I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 444: The leader of the green tribe who is constantly testing on the edge of death

The weather was getting colder and colder. After I got up in the morning, the sky outside was very dim, covered with clouds, and it looked like it was going to snow.

Han Cheng got up and drank two bowls of sticky golden millet porridge. He saw that it was cold, and he wrapped his clothes and went back to the house. Then he went to bed on the kang and went back to sleep.

Bai Xuemei refused. After breakfast, she went to the "machine room" and continued weaving. She weaving with her, and three other primitive women in the tribe.

Originally, the two old people wanted to come, but because the sky was gloomy outside, the light in the room was not good, their eyes were bad and they couldn't weave, so they didn't come.

But they didn’t want to be idle. Instead, they sat on the edge of the burning kang with a lot of hemp that was retorted only this year. The hemp was spun with a spinning top, which is being carried out by Xuemei Bai and others. Provide raw materials for textiles.

When Han Cheng saw that Bai Xuemei had left, he quietly got down from the kang and came to the corner of the room, opened a sealed jar, and scooped out a bowl of things from it.

Then he gritted his teeth and poured it into his mouth suddenly. After a mouthful of suffocation, he closed his breath for a while, and his brows were somewhat tight, then he relaxed.

After resealing the jar, Han Cheng climbed onto the kang again.

Han Cheng was drinking just now.

He twisted the fruit wine he was making. Of course, the strength of the wine would not be particularly strong. The reason why there is now a reaction like drinking strong wine is because there is something added to this wine-tiger whip!

As for why she had to wait until Bai Xuemei went out to drink secretly, if there was a reason.

Of course it was not that Bai Xuemei was in charge of not letting him drink, but when she saw Han Cheng drinking this tiger whip wine, Bai Xuemei would be unable to close her legs and turn into a stream of spring water...

After such a few consecutive times, Han Cheng would drink Tiger Whip Wine again, just as sneaky as a thief.

It's not okay not to be sneaky. Drinking this stuff is just to make up for it. As a result, it's hard to make ends meet every time. Isn't it uncomfortable?

The weather suddenly turned cold, and people from the Qingque tribe would basically not go outside the courtyard.

They had already stored enough food for the winter, and even if there was no other food, just the stored grains, it was enough for everyone to eat.

There are not many buildings that need to be started in winter this year, so people in the tribe will not be discharged much after the weather gets cold.

Not only them, but most of the tribes, under such circumstances, would basically not go hunting and collecting food outside the cave.

The word ‘basically’ is used because there are always some exceptions outside of normal circumstances.

Take the Green Tribe.

The temperature has dropped since last night. After waking up in the morning and removing the stone slab blocking the cave, the cold wind poured into the cave.

After the animal skins wrapped tightly shivered, the leader of the Green Tribe, who was still a little confused, suddenly became sober.

He shrank his shoulders and went outside the cave, looked up at the sky, and when he saw the cloudy sky, he knew that the first heavy snow of the year was likely to fall.


He looked at the sky and cursed indiscriminately, seeming to complain that it was too early.

After waiting for a while in this air, he turned and returned to the cave.

Someone inside is already cooking something in a pottery jar.

After drinking the steaming soup, the leader of the Green Tribe felt much more comfortable.

But this comfort will not last too long, because it didn't take long for him to take the stone spear and take the people from the tribe to leave the relatively warm cave and walk into the cold wind.

He is going out to find food.

This year’s blizzard is not too early compared to previous years. According to normal conditions, the Green Tribe at this time should have stored enough food for the winter. At this time, there is absolutely no need to be in such weather. Going for food in the cold.

But there are exceptions to everything.

By coincidence this year, this exception appeared on the head of the Green Tribe.

The head of the Green Tribe, whose hair was blown by the cold wind, raised his aching hands that were frozen and patted his head vigorously.

The shot was very hard, with no hands left at all.

But even so, his full of annoyance has not been reduced.

For the last time, I shouldn't go to the Qingque tribe in exchange for salt!

If you don't exchange for salt, the tribe won't be in trouble as it is now.

The leader of the Green Tribe, the last time he went to the Qingque Tribe in exchange for salt was after autumn, not early autumn, but more than half of the time.

After breaking the salt for ten days again, after many ideological struggles, the leader of the Green Tribe finally couldn't bear it, and took a step that he is now very upset-taking some food collected in autumn and storing it recently. For a little bit of skin, go to the Qingque tribe in exchange for salt on the days that are most suitable for storing food.

His thinking at the time was that the snow might not come down so early this year.

I used part of the food I collected to exchange for salt. After I came back, I stepped up picking and looking for food. It is not a problem to pass the winter...

The fluke is the worst.

Many times, I know that certain things cannot be done. Once done, it is likely to cause serious consequences.

But as a result, there are still many people who are constantly testing on the verge of death.

The core of it is the fluke psychology at work.

Most people feel that they are different from others, and that they are a little luckier than others.

The same thing can’t be done by others, but if you change to yourself, it will be different...

It turns out that this is really just an illusion.

For example, in this cold and snowy weather ~www.NovelMTL.com~, the leader of the Green Tribe, who shrank his neck and took people outside to find food, was in deep regret.

After all, the snow came down, first with white snow grains, then with fragments of snowflakes, and then with heavy snow.

At that time, Han Cheng, who drank Tiger Whip Wine, was doing push-ups on the kang.

Hearing the surprise of someone in the courtyard yelling for snow, it didn't feel too cold. He turned over from the kang, and rushed to the door before he could even lift his shoes, eager to look at the falling snow.

At the same moment, the leader of the Green Tribe, who was still outside looking for prey and fruit, shouted at the falling snowflakes.

Scolded, but people still can't fight against God after all.

After looking for a while in the wild with people like this, seeing the snowflakes getting bigger and bigger, they finally ordered to go back with little harvest.

When they returned, the grassroots in the distance followed the second leader of the Teng Snake Tribe and looked around at the entrance of the cave, as if they wanted to go out...

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