I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 148: Mudslides in the cosmetic world

   An unpleasant smell of roasted pheasant feathers circulates in the Qingque tribe, which lasts for a long time. (This is also the smell of hair being burnt)

   The fierce, savvy pheasant of the past has changed drastically under Han Cheng's handwriting.

   Well, it can be described as disfigured.

   The feathers on the two wings that were relatively hard and could fly for a short time with the help of them were gone. At this time, only one root was left.

   The fleshy skin on the wings is exposed. With these two wings without feathers, the pheasant's flying skills are not so good. It would be a strange thing if they can spread their wings and fly away.

   Not only two wings became bald, but most of his buttocks were exposed.

It’s not that Han Shenzi did something to it. It’s that when he used the fire singe wings, the burning stick he held was too thick to be controlled. In addition, this fierce pheasant has been resisting. Half of his **** was exposed.

   This is accidental injury...

The pheasant with a miserable appearance and almost shrunk by a third, saw the cruel little monkey walking towards him, frightened and fluttered with hairless meat wings, striding along with two strong chicken legs panicked. Running in the opposite direction, for fear that this little monkey would do something indescribable to himself.

It’s just that one of its feet was still tied by the rope, and it didn’t run far, before it was pulled and fell to the ground. The leg was pulled behind and leaned high, and it still thumped forward. struggle.

   Han Cheng sniffs, mother, is he so scary?

   came over to give you a'prison meal' and scared you like this. Where is the courageous courage who used to **** the cold to the iron head?

   Han Cheng put down the pottery bowl in his hand, and then moved away from here, to give the bald pheasant a relatively quiet space and let it calm down.

The bowl was used by the other tribes during the previous joyous meeting. It contained some grass seeds, rapeseed, some small bugs that were killed, and some crushed grass. The combination of meat and vegetables is very good. Nourished.

The chicken is an omnivorous animal, and it is not against meat and vegetables. This is better than the big white goose in the village of later generations. Although the guy is domineering, he is a full vegetarian. Regardless of the usual swimming in the water, he does not catch fish. eat.

   If this point is known to a cat who always thinks about stealing fishery but can't swim, it will almost be **** to death.

   Han Cheng watched from a distance. After a while, the disfigured pheasant still couldn't resist the temptation of gourmet food. He came to the bowl and stretched his head to peck at the contents to eat.

   After taking a couple of bites, he raised his head and looked at Han Cheng's side, looking very alert.

   Han Cheng looked at it with a smile.

   In fact, many birds can be tamed by humans. Among so many birds, chickens, ducks and geese can stand out and become the main force in the poultry industry for a reason.

The biggest reason is that they don’t pay much attention to it. When they wanted to, the old rooster stretched one wing diagonally, and ran one foot on the ground like a signature stroke twice, and then jumped onto the young hen’s back, which was extremely crisp. direct.

   is not like some birds, who are tweeting, opening the screen, and looking for beautiful stones. After a series of things, it is very rare to have two or three loves a year.

   The chicken coop is not ready yet, and this pheasant, whose clothes have been half-scraped by Han Cheng, can only live outside with a horror.

   The people who have just met the magical blue bird tribe in the bunny cover have great enthusiasm for catching prey in the bunny cover. In the afternoon, many people followed their **** son to see this strangeness.

   took more than one hundred bunny sets before he stopped.

   In addition to those that were not collected before, there are almost two hundred. The Qingque tribe is full of such small and practical traps.

   That night, many people in the Qingque tribe were a little hard to sleep. They couldn’t wait for the sky to light up so they could pick up their prey...

   In the early morning of the next day, many people got up and went to collect the bunny covers. They were more active than eating.

The more sets under   , the more the harvest. Unsurprisingly, the Qingque tribe ushered in another bumper harvest.

   In addition to the three fat rabbits, there is a long-tailed pheasant, and two unknown birds, plus two fat rat-like things and a half-large weasel.

  Witch is overjoyed with rabbits, while Han Cheng has a soft spot for pheasants.

Using a brutal technique, he pulled out the extremely gorgeous long feathers on the **** of the rooster one by one, then used the same method to thin the pheasant, and then carried the plucked **** blood. The stabbing pheasant was stuffed into the chicken pen that had been built, and accompanied the same disfigured female pheasant.

   When putting the newly caught pheasant into the chicken pen, Han Cheng got a surprise.

   In the corner of the chicken coop, an oval object with a brownish color and some spots on it was waiting quietly.

   Although it was just an ordinary egg, it seemed to exude the brilliance of some treasure, and it immediately attracted Han Cheng's gaze.

   This half-fucky pheasant is arrogant!

  Han Cheng couldn't wait to take a long-handled bone shovel, stretched the bone shovel from the gap of the wooden raft opened from the upper part of the chicken coop, and carefully shoveled the significant egg over.

   The eggs are not big, a circle smaller than the firewood eggs raised by later generations.

   And the egg skin is not hard, so I hold the soft one in my hand.

   Han Cheng didn't mind this. The chickens of later generations were terribly scared or chased by a long distance, and they would easily lay soft eggs the next day.

It seems that the shadow that Han Cheng left on this arrogant hen pheasant yesterday is not small. Not only did he lay a soft egg, but even Han Cheng used a bone shovel to remove the baby egg that it gave birth to in front of it~www. NovelMTL.com~ It didn't dare to step forward to stop it.

Han Cheng shrank in the corner and didn't dare to move. He only gave his hairless **** a thumbs up at his pheasant. Regardless of whether they saw it or not, he moved the wooden raft to the next cover and completely sealed the chicken coop. Holding this soft egg and running quickly into the hole.

   He can't wait to eat it.

   The small crock pot for cooking things was washed with clean water, and then filled with a small half pot of clean water. It was placed on a simple stove supported by three stones and burned. After a while, the water in the crock had already boiled.

   Han Cheng picked up the soft egg, and tore the soft egg skin apart with his hands. The egg with more yolk, less egg white, and redness dropped into the boiling water.

   Cover the lid, roll it a few times, and a bowl of poached eggs will come out of the pot.

   That's right, it's just a bowl! And it's still a big bowl!

   Han Cheng, like the owner in the joke he saw when he picked up a sparrow and called friends to drink soup, made a big bowl of egg pouches with an egg.

   He held the egg with chopsticks and brought it to his mouth, carefully biting off a piece of white jade-like egg white, only to find it delicious.

   When he bit through the thin layer of egg white in the middle and took a bite of the yolk of the sugar kernel, he felt that he was about to rise.

   Sure enough, people who have traveled to the primitive age are the most tragic. The greed of eating an egg, almost didn't cry out.

   Fu looked at the very sweet and sweet master, and hummed anxiously. After a while, Han Cheng reluctantly squeezed out a piece of egg white from his teeth to Fu Jiang.

   Then he held the bowl and drank the egg tea one bite at a time. Although there was no sugar, the taste still made Han Cheng miss very much...

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