I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 481: What kind of wolves is this?

After an autumn rain, many fallen leaves were laid, and when the land dries a little bit, the people of the Qingque tribe planted rapeseed.

The place where rapeseed is planted is west of the tribe.

Although knowing that there is a powerful tribe that does not know where it is, it may come to attack the tribe, but the cultivation of **** cannot be delayed.

In the distant forest, Rabbit Fur cursed the annoying Qiu Yu in a low voice while walking.

The fur that wrapped him around his body was wet a lot last night, making him feel very cold.

And because the plants and trees were all wet, they couldn't make a fire to keep warm.

Fortunately, the weather is clear now, otherwise I will continue to suffer.

Looking up and looking around, according to the imprints they left, the weirdly rich and unpromising tribe is about to arrive.

Rabbit Fur stopped cursing, clenched the weapon in his hand, and appeared cautious.

For this task, he actually didn’t want to take it, because judging from the reactions of several leaders not long ago, this tribe is very unproblematic, so many people still dare not attack, but now only a few of them are sent. .

But there was no way, when Wu ordered him, he had to come.

Thinking of the task that the witch had given, Rabbit Fur felt even more uncomfortable, because the witch not only wanted them to pay attention to everything in this tribe, but also wanted to see how this tribe made pottery and salt.

This rabbit fur is extremely confused. How could such a precious thing be made by humans?

Shouldn’t it be like the precious white oil of the tribe, given by the gods, right?

He was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask Wu, because Wu was the wisest person he had ever seen, and he couldn't make a mistake.

A few people walked quietly in the woods, getting closer and closer to the tribe. They bent over, not daring to make too much noise.

After walking like this for a while, through the gap in the forest, the mountain wall standing in the distance can be vaguely seen.

Rabbit Fur still wanted to go forward, but was held back by his companions.

The companion whispered a word to him, and then stretched out his hand and pointed out. Rabbit fur followed their gazes. Only then did he notice that there were many strangely dressed people in the clearing between the woods and the strange cave.

These weird people are also doing weird things, they are constantly digging in the open space.

Is this digging for food?

Just what kind of food will there be in such a clearing?

What are those people doing after the deer?

What is the weird thing they are holding in their hands?

They caught the deer and did not eat it, but were doing these strange things?

These deer don’t seem to be afraid of them...

A series of question marks appeared in the minds of Rabbit Fur and the other four people.

They really couldn't understand the magic operation of this tribe.

After doing this for a while, Rabbit Fur took out a piece of bark from the back basket behind him, took out a small piece of relatively sharp stone, and then began to draw roads on it.

He didn't plan smoothly, because these people in the field, walking around, would easily get confused, which made Rabbit Fur quite uncomfortable.

While Rabbit Fur was doing these things intently, the companion beside him suddenly stretched out his hand and quickly patted him on the shoulder.

Rabbit fur looked puzzled and turned his head to look at this companion, but saw that his companion pointed back anxiously.

Rabbit fur looked at it, and was stunned. Several big wolves were coming from the side with a group of half-sized wolves.

Rabbit fur quickly put down the bark, clenched his weapon, and stared at the large number of wolves.

But he did not act rashly.

They hunt all the year round and know that wolves generally do not attack them actively in this situation.

Because wolves have cubs that have not grown up, and they don’t look easy to provoke with weapons.

At the same time, he was cursing in his heart that this tribe was useless, and it was possible to leave such a large pack of wolves near the cave where they lived.

As Rabbit Fur thought, the wolves did not attack them actively, but stopped after a certain distance from them.

The wolf, which was obviously a wolf, looked at them quietly, and they looked at it quietly, and the two sides faced each other like this.

After a while, the wolf turned half a circle, and when Rabbit Fur thought it was going to lead the rest of the wolves away, the guy raised his head and cried.

The sound was hurried, not the familiar howling of a wolf, but a weird ‘woo woo’ sound.

Although the cry was weird, it was not small, echoing in the woods.

What's even more hateful is that after this wolf screamed, the rest of the wolves also screamed ‘uuu’.

The rabbit fur felt immediately.

What are these **** guys screaming at this time? !

This will attract people!

Thinking of this, he turned his head in a panic to look at the crowd who was doing strange things.

Sure enough, those people had already lost what they were holding, and they didn't know where they took out the weapon~www.NovelMTL.com~ and rushed towards where they were.

The rabbit fur people panicked immediately. They didn't expect, but not long after they had just arrived outside the tribe, their whereabouts were exposed in such an unexpected way!

This group of **** wolves! Don't run if you have the kind, to see if these people will kill you, and howl at the edge of the cave. Isn't this looking for death?

Thinking of this, they also ignored the confrontation with the wolf, but ran away.

They want to keep a distance from this group of stupid wolves. In this way, these people will not find them after expelling the wolves, so they can continue to observe quietly around this tribe.

However, just a few steps after they ran, something that made them feel extremely uncomfortable or even desperate happened. These **** wolves did not run away, but came after them!

Many even ran in front of them under the leadership of the wolf, intercepting their path.

Rabbit Mao was so anxious that he never thought that one day he would be bullied like this by a pack of wolves!

He quickly turned around and rushed towards the half-sized wolf, without any hesitation. During the run, the weapon in his hand was constantly waving, and a wolf was hit by him, making a cry of pain.

He ran so fast.

At this time, I had to be happy, because many people had already ran into the woods and found them.

He originally thought that this group of stupid wolves would rush away after so many people rushed into the woods or bite the group of people like they bit them, however, what made him desperate happened again.

These stupid wolves did not run away, nor did they bite the newly rushed in. Instead, they chased them and bit them even more!

What kind of wolves are these!


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