I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 751: Senior Brother: "It's okay if you're sleepy, you can sleep softly in you

Han Cheng, who had just taken Little Pea from Bai Xuemei’s arms, heard the witch’s question and saw the witch pointing at the half-nong tribe’s sacrificial woman, his heart jumped.

Fate, this is!

Otherwise, the semi-agricultural tribe has captured more than 200 people, big and small, why didn't they see who the witch cares about? How did it precisely point to the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe?

Han Cheng did not immediately answer Wu's question, but turned to look at the big brother who was aside.

The big brother who was moving a bag of raw peas down the sledge was also stiff.

He was also turning his head to look at Han Cheng.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, showing such a smile as expected, which seemed a bit wretched.

Han Cheng, who wanted to be the next month old, suddenly became energetic, and the cold air could not resist the blazing gossip fire.

"Witch, do you think she looks good?"

After looking at each other with the big brother, Han Cheng didn't answer Wu's words directly, but followed Wu's fingers to the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe and asked with a smile on her face.

The big brother who was carrying a bag of peas also leaned forward, not too tired, and stood here directly carrying a bag of peas.

For the proposal of the **** son, the senior brother was very agreeable, if it were not mentioned by the **** son, he would have forgotten that the shaman also needs a person to warm the kang.

Even if the witch is old and can't do some things, it's good to just hug and sleep at night.

This female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe looks fleshy, and the witch must be very comfortable holding it to sleep at night.

I don't know why, after asking this sentence, Wu felt that his right eyelid jumped even more after seeing the actions of Han Cheng and the big brother.

But jumping back and forth, the sincerity of primitive people has not diminished in Wu's body.

"good looking."

Wu looked carefully for a while at the half-nong tribe priestess who had been looking at the wall of her tribe with her mouth open, and she had a silly look. Although she felt that something was wrong, she chose to tell the truth.

From Wu's point of view, the half-agricultural tribe priestess sitting on the sledge did look very good.

Not to mention the rest, just her round arms, round legs and big round face make people feel comfortable.

Not to mention that the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe still has a round body that looks like the stone roller used in the tribe's battle!

These parts look very nice when viewed separately, but now they are put together and grown on one person, and they look even better.

If it weren't for such beauty, it would be impossible for a witch among so many people to have noticed the sacrificial women of the semi-agricultural tribe at a glance.

Hearing what Wu said, Han Cheng and the big brother, who was carrying the pea, looked at each other again, showing a deep smile.

"Witch, let her sleep on the kang with you, okay?"

After living in primitive times for a long time, Han Cheng will inevitably be affected. Nowadays, he has to speak and act more directly in some matters.

The witch who was watching the female priest of the semi-nong tribe shivered involuntarily: "What?"

Wu Zhuan turned his head and looked at Han Cheng, talking in confusion and uncertainty.

It's not to blame Wu's reaction, the main reason is that the news is too sudden, unexpected and exciting!

"Let her sleep on your kang with you."

Han Cheng repeated aloud.

Wu thought seriously for a while before actually shook his head: "No, there are rabbits on the kang, so I can't sleep."

Seeing Wu shook his head, Han Cheng thought it was Elder Wu that he didn't want to toss, but he didn't expect Wu to come out with such a righteous reason.

"It's okay, let someone take a kang and put the **** specifically, so that you can sleep."

Han Cheng waved his hand very proudly.

Unexpectedly, the witch looked at the half-agricultural tribe priestess who was still looking at the tribe wall in a daze, and fell silent again.

After a while, he said, "She is a captive, to be a slave..."

Han Cheng couldn't help but feel happy when he heard Wu said this. It seemed that Wu was a little bit interesting. As for slaves and not slaves, didn't they have the final say?

Now that the three giants of the Qingque tribe are gathered, how can they be embarrassed by this small identity problem?

After Han Cheng said that he didn't need to worry about this issue, Wu seemed hesitant.

Han Cheng continued to flicker.

Han Cheng's face was serious: "Wu, can she do it?"

Wu Wu: "It looks good."

Han Cheng: "If you look good, let her sleep with you."


Han Cheng: "If you don't sleep with you, then you have to sleep with other slaves. Are you willing?"

Wu thought carefully, then shook his head.

Senior Brother: "It's okay if you're sleepy, you can sleep softly in your arms..."

Wu Man's face was black: "..."

Over the years, living together for a long time and getting along day and night, Han Cheng was influenced by some tribesmen, but the tribes were more influenced by Han Cheng, and this influence is still in all aspects.

For example, the spouse.

Before Han Cheng came over, some vague and similar concepts had appeared in the tribe.

Now there are living examples where Han Cheng only sleeps with Bai Xuemei, and Bai Xuemei can only sleep with Han Cheng. Although Han Cheng has not deliberately guided anything in this regard, the people in the tribe have an understanding of this aspect. It has deepened somewhat invisibly.

This is also the fundamental reason why Wu thinks about shook his head when Han Cheng asked "the priestess of the semi-agricultural tribe and the rest of the slaves are not willing".

In this question and answer, the witch about the dead wood and spring is about to start a period of "Twilight Love", which is given by Lian Huyou.

As for the sacrificial women of the semi-agricultural tribe, in the days to come, Han Cheng is not too worried about whether they will turn back and do something unfavorable to the tribe.

Because he would help Wu stare at her, he didn't believe that he came from a later generation, and someone who didn't know how many tens of thousands of years ahead would not be able to restrain a smarter woman in this era in this regard.

As for whether the female priests of the semi-agricultural tribe would agree, this matter was not within the consideration of Senior Brother Han Cheng and others.

Wu is old and can't beat her, but for the sake of Wu's happiness in his later years, many people in the Qingque tribe are willing to help the respected Wu.

As the other half of the parties, the semi-agricultural priestess who had been in a dizzy state since coming to the Qingque tribe, finally recovered some spirits from the extreme shock.

Her eyes were full of shock, and she noticed these demons who were pointing at her.

They are discussing **** themselves and then let the people of their tribe surrender, right?

The priestess of the semi-agricultural tribe thought so.

The half-agricultural tribe priestess who had already planned to be killed and didn't think about how to survive, but at this moment suddenly a strong idea of ​​not wanting to die.

She wanted to know how this tribe built such a tall, mountain-like house.

She has built a house, and naturally knows the difficulties in it. It is precisely because of this that the newly built outer wall of the Qingque tribe is so shocked.

Is this really something human can build? ! Such things can only be explained by miracles, right?

There is also that large piece of land, the flat ground that is almost invisible at a glance, and the pottery that is so exquisite that it is unimaginable...

She has so many things she wants to know!

This kind of magical things are placed in front of you. For a person who has always been famous in the tribe for his wisdom and has always been proud of his own wisdom, it is too uncomfortable not to understand the truth. !

This kind of discomfort can be called the torment like scratching the heart and scratching the liver.

So, after realizing that she might really be going to be killed and never having a chance to know the secrets of these magical things, the priestess of the semi-agricultural tribe suddenly became terrified.

With these fears, there is a strong desire to survive.


The female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe looked at Han Cheng, the witch, and the elder brothers, and suddenly shouted loudly, and the people also stood up from the sledge, talking in a ura-wula.

Although she didn't understand what she was talking about, from her expression, Han Cheng could still understand the expressions of fear and prayer.

This made Han Cheng a little surprised, because since this journey, the performance of this primitive female has been relatively calm.

Who knew that now when he arrived in his own tribe, he suddenly changed his appearance.

But this is good. It is the most difficult thing to deal with people who have no desires.

Now that the priestess of this semi-agricultural tribe is actually showing a feeling of fear of death, there will be more things that can be done next.

Han Cheng asked people to happily join others, and called the donkey he got this time into the deer pen. At this time, he needed a translator like him to help.

"Don't want to die? Want to know the secrets of walls, pottery, salt?"

After the exchanges between Mao and the female priest of the seminong tribe, Han Cheng recalled what Mao had said.

When Han Cheng said this, the smile on the face of the witch who also learned of the demands of the half-nong tribe priestess suddenly disappeared.

Not only him, but even with Han Cheng, who had previously planned to get the priestess of the semi-agricultural tribe on the witch kang, the smile on the face of the big brother who was sleeping in the witch hugged him was gone.

They coincidentally glared at the priestess of the semi-agricultural tribe.

You know, the people in the tribe have always paid great attention to these things that can make the tribe prosperous, and they will never show it lightly.

Now that the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe has just arrived in her tribe, she has directly said what she wants to know about these secrets. It would be strange if people like witches can react well.

This was even more intolerable to Wu Wu than the waste of food.

"Son of God, let her be a slave with tattoos on her face to stop her sleep."

Without waiting for others to speak, the witch blowing beard and staring opened his mouth first, pointing at the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe, and came directly with a sentence similar to killing a wife, without the slightest softness.

The big brothers on the side even nodded vigorously, expressing their agreement with Wu's handling opinions.

The female priests of the semi-agricultural tribe over there turned pale.

For these requests made by herself, even she herself felt excessive.

Not to mention the rest, just talk about the secret of making pottery in their tribe. Since the last female priest taught her this secret, she has never come to tell anyone in the tribe.

And now, as a person who was defeated and captured, he actually made such a request at this moment, and he wanted to know so many miracles and secret requests at once. It would be strange if the other party was not angry.

Therefore, it is extremely possible to kill yourself directly.

Death is not terrible for the female priests of the semi-agricultural tribe at this moment. The terrible thing is that after death, they will no longer know the secrets of these miraculous things!

She looked at Han Cheng with such worry and fear, and they looked at Han Cheng in Zaiwu. They only waited for Han Cheng to nod, and they began to tattoo the face of this **** primitive female into the lowest rank in the tribe. When he was a slave, the pensive Han Cheng suddenly smiled.

"No need to tattoo her face..."

Han Cheng said aloud.

As soon as these words were spoken, Wu and the others were in a daze. Then Wu woke up, clenched his fists and said, "Yes, don't tattoo her, just kill her."

A look of gritted teeth and hatred.

The senior brothers also nodded, and they all felt that God's proposal was good. Those who came over to spy on the secrets of their tribe should be killed.

Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffle, where is this all?

Are you still following blindly?

"Not to kill her, nor to tattoo her face, but to let her touch these secrets."

Han Cheng said to a few people in Wu.

Sure enough, as he expected, the witches and senior brothers were shocked as soon as the words came out.

Han Cheng hurriedly stopped the excitement and said that it was a bit unclear. He kept saying that he would not talk to the witches of the semi-nong tribe priestess, and the agitated seniors, and explain to them.

Of course, Han Cheng didn't feel that Invincible was too lonely all of a sudden. He didn't want to cultivate a strong opponent for himself, and he didn't want to be a wealthy boy.

The reason for saying this is because through this incident, he suddenly discovered that the female sacrificial priests of the semi-agricultural tribe are different from the characteristics of ordinary people in this era. This characteristic is a strong desire for knowledge.

This kind of people with ‘addiction’ is actually the easiest to control.

For the female priest of the semi-agricultural tribe, many things of her tribe are extremely attractive. If so, let her learn it.

Once caught in it, as long as she is allowed to explore, then the rest is not important to her.

This is easy to explain. For example, a neighbor of Han Cheng's later generations likes fishing very much.

Because he was often away at night, his neighbor's wife gave him a gorgeous green hat.

After the neighbor found out, neither quarrel nor make trouble, but divorced from his wife and went on fishing.

From time to time, I will tell people with joy that I feel comfortable now, and no one will quarrel with myself behind my butt...

By analogy, from the intensity of the desire for knowledge shown by the female sacrificial priests of the semi-agricultural tribe today, once she can satisfy her desire, this guy is likely to be even more crazy than Han Cheng's previous neighbors.

After being immersed in it, as long as the new things are not learned by her, she naturally won't have any thoughts of turning back.

As for finishing?

The son of Han Da, holding his cheek~www.NovelMTL.com~, smiled confidently.

This is obviously impossible!

Even if the female priests of the semi-agricultural tribe have different talents and can learn all these things now, Han Cheng is not worried at all.

It's a big deal to throw out the profound knowledge of mathematics.

After addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the quadratic in one element, the linear equation in two elements, and the square root are then thrown out. It is impossible to throw out the trigonometric functions again.

The world of mathematics is big enough for the half-agricultural priestess who has a strong desire for knowledge to roam in it.

Moreover, just in case, in the days to come, the female priests of the semi-agricultural tribe will be hidden by the Wujinwu, and there is basically no chance to contact the semi-agricultural tribe.

In this way, even if she learns all the things of her tribe, it doesn't matter, it's just that there is no dragon slaying technique...


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