I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 435: Can't joke casually

It seems that it is time to improve the pounding tools.

Looking around on the wall, Han Cheng kept looking at the scene around the tribe, and after watching the situation of the Zhuang and the blue and white two people grinding rice from a distance, he thought to himself.

Grinding rice is not a light-hearted job. Fortunately, there were few millet planted in the tribe before. Although it was relatively tiring, it didn't take a long time to do it. It didn't feel like there was anything, but now it is different.

This year, Qingque tribe's millet has a bumper harvest. Under Han Cheng's intentional guidance, millet has become an important food for Qingque tribe.

Moreover, with the development of time, the proportion of millet in the food of the Qingque tribe will be greater.

This is because more millet is planted and harvested, and enough millet is available for consumption.

The second is that with the arrests that lasted for several years, the fish in the small river in front of the Qingque tribe has been far less than before. Even if the water is released in summer, there will be fish upstream from the downstream river, but still Not as large as the previous scale.

A diet that relies on fish as a staple food has gradually become difficult to maintain.

In fact, since a few months ago, the proportion of fish in the food of the Qingque tribe has begun to gradually decrease.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of wild vegetables and other things, and Han Cheng, the **** son of a part-time cook, has some seasonings, and the life of the Qingque tribe has not been affected much.

The third is that the population of the tribe has grown rapidly in the past few years, and the daily food consumption has almost tripled compared to before.

Under the situation that the fishes in the creek are naturally overwhelmed.

Fortunately, with the buffer period of the past few years, the planting industry of the Qingque tribe has also developed, so there is no need to worry about food.

In the future, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the fishing of fish in the small river, and Han Cheng does not want to appear in his tribe for the matter of fishing.

In addition, the pits excavated by taking the earth and burning bricks must be expanded again to get some fry into them for stocking.

As for the ‘koi’ kept in the water tank outside the room, Han Cheng thought that it would be better to keep it in the water tank. It’s eye-catching, and secondly, Bai Xuemei likes it.

The only thing that makes Han Cheng feel regretful is that he has not encountered lotus root until now.

This made his dream of playing between the lotus leaves and the ‘toad on the lotus, poke and jump’ impossible.

As the daily consumption of millet has increased, pounding rice has naturally become an indispensable thing.

If the population of the tribe is small, it is enough to pound for a period of time every day, but the current situation is that there are more than 100 mouths in the tribe waiting to eat.

If you want to fill your mouth with more than one hundred mouths, the amount of millet you pound every day is not a small amount.

It takes almost two people who don’t dare to take turns to pound the rice before it can be supplied.

No work can be done for a long time, not to mention it's not light at all.

Of course, if there is no good solution, then we have to continue with the current method.

However, Han Cheng, who came from later generations, obviously knows more than that about Chun Mi.

He wanted to get the water out.

The so-called water trap is to rely on the washing of water to pound the rice with water.

This method should be very old, but obviously it is not as old as Han Cheng is now.

He has always heard about Shui Sui and knows that it is an ancient wisdom, but the most intuitive feeling about Shui Sui comes from the TV series "The Eight Dragons".

There is a section inside, in the mill by the river, Wang Yuyan's face is fragile with the sorrow of the breeze.

Duan Yu, who is always in love with his younger sister, takes care of all kinds of things on the sidelines, and then encounters the plot of Murong Fu who pretends to be someone else.

What impressed Han Cheng most at the time except for Wang Yuyan's crying sentence: "Where are you going~", it was that there was no one in the mill, and the water smashed down.

"Are you tired of pounding rice?"

Han Cheng, who came down from the fence and walked to the side of the stone mortar, asked with a smile, looking at the blue and white and Zhuang sweat flowing down his face.

The two showed a simple smile, and shook their heads repeatedly: "Not tired."

"Not tired?"

Han Cheng looked at her and asked.

Before the two of her could answer, they shook their heads in regret and sighed: "I originally wanted to make a tool to replace you with pounding rice. Since you are not tired, then continue pounding."

Han Cheng said this, of course it was just a joke. Whether they said tired or not, he wanted to get Shui Dui out.

But seeing Qinghua and Zhuang looking at each other, standing there for a while not knowing what to say, Han Cheng felt like a punch.

I shouldn't be joking with them, is it embarrassing now?

"Put the rice well and eat dry rice with millet at night."

Consciously embarrassed, the big **** child sucked his nose and left. He went to the carpenter to limp, leaving Qinghua and Zhuang standing here puzzled.

What did the **** son just say?

Is that tool to do or not to do?

The two primitive women thought about it for a while, and then started to pound the rice.

Because the son of God said, to eat dry rice at night.

They remember this sentence firmly.

"A tool that can pound rice without people?"

He was repairing the lameness of a bone shovel there. After hearing Han Cheng's words, he suddenly became excited.

Since getting out the wheelbarrow, Lame hasn't made similar difficult things for a long time, but has been dealing with doors and windows.

This made him quite itchy.

Suddenly learning about such a thing from Han Cheng's mouth at this time, he immediately became excited.

You can pound rice by yourself without any effort. This thing ~www.NovelMTL.com~ sounds interesting and challenging.

If this was the first time, Han Cheng would be lame when he said it, but after experiencing the fish cages that let the fish in by himself, the traps where the prey fell by himself, the columbine dragged by the deer, etc., he said to Han Cheng. Yes, I'm already convinced.

After listening to what Han Cheng said, he immediately expressed his willingness to get this magical instrument out under the leadership of the **** son.

Then he looked at Han Cheng with piercing eyes, expecting that the divine son would replace him with the shape of the utensils he needed to make as usual.

However, not this time.

Han Cheng only knew that it was driven by water, and then let the levers on it continuously hit the stone mortar.

As for the specific details that he couldn't see, he didn't know.

This is ‘it’s not difficult for those who meet, but not for those who are difficult.’

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng told the lame a little bit what he knew about the water and let the lame think of a solution with him.

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