I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 475: Kill them

Wu was persuaded by Han Cheng that he no longer had any objections to the people in the tribe going to the donkey tribe, but the worry in his eyes was lingering.

The people of the Qingque tribe moved quickly under Han Cheng's order. The vine shield team, the long spear team, the archer team, and the sling sling team gathered in the courtyard, the total number reached as many as 83 people. It looks quite imposing.

Because the population of the tribe as a whole is small, the Qingque tribe, like the tribe of this era, follows the route of all the people.

Almost all adults will participate in training.

Even Heiwa and Lame are the same.

However, they will not be incorporated into the combat team, nor will they be allowed to fight outside with the team.

Only when the tribe is attacked will it participate in the defense of the tribe.

Because they meant too much to the tribe, Han Cheng could not withstand such losses.

Han Cheng dug out from these people who were ready.

A total of fifty-three people were selected.

Among them, there were fifteen members from each of the vine shield team, the archer team, and the long spear team, and the sling team eight members.

The captains of the three teams, Senior Brother, Junior Sha, and Shang all went out and led their teams.

The second elder brother who succeeded in losing weight stayed behind and led the rest to guard the tribe.

The leader of the donkey tribe didn't know the number, and couldn't tell how many people went to attack their tribe. Han Cheng changed the method and asked for a while before finally figure out the number of the other party.

There are more adults stronger than the donkey tribe, but not particularly many.

There are 23 strong adults in the donkey tribe, and the number of rival tribes should be around 30.

So Han Chengcheng sent fifty-three.

With these fifty-three well-trained and well-equipped tribal warriors, it is not a problem to meet the people of that tribe to defeat the opponent.

"Be careful on the road, they may go to our tribe along the road..."

Han Cheng confessed to Big Brother, Big Brother Zheng nodded his head.

Han Cheng is already an adult, and originally wanted to lead the team in person this time, but Wu died and alive disagrees, worrying about his accident.

Not only him, but the elder brother and others also persuaded Han Cheng not to go, and patted his chest to ensure that he would defeat the other party, so Han Cheng could only give up in the end.

"Warriors of the Blue Sparrow Tribe!"

After explaining the matter to the big brother, Han Cheng walked up to the fifty-three people selected, raised his voice, and mobilized before the war.

"There is an evil tribe approaching our tribe!

They want to kill our people! Take away our pottery and salt!

Want to occupy our house! Take our food!

Facing such a tribe, what should we do? "

Han Cheng looked at everyone and said loudly.

As his voice sounded, the fighting spirit of the Qingque tribe began to rise rapidly.

These are the things they worked so hard to make, and they are what they depend on for survival.

Now there are tribes who want to take them all away, how can this be?

Thinking of these, even people who were a little timid because they were about to fight before, are now fighting.

"Kill them!"

The militants had their chests rising and falling, their eyes flushed slightly, and they held the spear tightly with one hand.

After Han Cheng's voice fell, he shouted loudly.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The others waved the weapons in their hands and yelled loudly, with a shocking momentum.

They are not evil tribes, and they don't want to conflict with other tribes, but when other tribes want to come over to bully them and take their things, they can also burst out with shocking courage and combat power!

"God, I want to go too!"

"God, I will go too..."

The left-behind people standing on the side came to petition one after another. They were infected by the atmosphere and wanted to go out to kill the enemy.

Of course Han Cheng would not agree. Who will protect the tribe after all?

The tribe is their root.

The leader of the donkey tribe on the side and several other people from the donkey tribe looked shocked at these green bird people who had changed a lot, excited and yearning.

If their tribe can have so many people, and the people in the tribe can be so majestic, the tribe will not be broken by the evil tribe and fall to this point.

At this time, the leader of the donkey tribe suddenly understood that it turns out that a tribe wants to live well. It is not enough to eat enough food. There must be a strong force to defend all this!

He brought the remaining few people together to the noble son of God, excitedly and firmly expressed their desire to follow back.

The friendly tribe is to help its tribe and rescue the people of its tribe. How can one stay in this tribe and not participate?

Han Cheng didn't want them to go, after all they were too tired and weak.

But for a while, it was difficult, and it was reasonable for them to go back. After a while, they left three people who were more injured and inconvenient to walk. The leader of the donkey tribe and six others followed the large troops of the Qingque tribe.

"it is good!"

The militants stunned and punched the leader of the donkey tribe with a punch.

He was pleased with the invitation of the leader of the donkey tribe.

Because the leader of the donkey tribe led people to break out of the siege before, some of the unhappiness of abandoning the tribe disappeared.

The gate of the Qingque tribe opened, and the people of the Qingque tribe, who had drunk a bowl of wine, walked out of the open courtyard gate.

With weapons, under the leadership of the chief master, they followed the paved stone road to the east of the Qingque tribe.

This is the second expedition of the Qingque tribe.

The route they took was the one that the donkey tribe often took.

Because of the increase in the number of transactions between the donkey tribe and the Qingque tribe in recent years, they stepped on a more obvious road.

As Master Lu said, there will be a way if we go too much.

The team was divided into two teams, running side by side, walking across the winding stone road in the field, into the forest, and then all the way to the donkey tribe.

The forest here is as usual, empty, and everyone in the Tengshe tribe who had stayed here before disappeared.

At the gate of the courtyard, Han Cheng and the others watched the elder brothers leave. After entering the woods, they turned and returned to the tribe.

The gate of the courtyard was tightly plugged in, and the rest of the people stepped up guard, and many people stood on the wall.

Compared with the past, the number of people in the Qingque tribe has greatly increased. Even if fifty or three people go out at once, the manpower remaining in the tribe will not be a problem to guard the tribe.

Except for the thirty people who joined the team, the others who are not in the team can also use their weapons to defend the tribe!

In the woods, a certain distance away from the road that was stepped on by the donkey tribe, the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe lay tightly there, not daring to move ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ the other people are the same. in this way.

Looking at those walking by, his face was shocked and panicked.

They didn't expect that this tribe with weird caves would have so many adults!

And the adults in the tribe still seem to be that strong.

Overall, stronger than their tribe!

After the shock, I felt deeply grateful. Fortunately, not long ago, the leader took them to move the place. Otherwise, at this time, they were encountered by these people with all kinds of strange weapons and the number of people far exceeded them. It's dangerous.

The four chiefs of the Teng Snake tribe didn't dare to stay here anymore. The power of this **** tribe was beyond his ability to resist.

The four chiefs of the Tengshe tribe, who slowly retreated to lead people to sneak away, suddenly stopped because he suddenly realized something.

With so many people going out of this tribe at once, there are not many adults left in the tribe. At this time, take people to attack...

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