I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 704: Resource limitation

Unlike the elation of the people in the Qingque tribe, the people of this tribe are depressed.

This is because the kind of fruit grown by their tribe did not grow very well this year, and there were not many clips.

And because it moved here this year, after the move, the tribe built houses and cattle pens, plus the previous consumption, so that there are not too many seeds for that kind of fruit.

So the final result is that this year's planting area of ​​this fruit is not enough.

Insufficient planting area, coupled with poor growth, their tribe is bound to have a hard time this winter and the following spring.

Although most of the adults in the tribe knew that this would be such a result before the relocation, many of them couldn't help feeling a little miserable after the result really came.


The female priest who seemed to be older than this spring opened her mouth. As she spoke, the panic in the heart of the person who collected the fruits from the ground around the tribe disappeared a lot.

What she said was not complicated, she just told people in the tribe that such a situation would be encountered every time she migrated.

Now they have plucked a lot of the weeds in the ground. As long as the present is passed, and when they are harvested next time, their tribe will be able to harvest many of these fruits that can be used to satisfy their hunger.

After saying this, she pointed her hand to the west of the tribe again, and said that the leader was leading people outside to capture prey.

The chiefs are all riding some animals, so they can save energy on the way. After discovering the prey, either riding the animals or chasing them, it is easier to catch up with the prey.

Therefore, the leaders must be able to get a lot of prey.

In addition to these, she pointed her finger at the trees around the tribe that had not been cut down. Between these trees, there were some fruit trees with some fruits hanging on them.

She is telling these people that after the fruits grown in these fields are processed, they can also collect these fruits to satisfy their hunger.

I have to say that this female priest is indeed a very qualified wise man. Although her words are mediocre, she strictly follows the principle of the great fool that the difficulty is the present and the future is bright.

After all these words, many female primitives and minors who remained in the tribe also settled down, and continued to work hard under the leadership of the great and wise sacrificial priest.

While everyone was working, the priestess stood up straight, stretched out a hand, and placed it on the back of her head, and began to pray silently.

What she prayed was that people in the tribe who went out hunting would bring back more prey.

In any case, there is not much food in the tribe this year.

And going out to hunt is another very unstable thing.

On the west side of this tribe, far away from the tribe, the leader of this tribe is riding on an animal, holding a long weapon in his hand, and walking around here with people.

As he walked, he looked around wisely, trying to find some prey.

I don't know how the priestess prays. Anyway, the tribes who go out hunting are not generally lucky. Until now, they have basically not encountered larger animals.

And the encounters of small animals are limited.

Even though they have livestock, they can conserve their physical strength very well, and most of their hunting skills are still very good, in this case, it is also not very rewarding.

The leader of this tribe looked up at the sun above his head through the gap in the forest, and then estimated the distance from the tribe. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and ordered everyone to continue to the west.

In fact, here is basically beyond the scope of their hunting in the past.

If it were in the past, even if the gains were not too great at this time, the leader of this tribe would lead the people back, take some roads, and go in circles to the tribe, but this time he did not do so.

On the one hand, it is because there are very few preys encountered today, although it is due to their bad luck. On the other hand, after more than half a year of hunting, the prey in this area has been reduced a lot.

After all, the population of their tribe is much larger than these small-scale tribes.

During this period of time, the kind of fruit grown in the tribe has not matured, and all rely on hunting and gathering to live their lives.

Within a limited area, the population of supply is limited. Once this limit is exceeded, the result must be insufficient supply and demand of resources.

The people of this tribe don't know this kind of principle, but they can get some simple things similar to this from their previous experience and their current experience.

On the other hand, the fruit harvest that was planted in the tribe this year is not very good~www.NovelMTL.com~ This point was told by the wise female priest as early as the fruit was not yet ripe.

Therefore, before the next fruit harvest, the food in the tribe still has to rely on hunting to gather these.

Another reason is that the wise female priest told him that in the past few years, the weather has not been stable as before, and sometimes cold and snow will come early.

Before the relocation, their tribe had a lot of fruits collected from the ground as a backing. Even if the ice and snow arrived earlier, it didn’t matter. However, if this happened this time, the tribe’s life would be difficult. .

So the leader of this tribe decided to lead most of the people to the west, to places where they had never been or hunted.

In this case, you may be able to meet more prey and bring back more food to the tribe.

There are so many people in my tribe, as well as wise witches, and those fruits. As long as these times are passed, the tribe can continue to become wealthy after the next fruit harvest.

The leader of this tribe rides on an animal, holding a weapon made by combining wood and stone in his hand, while leading the people to continue walking west, while thinking like this in his heart, he is full of confidence in the future of the tribe.

Most of the others who followed him on the road were also full of confidence in this, because the wise female priest told them this more than once.

With these words, combined with the tribe’s previous migration experience, it is easy to convince people.

Autumn is a harvest season. What is being harvested is not only the Qingque tribe and this tribe that has been half buried in farming, but also other tribes, such as the sheep tribe at this time...


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