I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 764: After drinking our wine, one dare to go green! (2 in 1)

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"...These are role models! In the future, as long as you do things well and make more contributions to the tribe, you are likely to be released from slavery and become citizens of the tribe like them!"

Under Han Cheng's gesture, the fifty freshly-baked second-level citizens of the Qingque tribe with wooden ID cards around their necks were now lined up in two rows, standing in front of the platform, facing everyone in the tribe. Slave, standing straight.

Especially the **** son who came down from the stage and walked in front of them, after enthusiastically said such a concluding remark, they stood straighter one by one.

I just feel that all the glory is shrouded in them along with the ID card hanging on their necks.

The many slaves who watched all of this were irritated, and each one secretly clenched their fists, only feeling the blood boiled, and they wished to do it now.

Then stand here, under everyone’s attention, let the **** child bring himself a card representing citizenship, let the leader beat the drum for himself, and let the witch lead the way for himself!

Han Cheng watched everyone's reaction and couldn't help but smile to himself. He was very satisfied with the effect of the commendation meeting he had made today...

The things that made Da Ya and other semi-agricultural tribe slaves shocked and envied and regretted did not end here.

After the grassroots were granted second-level citizenship of the Qingque tribe, the table was cleared.

The **** son, the witch and the leader took some citizens from the tribe to the inner courtyard.

Then there was thunderous drums coming from the inner courtyard.

These slaves craned their necks and looked into the inner courtyard, wanting to see what the wise gods were doing, but unfortunately they were blocked from sight by the thick courtyard and couldn't see the situation inside.

This made the slaves of Da Ya feel as if they were licked to the feet by a lamb.

After joining the tribe for a period of time, they also have a certain understanding of this thunderous drum sound.

Knowing that this kind of equipment is generally not easily knocked by Joe, once it is knocked, something more important must happen.

After waiting for a while while scratching his head and ears, the drums became clearer and louder, sounding like they were coming outside.

These people, who had already waited impatiently, immediately cast their sights on.

After a while, the situation inside appeared in front of everyone.

I saw the most respectable **** child walking in the front with a drum beat, and behind it was a witch with a crest, a bone stick and a serious face, dancing all the way.

Behind the witch, the leader and several people carried a stone pillar that looked very old. The pillar was carved with some simple lines, the most striking is the blue bird pattern in the middle of the line.

Amid the rumbling of the drum, the totem pole was carried by the big brothers and placed in the middle of the table.

In front of the totem pole, a log case was placed on which fish, chicken, pork and some fruits were placed.

A fire was lit in front of the case.

At this time, Han Cheng, who played the drums, had already handed the drumsticks to the big brother again, and stood at the back of the case, alongside the totem pole.

The witch with a crest and a bone stick in his hand looked extremely energetic at this time, jumping and jumping in front of everyone, very energetic.

Nuan Shou Baoyuan, standing in the crowd looking at everything in shock, once again deeply impressed by the wisdom of the gods.

Why can't I remember these things before?

Such a big scene and large-scale sacrificial activities are much more shocking than the way I used to touch the back of my head and pray in the tribe.

Correspondingly, it is more convincing.

After thinking about it with admiration and shock for a while, Yuan’s eyes fell on the witch who jumped and jumped and could be described by words like energetic. Soon, she was deeply shocked. There was another emotion.

He is so energetic now, why does he always say he is sleepy when he gets to the kang at night?

It seems that I can work harder in the future...

The witch, who was dancing and performing the sacrifice, felt a pain in his back for no reason. He thought it was because his movement range was a little too big, so thinking about it, he planned to narrow it down.

Before he could do this, the pain disappeared again.

It's like an illusion.

Wu shook his head, ignoring these just now, continuing with his own affairs.


The witch who had finally danced enough, pressed the hand with the bone stick on his chest, bent over to respectfully salute the totem pole behind the flames, and praised the **** in his mouth.

Citizens of the Qingque tribe have seen such battles more than once, and they all praised the gods after giving salutes like a witch.

The slaves of the newly joined semi-agricultural tribes had not received special explanations before, but at this time they were shocked by the momentum of such a grand scene, and they could not help but learn the appearance of the Qingque tribes, clumsy salutes, and then used them. If it seemed blunt, shouted: "God!"

Although the sound is not neat enough, there is some solemnity in the chaos.

"The Son of God!"

After Wu waited until all the voices stopped, he gave a deep salute to Han Cheng who was standing next to the totem pole, and then praised the son of God.

Even Wu himself hadn't noticed it. When he saluted Han Cheng, his body was lower than when he saluted the totem pole, and his voice praising the son of God was louder.

Citizens of the Qingque tribe, when doing this, they do it more obviously.

After their deep salute, they shouted respectfully and loudly: "Son of God!"

When shouting this divine son, most people felt hot in their chests, and a kind of excitement and other emotions came to their hearts together.

The cry of the **** child was exceptionally neat and grand, and the donkey in the donkey pen was so scared that he opened his mouth, "choking~ah, choking~ah..."

The slaves of the semi-agricultural tribe, with their previous experience, were also affected by this magnificent and very shocking shout, and this time they shouted neatly and loudly.

Moreover, when they called ‘God Son’, they were not very unfamiliar. This is because after entering the Qingque Tribe and becoming slaves of the Qingque Tribe, the first word they were officially taught was the Son of God.

Listening to this deafening shout and feeling the respect and love from the hearts of everyone, even Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a little emotional at this time.

"Please Qingque God! Serve Qingque Wine!"

Han Cheng calmed down his agitated mood, looked at the quiet people, raised his voice and shouted.

After the sound fell, the senior brothers left the scene again and returned to the inner courtyard. After a short while, they carried the blue bird statue wrapped in red linen.

The second brothers who followed also placed the wine jars and pottery bowls they were carrying in front of the blue bird statue, and then returned to their original positions and stood still.

Han Cheng personally uncovered the covered red cloth, revealing the abstract blue bird statue.

Then he patted the mud seal, made a wine grape made of bamboo tube, scooped up the wine and poured it into the open mouth of the green bird statue.

The somewhat turbid wine turned in the blue bird statue, then turned into a crystal water column from the toe, and fell into the pottery bowl held by the witch...

A bowl of Qingque wine representing a tribe was sent to the fifty newly-launched second-class citizens with wooden ID cards and expressions solemn and excited, as well as those from the Yuanyang tribe and Yuan Hands.

"After drinking this bowl of green bird wine, he has been a member of the tribe from now on. If anyone betrays the tribe and does things that harm the tribe, he will be beheaded with a crow hat!"

Han Cheng said to these people solemnly, his eyes staying on Yuan's face for a while.

These words are spoken to these new citizens of the tribe, as well as to the old citizens of the tribe.

Let them remember at all times and don't be unruly.

Han Cheng's majestic eyes swept across the faces of these people who were about to drink Qingquejiu. After seeing that no one dared to look at him, he shouted, "Drink!"

With a ‘drink’ exit, the people who were already excited with their wine bowls, heard the words, brought the wine bowl to their mouths and began to swallow.

The female sacrifice Yuan of the former semi-nong tribe raised her head and drank the Qingque wine without much hesitation.

"Drinking our wine, ventilating and not coughing! Drinking our wine, one dare to go green!..."

Seeing the crowd holding their wine bowls and drinking Qingque wine together, Han Cheng suddenly remembered the part of the movie "Red Sorghum" that sacrifices to the **** of wine.

If it weren't for knowing that it was a solemn occasion, singing at this moment would spoil the atmosphere, Han Chengdu couldn't help but scream.

After drinking the Qingque wine, the old sheep and grassroots, holding the empty wine bowl, all looked excited and smiled.

Today, with this bowl of wine, they can be regarded as a member of the Qingque tribe!

After a huge commendation meeting and the ‘induction’ meeting ended, the Qingque tribe became much quieter.

However, the impact of this conference has not dissipated, especially the slaves like Da Ya who joined the Qingque tribe. The first time they saw such a shocking scene, they were all unclear, but But very positive emotions are enveloped.

In the snow, Big Tooth kept holding the stone on the sledge like a chicken blood, tirelessly, and most of the others did the same.

At this moment, what was tired, what was unfair, and what was cold were all left behind by them.

The enthusiasm of the people to work is high, and the stones mined and transported in one day are almost almost the same as those in the previous two days!

When Han Cheng saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, people still need to have some energy.

In the carpenter's room, watching the limp beating and beating the circle of the things he was doing, his expression was a little dazed.

These things that happened not long ago touched her the most. After all, she was a priestess of a semi-agricultural tribe before, and her work was somewhat similar to that of witches and others.

Because the level of the station is higher, the angle of view of the problem is also different.

Through this incident, Da Ya and the ordinary, semi-agricultural slaves saw hope, a living example of what will be rewarded by working hard.

But Yuan saw a very intelligent way to manage the people in the tribe.

In this way, to the greatest extent, these new slaves who joined the tribe can work well, without rebelling.

This is far more clever than the method she used before, through brutal beating and letting people hold weapons and watching the slaves work.

There are many benefits of Qingque wine and things called ID cards, and there are also many benefits that people can't help but pat their **** in admiration.

Carefully recall the things contained in this matter. The more Yuan thinks, the more subtle it becomes, and the more he thinks, the more profound it becomes.

The wisdom that I used to be proud of is really nothing in front of the Son of God!

Compared with the current tribe, my original tribe has been thrown away from the beginning to the end in all aspects!

After this trance continued for a while, Yuan suddenly became happy again, because she suddenly realized that through this incident, she had learned a lot of things...

Under the heavy snow cover, time just passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, the New Year's Eve is about to come.

The Qingque tribe, whether it is an adult or a child ~www.NovelMTL.com~, became joyful. In the joy, with a strong expectation, more and more people mentioned a word called'nian'.

This makes the studious circle very curious.

Because it has been a while since joining the Qingque tribe, she has never seen a member of this tribe, so she has been excited and expected on such a large scale.

What exactly is this "year"? Actually let them have such enthusiasm and expectation?

When lying on the warm kang with the witch in her arms at night, Yuan asked the doubt in her heart.

The Witch, who had just closed his eyes and pretended to be tired, immediately became energetic and began to tell Yuan about the year.

As Wu said, Yuan gradually became fascinated.

Isn’t it so good that Wu said in Nian?

Even though he clearly knew that Wu could not lie to her, Yuan Xin felt unbelievable, because what Wu said was really amazing!

The fragments of snowflakes fell from the sky, and under the reflection of the flames, they became more red.

The burning firecrackers will explode from time to time, bringing up a splendid spark.

The big drum banged, and the people around the fire danced in circles with laughter. The laughter and the rumble of the drums mixed together and went in all directions.

The circle of eating and supporting, looked a little dazedly around, under the light of the fire, there were bright smiling faces everywhere.

It turns out that everything Wu said to himself about the year was true, and the real year was even more shocking than what Wu said.

All this is beautiful like a dream.

No, even dreaming round has never dreamed of such a comfortable scene.

No wonder the people in the tribe are so looking forward to the coming of the year. If you know this beautiful moment in advance, you will definitely look forward to it!


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