I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 464: Frightening loud noise and fire

Han Cheng, who comforted everyone, turned around and continued to watch this rare meteor shower, full of emotion in his heart.

I thought that after I came here, I would never see fireworks again. I didn't expect God to send a meteor shower even more gorgeous than fireworks.

It's true to myself.

The meteor shower lasted continuously, almost ten minutes.

When the large group of meteor showers passed and there were only a few sporadic particles left, Han Cheng turned his head and looked to the side, and found that she did not know when, Bai Xuemei actually closed her eyes and moved her lips slightly. Knowing that this is making a wish.

Han Cheng's cheeks twitched. You don't need to ask him to know what the wish of Bai Xuemei was.

Facing the meteor shower, he wished to give birth to a child as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Han Cheng didn't know how to express his feelings for a while.

"Brother Cheng!"

Bai Xuemei, who opened her eyes, looked at Han Cheng, who was looking at her, and shouted in excitement like a kitten.

Han Cheng sniffed slightly, and it seemed that he would have to be more careful in doing business in the future.

The meteor shower and what Han Cheng said in the meteor shower and the shocking scene made the nerves of the Qingque tribe extremely excited.

For a while, everyone was not sleepy, but with full of shock, they were discussing the unforgettable scene just now.

The meteor shower flashed across the sky and illuminated the night sky. It was not the Qingque tribe alone who saw such a startling and intoxicating scene.

Such a vision shocked many tribes living in this large area!

Under the night sky, a low wall shaped like a ‘mouth’ encircled a fire-lit cave.

Although this wall is low and low, it is still a little higher than the tribe without a wall.

At the very least, the enclosed space outside the cave is somewhat reassuring.

At this time, in this circled space, some panicked people gathered, and they shouted indiscriminately, with panic in their voices.

And they are still some of the more brave people in the tribe, and the rest of them are hiding in the cave, not daring to move.

The child's horrified crying added to the anxiety in the night.

Bark holds a bow in his hand. Compared with the bow that he hurriedly made in the wild when he was expelled from the tribe, the bow at this time was much more delicate.

Although he was outside at this time, his body hiding behind the wall was shaking uncontrollably.

The scene just now was really scary, so much fire light flew past the sky above them!

If this drops some, their tribe will be over!

If it was a beast or other enemy, the bark would not be so scared, but this kind of fire that flew through the sky really shocked him.

Let him have a feeling of being unable to resist.


After waiting for a while, looking at the sky without fire, the bark whose legs were still trembling, suddenly stood up, raised the bow in his hand, and made cheers and boasting sounds to everyone.

This voice kept thinking about it, and after a while, behind the low wall, other people holding weapons also howled.

The people hiding in the cave did not feel so frightened when they heard the cheers outside. Some bold ones tried to come out of the cave, then joined the cheering crowd, and then more people came from inside. Came out...

They are not frightened, it does not mean that others are not frightened.

To the north of the tribe where the bark is located, about a hundred miles away from them, there is a member of the tribe who is hiding in the cave at this time, looking outside in horror through the cracks in the stone slab.

Fear spread throughout the tribe, and even the most daring people could not help holding their weapons and shivering.

Tonight, it is a disaster for them.

They were sleeping in the cave or humming a little tune, and suddenly there was a loud noise suddenly rising from the cave.

Louder than the thunder of summer.

The people in the cave were so frightened by the loud noise that someone looked out from the gap at the entrance of the cave and saw a place not too far from the cave, with fire shining in the night.

If it was just this, the people in the cave were frightened, but they weren't what they are now.

Since the loud bang, there have been loud noises coming from outside the cave, accompanied by a startling fire.

During this process, their cave suddenly shook, and fine stones fell from above, which made them even more frightened.

They huddled together and shivered.

In the face of natural disasters, human beings always appear extremely small.

Under their horrified gaze, the flames shining for a long time before they gradually extinguished.

This kind of gave the people in the cave a little more comfort, but even so, no one dared to go outside to check what happened.

What they can do is to make the fire in the cave even bigger, in order to strengthen their boldness.

Many people stayed up all night in this tribe that suffered a terrible disaster.

The idea of ​​relocating the tribe and leaving this terrifying land arose in the hearts of many people.

In this panic, the long night finally passed and the sky turned bright.

Compared to the mysterious and frightening darkness, light always gives people more courage.

However, it seems that there is not enough given, and the cave of this tribe is still tightly closed.

Behind the slate, someone was lying there and looking out of the cave.

After this situation lasted for a while, a person who looked like a leader finally summoned his courage.

He slowly removed the stone slab that was blocking the hole, and clenched the weapon in his hand.

He put his head out of the cave quietly, looked carefully for a while and saw nothing unusual happened, and tentatively left the cave.

Even so, he was ready to go into the cave again at any time~www.NovelMTL.com~ His eyes looked to the side of the cave, and there was a large black area not too far from the cave.

That is the trace left after the flame burns.

He stared there for a long time, and saw that there was no movement there, and gradually became bolder.

He picked up a stone from the front of the cave, held it tightly in his hand, and then threw it in the direction of the ashes.

As soon as the stone was shot, he stomped into the cave.

He clenched his weapon and looked over there nervously with the others.

The stone drew a certain distance in the air, lost its strength and fell to the ground. After rolling forward for a while, it stopped completely.

There is still a distance from the ashes.

The people in the cave clenched their weapons and stared at the ashes, for fear that something would suddenly jump out of there...

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