I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 165: Chic wolf smoke

The autumn is high, the sun is not dry, and there is no breeze. For those who appreciate the autumn scenery, there may be something missing, but for the people of the Qingque tribe who have cleared the wide isolation zone and are ready to set fire to the wasteland, it is now The best weather.


   The expert Huoyi who has been playing with a hand-pressed drill squatted beside the large pile of broken wood and dead leaves, and pressed up and down the hand-pressed drill specially used to make fire after the transformation.

The hardened leather cord swayed back and forth, with the charred wood drill pipe on the head quickly rotating in a circle, black powder flowing out of the wooden pit, falling on the dry and delicate tinder below, there was green smoke Followed by.

   Huo put down the hand drill, picked up the smoking tinder, and picked up the missing teeth and leaked mouth and blew on it.

   The smoke gradually dissipated, and a flame jumped up.

   The burning tinder was placed on the edge of the pile of dead branches. Soon, a single spark formed a prairie fire.

  The fire with inflexible legs and feet, but insisted on going to the fire, took the ignition tool, and took her steps to the outside of the barrier at the fastest speed.

   They have always kept awe of the fire that can bring light and warmth and cook food.

As soon as the sweaty fire on the head of    ran out of the isolation zone, he turned to look at the flames that had risen with smoke, and the cloudy old eyes flashed with awe and some excitement.

   A huge flame rose up, swallowing dead branches and broken leaves, and a pressing heat wave swept in. The people of the Qingque tribe who looked fiery in the isolation zone couldn't help retreating four or five feet away.

   Even though I had done such a thing once last year, now when I look at the fire, everyone in the Qingque tribe still looks horrified.

Two days ago, there was rain falling, and the thicker part of the pile of dead branches and leaves was not completely dry. Now, under the burning of the fire, there is a thick plume of smoke rising slowly up the sky, quite a bit The meaning of the smoke.

Of course, if you replace the surrounding trees with a desert, remove the animal skins from the people standing next to them, replace them with armor blades, and put a faded flag on the side, it will be even more flaming. The killing atmosphere of wolves was gone.

   seems to be no longer in use, the current scene is already extremely scary!

   A group of people at least three or four miles away from here are already shocked by this spectacular scene.

The dirty leader of the Green Tribe stopped abruptly, and together with more than a dozen people behind him, looked at the sky rising in the distance, like a smoke column connected to the white clouds floating in the sky, with his mouth open. It was huge, with a gleam of panic in his eyes.

The leader of the Green Tribe and the others, after being horrified, quickly clenched their weapons, and after vigilantly looking at the surrounding bushes, they turned their eyes to the smoke column. Once they found that something was wrong, they ran away. Preparation.

   After staying in place for a while and not finding any danger, the people of the Green Tribe who carried a lot of things on their backs were relieved.

   Looking at the plume of smoke that didn't mean to abate, but instead became denser, the leader of the green tribe suddenly sighed.

   He looked at the clansmen carrying large bags and small bags, his expression became even more melancholy.


   He turned his head and said to the person behind him, then turned and walked back.


   Someone asked out their doubts.

   They were very impressed by the prosperous neighboring tribe.

   After attending the joy party in the past, the people who often appeared in their dreams were people from various other tribes, either male or female.

   This year is very different. After the joyous meeting is over, the thing that appears most in their dreams is the thing called pottery that is burned on the fire, is like a stone but is different from a stone.

   Of course, the pottery in the dream is always boiled with steaming and scented delicious fish soup.

Sometimes there will be two thin sticks called chopsticks by neighboring tribes. They are holding them in their hands, and they can't hold the delicious food. Many people are anxiously yelling. Woke up...

   After so long, the magic of the pottery and the deliciousness of the fish soup did not disappear with time, but became more clear and profound.

In the past, there was not much food in the tribe, so they had to bear with it. Now that autumn, the food has finally increased, and they can’t wait to bring food and set off for the rich tribe. For this reason, he also gave up time for hunting and gathering fruits.

   After such a long walk, it is finally coming, but the leader wants to take them back. They are naturally reluctant.

   The leader of the Green Tribe stopped and looked at the reluctant people.

   He was also reluctant to go back like this.

   People in the tribe crave pottery and crave delicious food, and he also craves.

   These days, he used the pottery bowl he exchanged back from the Qingque tribe to learn the appearance of the Qingque tribe, put it on the fire with stones, and did not cook food and eat less.

   It’s just that no matter how you do it, the taste is so much worse than that of the neighboring affluent tribe before ~ ​​www.NovelMTL.com~ even if he puts the fattest meat in it.

  After thinking about it, and after many attempts, he still did so, he attributed the problem to the small pottery he used to cook food.

   After pondering over and over again, I finally made the decision to come back with food and exchange the larger pottery.

   It is best to exchange the pottery that the neighboring tribe used to cook food back, so that your tribe can also make delicious food.

   Thinking of the delicious food that can be eaten every day in the future, the leader of the Green Tribe couldn't help being full of joy and expectation. There will be saliva in his mouth, and he needs to swallow it so that it will not flow out.

   just now...

   He looked at the thick plume of smoke, frightened with deep helplessness, and his regret and sympathy for the encounter of that powerful tribe.

   He remembers the way very clearly, the place where the thick plume of smoke rises is where the rich tribe lives!

   The scale of this plume of smoke is far greater than any smoke he has ever seen before, and he can smell the burning of firewood so far away. What is the ending of the tribe, without thinking about it, what a miserable appearance it will be.


   He pointed to the thick plume of smoke to explain to the tribe that the wealthy tribe was suffering from disaster, something that might never exist from now on.

   Everyone in the Green Tribe heard this, and they all showed expressions of horror, luck and regret.


   The person who called the leader of the Green Tribe to ask for the reason was not the same as others. After thinking for a while, he spoke again, and put down the thing in his hand and gestured to express it.

   After the leader of the green tribe understood what this man meant, his eyes suddenly lit up...

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