I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 761: More terrible than bear children are bear parents

Inside the room, the lighted oil lamp has already been extinguished, and the light reflected by the snow outside is reflected on the window covered with a thin layer of leather, making some light in the unlit room. After the eyes adapt to the light, they can I saw some unclear outlines.

With this not very bright light, you can see that on the heated Kang, sports-loving Han Cheng is doing push-ups.

With Han Cheng bending his arms, holding Han Cheng's neck, the little pea hanging from Han Cheng's back like a monkey, giggled from time to time.

"Dad, do it, do it..."

I woke up in the middle of the night and found Little Pea, who was a fun game. He giggled and laughed. After seeing his father stop, the voice of milk urged.

Han Cheng, who had a black line in his forehead, kept talking about his own life several times in his heart, and then resisted the urge to throw the little guy's leg into the urine tank, and then bent his arms and did a few push-ups.

When he bent his arms, his eyes met Bai Xuemei who was lying on the kang, and both eyes showed extremely helpless expressions.

Amidst Xiao Pea’s giggles, Han Cheng made another ten more, and finally couldn’t help it. He even coaxed the little Pea off his back, enduring his desire to kick this guy down the kang. The impulse to tell this guy the story of the seven dwarfs who became very short because they didn't sleep at night. After sleeping for a while, the little guy who seemed very energetic to sleep.

After finally putting the little guy to sleep, the two looked at each other a few times, and finally got together.

But there are some psychological shadows in my heart.

Han Cheng always felt that the sleeping little guy would suddenly get up and say things like "riding tuan tuan" and let him do push-ups on his back...

So the enthusiasm was brewed for a long time, and it ended in a hurry.

Tomorrow, I will give you a kang alone and let you sleep by yourself!

Let your cheating hapless kid stay up in the middle of the night and yell at Qi Tuan Tuan and the like!

The resentful **** son Han Da, looked at the little pea who had fallen asleep next to him, thinking so angrily in his heart.

In fact, Xiao Wandou already had his own separate bed, but after the weather became cold, Han Cheng worried that the little guy could not sleep well alone, so he transferred him to the big kang where he and Bai Xuemei slept.

Who knows that this guy made such a cheating tonight.

Han Cheng, who was lying on the kang, was so passionate about sports tonight. It was the opportunity he mentioned when he told Wu today about the large-scale liberation of a group of slaves from the Teng Snake Tribe.

If there is no chance, you have to make your own chance. This sentence is easy to say with your mouth, but if you want to make it, it can make people difficult to lose hair.

For example, Han Cheng now has a headache in thinking about this matter. From day to night, until midnight, he loses sleep as much as he thinks, and he has not figured out any good ways to create a suitable opportunity. Add effect to things that will be done later.

It's for sleeping at night.

This is the concept that the son of Han Da has been adhering to since he came to primitive society. Insomnia is not allowed.

I couldn’t sleep, and I had to sleep even after taking sleeping pills. So, such a moth came out tonight...

But anyway, the effect of sleeping pills is as good as always. Not long after taking it, the son of Han Da fell asleep...

The next day, in the office next to the large tiled house of the Qingque tribe with a brazier, Han Cheng sat on a wooden pier wrapped in fur, holding a writing brush in his hand, and laying on the paper in front of him. Write and draw.

He is making a ten-year development plan for Qingque.

This is a way to divert attention from Han Cheng, who has been thinking about it for a long time and still has no results.

Every year's development plan must be done, and it needs to be done as well as possible. After all, this is what Qingque will do in the general direction in the next year or even several years.

Qingque's ten-year development plan, reclaiming a lot of land, planting crops, and harvesting a lot of food is definitely indispensable, because the stomach problem has always been the most fundamental and core problem in the tribe, and it should not be underestimated.

The surrounding land issue can extend to some other things.

For example, for the training of newly acquired donkeys, for example, in order to better cultivate the land with these donkeys, a donkey set tailored for the donkey is needed.

After all, a donkey is very different from a deer. A suit suitable for a deer is not suitable for a donkey.

At the same time, the bronze plows will also need to be cast and made in batches after the spring of the coming year.

The necessary farm tools such as bronze shovel and bronze shank also need to be cast in another batch.

After all, there are more people in the tribe, and more tools are needed.

Han Cheng was lying on the desk, thinking about it while recording these things on the paper.

After a while, Han Cheng put down his pen, pondered for a while, opened the door and walked out of the yard.

The round and round yards were walking there stupidly, with a look of resentment.

It is of course resentful, because Little Pea, the lawless guy, is riding on its back now, giggling happily.

Seeing Han Cheng coming, Tuan Tuan rounder than round, came quickly, and the two front paws hugged Han Cheng's leg to prevent Han Cheng from leaving.

It wanted Han Cheng to take away the stupid son of Han Cheng's family, and toss himself here.

In the past, as long as it did so, Han Chenggong would take Xiao Pea away.

But today is obviously different.

Riding on Tuantuan, the silly son who was so happy made Han Cheng think of some unpleasant things that happened last night easily.

"I don't want this cheating bear kid."

Han Cheng took his leg out of the bear’s hug with great difficulty, pulled the pants that were almost pulled off by the bear, rubbed Tuantuan’s head angrily, took a word, turned around and left cleanly. The Panda Tuan Tuan with a grievance left alone.

Which bear child is more powerful than a bear?

The answer is obvious. For this, just look at the bear who has lost his dream of being born in a snowy nest with a look of love~www.NovelMTL.com~ and look at the laughing bear kid on the panda. Easily come out.

This is not the most terrible, the most terrifying is that this bear child has a bear parent who does not care about him...

Han Cheng, the bear parent, was standing on the fence at this time, looking at the snow-covered tribe against the cold wind.

Looking around, except for the mountains leaning on the back and the trees deliberately left behind, there is little vegetation around.

These are the results of the hard work of the people of the Qingque tribe to open up land over the years.

In the past, looking at this large area of ​​land, Han Cheng's mood was particularly wonderful, but today it is a little uncomfortable.

Because all the land around the tribe that can be reclaimed is reclaimed, and if you want to reclaim it far away, all kinds of inconveniences come out...

(The code is out, thank you book friends for their support, I still want to ask capable book friends to support Lao Mo on the original version, life is not easy, a subscription is also supported, thanks.)

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