I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 535: Surprise

The joy brought by the arrival of the tribe with pottery and salt lasted for a while, but it faded a lot and was replaced by some sadness.

Their sorrow comes from the few furs in the cave.

Huang Guo looked at these furs in the cave, feeling very uncomfortable, these furs could not exchange much delicious salt.

Even if the leader came back, there was nothing to do.

Knowing that the other party has a lot of salt, but his tribe can't get it, this is really uncomfortable.

Someone from the tribe was talking outside. Huang Guo walked out of the cave and was surprised to find that this tribe was opening several animal skin pockets and taking out the contents one by one.

What surprised and puzzled her was that the people of this tribe did not take out precious pottery or salt, but a large number of extremely ordinary stones!

Huang Guo took a closer look and confirmed that these stones were very common, which made her even more puzzled.

What do people from this tribe carry these stones for? And also make it so precious?

Could it be their weapon for self-defense?

When Huang Guo thought of this, she suddenly felt that she had seen the truth.

However, after the black leader made a jerky gesture, Huang Guo's eyes widened, and then he shook his head violently.

She felt that she must have mistaken the meaning of the leader.

Is this ubiquitous stone used in exchange for precious pottery and salt?

How can this be!

Huang Guo left, she thought it would be better for the leader to negotiate with the leader after the leader came back.

After all, the leader is knowledgeable and can better understand what the leader means.

After looking for wild vegetables for a while, Huang Guo looked at the small stone beside her feet. After hesitating for a while, she finally picked up the stone and walked towards the person sitting there resting.

Although he knew that he was wrong about it in all likelihood, Huang Guo still wanted to try it. After all, there was not much fur left in his tribe.

With the mentality of giving it a try, she came to Mao and passed the stone in her hand with a little hesitation.

She was ready to be rejected, but she didn't expect that this person would actually take it, and then take it in her hand, seriously comparing it with the stones around her.

While Huang Guo looked a little nervous and waited, he compared trades for a while and confirmed that this was a kind of stone that had not been collected, so he put the stone into the pile of stones.

Then smiled and scooped up a spoonful of salt from a jar of salt, and signaled to Huang Guo that this stone could be used for this spoonful of salt.

Huangguo came out of the cave with an empty salt jar in his mind.

Without hesitation, Mao poured in a spoonful of salt slowly.

The silly Huang Guo returned to the cave with the salt jar.

Several primitive females who remained in the tribe put the salt jars on the ground, squatted on the ground and formed a circle, pouting their buttocks and stretching their heads, taking turns to look inside the salt jars.

All with inquiring and incredible.

After a while, Huang Guo reached into the salt jar, pinched out a little salt and put it in his mouth.

The familiar smell came, making her eyes widened immediately.

This is actually salt?

Stones can really change salt!

After the confusion and surprise, Huang Guo and the other adults ran out like wind, looking for stones.

No matter why people in this tribe suddenly exchanged stones for salt, this is great news for their tribe.

Huang Guo, who was a little weak in his body, became extremely powerful at this time. She looked down on the small stone, so she directly found a stone larger than her buttocks, picked it up, and quickly came to them.

A small piece of stone like that can be exchanged for a spoonful of salt. Isn't it possible to exchange several spoonfuls of salt for such a large piece?

The more she thought about it, the more energetic she became. For a short distance, she didn't stop at all, and she hugged the stone in front of Mao and put it down, so that she had time to pay attention to the animal skins that fell on her.

Mao's gaze stayed on Huang Guo's body for a while before shifting to this stone.

Then he shook his head.

Of course, it wasn't that Huangguo was finishing the skins too quickly, but they already had this kind of stone.

He found a fist-sized stone from the pile of stones and placed it on the big stone that Huang Guo had brought, indicating that it already had it, and it could not be changed.

Huang Guo was confused, she didn't understand that she had just bought a small piece of salt in exchange for a spoonful of salt, but now she moved a large piece of salt, but she couldn't change it.

She pointed her finger at the small rock, and then at the big rock she had brought over. She said in a ura-ula, meaning that the one she found was much better than the smaller one.

They have seen a lot of similar things, and almost every time they go to a tribe, similar things will happen.

After a long period of speech and effort, Mao finally let Huang Guo understand that only stones that were not in it could be used to exchange salt.

And the same kind of stone can only be changed once, regardless of the size of the stone.

Huang Guo, who understood the meaning, and the other people who came to the sky holding the stone in full swing, all looked a little disappointed, as if they saw a lot of delicious salt and left them.

But this disappointment didn't last long, so he went looking for stones again.

In any case, it is very good news for them to exchange stones for table salt.

When the sun was slanting west, a pile of stones of various sizes appeared in front of Shang, Mao and others, all of which were found by Huang Guo.

The people of Shang and Mao picked and picked among the piles of stones, and finally found three types of stones that they didn't get.

In the salt jars of Huang Guo and his tribe, there were three more spoons of salt.

For them, it was an unexpected gain, and they were too happy to close their legs.

When the setting sun went down ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the leader of Huangguo's tribe also returned with people who went out hunting.

Huang Guo and others who stayed behind, greeted them with joy...

Huang Guo was beaten, and there were several others who were beaten with her.

It is the leader of the tribe who does it.

Of course, the reason for the beating was not because a group of mostly men appeared in the tribal cave.

It was because Huang Guo and the others said panic.

The leader has dealt with that dark tribe. The people of that tribe usually smile, but when it's time to exchange things, they will be extremely dead.

Now these few left-behind people actually said that they exchanged stones for a lot of salt from this tribe?

How could this happen?

So he was particularly disgusted with the violent leader of the tribesmen who lied, and beat them without saying a word.

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