I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 439: Get cheap and sell well

   This sudden exclamation shocked the people of the Qingque tribe. The person guarding Han Cheng's side immediately raised the shield he was holding to his chest.

   "Brother Cheng, they are marveling at the walls of our tribe."

   The Bai Xuemei standing beside her smiled and translated, with a smile in her voice, and a sense of pride rose.

   This little child bride-in-law has long regarded herself as a member of the Qingque tribe, and has no sense of belonging to the tribe that was about to burn her to death.

   The people of the other Qingque tribe around, all smiled kindly at this time.

   Look at the few people in the Fire Tribe who are surprised, and then look back at the walls of their tribe.

   The fence looks very tall, and several small houses built with mud and thatch are built on it. This is for people on the fence to shelter from the wind and rain when standing guard.

They have been living here, and they have long been accustomed to the wall. At this time, they heard the fire tribe exclaimed and looked up at the wall of their tribe for a while. Many people nodded secretly, feeling that their tribe. The surrounding wall is really majestic enough and amazing enough.

And this towering wall is only the beginning of the surprise to the fire tribes who came here for the first time. After entering the tribe, they saw so many novel and subversive things that made them dizzy and shocked. And to.

   The four people who have been to the Qingque tribe once, after coming to the Qingque tribe again, the reaction is not much better than the four who came for the first time.

   Because they discovered that in the year they left, great changes have taken place in this tribe, and there are many more surprising and shocking things.

   Are these things really they made during this period of time?

   Recalling the life of my tribe during this period of time, it seems that except for some clay pots and salt that I and others brought back to make the food more delicious, there seems to be no change at all.

   Their tribe is still living the same life as before.


   With this contrast, the shock in these people's hearts became stronger.

   Why in the same time, your tribe is almost standing still, but this tribe has developed so much?

   Among them, some of them asked rhetorically.

   The eight people from the Fire Tribe who fluttered under their feet because of their boat rides became even more flamboyant.

   All of what they saw in front of them seemed to be more illusory than dreams, but they understood that all of them were real.

   This feeling didn't disappear until they had eaten delicious food with the people of these tribes at noon.

   The people of the Qingque tribe looked curious and amazed everywhere, all of them smiled with kindness.

  The reaction of the people in the Fire Tribe is undoubtedly the best compliment for their hard work, and it is the most refreshing.

   At this point, the people from the four fire tribes later completely believed that after these people returned last year, everything they said was true!

   This tribe is so powerful and rich, it's fascinating like a dream.

   After eating and resting here for a while, Huosong suddenly remembered the purpose of their visit.

   got up and came to the noble son of this tribe, and even told him what he meant with gestures.

  , Bai Xuemei consciously acted as a translator.

   What he meant was that they brought a lot of hemp skins in accordance with Han Cheng's request, and wanted to exchange them for some Qingque tribe pottery and that delicious salt.

   Han Cheng nodded, and then left the tribe with them and walked to the river.

   The eight people in the Fire Tribe were forgotten by the enthusiasm and wealth of the Qingque Tribe for a while. So now, the hemp skins they transported are still on the raft and have not been unloaded.

   There are a lot of hemp skins on the raft. According to what Han Cheng taught before, they were **** one by one, and they were still neatly made. It can be seen that the people of the Fire Tribe still do it very carefully.

   But the hemp is not particularly good, there are many places, there are many impurities, and the fiber is not exposed.

   If it is used for spinning and weaving, it needs to be re-made again.

   Looking at the hemp on the ground, the Huosong people had some confidence in their hearts, and they finally had something that could surpass this tribe.

   Fire Pine is a team leader temporarily appointed by the leader of the Fire Tribe.

   In fact, there is no need to appoint the chief of the Fire Tribe, and Huosong will also become the leader of the fleet, because he is the strongest among the eight people who came.

   Huosong picked up a handful of hemp, and even told Han Cheng with gestures about the process of collecting hemp and retting hemp from the tribe, and then tried to make boastful moves to say how good hemp they brought.

   On the one hand, it is to exchange for more things in subsequent transactions, and more importantly, they want to use their few things to prove that their tribe is not particularly bad.

   Looking at the noble son of God, facing his complaints and nodding his head, Huosong and the other seven people from the Huosong tribe felt a lot of balance.

   But their balance didn't last long, because, not long after he boasted about Mapi, some people from this tribe went to some places downstream of the river.

   Huosong asked curiously, only to learn that they were going to strip hemp.

   Peel hemp?

   After understanding the meaning passed by Bai Xuemei, Huosong and the others were a little startled. Has this tribe harvested wild hemp this year?

When they followed the women and children of the Qingque tribe to some places downstream, they saw the piles of hemp and stripped hemp rods not too far away from the river bank~www.NovelMTL.com~, and many in the pits After the hemp bundle was taken out, the confidence that had just risen because of the hemp was immediately shattered by the impact.

   This tribe actually has so much hemp? !

Seeing the large number of hemp that had been refined, after the initial shock of the fire pine, his face became a little hot, because he remembered the appearance of the hemp he had brought to this tribe leader. ...

   How can they have so much hemp?

   Remember when I went to Yau Ma Tei to harvest wild hemp, there was no trace of being harvested there!

  Also, since their tribe has so much hemp, why do they want to transport hemp from their own tribe?

   And still exchange extremely precious salt and clay pots?

   Looking at the old and weak women and children of the Qingque tribe who are skillfully skinned, they stood there in a daze, feeling that the whole person was dizzy.

   can't understand the truth.

   Looking at the sluggish appearance of Huosong and the other Huo tribe people, Han Cheng sniffed slightly. This is not because I asked you to come here, but you have to come and find abuse...

   At this moment, the sentence of selling good after getting cheap is vividly reflected in the son of Han Da. ...


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