I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 466: Life is 8 bitter

A splendid meteor shower has given the Qingque tribe a lot of conversation.

So that in the few days after the meteor shower, the most talked about was the shocking meteor shower and the heroic appearance of the son of God when the meteor shower came.

This kind of heat lasted for five or six days before it gradually subsided.

Of course, talking is talking, but the work that should be done does not stop.

Almost one-third of adults, carrying bone hoe, weed and loosen the soil in the millet every day.

These adults are mostly primitive women.

After all, compared to other jobs, hoeing is still relatively light.

The hoeer wears a summer hat made of bamboo strips, and a towel made of newly woven linen is placed on his neck. From a distance, he looks like a later generation who bends over and works constantly in the ground.

There are also some people who are carrying stone heads to open up wasteland on the opposite bank of the river and at a certain distance from the river. This is a long-term task.

On the opposite side of the river, there is more land suitable for reclaiming than this side.

People from the original Green Tribe are now pushing the stone slabs with their hands, along the paved stone road, coming all the way from the quarry, past the gate of the Qingque tribe, and then heading east all the way. .

On the large area of ​​soil to the west of the tribe, the winding stone road has been paved. Now the stone road on the east side is spread along the ridges along the stubble laid before, and continues to extend into the depths of the farmland.

Han Cheng sat in the shade, looking at a place not far away.

There are two trees that were transplanted two years ago, and now they have spread out.

Bai Xuemei, wearing a short coat and short sleeves, is putting some freshly picked mulberry leaves into the silkworm rearing pan.

She bends down, her clothes are stretched a bit tight, even though she has already deeply understood the secrets hidden under her clothes, Han Cheng is still a little worried at this time.

However, it can only continue to be contemplative.

Thinking of the scene of Bai Xuemei making a wish to the meteor shower, Han Cheng, who didn't want to be a father so early, could only hold back her life...

A torrential rain fell, and the sultry summer air disappeared.

The summer showers come and go quickly.

The air became cooler, but the atmosphere of the Qingque tribe did not relax a little.

Even more dull than before the rainstorm.

It was not that Han Chengxi became a father, but someone in the tribe was leaving, and life was about to pass away from this tribe.

Many people gather in the twelve tiled houses connected together.

In the easternmost room, more people gather.

The heads and faces of the Qingque tribe are here, Han Cheng, Wu, Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Sha Junior, Shang, Gu...

They seemed to stand silently in this room, looking at the Tukang that was leaning against the earth wall with worry and some sorrow.

Lying on the kang was a person who described thinness. This person was Huo Yi.

There were also two women on the side, one holding a bowl in one hand. Inside the bowl was half a bowl of deer milk filled with honey.

The other was sitting on the kang, holding Huoyi's head, so that her head was slightly raised.

The person carrying the deer milk scooped half a spoon of deer milk to Huoyi's mouth.

Deer's milk slipped along the corner of Huoyi's mouth, and did not drink a little.

"Forget it, don't feed it, let her have a good rest..."

Han Cheng opened his mouth dullly, and the breastfeeding person put the spoon back into the bowl, and the other one wiped off the deer milk flowing down, set the fire carefully, and gently lowered the kang.

Huoyi has been losing weight for a while, and the main reason is that he is getting older.

In this regard, Han Cheng, who is not even a half-hearted doctor, is also helpless.

The only thing that can be done is to cook in person, cook fine food for the fire, and let people accompany her.

Huo Yi's coma began last night and has continued to the present.

Strangely speaking, after the two female primitives went down to the kang, Huo Yiyi woke up instead.

He looked around the room and wanted to get up and sit up.

Han Cheng saw that he hurried over to help. Huo Yi at this time was light and did not weigh much.

"The son of god... witch... leader..."

She greeted faintly, and Han Cheng answered with a smile.

Han Chengchao's deer milk pointed aside, but Wu himself took it over without letting others do it.

"Drink some deer milk first, and then you can go down to the ground later."’

The fire nodded, Han Cheng personally fed her, half a bowl of deer milk slowly eaten.

Not only did Jiang Huoyi wake up, but he also ate half a bowl of deer milk at once. Huoer, Wu and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

In their view, as long as they can eat, they represent a healthy body.

Han Cheng also wanted to be so optimistic to them, but he knew in his heart that this is almost always a reflection...

As soon as the fire was gone, after drinking the deer milk, I went there about ten minutes later.

When I went there was a smile on my face, and I walked peacefully...

With the passing of life, a deep grief hung over the Qingque tribe.

The tribe seemed extremely heavy, Han Cheng felt heavy.

Birth, old age, sickness, death, love parting, hate for a long time, cannot ask for it, cannot let go.

Life is hard to avoid.

He squatted at the root of the wall, silently in a daze.

Wu came over, squatted down next to Han Cheng, and said after a while: "God, Huo Yi is already alive and well. She enjoys a life that people in the tribe have never enjoyed before... In comparison, she has lived long enough..."

Han Cheng nodded silently, knowing that what Wu said was right, but still felt uncomfortable in his heart. This is the old man who has stayed in the tribe since he came, and just left...

"Let's go, send the fire one last time..."

After a while of silence, Han Cheng stood up and said to Wu.

Huoyi put on a new dress~www.NovelMTL.com~ his face was also cleaned.

Some people think that it is wasteful to put on newly made linen for the dead, but Han Cheng insisted on doing so.

The deceased is the oldest, they are all on their last journey, and they should be dressed decently.

Huoyi was put into a wooden box that was hurriedly made by the lame, and then carried by someone, he went all the way to the west of the tribe.

The people in the tribe followed behind to see off, and the atmosphere was a little silent.

Not far from the valley, a pit more than one meter deep had been dug. The wooden box and the fire in the wooden box were put into the earth pit.

Under the leadership of Han Cheng, everyone began to scoop up the soil on the ground with bone shovel, filling the pit one by one.

The loose soil gradually covered the wooden box, eventually forming an inverted bowl-shaped soil bag.

In front of the soil bag, a small stone stele was erected with four characters carved on it-the Tomb of Fire One.

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