I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 170: Leftover Millet

Under the command of the leader of the green tribe, the people of the green tribe took turns carrying the **** tank outside, small wings, and walking fast.

It wasn't until the tall and weird ‘mountain wall’ of the Qingque tribe was invisible that he let people put down the big tank, stretched out the darker hand that was already darker and darker after being contaminated, and fumbled on the big tank.

After a while, he finally couldn't hold back the happiness in his heart, and smiled happily in the direction of the Qingque tribe.

The leader of the Green Tribe was extremely proud of being able to exchange those things for these three precious pottery, especially this big tank.

The rest of the green tribe people are the same, surrounded by these three pottery, happily called and jumped, using their unique way to express their admiration for the wisdom of the leader.

While jumping, from time to time, someone would touch some of the black ash on the outside of the big tank, laugh and wipe it off their companions or other places, playing with each other extremely happy.

After venting the uncontrollable joy in their hearts, the multiplying green tribesmen carried the precious things they exchanged with full energy, and moved quickly towards their tribe.

They can't wait to see the people who stay in the tribe and pick fruits near the tribe, and look happy after seeing these three pottery.

After watching a group of people in the Green Tribe leave, and believing that they would never hear the noise here again, a certain **** child who had been holding back for a long time finally burst into laughter, disregarding his image.

"This! Good things can make us full! Never starve to death again!"

After Han Cheng laughed wildly, to the curious crowd around him, he announced the great news of the day.

I thought they would be as overjoyed as they were after hearing the news, but the reaction of everyone was far less enthusiastic than he thought.

When I thought about it, I understood. After all, after I got out the fish cage, the people of the Qingque tribe had already lived a life of worry-free food.

Now I took this thing that they had never seen before, and the big brother spit out after taking a sip and told them that with this thing, there would be no worries of hunger, and their feelings would naturally not be too great.

Han Cheng twitched his nose. It seemed that he had been too good, and what he had done was too avant-garde, not too good.

Shenzi Han waved his hand and asked everyone to do what they should do. He himself smirked at the nearly two-headed corn ears. He was lying in the cornfield and smelling the corn when he was doing the corn yellow. The unique fragrance, through the gap between the ears, ears, and corn, looks at the dream of the blue sky high and far.

Wu came over, squatting next to Han Cheng who was smirking, picked up a ear of corn from the head, and looked back and forth in front of him, wanting to see the difference.

He wanted to know what kind of thing it was that made the Son of God so happy and obsessed. With these words, the Qingque tribe would never starve to death. He was also extremely concerned. .

He looked at it for a while, used rough hands to get something like grass seeds from the top, put it in his palm, and then put it in his mouth, chewing slowly with a few missing teeth, tasting the taste of the thing.

The taste is not good. Compared with ordinary grass seeds, it is just less bitter or other strange taste.

Chewing in the mouth, the same teeth are much worse than fish soup, broth and other fruits and vegetables.

Han Cheng regained his senses from the golden imagination. He saw the witch who looked at the ears of grain in his hand while chewing and savoring, and smiled on his face. The saying that there is a treasure in the family is indeed correct.

Han Cheng took the ear of grain from Wu's hand, weighed it a few times, feeling a lot lighter weight than that of later Shi Gu, and then smiled and told Wu the name of this thing.

Then he told Wu that this thing was not eaten like this, and that it needed to be processed before it tasted delicious.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Wu's eyes could not help but brighten, because he suddenly remembered the original extremely unpalatable stone, which turned into delicious salt after passing through the hands of the **** son.

The grains that are not delicious now, after being processed by the gods...

Wu became extremely expectant.

As the elder of the tribe, he is very concerned about every new thing that can be used to eat.

Han Cheng carried a head of corn in both hands, and walked towards the cave with some difficulty.

I found an empty pottery bowl, picked up a ear of corn, and stroked it with my hand.

Wu watched Han Cheng's movements for a while, and then came over to do it together.

After pulling down the small pot, Han Cheng cleared the pit on the big rock that the Qingque tribe used to hit the'loquat' before, and then put a few handfuls of millet in it, and found another one of the right length and thickness. The wooden stick came over and held it with your hand, and put the relatively round and larger end into the stone pit where the millet was placed, and waved it up and down to pound the rice.

Since these guys hate this thing as unpalatable, then they have to make it, cook it well, and cry for these primitive people who have never seen the world, and see if they dare to look down upon being respected The food that is the first of five grains!

Han Shenzi, who was consciously neglected and wanted to rectify Guzi's name, thought this way while holding the wooden stick up and down.

Han Cheng is not worried about leaving seeds.

The millet is harvested in autumn, and now there is half autumn, one winter, and half spring before planting millet, and it takes almost half a year together, so I am not in a hurry to plant it.

And from the leader of the Green Tribe, he learned that there are still a lot of millet there. According to the green tribe leader’s love to take advantage of the temperament, after he said that animal skins and millet can be used to exchange pottery, he must Will bring millet to come again.

It’s okay to eat some at this time~www.NovelMTL.com~ To be honest, it’s been almost two years since I came here all day long. It’s either roast meat or broth and vegetables. The staple food of later generations has never tasted. Han Cheng also missed it extremely. After seeing millet, I can’t wait to eat some.

Whether it is millet or rice, it is not easy to take off the shell, otherwise the ancient times would not treat pounding rice as a punishment.

Of course, the difficulty mentioned here refers to before the emergence of various machines.

Han Cheng realized this kind of difficulty now, but it was just a pit of grain, sweat already appeared on his forehead, and his hands were a little numb and painful.

But seeing the yellowish-colored millet mixed with millet husks in the stone pit, I don't think there is anything anymore.

He put down the stick, grabbed a hand from the pit, and blew it clean with his mouth.

The empty husks flew away one after another, leaving half-handed golden millet in his hand.


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