I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 142: Encounter


Han Cheng couldn't help but took another breath. It wasn't that he saw the Dou Zong powerhouse feel so terrible, but that there was a strong tingling in his arm. The sourness was beyond words to describe. .

   His right arm is already red and swollen, and there is a bulge in the middle, which is a little white with some blood spots.

   "Mother, why do you have this **** thing now!"

   Han Cheng, with a purple face on his hands, scratched the swelling on the arm with all his strength, while cursing angrily.

   Oh, don't worry, the purple on Han Shenzi's face is not caused by poisoning, but something else.

   Things have to start from yesterday.

Yesterday, the first house built by the Qingque tribe had the rafters tied and the fence laid out. When it was about to pour the mud on it, Tiangong didn’t make beauty and it rained, so he made the roof for the house. Work had to stop temporarily.

   Fortunately, it is not a violent storm. This kind of rain can be withstood in a house without a roof.

   The rain is pattering, and it hasn't stopped to this day. After Han Cheng took a big hat to inspect the house in the courtyard, he thought of a dozen mulberry trees four or five miles away, and his heart suddenly jumped.

   It's not that he thinks of silkworm again.

   With leather pants that are much softer after nitration, he no longer has that strong obsession with making silk pants.

   What made his heart suddenly jump was mulberries, the little red and purple, sweet and sour fruit.

   This thing is Han Cheng’s favorite when he was a child. It can go hand in hand with popsicles, Tang Seng meat, Nande and Beijing instant noodles.

   has now been thrown into primitive society, and I don’t want to think about the next three things in a short time, but this mulberry can be recollected.

   I remember that in the past life, mulberries generally mature before and after the wheat is ripe. The climate where Han Cheng is now is not too different from the previous life, and it should be this time.

   In his previous life, Han Cheng’s hometown generally saw the wheat mature more than a month after the **** was harvested. Roughly counting the time, the mulberry matured at about this time.

   Han Cheng patted his head, secretly saying that he was confused, how could he almost forgot such an important thing?

   With the idea of ​​eating mulberries, it grows like weeds, and it can no longer be restrained, and people don’t want to wait for a moment.

   Han Cheng went back to the room and called the seniors who were resting in the cave, and brought weapons to accompany him to the mulberry forest.

   Staying away from the tribe by himself, Han Cheng generally wouldn't do it. Now he considers his life very important.

   With his efforts, the Qingque tribe's life is getting better and better, and there are signs of gradually moving closer to the countryside in the last century. At this time, because of eating a mulberry, the life is lost. Isn't it a loss?

The son of God’s proposal, the senior brothers, naturally agreed. These days, the senior brothers have either built walls or built houses. They have not gone far for a long time. At this time, they felt a little itchy to hear Han Cheng’s words. Eight people followed.

   If it were not for too few hats in the tribe, there would be more people following.

   Hats were manufactured as early as the beginning of spring this year.

   It’s still lame.

The reason why    made hats is because umbrellas are too troublesome, and the raw materials needed by the Qingque tribe are temporarily absent, so they can only retreat to make hats, mainly for people who stand guard in the rain.

   With the flexible tree strips, thatch, and rope, and with Han Cheng's guidance on the side, it is not so difficult for the clever hand to make a hat.

   First weave a hollow cylinder with a depth of about five or six centimeters and a diameter of more than ten centimeters from a tree, which is used to wear on the head.

   Then the tree stalks used as ‘bone’ for weaving this cylinder were bent outward and downward, forming an angle of about 45 degrees with the cylinder of the body.

   Continue to use these wooden sticks as bones and weave a few rounds from top to bottom with tree strips, setting them in the shape of an inverted cone.

Then use rope to cut the thatch into a section of about fifteen centimeters, and tie a bunch of coils from the bottom up to the horizontal surrounding wooden bars. In order to prevent rain from leaking on the tip of the hat, you can get a piece of it there. Large animal hides.

   The sin that Han Cheng suffers now is related to eating mulberry afterwards.

   came to this mulberry forest that hadn’t been here for a long time, and Han Cheng was not disappointed. Most of these are tall mulberry trees, and indeed there are red and purple mulberry fruits.

   There are a few black birds that are not crows. They come first and eat these mulberries on the mulberry tree.

   These birds are not afraid of people. When they saw these two-legged beasts with sticks climbing up the tree, they just tilted their heads without fear, and then yelled twice with their unpleasant voices.

   to show off these two-legged beasts that can't climb to the highest point but can only eat what they eat.

   Han Cheng was not in the mood to pay attention to these noisy fluffy birds. He just climbed the branch with one hand and picked the mulberries and sent them to his mouth.

  The mulberries after the rain were washed away from the dust, and they were soaked in the rain and put them in the mouth to be cool.

   With a bite, the thin and soft peel broke open, and the sweet purple juice burst out to fill the mouth, making people more unstoppable than eating Xuanmai.

   Everyone says that happiness leads to sadness. Just when Han Cheng was immersed in the taste of childhood, tragedy came quietly.

   A strong sting suddenly came from his left arm, and Han Cheng's hand to pick the mulberries suddenly retracted. When he was busy looking at it, a red edge had risen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Han Cheng’s first reaction was to stop the food~www.NovelMTL.com~ He escaped the beasts of the primitive age, but was murdered by the bugs of the primitive age!

   I was busy looking at the branches and leaves that I had just scratched. Even if he died, he had to kill the murderer first, and he couldn't wait for revenge in the next life.

   Those branches and leaves looked the same as the others. When Han Cheng turned these branches over with the broken branches, he saw the murderer under a leaf.

   This guy is not big, the size of two soybeans, and his body is green with some red or white spots. There are some thorns about two to three millimeters long on his back, which are pale yellow.

   Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart after seeing the true face of the guy who undermined him, and then he was furious.

   I have searched for silkworms on the mulberry tree so many times, but I haven't seen the silkworm feces, but now I have encountered such a beast!

   It's really useful not to come, but it's a joy to live in harm.

   This guy was called ‘foreign hot pepper’ in Han Cheng’s hometown, a proper beast, with huge energy in his small body. When he was pulled up, it stings intolerably, and it takes a few days to complete it.

   Han Cheng has been pulled before, and it can be relieved briefly by applying cool toothpaste.

   But at this time, I obviously couldn’t find toothpaste.

   He stretched out his hand and scratched the red and swollen place. After thinking about it for a while, he broke the branch where the'Yang Lazi' was, let the people standing below leave, and then threw the branch off the tree.

   slid down the tree by himself, and under the concerned gaze of the big brother and others, Han Cheng used two small sticks to divide the beast that had darkened him, and then smeared the place where it was pulled with the light green liquid that it shed after death.

   It's strange to say that after the water was applied, the hot tingling quickly eased a lot.

   Yuantangke original food is probably the reason.

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