I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 437: No one can pound fast? Then some more



   The water in the bamboo tube continued to flow, and more and more water was stored in the sink behind the tree trunk.

  With the continuous infusion of water, this side is getting heavier and heavier, and the part that was originally tilted begins to slowly descend.

   On the other end of the trunk, the thick wooden stick also left the stone mortar.

   When the water in the tank became more, the tree trunk finally lost its balance completely.

   The sink slammed down, and the water inside also splashed out.

   Then the thick end of the trunk raised high, paused for a while, and then fell abruptly.

   The wooden sticks inlaid under the tree trunk hit the stone mortar, making a sound.

   The principle of this thing is very simple, in fact, it is the seesaw that I often play.

  The difference is that the people on either side of the seesaw are replaced by water and thick wood itself.

  If this continues, as long as there is continuous water pour into it, this simple water tank will work tirelessly.

   Of course, the water in the real sense is not like this. Instead, it relies on the washing of water to drive the shaft, and then the things on the shaft drive the wooden pole to pound the rice.

   It's just that this kind of water tank is too complicated. Han Cheng and lame fiddle with them for a few days, and they don't think it can be done in a short time.

   After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng came up with this extremely simple water trap in a different way.

   Of course, this kind of water tank is just a transition, and the attempt for a complicated version of water tank will continue.

Because this simple version can only be used to pound rice or smash some other things, while the complex version can be used to drive stone grinding with a little change on the basis of the water bucket. Han Cheng naturally Never give up.

  The members of the Qingque tribe surrounded by the water, their eyes widened as they watched the water turrets that were raised and dropped from time to time under the continuous injection of water.

   This tool is actually used like this?

   Ordinary water, still has such a function?

After    was surprised, another sense of clarity arose in my heart.

  Water can indeed be used in this way, but they couldn't think of such a way until the **** child had completely fixed the things.

   "Try to get some grains,"

   Han Cheng looked at the people around him who looked a little surprised and surprised, and said from his background.

   I said that when I came here, I came to experiment with the water jug, so I brought millet.

   After hearing Han Cheng's voice at this time, Zhuang who often pounded rice quickly brought a jar over.

   took advantage of the gap where the water was slowly rising, and filled the stone mortar with three bowls of millet.

   Then everyone stood together and waited to see the result.

   The water flows and fills the sink, and the puddles rise and fall, falling into the stone mortar.

   This is really no effort, just need to do the post-cleaning work, it is really very light.

  Zhuang, a few people who often pound rice, looked at the husked millet that was smashed in the stone mortar and felt strangely happy.

   But this joy did not last long, because they found a problem.

   That is, the speed of the water puddle is too slow. They pound the rice at a normal speed, and even the pounding five times, the water puddle can't be pounded a bit.

   Labor saving is labor saving, but this speed is really touching, right?

   With this kind of water pounding rice, can the people of the tribe eat the millet that comes from the pounding at the end of the day?


   More and more people are aware of this problem, and the members of the Qingque tribe who have been happy for a while soon become a little silent.

   Wu's brows are also a little tight. This water pill is indeed exquisite, but the speed of pounding rice is indeed a bit too slow.

   thought this in his heart, and it didn't take long for Wu's brows to suddenly stretch.

   Because he remembered what Wood has been doing these days.

   There is more than one piece of wood used to chisel the mortar.

  In other words, there is more than this one that the **** child wants to pretend.

   A water tank is not as fast as a human being, but if you need to install three, four or more, the speed of the pounding rice will not rise?

   Moreover, this water puddle relies on the power of water, and it is not tired at all, and the speed will not slow down. It is different from people who will get tired after a while.

   If you count it like this, this water tank is very useful!

   Thinking like this in his heart, Wu looked around for a moment. The terrain is open here, and it is not a problem to install three or four water tanks.

   I have to say that the original first wise man of the green bird tribe of Wu was not a vain name.

   While many people were still puzzled, he had already figured out what was inside.

   The witch who figured out what happened, the more he thought about it, the more joy and excitement he got.

   Looking at the people who are still confused, he softly throats, ready to tell everyone about it.

   "I have a word, please listen to me!"

   Of course, this was not what the witch said, but Han Cheng, who was standing by, made up for it after he noticed the witch's movements.

  Wu doesn't have the aura of the prime minister of Zhuge, and the people of the Qingque tribe will naturally not be relapsed by the heart attack caused by his cheerful mouth.

   But the effect is still there.

After    witch's words were said, everyone suddenly understood it, and even those who reacted like strong violent ones picked up their own slap and slapped their head straight.

   Yeah, a water puddle is not as fast as a person's pounding rice. Wouldn't it be enough to stand up a few more?

  I can't figure out such a simple thing.

There are still many things they can’t figure out. When the son of Han Da let the limp make a bamboo pole that was opened and tied to the other side of the three pillars~www.NovelMTL.com~ The speed of Zhuang Pai's head was like a water trap, It has also become faster.

   Two bamboo poles pour water into the sink of the water tank at the same time, and the time between the water tanks falling together is directly shortened by half.

   That is, according to the current frequency, three water tanks can exceed the normal speed of one person to pound meters.

   Moreover, the wooden sticks used for pounding rice under the water are thicker, and the stone mortar underneath is also larger than the stone mortar for pounding rice by hand, so that more millet is poured out at one time.

   While everyone was waiting, the millet in the stone mortar was gradually broken into its shell.

   A patch of red zhuang and blue and white flowers on his forehead was about to get out the pounded millet in the stone mortar for cleaning, but Han Cheng shouted.

   After adding another bamboo pipe, the speed of the water tank becomes faster, and the time interval in between is not enough for people to get the millet out.

   If you do this, you can easily get injured by the water.

Han Cheng found a wooden pillar that he had ordered someone to bring over, and stood near the bar to support the trunk while the water turret was raised. In this case, the water turret would not fall down. The strong and the grassy two can Feel free to get the millet out of the stone mortar to clean up, so as not to be too panic.

   After re-installing the millet in the stone mortar, the standing wood supporting underneath was put down, and Shui Deng continued to work tirelessly...


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