I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 450: Take a bath? This will kill people!

For the Green Tribe, this year's winter is very sad, especially cold.

But this feeling is before reaching the Qingque tribe.

After arriving at the Qingque tribe, all of their feelings disappeared.

Warm clothes, warm Kang, warm house, hot soup... all these make them forget the cold outside.

With these things, the cold that once made them fear like a tiger, now they don't feel it terrible anymore.

The life that was once envious, and the tribe that dreamed of coming to live, has now come true.

Moreover, this tribe didn't let them down, everything here was much better than the best they could think of.

As a result, many people from the Green Tribe are in a daze from time to time, and some wonder if the lives they are living now are true.

However, their dizzy state did not last long before they were splashed with cold water.

The one who poured cold water on them was the miraculous and incomparably noble **** child with a smile.

Because the son of God said, let them take a bath!

After figuring out what a bath was, everyone including the leader of the Green Tribe couldn't help but shiver.

If it’s warm, it’s okay to get some water to wash your body. How can you take a bath with water in this season of dripping ice?

Wouldn't people be frozen to death?

But they just joined the tribe. The people of this tribe have provided them with so many good things, but now they just made a request, and if they don't comply, it's not very good.

So, after thinking about it for a while, the leader of the Green Tribe bit his teeth, and then took off his hat and gloves and handed them to the original Green Tribe man who was standing on the side.

Then he took a step forward and said to Han Cheng pleadingly while untying the clothes that he could wash by himself, and the rest would not do it.

After understanding the meaning of the leader of the Green Tribe from the big brother, Han Cheng was stunned.

This is just taking a bath. How can it be done like a big punishment?

It is said that primitive people do not pay attention to hygiene, and Han Cheng can be regarded as seeing it today.

Han Cheng looked at the strangely behaving leader of the Green Tribe and shook his head. Everyone must take a bath.

You take a bath by yourself, and the other is clean, and there are some uncomfortable bugs in the ash on other people.

Other things can be substituted, but bathing is really irreplaceable.

Seeing Han Cheng shook his head, the leader of the green tribe became more anxious. While talking with Ullah, he pulled his clothes apart, grabbed a handful of snow and rubbed it on his bare chest.

Han Cheng's eyes widened at the sudden act of the leader of the Green Tribe.

Is this guy so tough?

In front of so many people, just wipe the body with snow? !

Afterwards, I probably understood what was going on. After being astonished, I couldn't help but laugh.

The big brother over there also understood the meaning of the green tribe leader from the words of the green tribe leader ‘Ula Ula’, and said he knew Han Cheng.

The members of the Blue Sparrow tribe who were standing by the side chief and stunned by the sturdy behavior of the green tribe leader were all relieved.

The anxious members of the Green Tribe in this scene were a little confused, and the leader of the Green Tribe, who was rubbing his chest, also stopped moving.

Vaguely, he felt as if he had made a mistake.

"Hurry up and stop him..."

Han Cheng said to the senior brothers.

The leader of the Green Tribe, who put his clothes on again, neatly arranged his hats and gloves, was stunned.

Didn’t you say you want to take a bath? Why did you stop yourself again?

In addition to this, the bath can be washed in other ways? Even if you don’t use snow, the water is still cold...

Not only him, but the rest of the Green Tribe were also dizzy by the noble son of God...

The entangled water vapor spreads in the room built by the stone. The thick leather curtain blocks the cold air outside. Sitting in a large pottery tank, the skin is blistered by the hot blisters. The green tribe leader, who is a little red, wipes it with his hands. A handful of water on his face showed an intoxicated look.

It turns out that taking a bath in winter is not only not cold, but also so comfortable!

Thinking of my reaction after hearing the son of God say a bath not long ago, the green tribe leader's complexion was rarely red.

It's because I think it's bad, how can I do such a thing with the kindness of the son of God.

While thinking like this, in another pottery jar not far away, the big brother stood up from it, holding a box made of bone in his hand, and a piece of soap was inside the box.

Originally, he didn't need to take a bath, but since the Green Tribe had just joined, he was not familiar with these things in the bathhouse, so he came in to accompany the bath.

For this big errand brother, he was very happy, he had already experienced the comfort of taking a hot bath in winter.

"This, rub your body..."

The big brother said to the leader of the green tribe with a slippery soap, doing a demonstration while talking.

After a while, seeing that the leader of the Green Tribe was really awkward, the big brother who couldn't stand it personally soaped the leader of the Green Tribe.

Touching the slippery body and looking at the bubbles that occasionally rubbed out, the leader of the Green Tribe was extremely emotional. Even the bath in this tribe is so unique and comfortable.

Under the leadership of the senior brother, after taking a taste of the steam room built on one side, the leader of the green tribe felt even more emotional.

There is even a feeling of not wanting to go out.

People in other green tribes have similar ideas.

However, the room that can raise a lot of heat and make people sweat, the son of God has repeatedly stated that the elderly and young people are not allowed to enter or go in alone. This makes some people feel quite regretful...

People with loose hair, all relaxed, came out of the bathhouse, and only once, they fell in love with this way of bathing.

The green tribesmen who had bathed ~www.NovelMTL.com~ gathered in the grass-roofed houses allocated to them.

There are special people who teach the female primitives and the minor female primitives to tie twist and horn braids.

As for the male primitive men, there are elderly hands from the Qingque tribe, holding a sharpened iron knife, and cutting their washed hair one by one, making it the same short hair as the Qingque tribe men.

After spending half a day in this way, the members of the Green Tribe who joined the Blue Sparrow Tribe were completely new.

This is truly starting from scratch.

Those who have taken a bath and changed to the same hairstyle as those of the Qingque tribe can no longer see the difference between the hands of the old man of the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng, Wu, and Big Brother looked at the strange Green Tribe people who looked at each other, and smiles could not be helped.

This is only the first step in the integration of the Green Tribe, and there will be a series of methods next.

After these methods are basically used once, the people of the Green Tribe will be absorbed and integrated.

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