I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 758: 3 tribes-2 joys and 1 worry

Snow fell from the sky with the wind blowing, and the Heishi tribe was covered by white snow, not too far away from the cave. Because of the meteorites that fell from the sky, the messy land was not covered by the snow. It's obvious, like being licked away from the scar.

Within the Blackstone tribe, the leader of the Blackstone tribe sitting by the fire held the Blackstone weapon in his hand and looked at the reddish coals, his whole person was a little dazed.

The cave of the Blackrock Tribe is much more spacious than before, not because the cave has become bigger, but because there are fewer people in the cave.

This is the consequence of the tribe where the bark is located before the snow falls.

Since leading people back from the tribe where the bark is, the leader of the Blackrock tribe has often been in a daze.

What happened to the tribe where the bark is, so that if you consciously hold a blackstone weapon, you can hit the invincible leader of the blackstone tribe.

In the past, the leader of the Blackstone tribe would spend a long time sitting here in a daze, but today this time is different.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe who hadn't been staying for long suddenly stood up, his expression was very excited, which shocked the other people in the tribe.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe ignored the surprises and questions of the tribe, but was excited there.

Of course he was excited, because he finally remembered how to deal with that **** weapon of that **** tribe.

The inspiration for this approach came from the dead body he was carrying when he ran away.

If it weren't for the sudden escape at the time with a dead body, he would definitely be killed by that evil weapon on the way to escape.

So after coming back, the leader of the Blackstone tribe has been wondering whether the next time he attacked that **** tribe, whether he needed to kill some people first, and then let his tribe’s people carry it and rush to the weird cave of the tribe. go with.

That **** tribe, the leader of the Blackstone tribe will definitely lead people to attack again.

On the one hand, that **** tribe killed too many people in their tribe. On the other hand, the surrounding tribes who had been defeated by them and paid food obediently, saw fewer people from their tribe. , Some tribes dare not give food to their Blackrock tribe!

The leader took the Blackstone weapon and beat the tribes one by one. After killing a few people, the tribes obediently handed over the food they should give, but the leader of the Blackstone tribe felt some crisis from it.

Because he felt that if he didn't break the **** tribe, the surrounding tribes that surrendered to their tribe would most likely continue to resist as before.

With this premise, then it will become a corpse in the future, and the people of their tribe will carry that **** weapon and attack that **** tribe, naturally these tribes that dare to resist.

When he first thought of this method, the leader of the Blackstone tribe was very excited, secretly intoxicated by his wit and cleverness.

But when he gradually calmed down from this intoxication, he felt that this method was not too reliable.

One was because it was too exhausting to run carrying a corpse, and the other was because he suddenly remembered that if he killed more of the surrounding tribes, then there would be fewer tribes that would give them food in the future.

This makes the leader of the Blackrock tribe very uncomfortable.

At this moment, he was suddenly so excited because he finally figured out a good way to solve this uncomfortable problem.

This method is that next time he goes to attack that **** tribe, he can lead people to drive those tribes that he wanted to resist before.

When I attacked that **** tribe, I drove them away and let them run ahead.

People from their own tribe ran behind with black stone weapons. Not only would they not be tired, but the possibility of being hit by that **** small weapon would be reduced!

After thinking about this, the leader of the Blackrock tribe was once again surprised by his own cleverness...

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day for the leader of the Blackrock Tribe and the Blackrock Tribe.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe, who was so immersed in his own ingenuity and ingenuity, that he couldn't extricate himself, suddenly came up with a brilliant way after a short while.

This brilliant idea is that instead of carrying dead bodies for shelter in your tribe, you can carry some other things!

For example, carrying some thin stone slabs, such as carrying some wood to block in front of you...

The Blackrock tribe, who was often dull after Luoxue, laughed again because of the leader's wit, and the atmosphere became a lot more relaxed.

Even many people couldn't wait to take their weapons to attack the **** tribe again.

With the brilliant idea of ​​the leader, they must be able to attack that **** tribe this time.

The leaders of the Blackrock Tribe and the people of the Blackrock Tribe, looking at the snow outside through the gaps in the cave, each of them wished that the snow would melt now, so that they could immediately set out to attack that again. The tribe is ready...

The tribe where the bark is located is also full of jubilation. This is not only because they have plenty of food in winter under the leadership of the leader, but more importantly, they are listening to the leader to say something mysterious and powerful. The magic of the tribe.

As for the tribe that had attacked them in the fall, the people of the tribe where the bark was located were not worried.

This is not only because it is winter, and heavy snow has blocked traffic, but a more important reason is that they are confident that the evil tribe that has suffered a lot from their tribe will not dare to come again.

Even if they do come again, they are not worried.

Because they have walls, bows and arrows, and smart and capable leaders.

They can fight back those evil people once~www.NovelMTL.com~ can fight back a second time...

When the two tribes in the north were full of joy, the Qingque tribe fell into a panic.

Those who have this kind of panic are basically the semi-agricultural captives who joined the Qingque tribe and became the slaves of the Qingque tribe.

The two insects are extremely uncomfortable now, because the people of this tribe will not allow his two insects to show up.

These two insects had been following the two insects for a long time, and he was reluctant to throw them away.

Just thinking of the pain of hitting the bamboo board in the hand and the deliciousness of the fruit soaked in water, the two insects can only **** their noses hard to prevent the insects from showing their heads.

I really couldn't provoke me, so I got some hay to wipe it off.

It’s not just the two insects who feel uncomfortable. Many slaves in semi-agricultural tribes feel uncomfortable, because here they need to do a lot of things they have never thought of before...

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