I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 477: Fighting and preparing for battle

In the Donkey Tribe cave, a certain distance from the Qingque Tribe, the exhausted Donkey Tribe leader looked at the mess all over the ground, crying bitterly in front of everyone.

Inside are white bones after the meat has been eaten, some corpses that are already smelly after death, as well as buzzing flies and white maggots...

All the pottery and salt in their tribe were gone, even if they were broken, some of the larger pieces have been taken away...

The big brother led people to search around the donkey tribe, but did not find a trace of the evil tribe.

The flames rose here, and the people of the dead donkey tribe were burned.


The flame went out, and the leader of the donkey tribe would appear to be a bit hot ashes and bones that had not been completely burnt, and scattered them on the periphery of the cave where they had lived.

After doing this, he came to the big brother. Speak.

What he meant was that he had been to the cave of that evil tribe, and he could take the big brothers and them to annihilate this evil tribe in one fell swoop.

The militants, who were resenting that they could not find the trace of the evil tribe, suddenly brightened their eyes after understanding what the leader of the donkey tribe meant.

He looked forward to the big brother with expectation, wanting him to quickly agree, and then led the crowd to fight the evil tribe.

The scene in the donkey tribe cave reminded him of the injuries his tribe had suffered. He was deeply irritated and wished to rush to the evil tribe immediately and kill everyone in that evil tribe.

Junior Brother Sha also had some expectations.

In such anticipation, the big brother thought for a while, then slowly shook his head.

Although slow, but unusually firm.

He thinks this is a very big thing, and he needs to go back to discuss with the **** child and the witch, and he can't just go forward like this.

Moreover, they did not prepare for the long-distance march at all when they came this time, and they did not carry enough food.

With so many people, it is impossible to rely on hunting on the way without carrying more food.

The big brother has been the leader for a long time and needs to be responsible for the entire tribe. After a long time, he will be more comprehensive and safe when considering things than ordinary people.

The leader of the donkey tribe and Shang persuaded a few words, the big brother did not intend to change, and the two dared not say more, they could only return to the tribe with the animal skins that the donkey tribe had worked so hard to exchange outside.

The four chiefs of these animal skins and snake tribe felt that they were not important, so they did not take them away.

Within the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng and Wu were listening to the situation encountered and discovered by the big brothers.

Hearing that the big brother did not obey the leader of the donkey tribe, he directly led people to find the evil tribe, Han Cheng smiled on his face, patted the big brother with fear on the shoulder, and applauded his decision.

At that time, it was really impossible to move rashly.

When the leader of Shang and the donkey tribe saw the son of God praise the big brother, they couldn't help but bow their heads in shame.

Han Cheng walked to the front, comforted them with a smile, and affirmed their courage.

The two drooped their heads and lifted them up again, with light flickering in their eyes.

"God, does that evil tribe still fight?"

Shang asked out loud.

"To fight, you must fight, but not at this time.

The evil tribe is too far away from us and needs more preparation.

Moreover, he also needs to recuperate more, otherwise it is estimated that he cannot reach that evil tribe. "

As Han Cheng spoke, he pointed his finger at the haggard and unspeakable leader of the donkey tribe.

He suddenly became happy when he heard that the tribe would be hit again, and when he looked at the haggard leader of the donkey tribe around him, he was deeply impressed by what the son of God said.

If the leader of the donkey tribe died, it would be difficult for them to find that tribe anymore.

The big brother who watched all this scratched his hair, feeling a little confused about what happened before him.

It seems that I am expressing the same meaning as the **** son, right?

How come after they say it by themselves, although they obey it, they are not very happy. When the son of God says it, they accept it with pleasure?

After tentatively settling these matters, Han Chengcheng quickly arranged manpower to scrub the wounds of several people in the donkey tribe.

These people are already members of their tribe.

The three people who stayed in the tribe with a lot of injuries, after several days of healing and rest, their injuries have stabilized.

On the contrary, it is the people with relatively minor injuries who are in trouble.

Their injuries were not healed in time, and they traveled a long distance for a few days, which worsened a lot.

The leader of the donkey tribe and the other two people are better, the wounds are basically scabs, the remaining three people are not very good.

The wound was rotten and purulent, and she had a fever.

Even though under the guidance of Han Cheng, Liang cut off their rotten flesh and threw them out, cleaned them up with salt water and willow water, wrapped them in a fine linen cloth, and boiled Bupleurum root for them to drink. Two people died.

The leader of the donkey tribe is extremely regretful about this.

By now, the donkey tribe plus the leader, there are only seven people left...

While doing these things, the people of the Qingque tribe are also actively preparing for battle.

They chopped up the meat and boiled it vigorously in a clay pot, then poured it into the pot and cooled it into aspic.

Several simple water dumplings for pounding rice are also constantly pounding rice.

Others are restoring weapons.

There are also people outside the tribe who are doing work, but unlike the previous You Ran, when doing work, everyone becomes extremely vigilant and carries weapons with them.

And it's no longer a scattered work, but five people go up everywhere.

Some people are digging in some hidden places in the woods around the fields of the Qingque tribe. This is a trap.

Not to catch prey, but to strengthen the defense of the tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ The traps are quite thick, and ordinary small animals can pass from above.

On the side of each trap, there is more than one mark that can be understood by the Qingque tribe, this is to prevent these traps from hurting the people of their tribe.

At the edge of a trap, Han Cheng was pulling Uncle Deer and Fu Jiang, pointing to this and surrounding markers to explain over and over again, not letting them come here.

After a high level, he lifted a large stone and threw it on the trap.

While the dust was flying, the smooth soil surface collapsed suddenly.

Expose the sharp tree stick below.

The movement scared Uncle Lu back two steps, craned his neck and looked around here vigilantly. Fu Jiang was even more unpromising and hid behind Han Cheng, screaming like a demonstration against the trap. sound.

When Han Cheng saw this, he stood up with satisfaction, and then took these two guys to see the next trap, trying to make them remember the location and the mark of the trap...

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