I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 702: Plasterer's trowel

Chapter 702 The Plasterer's Brick Knife

After the necessary experiments, the kiln was burned with lime. Under the order of Han Cheng, he was pushed by a group of people wearing masks in the tribe with a trolley along the stone road to the position between the old and new walls of the tribe. .

There are quite a few pits in it because of the previous borrowing of soil to build the wall.

And because of the summer, most of these pits are filled with water.

Han Cheng designated a pit that was not too far away from the building, and let people pour lime into it.

Under the gaze of many people, a trolley of lime was poured in, and then there was a burst of heat boiling.

As trucks of quicklime poured inside, the water in the pit was sucked up, and then the water in the rest of the pit was poured out.

At this steamy scene with many bubbles popping up, everyone in the tribe looked surprised.

After Han Dao replaced everyone not to jump into the lime pit, he put aside the surprised people, got some quicklime and filled it with clay pots, and ran all the way towards the cave of the tribe.

There is not much left besides eating for the **** son Han Da to fly so happily.

After I came to the cave, I poured some water into it to send the lime on, and then went to the carpenter's room where he was working lame and got some saw foam from the ground.

Returning to the cave, seeing that Lime was already a bit cold, Han Chenggong took out the egg from the crock pot and rolled it back and forth in the room.

After covering some white ash, dig it out and roll it back and forth in the sawdust pile, and then wrap a layer of sawdust on the outside.

Such an egg has already taken shape.

Of course, Han Cheng was only a half-hearted man when it came to changing eggs, so he didn't start many eggs for the first time, but only made five eggs for experimentation.

In this way, even if it fails, the loss will not be too great.

After the egg change is done, all that remains is to wait, which is a rather long process.

During this waiting process, the people in the tribe have already begun to dig out the lime. After mixing it with sand and mixing it with soil and cement before, it is used to build up the stone wall, sometimes shoveling some, to Fill the gaps in the stone walls.

After verification, these white ash is indeed stronger than the soil cement barrier.

When everyone was overjoyed to get such a good thing in the tribe, Han Cheng ‘developed’ another function of Baihui.

This feature needs to start a few days ago.

At that time, the people in the tribe were busy according to their assigned tasks. Since the death of Huo Erye, the witch who has become the oldest man in the tribe, is also holding the little bunny to breastfeed.

It was in this situation that the son of Han Da came slowly and said something that surprised everyone.

What he said was to renovate the big blue brick house in the tribe.

Everyone was stunned as soon as he said this.

You know, the big blue brick house used as a school and a meeting room is the most majestic house of the Qingque tribe so far, and it is also the best house in the tribe.

Now the son of God said that such a good house should be renovated, which is no wonder they will be stunned.

Seeing the reaction of Wu and others, Han Cheng knew that everyone had misunderstood his meaning.

After thinking about it, he said again: "It's the pink wall."

As a result, after saying this, a group of people still had big eyes and small eyes, and there were still circles in their eyes.

In view of this, Han Cheng stopped talking any more, but directly dismissed the people, and then found the first carpenter to limp, and gave him the tools to draw on the ground and let him build the white wall.

Since I don't understand, I just start to do it directly. This is a good habit that Han Cheng has cultivated in this era.

The tools used for the whitewashed wall are very simple. If it is not a gray basin, there are generally only two.

One is a rectangular ash shovel with a handle made of wood, and the other is a trowel.

The structure of the trowel is also very simple. It is a very smooth wooden board that is sawed on one side and then scraped with a plane.

On the middle of the back of the board, make another ‘concave’ handle, buckle it along the length of the board, and then fix it.

In this way, the trowel is ready.

After doing this, Han Cheng personally mixed some sieved fine sand with white ash, put it into a clay pot, and then started working with a wooden spatula and a trowel.

Han Cheng did not personally manipulate the powder wall in his later lives, but it was not uncommon. It was the first time to do such a thing, although it was very strange, but he could barely do it.

He first picked up some white ash from the ash basin with the trowel in his hand, and then put the white ash on the wooden shovel, and then brought the reconciled white ash from the wooden shovel to the bottom of the mold, which was scraped. The extremely smooth side.

Then he held the trowel in his hand and pressed the white ash on the wall.

After going back and forth twice, a small brick wall was covered.

Everyone suddenly realized that the renovation that the son of God said was actually such a renovation method~www.NovelMTL.com~ It turns out that this is the pink wall.

But it's just nothing more, because they didn't see how beautiful this big blue brick house is after such treatment.

This piece of lime sticks to it, and it is easily reminiscent of a big patch on the clothes, how awkward it looks.

Han Cheng didn't know the thoughts of Wu, Big Brother, and others. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care too much, because he came from later generations and knew clearly the effects that can be produced after the white and gray walls.

It looks awkward right now because the powder area is too small, and the white ash that has just been powdered has not dried yet, and it looks dim in color, so it looks bad.

For such a big house, Han Cheng naturally couldn't finish his fans alone, so he just tried his hands, let everyone understand what a pink wall is, and then stopped temporarily.

The elder brother and others continue to build new houses and pig pens.

And lame, under Han Cheng's explanation, continued to make trowels.

Many people in the tribe thought that the son of God would not look good in this way, so just let it go.

But when a rain fell and the work outside could not be done, they found that they were completely wrong.

Those guys who wanted to take a break while it was raining were all caught by the black-hearted gods. One handed out a wooden ash shovel and a trowel, and another ash basin was placed in front. Shelves were set up in the room and started to continue. The action of'spoiling' the big blue brick house.

At the beginning, most of the people painted the walls and made large brick houses in their hearts.

This kind of sad emotion didn't last long. When everyone watched the whole fanfare, there was no such emotion...


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