I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 192: The faint general


The sun is shining, the dead leaves are withered, and they fall on the ground with a faint sound, with a quiet beauty of death.


The noodles that had been standing on the branches and waiting for you to pick them were hot and the body was full of honey juice, and I couldn’t hold on any longer. As long as a gust of wind blew, it would tremble like an electric shock. A standing unstable planted the branch and fell. A full belly of juice came out.

This strange sound broke the unique quiet beauty.

"Sha Sha, Sha Sha..."

The sound seemed to have turned on some switch, and since it, the forest has been restless.

As the rustle got closer and louder, a group of primitive people wrapped in fur and carrying weapons appeared beside the orchard.

Seeing the falling fruits on the ground, the big brother showed a pity in his eyes, and there was a kind of relaxation that followed.

He didn't rush into this large orchard, but led people around the orchard, looking around vigilantly while turning.

After turning around in a circle, the big brother can truly relax.

A lot of fruit fell on the ground, and no newly broken branches were found. All this shows that no one had visited this orchard before them.


After confirming the safety, the big brother gave an order, and everyone put down their weapons and quickly moved forward and began picking fruits.

The leader of the original pig tribe, Shang, tightly held a stone spear and a stone in his hand, and his reddish eyes looked around.

The big brother noticed the strangeness of Shang, walked over and patted Shang on the shoulder, and said, "We all remember!"

It took a long time for Shang to breathe out unwillingly, nodded vigorously towards the big brother in front of him, put down the stone spear and the stone, and started picking fruits with others.

Although basically determined that the evil tribe that suffered a big loss under his own tribe will not come to this orchard again, but the big brother still does not take it too lightly, or after collecting enough fruits, everyone will go to the tribe together. It is transported inside, and strives not to be scattered.

Hooked poles and linden heads appeared, and the fruit was transported more conveniently and quickly than the clay pots with ropes and poles used last year.

Even with this method, the efficiency is far higher than the original package of animal skins wrapped in packs and transported to the tribe.


A stone hit the tree trunk. After bouncing up, it rolled into the withered grass on the side. A wild beast that didn’t see its appearance was frightened and stomped into the grass. The grass swayed, but there was no more A trace...

"Run fast!"

The second elder brother with a load next to him looked at the grass waves that had slipped away and finally returned to calm, and said aloud, he took back the left hand holding a stone and pre-smashed, and then took the pick and left.

In his head full of fruit, in addition to the full fruit, there are a few small prey, one of which has a big tail, is a squirrel who likes to bury things in the ground.

The people in the tribe seemed a little excited, because they saw a lot of prey along the way, much more than they used to hunt before.

It seems that the bunny set made by the **** child can be dropped farther from the tribe.

Predictably, it must be another bumper harvest!

This is really strange. When the tribe was short of food and clothing, these prey didn't know where they were hiding. Now that the life in the tribe is better and the food is sufficient, these guys have run out.

The elder brothers and others are holding the fruit and walking back, while discussing the doubts in their hearts from time to time, vaguely reaching a perception that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer.

Han Cheng saw the little prey that the big brother and others had hit back and forth while picking the fruit, and heard their doubts about this abnormal phenomenon, and couldn't help but smile.

In the past two years, the Qingque tribe has been devoted to construction, and basically seldom goes out hunting. Without such a large group of predators, they will naturally increase in number when they have the opportunity to reproduce.

In particular, the number of animals caught by the Qingque tribe has grown even faster.

This is also good, after the time is free, go hunting again, you will be able to reap a lot.

The orchard is not too far away from the Qingque tribe. Today, the number of people picking fruits has increased by nearly half. Coupled with the improvement of transportation, a lot of fruits have been piled up in the caves within a few days.

Han Cheng climbed up the high low wall along the ladder, stood on it and looked at the woods that looked thin and bright after the withered leaves in the distance. He felt that he had to go out too.

Not to go to the autumn tour, but to the mulberry.

Regarding silkworms, even though the fur was softened a lot after the nitration, Han Cheng still did not forget his obsession with making silk pants.

Because this is indeed a treasure.

As a Chinese native, I have come to this time now, if possible, I naturally want to smash it out.

The bare trees, the withered yellow leaves all over the ground, the grass struggling and unwilling to die...show the power of the autumn wind to the fullest.

The bleak and bleak scene makes people feel depressed.

Fu Jiang was more poetic than its owner who walked in animal skins with a tree stick in his hand and whipped around, at least it felt the loneliness.

In the past, once the tribe came out, it liked Sa Huan to run wildly. Now it walks on this piece of withered yellow and looks very melancholy.

Han Cheng, who was thinking about silkworms, didn't notice Fu Jiang's sudden change of sex, he just carried the basket and wielded the stick to walk forward.

Even Han Cheng, the person closest to Fu Jiang, didn't find it unusual, and those who followed and paid attention to the surrounding movements were even less aware of its melancholy.

Han Cheng always thought that his attack was ruthless enough, and now compared with Qiu Feng, it is really not worth mentioning.

At least the captive pheasants in the tribe can still leave some feathers to hide their shame after passing through Han Cheng's hands, but the mulberry trees in front of them have been stunned by the autumn wind...

Looking up at the bare branches~www.NovelMTL.com~Han Cheng's eyes searched inch by inch.

When the other people were ordered by the son of God, they all raised their heads together, looking for something that they didn't know the specific appearance.

Fu Jiang was also standing under the tree, raising his not-so-satisfactory eyes, and looking up at the fragmented sky divided by the bare branches along with his master.

A gust of wind blows, and the melancholic blessing brightens his eyes very anthropomorphically, and it seems to be energetic all at once.

It leaned its head and stood in the direction of the wind, its nostrils moving.

After a short while, he stepped forward and walked over there.

After walking for a while, I looked back at the owner who was still looking up to the sky and sighed and did not notice it. He stood there for a while, seeming to hesitate, but in the end he still went in the direction of the wind, gradually Far away, covered by shrubs and woods, completely missing...

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