I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 453: Warmth from the community

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Qingque's five years is nearing the end, and Qingque's six-year figure is getting closer and closer to the sound of firecrackers, curling up.

In the cold night, the Qingque tribe was not cold at all.

The orange flames jumped in the night, and everyone was jumping and jumping around the huge bonfire, and the joy was beyond words.

The sky-shaking skin drum, the dangdang clapper, and the firecrackers that blew from time to time in the burning, all rendered this lonely and cold night extremely warm.

A day that is no different from the past, because people have given it a great meaning, it looks unique from the past.

Gu, as well as other people from the original green tribe who participated in such a festival for the first time, were flushed at this time, and there was a kind of dizziness in their extremely excited mind.

Part of the reason is that I drank too much sour fruit wine, but more was stimulated by the grand banquets and celebrations that I had never experienced before.

Life can still live like this!

People can still live like this!

New year.

This concept, which had never been seen before, now appeared before them with a shocking appearance.

Apart from cheering and laughing with the elderly hands of the Qingque tribe, they couldn't find any other way to vent their heart's joy.

Such a day is really not what they can compare to in the past with frugality...

A wide variety of delicious food to the extreme, brilliant bonfires, enthusiastic dances, drums that shook the sky, firecrackers blooming with sparks...

The five years of Qingque left an extremely deep impression on the people of the original Green Tribe.

When Gu and other people in the original green tribe thought that the year that was so splendid and dreamlike was over, leaving no traces of perseverance, new surprises appeared.

The newly-dressed **** child, the witch and the leader, took the hands of the other old men of the newly-dressed Qingque tribe, and carried many newly made clothes to the house where they lived.

The son of God also smiled and said: "Happy new year." After that, he said cheerfully: "Community sends warmth."

In this regard, Gu, who is very difficult to learn Mandarin, knows a little bit about it, but he knows the purpose of the gods and the others.

Basically, Gu, who had been staying up all night, and other people from the original green tribe in the house, took over the new clothes sent by the sons of God, and their eyes became even redder.

With red eyes, they awkwardly and excitedly put these clothes on their bodies, and they really felt the warmth sent by the Son of God...

Day by day, the snow falls less and less frequently, and the snow and ice covered on the ground becomes thinner inadvertently.

A girl named Chun has come to the world unknowingly.

In these past days, Qingque joined the tribe's green tribe in the winter of five years, and got along more and more harmoniously with the elderly hands of the Qingque tribe.

The people of the original green tribe have a sense of identity with this powerful and affluent tribe.

After a girl named Chun came to the world, everything began to wake up from a deep sleep, waiting for the ice and snow to completely melt and the spring light to spread all over the world, and then began to show the Chun girl the most heroic side.

Of course, there has never been a lack of impatientness in everything in this world.

While others were still dormant in secret waiting for the opportunity, they had already walked out of the dusty cave, stepping on the ice and snow that had not melted too much, and set off under the severe cold, carrying big bags.

Such industrious people are precisely the donkey tribe that has not seen the sun or turned white for a month or two.

The leader of the donkey tribe, wrapped in thick fur and carrying a jar of salt, took the lead.

Spring is cold, but he can't hold back his enthusiasm for being a dealer.

Of course, if there is an easier and better way to live, he will certainly not be able to burst out such enthusiasm under such conditions as he is now.

Whether it’s Erdao’s dealers, the Qingque tribe has opened up after Han Cheng, or other tribes survive. After being born in this world, being able to survive is a very difficult task. It’s not easy to live well , It’s even harder to live a good life.

The world is a melting pot, and all beings are suffering...

The snow in early spring was broken through, and a group of heavy-bearing people walked away step by step against the cold...

After carefully identifying the mark made on a big tree next to him, the leader of the donkey tribe showed a smile on his face.

Their first goal of trading is finally here.

The last time, around this time, they came to this tribe all the way with pottery and salt, and exchanged a lot of things from them.

Now he hasn't come to this tribe for a long time to make a deal, and their tribe must have accumulated a lot of fur.

They must also be very welcome for the arrival of themselves and others. After all, besides the pottery, they also brought delicious salt...

Thinking with such delight in my heart, walking under my feet, the tribe in my memory has also appeared in front of my eyes.

Seeing the opening of the black hole from a distance, the leader of the donkey tribe was a little surprised.

It's still cold now, why did they open the hole completely?

After being puzzled like this for a while, remembering how he had encountered this tribe, the leader of the donkey tribe suddenly smiled in relief.

When I first met this tribe at this time, this tribe was digging through the snow outside in search of food because of food, struggling to survive.

It should be the same this time.

Thinking about this, turning his head to look at the people in his tribe wrapped in thick animal skins, the leader of the donkey tribe couldn't help but become proud.

They were all tribes, and when other tribes were struggling to survive, he was able to live so well with the people of the tribe, which is really impressive.


He turned his head and said loudly to the people in the tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and took out a hand, punched **** his chest, to show his brilliance...

The people of the donkey tribe have no opinion on this. They use their reverent eyes and enthusiastic shouts to respond to the leader's boast...

The leader of the donkey tribe raised his face higher, obviously he was extremely satisfied with the reaction of everyone.

But when the tribe with high walls, majestic houses, precious pottery, endless food... appeared in his mind, he immediately wilted.

The joy in my heart has disappeared a lot.

The leader of the donkey tribe stopped talking, but took the lead and headed toward the cave.

After making a deal with this tribe, he still has to rush to the next one.

After all, it won’t take long. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. It’s not much time to exchange a small amount of pottery and salt for a lot of fur...

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