I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 471: Kill 1 way


   The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe did not expect that they would be discovered before the tribe.

   But his reaction was quick, almost the voice of the donkey tribe woman just remembered, and his voice rang.

   The people of Teng Snake Tribe no longer concealed their bodies, they rushed directly towards the entrance of the cave, and quickly demolished stones and slabs.

   Before the main force of the donkey tribe rushed to the entrance of the cave, the stone slab was stubbornly resisted, and the stone slab blocking the cave had been pushed into it.

   The primordial female who issued the warning sound couldn't dodge, one leg was hit by the fallen stone slab, the bones were twisted, and she screamed in pain.

The people from the   teng snake tribe ignored her and trampled directly on her, like a group of hungry wolves, rushing fiercely towards the others in the cave.

The four leaders of the Teng Snake Tribe carried a stone spear to the end, and stabbed to death the donkey tribe woman who was lying on the ground and trampled on countless feet.

   looked at the scene of the fight inside, with a stubborn smile on his face.

   This tribe is not the **** tribe. Even if you can discover your tribe in advance, it is useless, and you will be killed by your tribe!

   Of course, the effect is still there. If it weren't for the primitive female to warn the leader of the donkey tribe and others from their sleep, with some preparations, the current situation of the donkey tribe would be even worse!


   The warning sound suddenly sounded, and the battle that followed, made the leader of the donkey tribe and the people of the donkey tribe feel unprepared.

   They never thought about conflicts with other tribes, they just wanted to make a good deal, but the battle just happened like this.

   and they hit the cave where they lived!

   When he recognized these people as a tribe with whom he had traded with them, he thought it was a lazy tribe, the leader of the donkey tribe became more and more frightened.

   He wielded a stone spear desperately, trying to kill all the invaders who came in. However, fighting was not the strong point of their tribe.

   Some people in their tribe are constantly stabbed by the enemy, or fall to the ground, or directly stabbed to death.

   The two children who had not had time to retreat to the innermost point were directly pierced with a stone spear by a member of the Snake Tribe!

   The head of the donkey tribe has blood red eyes. However, facing the brutal attack of the brutal enemy, he can only retreat steadily!

   After waiting for a while, he finally couldn't help it and yelled loudly.

   The adults in the tribe followed his roar, all rushing towards him, and then rushing outside together desperately.

   They killed the enemy who was in front of them and blocked the way. In the process, they were constantly stabbed by the enemy, and people kept bleeding and falling.

   But they dashed a way after all, and then rushed outside without stopping.

  Tengsnake tribe people, under the order of the four leaders of the Tengsnake tribe, more than half of them followed and swiftly followed.

   Only twelve people rushed out with the leader of the donkey tribe, and several of them were seriously injured.

   After they rushed out of the tribal cave, they ran in one direction.

   followed the people from the yelling Tengshe tribe, and kept throwing the stones in their hands towards them.

   The right arm of the leader of the donkey tribe was stabbed by a stone spear, and was hit by a stone again.

   On the starting point, the people of the Tengshe tribe are not the opponents of the people of the donkey tribe. This is the skill that the people of the donkey tribe have acquired during the long journey for several years.

   But today, it’s a little dysfunctional, because some of the people who followed were injured more severely, which seriously affected the speed.


   The leader of the donkey tribe turned his head to look at the fierce Tengshe tribe behind, and shouted loudly.

   The four more injured people stopped, their bodies trembling, and with a fear of death, they held their weapons and blocked the way of the chasing Tengshe tribe.

   Although they feared death, they did not want to let the tribe perish.

   This is the reason why the tribe has been able to survive. It is the same as holding the strong stomach first and eating the weak first when lack of food.

   is to be able to keep the tribe alive.

   Living in a cruel era, they can only fight in a cruel way and struggle to survive.


   The leader of the donkey tribe shouted loudly at the four people and the direction of the tribe cave, like a beast that had lost its cubs.

   Despite this, he did not dare to stay, and ran away with the remaining eight people.

  Only by fleeing quickly, will the entire tribe not be destroyed.

People from the    Teng Snake Tribe swarmed up, and the people from the four donkey tribes blocking the way, like small houses on the coast, were quickly beaten by the huge waves and nothing was left.

   But this short short time delay has won a precious opportunity for everyone who fled from the donkey tribe.

   They ran desperately and quickly opened the distance with the Tengshe tribe.

   The people from the Teng Snake Tribe chased after him for a while, but there was no result, and finally they gave up.

   They carried their weapons, panting heavily, and with the joy of the winner, turned and headed towards the donkey tribe cave that had just been attacked.

   There is a feast waiting for them, a feast for the winners.

  As they passed by the four fallen four donkey tribesmen, they carried them up and walked towards the cave with a smile, just like people returning from hunting with their prey...

   Inside the cave, there was a mess, and all the warmth before it was gone, only the strong smell of blood and the fallen corpse were left.

   The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe looked at the pottery in front of them~www.NovelMTL.com~ their complexion was extremely ugly.

   If it was before, he would get so many pottery and nearly a jar of precious salt, he would cheer happily, but now, there is only disappointment and anger.

  The reason is that the harvest at this time is seriously inconsistent with what he had previously imagined.

   When he met the donkey tribe before, he clearly remembered how many precious pottery and salt these people carried.

   These precious things, they are willing to exchange for less important fur, which shows how much pottery and salt their tribe owns!

   However, the fact is that he is extremely disappointed.

   There are indeed some pottery and salt stored in this tribe, but they are far from what he expected.

   is far less than the previous donkey tribe who carried on their backs to make deals with other tribes.

   originally wanted to make a big fortune, but in the end he got one. It would be strange if he was in a good mood.


   After a while, he suddenly stretched his hand over a man from the injured donkey tribe who was shrinking aside, pointed to the pottery and salt in front of him, and asked loudly. He wanted to know how these pottery and salt were made.


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