expression, Han Cheng suddenly had the urge to stand unsteadily and want to sigh.

"It's written on the paper in the room!"

After a while, Bai Xuemei said with excitement when she thought of something.

When she said this, Han Cheng also suddenly remembered that she had seen Bai Xuemei draw something on a notebook in the room before, but she didn't expect that it was her aunt's time.

After Bai Xuemei said this, she ran towards the house, trying to get the book to Brother Cheng as soon as possible.

Before Han Cheng's voice came out, Bai Xuemei ran into the room.

Han Cheng, with his mouth half open, looked at this scene, and couldn't help but full of black lines.

Knowing that you are in good health, knowing that you are a primitive person, but no matter how good your body is, you can't be too much, right?

"Brother Cheng, here!"

In the daze, Bai Xuemei had already ran out at the same speed, holding a stack of paper connected with needles and thread, and sending it to Han Cheng like a treasure.

Han Cheng sniffed, resisted the urge to tap this guy's head twice, reached out and took the simple notebook over, opened it, and carefully looked at the things recorded on it.

February 20th.

It's April 15th, and it's almost two months since the last visit!

Han Cheng calculated the time and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. He was excited, and closed the book, put his arm around Bai Xuemei, excitedly said in her ear: "We are going to have a baby again! The second child is about to be born!"

Xuemei Bai, who was originally a little confused by Han Cheng's abnormal behavior today, heard the news that Han Cheng said, and she was once again confused.

After a while, he put his hand on his flat stomach with a look of surprise and uncertainty, and asked, "Really?"


Han Cheng nodded vigorously.

After saying this, Han Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Second child, now I am going to have a second child. Why doesn’t this make people happy? !

"From now on, you must walk more steadily, but you can't run like this anymore!"

After rejoicing, Han Cheng exclaimed to Bai Xuemei, who nodded vigorously.

"Don't feed the silkworms, let them feed."

Han Cheng continued.

Bai Xuemei just wanted to nod her head and immediately reacted, she shook her head again, like a small rattle.

"Brother Cheng, the silkworm is about to spin..."

Bai Xuemei hugged Han Cheng's arm and said aloud, her face full of requests.

Han Cheng understood what Bai Xuemei meant. The silkworms had already shed their skins three times, and it was almost time for silking. This time of the year was the most critical time.

But it was precisely because of this that Han Cheng didn't want Bai Xuemei to mix with the silkworm again.

Because this time is not only the most critical moment, but also the busiest moment.

At this time, the amount of cannibalization was astonishing, requiring people to constantly feed the mulberry leaves and clean up the sericulture.

"Then you can't do more, just watch and tell them, don't get up at night."

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng relaxed the conditions.

After being pregnant, it is indeed necessary to pay attention to it, but it should not be too delicate.

The delicate is too ruthless, but it will have the opposite effect.

When Han Cheng said this, Bai Xuemei suddenly became happy...

After learning that Bai Xuemei was pregnant again, Han Cheng was in a particularly happy mood, carrying the fish cage with Fu Jiang and the small peas, and walked all the way towards the river.

He wants to catch some fish and make some delicious supplements for Bai Xuemei.

Put some bait such as grasshoppers into the fish cages. Han Cheng separated several fish cages into the water and tied the ropes to the tree sticks on the shore. After squatting here for a while, he got up and left. Here.

It is impossible not to leave. With little pea, Tuantuan and Fu Jiang, the fish in the water don't dare to come to the fish cage.

After leaving the river bank, Han Cheng led the large and small teams walking back while thinking about eating in his heart.

It seems that there are not enough pickled fish in the evening, and Han Cheng wants to figure it out.

After walking in this way for a while, I turned my head and saw a few almond trees not far away.

Many green apricots the size of pigeon eggs are hidden among the apricot leaves.

Seeing these green apricots, and recalling the way Bai Xuemei gnawed the green apricots not long ago, Han Cheng couldn't help but overflowed with saliva.

No wonder the wife Cao used things like Wangmei to quench thirst to fool people. This trick is really effective.

Han Cheng complained about Cao Cao like this, and a bright light flashed in his mind, and a dish emerged.

Green apricot and bamboo shoots with sliced ​​pork soup?

This is a dark dish, but remembering the way Bai Xuemei liked to eat green apricots today, Han Cheng decided to make such a soup.

After all, compared with dark dishes such as mooncakes fried with tomatoes and corn fried with grapes in some later universities, my own soup with sliced ​​green apricot, bamboo shoots and pork looks much more serious.

I just used green apricots as vinegar. The chefs who made those dark dishes in later universities were truly excellent. Unexpected things can be fried together...

As soon as he said nothing, Han Cheng stretched out his hand to hold an apricot tree branch and began to pick the green apricots on it.

These apricot trees and some other fruit trees were slowly planted after the tribe’s construction was completed. The trees have not fully grown up yet, so if you want to pick the fruits on them, you don’t need to climb the trees and stand on their feet. Just pull down some branches.

"Dad, dad, eat, eat..."

Little Pea has inherited the excellent genes that Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei were eating. Seeing Han Cheng picking green apricots there, he stood on tiptoe, raised his head and stretched his hands, drooling for apricots.

"It's not tasty, it's too sour."

Han Cheng said to the pea, and took a green apricot to his mouth, pretending to take a bite, chewing, and pretending to be sour grinning.

The little pea who watched the grandfather's exaggerated acting was stunned for a moment. After a while, the little guy uttered his mouth twice and continued to stretch out his hand: "Dad, I want to eat, I want to eat."

With a look of wanting to make trouble.

Han Cheng looked at the green apricot in his hand, and then at the greedy little pea who wanted to make trouble because he couldn't eat the green apricot. After thinking for a while, he reached out and put a green apricot on his clothes. Wiped it, and then handed it to Little Pea.

This is what your kid wants to eat, so you can't blame you for being a dad.

Seeing the little pea that stretched out his little hand and took the green apricot from his hand with a look of excitement, Han Cheng muttered silently in his heart, and then squinted his eyes, a little unbearable to see what would happen next.

The little pea that got the green apricot smiled and eagerly delivered it to his mouth.

After reaching the mouth, there was no hesitation, just a bite.

Han Cheng, who was squinting, could see clearly. After biting a bite on the green apricot, Little Pea appeared in a daze for a moment, as if he was still motionless.

After a while, Xiao Pea's eyes suddenly widened and closed tightly. After a shudder violently, he stomped his feet sourly on the spot.

While stomping the foot, both hands were constantly swaying, and the whole person started the mode of hand dancing in an instant.

Han Cheng, who knew the taste of the original green apricot, shivered when he looked at the appearance of the little peas.

After jumping on the spot for a long time, Little Pea calmed down.

Looking down at the green apricot that had been bitten off in his hand, and then at the unscrupulous old man who was squatting down on his body and swallowing his saliva, Xiao Wandou's eyes were full of tears.

This is not wronged, but abruptly soured by paternal love.

Just when Han Cheng thought that this little guy would throw away his sour and sour green apricots and turn on the noise mode by the way, Little Pea was surprisingly calm.

I saw this guy blinking with teary eyes. After staying on the spot for a while, he suddenly handed the green apricot that he had gnawed off to the panda Tuan Tuan who was standing aside, looking very coveted.

Tuan Tuan is even more a foodie. Otherwise, if he has such a strength, he would rather accept the ravages from the small pea and others because of some food, rather than leave the Qingque tribe and return to the embrace of nature.

Tuantuan usually eats from Little Pea's hands, so when Little Pea put his hand in front of his face, this guy could not wait to open his mouth and eat the green apricot.


Then this guy's reaction was similar to that of Little Pea. After eating for a while, he suddenly felt as if he had been used to hold his body, and he was stunned on the spot.

For a moment, as he grew older, Tuantuan, who would no longer call out easily, suddenly let out a cry, then turned around and ran away.

After running a short distance, he lay down on the ground and rolled around on the ground, and at the same time he used his two front paws to dig into his mouth.

The blessed general who had his head outstretched and wanted to share a piece of the pie, saw Tuantuan's appearance, the hair on his body was erected, his four hoofs were hard, and he slid directly out from here.

It was more than ten meters away from here to stop, standing there and looking at the little pea, and then looking at the tuan tuan rolling around on the ground with his mouth covered, felt that this place was not safe enough, so he ran all the way to the deer with his tail clamped. ring.

After I came to the deer pen, I stretched my head out and looked far away from there. This is really scary...

Not far away, Han Cheng pulled the corners of his clothes around with a green apricot and witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. His mouth was a little wide open.

Look at the little pea standing there with a grin, and have not fully relieved from the acidity, and look at the two front paws holding his mouth, like a ball, rolling on the ground, Han Cheng feels I feel dizzy.

This kid who is still wearing crotch pants is doing tricks like this now. Will he grow up in the future?

He didn't realize that this was Han Cheng, who was not upright and crooked. He looked at his son and said with emotion...

Returning to the tribe with green apricots, Han Cheng carried a small basket and a handful of bronze studs to dig bamboo shoots.

Fish cage fishing is no longer as efficient as before, and it will take longer to complete.

During this time, I can dig some bamboo shoots.

I was fed a green apricot by a small pea, and was sour that it was rolling all over the ground. I no longer went to the small pea as I did before. Instead, I lied on a stone far away. Stretched out, he looked like he had lost all his dreams.

However, after seeing Xiao Wandou picking up the bamboo shoots that Han Cheng had planed out from a distance, Tuan Tuan, who had lost his dream, suddenly became more energetic.

It twisted its fat **** and walked all the way to where Han Cheng and Xiao Wandou were.

After walking to the side, he stared at the eyes with very serious dark circles and looked at Little Pea eagerly. After seeing Little Pea passing the bamboo shoots in his hand, the guy immediately hugged him and squatted down on the ground. It was very sweet and delicious.

By the time Han Cheng took the planed bamboo shoots and walked towards the tribe with the little peas, he had already gnawed two **** of bamboo shoots, and had forgotten about feeding the little peas to eat green apricots.

After returning to the tribe, he peeled the bamboo shoots one by one and sliced ​​them with a copper knife. Han Cheng put them in a clay pot and soaked them with water, and then went to the river to collect fish cages...

Han Cheng untied the rope tied to the rock on the shore, and then began to pull the rope to the shore with his hands.

As the fish cage gets closer and closer to the shore, a feeling of tremor is passed along with the rope. This is the jumping of the fish in the fish cage.

This is the most exciting time.

Han Cheng carefully pulled the rope and pulled the fish cage to the shore, and then lifted it hard, and the fish cage came out of the water.

With the water in the fish cage, it rushed into the river water, and through the gaps in the fish cage, you could see the fish in it constantly jumping around.

"Fish! Fish!"

The little pea on the side pointed at the alive fish and clapped his hands happily.

Although there are not as many fish in the small river as before, after seven or eight fish cages are dropped in succession, the harvest is still a lot.

The big fish stayed behind, the small fishes and the fish that looked like roe in their stomachs were all put in the pots and then thrown into the fish ponds on the edge of the tribe where there was already a lot of water.

After doing this, Han Cheng carried a string of fish cages and fish, led the small peas and the pandas that had been coaxed by two bamboo shoots back to the tribe together.

After returning, he took a copper knife and skillfully removed the scales, internal organs, and fish gills.

Then it was time for Han Cheng to show off his knife skills.

The fish chosen as the pickled cabbage fish is a fish with a black line on each side of the body. Han Cheng named it Hei Tiao.

It looks very different from later generations of black fish, but the meat quality is better than black fish.

After all, in later generations, most of the fish we ate were raised in fish ponds. I accidentally went to Jiangchazi to catch some wild ones. They still tasted like oil, not as good as the ones raised in the pond.

After handling the black fish, Han Cheng told Little Pea not to move him. He took a copper knife and went outside, squatting in front of the whetstone, and after dipping water from the pot to wet the whetstone, his hands Hold the copper knife one after the other, push and pull the knife and start sharpening.

It is very different from a steel knife, a copper knife is very easy to dull.

He will slice the black fish later, it won't work if the copper knife is not sharpened.

After grinding for a while, Han Cheng gently tried the blade with his fingers, and felt it was OK, so he rinsed the copper knife with clean water and turned back to the kitchen.

Fillet fish is definitely a technical job. Although Han Cheng is a foodie and he likes to get something to eat when he is okay, he is not a serious academic background after all. He never went to New Oriental to learn how to control an excavator in English to learn cooking. So this fish is still a bit difficult for him.

It is easy to break the fishbone if one is not handled properly, but it can be done after all.

Although there is one more broken thorn in the fish fillet, the quality is different, the thickness is a bit uneven, and the size is a bit different... But if all these are removed, the fish fillet looks very good.

Han Cheng sliced ​​fish fillets for a long time before he stopped.

On the one hand, Han Cheng's sword skills were not good enough, on the other hand, because there were so many fish in the slices, he made nearly a pot of pottery.

There is no way, there are too many foodies in the tribe. Although these sauerkraut fish are mainly made for Bai Xuemei, who is pregnant with the second child, as soon as they are made, there will be a large group of unscrupulous foodies watching. The scene is really unbearable.

Can you imagine a group of tough old men, plus some equally tough women and some children, taking a peek at you who are eating from time to time, and then swallowing wildly?

After experiencing this kind of things several times, and then making new tricks to improve his life, Han Chengdu adheres to the principle of doing as much as possible.

Although it is still impossible for everyone to eat it, it can still relieve some people.

The sliced ​​fish fillets Hancheng added some salt foam and some fruit wine to stir and then began to pickle.

After doing this, I thought about finding three or four eggs. After breaking it, separate the egg yolk and egg white. Pour the egg white into the fish fillets and stir, and marinate with the cooking wine.

Add the egg white to the fish fillets, and the fish fillets will become very tender after a while.

After handling the fish fillets, Han Cheng turned and went to the cave.

As soon as he walked into the cave, he felt a burst of coolness on his face. After his eyes adjusted to the light, Han Cheng went straight to the corner of the cave.

Here are some sealed clay pots. This is the sour cabbage that Han Cheng personally pickled after harvesting a lot of Chinese cabbage in late autumn last year.

The cabbage that is still in the improvement period is washed and dried. After being dried, it is placed densely in a pottery jar, and a layer of cabbage is sprinkled with a layer of salt. The top layer is four or five pieces. Ten kilograms of granite was tightly pressed and sealed tightly. After two or three days, depending on the situation, add some water to it, soak it slowly, and it will be better after about one and a half months.

Of course, this is easy to say, but difficult to do. After Han Cheng has marinated several tanks, he can slowly master the marinating skills.

The taste is not as good as the famous sauerkraut in later generations, but it is enough to make sauerkraut.

Han Cheng fished out six sauerkraut from the sauerkraut tank. After a little bit of draining, he sealed the sauerkraut tank and turned and walked outside.

I immediately felt some warmth when I walked out of the cave, and some of the cold on my body was driven away.

When the weather is warm, the temperature in the cave that is not easily exposed to the sun will be much lower than the outside, and it looks cool. It is just right to store pickled vegetables such as sauerkraut.

The sauerkraut that was taken out was cut into silk with a copper knife and placed in a pottery pot for later use.

After preparing these, Han Cheng went back to get some green onions. He just cut the green onions and prepared to burn them. Wu didn't know where he came from. His legs and feet were as fast as when he was worshipping the gods.

Of course he runs fast, because the son of God hasn’t cooked for a long time. Today this is a fish and vegetable cooker. At first glance, he is ready to make a meal. As a senior foodie in the tribe, he burns fire like this. How could he miss this good opportunity?

Even when the fire is burning, you can't eat the food in your mouth, but it is very good to smell the tempting taste, and it is also a pleasure to watch the gods cook the food.

This is a secret Wu discovered after both of them died.

No wonder the two of them were so excited to burn the food when they saw Godko cooking food...

Until Wu started the fire and the earthenware pot heated up, Han Cheng put some white fatty oil into it, put the pepper beans into the hot oil and sauteed, and poured the sauerkraut shreds into it and stir-fried, it looked a bit panting. Just come here.

Smelling the rich scent wafting in the kitchen, and then looking at Han Cheng who was turning over the dishes and the burning witch, Yuan showed a dazed expression.

No wonder the guy who always pretends to sleep this night ran so fast today.

The witch, who was squatting there and burning the fire, felt the gaze from Yuan, and couldn't help being surprised. He felt that this time was over and had been hidden very well. As a result, if he didn't pay attention, he was completely exposed.

The shaman, who was originally full of interest, had a bitter face.

Seeing this scene, Han Cheng didn't think it was so funny, but a strong empathy arose.

But Wu should be more pitiful than Han Cheng, because Bai Xuemei was still young, and Yuan was no longer young.

After all, thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, fifty can absorb dirt when sitting down, Yuan is at such an age.

Thinking about this, Han Cheng suddenly became happy, and Bai Xuemei was now pregnant with a second child.

After that night, not only Bai Xuemei exchanged happiness in October, but even Han Cheng felt very happy.

Han Cheng, who was happy in his heart, suddenly felt different when he went to see the witch, he was a kind of sympathy with joy.

The earthenware pot conducts heat slowly. After the sauerkraut is put in, the temperature drops quickly, and the stir-frying quickly becomes a raw fry.

This made Han Cheng wonder if he would get a set of copper cooking utensils in the future.

After frying the sauerkraut for a while, looking at the condition, and smelling the sour smell of the kitchen, Han Cheng temporarily put the idea of ​​making copper cooking utensils aside, and felt that it was more serious to make the sauerkraut fish first.

Pour the water from the two pots into a small pot, cover and simmer for a while, wait until the water boils, pour the marinated fish fillets into it, stir twice with a wooden spoon, wait until the water is boiled, and boil about two more Within minutes, Han Chenggong asked Wu to put out the fire.

Grabbing a handful of chopped green onion and throwing it inside, a stronger sour fragrance filled the kitchen girl.

The white raw fish fillet is topped with dark brown sauerkraut and chopped green onion. You don't need to taste it. The appearance alone is mouth watering.



Yuan forgot to figure out how to find Wu to settle the accounts at night, and Wu also forgot to reveal the stuffing. At this time, the two people looked at the nearly small tank of sauerkraut fish and swallowed wildly.

"God, I will scoop in the basin!"

Seeing Han Cheng holding a wooden spoon to fill the sauerkraut fish into the large pot of rice on the side, Wu swallowed and said with a wink.

Han Chenggong handed the wooden spoon to Wu and went to deal with the pieces of meat by himself.

Wu scooped the rice into the pot by spoonfuls. At the end of the scoop, when there was only half a spoon left in the pot, Wu didn't pour it into the pot, but secretly went to Han, who was cutting his head seriously. Cheng glanced at it, then quickly moved the wooden spoon to his mouth, took a quietly, and the wonderful taste entered his mouth, Wu's comfortable eyes narrowed.

Yuan didn't dare to eat food in advance. After all, it was not the time for her to be in the original tribe, but after all she still did not resist the temptation of food. When Wu Pei slipped to the third bite, she finally couldn't help it. Lean in.

Not far away, Han Cheng lowered his head to slice meat, and quietly glanced over here, and saw two people sneaking ‘stealing’ and couldn’t help but smile.

"God, I still burn fire."

Han Cheng came over with the sliced ​​meat, and after he took out the soaked bamboo shoot slices, he wiped the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly. Before Han Cheng could speak, he squatted in front of the stove and began to add firewood.

However, Yuan has not experienced anything like this. Without Wu's thick-skinned face, Wu can't be so indifferent. When faced with Han Cheng, the whole person seemed extremely unnatural and nervous.

I wanted to sneak out of the kitchen secretly, but I really couldn't bear the smell in it. After hesitating for a while, he squatted obediently beside Wu, just like an obedient little wife.

When Han Cheng saw the two of them, he thought it was very funny. In order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming awkward, he could only hold back his laugh and proceed with some food without knowing anything.

Heat in heavy oil, fry the pepper and chopped green onion, add the pork slices, stir-fry, add the bamboo shoots, and finally add water to the green apricot slices, and cook...

"It's so fragrant!"

In the courtyard, the two seniors kept sniffing their noses, and the others were similar to him, all attracted by the smell.

"It's the son of God! The son of God has made food today!"

Someone took advantage of the effort of drinking boiled bamboo leaf water in the big water tank outside the kitchen, looked in the kitchen quietly, and then came here, talking to the others with excitement.

After hearing this news, while the rest of the people showed a sense of sorrow, they also became even more looking forward to it, looking forward to darkness...

"Rice bucket, a bunch of buckets!"

Watching the pot of green apricot and bamboo shoot meat slices soup was raised high and opened the mouth for a long time before receiving the last drop of the soup that stayed on the edge of the pot and didn’t want to fall into the mouth. Han Cheng couldn't help sighing again with the second brother who put the basin down.

It was supposed to be something dark cooking, but at this time it became the thinnest and most welcome meal, even Han Chengdu felt a little weird.

This is mainly cooked for pregnant women. What is the meaning of what you elders eat like this?

Looking at the second senior brother and the others who were frantically complaining about Han Da's son, at this moment, he has automatically filtered the situation when he just drank the green apricot and bamboo shoot meat soup.

"Brother Cheng, I will make this food tomorrow!"

This dark dish of Han Cheng is undoubtedly very suitable for the taste of Bai Xuemei, who is holding the green apricot and chewing constantly. At this moment, he touched his stomach and said to Han Cheng hopefully.

She has not been pregnant with the second child for a long time, and her stomach is flat, she can't tell at all, but now she is forced to be supported by food.

Seeing the reaction of Bai Xuemei and the people in the tribe who had eaten the soup with green apricot and bamboo shoots, Han Cheng felt very comfortable.

For a person who cooks, this is the most pleasant thing besides not having to wash the pot or bowl.

Would you like to try more dark dishes yourself in the future? Get some new tricks?

Stir-fried tomato moon cakes are not impossible to try.

Thinking about this, Han Cheng shook his head again. This is not such a good dish. First of all, you need tomatoes and moon cakes to make...

The sky dimmed and the night fell. Except for the people who were in charge of guarding on the wall and watching the tower, everyone else had fallen asleep~www.NovelMTL.com~ Even at night, life was richer than most tribes in this era. Before this magical thing that can turn night into day appeared and became popular, the tribe as a whole could not escape the lifestyle of sunrise and sunset.

"Little Pea...son..."

The light had been extinguished in the room, and Mei Xuemei whispered to Little Pea.

After the sound fell, the room fell into silence, and there was no response from Little Pea.

"Little Pea...son"

After a pause, Bai Xuemei yelled again softly. After so many times, Bai Xuemei got up and came to Han Cheng and said with excitement, "Brother Cheng, Xiao Wandou is asleep..."

"Well, just fall asleep when you fall asleep."

Han Cheng was taken aback, and then pretended to be puzzled and said, with a sleepy look.

Xuemei Bai's movements paused, and then she reminded her loudly: "Brother Cheng, Little Pea is asleep..."

A true warrior must have the courage to face up to the wind and rain. After hearing Bai Xuemei's reminder once again, Han Cheng stopped pretending to be confused. He turned around and lay down on his side instead, and said solemnly: There is another cub in your stomach, come, and sleep well..."

She had just shown joy and she was about to sit down with a sad face.

Han Cheng in the dark showed a cheerful smile.

There is such a reason to justly refuse, but not to be described in unacceptable words, it is really easy!

When the happy **** son Han Da went to sleep with a smile on his face, there was no sleep in the Tongshan residential area...

(Four in one, one chapter is supplemented.

I have been out in the past two days. There are two chapters on the train using mobile phone codes, which always feel a little weird...)


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