I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 771: Children who challenge the big goose (2 in 1)

Facts have proved that the big goose, whether it is a finished product or a semi-finished product, is the same sturdy.

All you need to do is to look at the screaming little pea with flapping wings and stretched neck chasing, as well as the hair on the **** being pulled off by the big goose with its flat mouth, and it is no better than the little pea. The slow-running panda Tuantuan can easily come to this conclusion.

Han Cheng couldn't hold back his smile and hurried forward, picked up the little pea who was running around with his feet, then turned and ran.

These guys chased Han Cheng and ran forward for a certain distance. Then they stopped, flapped their bald wings, raised their heads, and uttered the winner's cry in the direction where Han Cheng was.

Han Cheng looked at the little pea hiding in his arms, then looked down at the big geese holding his legs unwilling to spread, his chubby body shrank into a ball, twisting his head with dark circles under his eyes, he looked at the big geese like a lingering fear Suddenly, Han Cheng had an urge to kick this guy.

Are you a bear? Can you not do this?

Even if you are a cat owner, you don’t have to be like you.

Do you know if you are so counseled?

After complaining about this bear-like bear, Han Cheng looked up at the gate and saw Tuantuan's mother standing at the gate looking like he wanted to come in.

After standing there for a while watching the big geese, he turned to the door, twisted his head and walked away without looking back.

As for the bear kid in his family who is about to grow up, he is not ready to take it anymore.

Han Cheng looked down at Tuan Tuan who was holding his leg tightly and refused to let go, and then at Tuan Tuan who had disappeared from his sight while twisting his pi stock, suddenly there was no right to speak.

Look at this guy's current appearance, and think about the legend that Chi You rode such a guy and the Emperor Yan and Huang confronted Gang. Suddenly, Han Cheng didn't want Little Pea to ride a panda again.

"Good boy, don't cry."

Han Cheng rubbed his **** to the little pea while comforting the little guy who had never been afraid of it.

The big goose is really a weapon against skin children.

Looking at the giant panda that left his bear child, and comparing it to himself, who rescued his son from under the mouth of the goose, and then hugged his bear child to comfort himself, Han Cheng suddenly felt that his father was competent. too much.

This strong father's love moved him.

This means that Bai Xuemei is not by her side, and Bai Xuemei is not sturdy enough. If this is done in later generations, Han Cheng's behavior will definitely be chased by Man Zhuangzi by the child and his mother...

The Qingque tribe, which has not been disturbed by war, is quiet and peaceful. This kind of busy life with warmth and ease, slowly living slowly, makes Han Cheng feel very satisfied.

When you're busy, you can spend a while with the people in the tribe. When you don't want to be busy, you can tease your mother-in-law, and then tease your son. This life just needs to think about it to be beautiful.

The leader of the grass tribe in the distance looked angry.

Because she asked the few people who joined her tribe to spear fish with a few other people in the tribe by the river, and the two adults, after spearing for a long time, a fish did not arrive. , Actually threw the harpoon he had made for them on the ground, and ran over there to fold many soft branches.

In this scene, the leader of the grass tribe was irritated. What made her even more angry was that when she picked up the branch used for spearfishing and handed it to them again, although these people were terrified to death, they still did not accept it. .

Rather, with a look of fear, he said something that the chief of the grass tribe didn't understand.

With the most intimidating expression, the hardest words are the true portrayal of these people from the original bark tribe.

Seeing them trembling with fear, while still whining, pointing to the fishes in the water and on the shore from time to time, the not-so-stupid leader of the grass tribe understood roughly. What these people mean.

But it was precisely because she understood that she became even more angry.

Can these soft branches be inserted into the body of a fish? Can you get in the fish?

The people in the tribe, using the sturdy branches that they found, it took only half a day to insert as many fish as the fingers of a hand. These people actually want to use this kind of branches that can’t insert fish. To do this?

How did these people live in the original tribe?

Seeing their performance now, the leader of the grass tribe expressed very strong doubts about the strength of the bark tribe.

Look at the few people who are holding soft branches and talking very nervously. The leader of the grass tribe has made the decision not to let them eat food at night.

In her opinion, these people are not obedient enough, they need food and hunger to make them understand some truth and become tame.

Then she left here because she still needs to dig wild vegetables in other places.

Holding a branch in his hand, while digging wild herbs, the leader of the grass tribe still felt a little angry.

I thought that there were two more adults in the tribe, two and a half-year-old minors, and their tribe would get more food than before, but now, the ability of these people to get food is really useless... …

I was so crazy in my heart that I suddenly heard a burst of exclamation cheers from Xiaohe.

The leader of the grass tribe who was digging wild herbs directly threw the tool in his hand on the ground.

These guys, don't you know that you need to be quiet when spearfishing? How many fishes were scared away by such yelling!

How did I teach them in the first place? How come the people of your own tribe have become so stupid now?

Thinking in her heart, she ran to Xiaohe angrily, preparing to teach all the people who spearfished.

The leader of the grass tribe who had just ran to the edge of the river suddenly stopped, and she looked towards the bank of the river.

There are more fish than the fingers of both hands combined.

And many of these fish are still jumping there, making the final struggle.

How did these people in the tribe increase their speed at all of a sudden?

Have you caught so many fish after you left for a while?

The leader of the grass tribe, who was looking at these fishes with surprise and doubt, suddenly discovered a strange thing-most of these fish were not injured by the penetration!

There were no injuries on the fish, which means that these fish were not inserted with branches.

This made the leader of the grass tribe even more puzzled.

Because besides the spear fish, she really couldn't think of other ways to catch as many fish as possible.

Could it be that these fish ran up by themselves?

It seems that this is the only way to explain the shouting that happened here and the sudden increase of these fishes.

Just as the leader of the grass tribe stared at these fishes constantly developing their brains, the people who surrounded the river bank not far away exclaimed again.

The leader of the grass tribe followed the prestige. Through the gap between the people, he saw that the man from the bark tribe pulled out from the water a weird thing made of soft branches.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there is a fish in the weird-looking thing that keeps beating!

Can these soft branches really catch fish? !

Astonishment and surprise rushed to the heart of the leader of the grass tribe, she hurriedly moved there...

The sun slanted to the west, with some ruddy light, shining on the small river in front of me, and it appeared sparkling.

Looking at the eyes of the people of the Cao tribe, the more dazzling fish are those stacked on the bank of the river, whose scales are shining some light under the sunlight!

With so many fish piled up together, the people who had worked so hard to plug the fish in a day would not make much difference, and each of them opened their mouths in surprise.

Some minors are jumping happily here, watching these fish constantly swallowing.

They can have a good meal!

Adults pay more attention than they do. While watching fish, they will also look at the proud and fearful people from time to time, as well as the soft ones in their hands. Something made from a tree.


After a while of silence, the leader of the grass tribe suddenly laughed. After laughing, he began to point with excitement at the fish cage carried by the few bark tribesmen and eagerly asked.

Of course, several people in the Bark Tribe knew what the seemingly fierce leader was asking, so they started talking.

It's just that their language is lacking, and what they can express is limited, just those few sentences over and over again.

After saying this for a while, one of them suddenly remembered what the leader had told them about bows and arrows, fish cages, etc., as well as the powerful and mysterious green bird tribe before the snow melted. He quickly started talking.

The leader of the grass tribe, looking at these Ula-Ula talking people, although he basically didn't understand what they were talking about, he knew that they were talking about this novel fishing tool.

Not being able to understand the words does not mean displeased.

After standing here for a while and listening to these people Ula, the leader of the grass tribe surprised the people in the tribe and began to transport them to the tribe more than they had been inserted in the past six or seven days.

And she took the fish cage in her hand and looked carefully with respect.

As for the people from the original bark tribe, their status among the people at this time has also been improved.

Everyone looked at them, no longer as vigilant as before and wanted to beat them up.

When the sky was getting darker, several people from the original Bark Tribe lay down with the grass tribe.

This time, they were not arranged to the position farthest from the fire and the nearest to the entrance of the cave as before, but closer to the middle position, and they were all divided into hay and animal skins this time.

Several people from the original Bark Tribe lay there and finally settled down.

Thinking about what happened today, they secretly made up their minds and made the decision to catch more fish with fish cages in the future, and at the same time tell these people more about what the leaders had told them not long ago. , About that magical blue bird tribe.

After all, the people of this tribe today are so good to them after they have seen the power of fishing in fish cages, and listened to themselves and others telling about the magical tribe called the green sparrow...

Similar things have happened successively in these tribes that followed the Blackstone tribe to attack the tribe where the bark was located, and were given some captives from the bark tribe.

The people of these tribes are only now surprised to find that they have followed the Blackrock tribe to attack this tribe this time, and the biggest gain is actually here!

It's okay now. Not only has the population of my tribe increased, but the food has also suddenly increased. After the full moon, I don't have to feel embarrassed again when I give food to the people of the Blackstone tribe.

Some people who were assigned to the bark tribe of these tribes even began to use bark to twist ropes and make simple bows and arrows from branches to show these people their hunting skills, and then improve their status in the tribe.

When faced with surprising questions from the people in the tribe, after these people talked about it over and over again, they began to repeat to these people what they had heard from the leader, Bark, about the Qingque tribe.

There are enough things about the Qingque tribe, and it is very interesting to talk about it. Every time they tell it, they will feel yearning and contentment.

It seems that these are not what the leader told them, but their own personal experience...

The female leader of the blue flower tribe with a withered blue flower on her head has been a little restless during this period of time, often dazed by something.

That seemingly powerful tribe was actually defeated by the evil Blackrock tribe!

Not only the cave was burned down, but everyone was taken away by the evil Blackrock tribe.

This tribe is so strong, and their leader is so strong, but even so, they are still defeated by the evil Blackrock tribe...

Is there really no tribe that can defeat the evil Blackrock tribe?

The leader of the Blue Flower Tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ looked painfully scratching his hair...

Blackrock tribe.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe took the bow of the bark, hit an arrow, and drew it skillfully, and then shot it at the tree outside the tribe.

The feather arrow flew out and drew an arc in the air. It did not hit the tree, but it was no longer the same as before. It was a thousand miles away.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe retracted his bow, glanced at the bark that was standing not far away, and nodded in satisfaction...

An expensive spring rain fell, knocking down some pink apricot flowers and dyeing some green grass buds.

The phrase Chunyu is as expensive as oil, Han Cheng felt that it began to slowly appear after human beings gradually stepped into farming. After all, only farmers would care about Chunyu so much.

Han Cheng did not stay in the house in the fragmented spring rain...

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