I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 479: Dispatched probe

The wind blew, and leaves fluttered down, falling on the messy hair of the grass roots.

The grass roots looked a little irritable and pulled the leaves off his head, and then continued to stare into the distance.

While staring, he cursed in a low voice the black tribe that hadn't appeared for a long time.

He has been beaten several times for this reason, and if that tribe does not appear again, he will be beaten again soon.

While thinking so worried, someone suddenly flashed in the distance, followed by the second and the third.

After the grassroots froze for a while, he was overjoyed and quickly looked closely.

After a while, he was even more happy, because he saw the clay pots on the shoulders of these people from a distance.

The grassroots shouted with joy, and ran towards the tribe. He wanted to tell the leader the good news.

The second leader of the Tengshe tribe was feeling frustrated for the tribe's delay in showing up. At this time, he suddenly saw the grassroots running over, panting.

After learning from the grass roots that the tribe had finally arrived, the second leader of the Tengshe tribe became excited. He quickly summoned the people and prepared to take down the tribe that finally appeared, and returned to the tribe with precious pottery and salt. .

They happily followed the grassroots with their weapons, but they were stunned not long after they left.

It is true that the people who came to carry the precious pottery were not fake, but the people who carried the pottery were not from the black tribe, but from their own tribe!


The second leader of the Tengshe tribe pointed at the pottery with a look of surprise.

He really couldn't understand why they came from their own tribe carrying the pottery.

The four chiefs of the Tengshe tribe looked at the surprised look of the second chief and the rest of the tribe, and they were very proud of their hearts. Even before seeing the strange tribe again, he was relieved of the depression that the other party could not help.


He proudly resembled the second leader of the Tengshe tribe talking about his glorious deeds.

Grassroots was beaten again, and it was the second leader of the Tengshe tribe who beat him. The reason was that they had waited here for so long according to Grassroots and they hadn't waited for the black tribe, but the four leaders elsewhere got precious first. Salt and pottery.


After hearing that the four leaders said that the pottery and salt owned by the black tribe were obtained from another tribe, and that the tribe had more pottery and salt, the second leader of the Tengshe tribe immediately stood up and said , They can take people to attack that tribe together.

However, unexpectedly, the four leaders shook their heads and rejected his proposal.


He froze for a while, then pointed at the four leaders and made a sarcasm.

Who are they afraid of?

This guy hadn't attacked that tribe before, and now he is two together, leading more adults, but he still dare not attack in the past, this behavior really makes him look down on.

Facing the ridicule of the two leaders, the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe blushed.


He also angrily said out the identity of the tribe with salt and pottery.

After learning that the tribe was the tribe that they had attacked together and suffered a great loss, the second leader of the Tengshe tribe fell silent, and no longer said to lead people to attack together.

The battle in the ice and snow that year left him also extremely impressive.

Especially after hearing the four chiefs talk about the weird cave of the tribe being taller than before, and there were more people, the idea of ​​going to attack that tribe disappeared completely.

After resting here for a day, the second and fourth leaders of the Tengshe tribe left here and headed towards the big tribe.

The task of the second leader is to wait for the donkey tribe here to obtain salt and pottery.

Now that the black tribe had been breached by the four leaders, he naturally didn't need to stay here anymore.

The Tengshe tribe branch that had been entangled here for nearly a year left, and it soon fell into silence again...

The four leaders of the Tengshe tribe were right. When they returned to the tribe with salt and pottery, they really received a very warm welcome.

Looking at this large number of pottery and nearly a jar of salt, even the most stable witch could not help laughing with joy.

In the evening, he ate food with salt, and the witch who had been salt-free for a while, after eating food with salt, he couldn't help but praised the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe, and even promoted him to the third leader.


The leader of the Tengshe tribe and others licked the pottery bowl clean, looked at the many pottery brought back and nearly a jar of salt, and began to tell Wu about going to attack this tribe.

After eating the wonderful taste of salt, it is unforgettable. The salt cut off during this period of time made them suffer deeply.

Now that there is news of salt and pottery, they can't wait to attack and get them all back to their tribe.

In their view, these precious things should belong to their tribe.

No other tribe deserves it.

As for the strange cave that made the two chiefs and the third chief fearful and fearful, there was nothing to worry about.

Their tribe now has a terrifying one-horned monster, and with it, the weird cave of that tribe is not worth mentioning.

Take a look at the one-horned monster lying on the side like a huge rock, and recall how easy it was when it broke through the cave. Even the two chiefs and the three chiefs who had suffered a big loss under the wall of the Qingque tribe, they all rose. Gained confidence.

Yes, this one-horned monster is here, no matter how weird the cave of that tribe, no matter how many people there are, it will not be the opponent of your tribe.

The two of them also looked at Wu expectantly, hoping that he could immediately agree.

They couldn't wait to break the **** tribe and kill all the people inside.

However, Wu hadn't spoken for a long time~www.NovelMTL.com~ After a while, he shook his head slowly.

The leaders looked at each other involuntarily, wondering why Wu had made such a decision.

In their opinion, there are unicorn monsters and there are so many people in their tribe. It is not a problem to attack that tribe.


The leader asked aloud.

He was asking if he would stop attacking that tribe in the future.

The witch of the Tengshe tribe shook his head slowly again, and the few people who watched this scene were even more confused, not understanding what the witch meant.


Wu began to slowly talk about his arrangements.

That is to send a few people to the vicinity of the tribe to make a good survey of the situation. The people of their tribe will hurry to store food during this time period. After the people who survey the situation come back, they will move according to the situation...

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