I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 125: Wolf Deer Fight and Harvest

   Uncle Deer is here too. He likes to eat flowers the most. Faced with such a tempting thing, he will naturally not be absent.

   As soon as he saw this guy coming, Han Chengcheng hurriedly led Fu Jiang out. Neither of these two guys was worrying.

   Uncle Deer’s look is very cool now, not only with a ‘splint’ on his face, a rope wrapped around his corners, and a ‘mask’ on his mouth, this is the only one of the entire Qingque tribe!

   Of course, this kind of mask is not made of gauze. At this time, even if Han Cheng wanted to make such a gauze mask, he couldn't find the material.

   Uncle Deer's mask was woven with rattan by the first master craftsman of the Qingque tribe under the instruction of Han Cheng.

It is roughly in the shape of a bowl with symmetrical ropes on the edges. When wearing it, you only need to buckle this rattan woven mask on the long mouth of Uncle Deer, and then tie the rope slightly at the base of its horns. It won't fall.

   This kind of thing, called "halter" in Han Cheng's later home, is generally used for cows to wear horses, and most of them are woven from broken bamboo strips.

   It’s just that Han Cheng hasn’t found bamboo now, so he can only use rattan instead.

   Fortunately, the effect is not bad.

   This is all you need to see if the uncle Lu eagerly touched his mouth toward the **** blossoms, licking the halter with his tongue, but couldn't eat the pitiful appearance in his mouth.

   The frustrated general who was with Han Cheng's side, saw the pitiful look of Uncle Lu, he immediately became excited.

It yelled twice at the drooling Uncle Deer. After successfully attracting Uncle Deer’s attention, it walked to a rapeseed, opened its mouth, and used its thin teeth to bite the usual dislikes. Can not eat raw rapeseed.

   took two bites, turned his head to look at Uncle Deer like a demonstration, and then wagged his tail to eat.

   Han Cheng who watched this scene was stunned. Is this silly dog ​​like Fu Jiang about to become refined? Such a trick of killing an enemy with a thousand self-defeating eight hundred can be used?

   Uncle Deer was really angry when he saw this scene, ‘yah, yah’, let go of the **** flower that was so frightened by it, lowered his head, and ran into Fu Jiang.

   The two guys who have fought countless times are already familiar with each other's routines.

   How can Fu Jiang, who has been horned against his **** by Uncle Deer many times, let it succeed? Immediately flexibly hid on the side, baring his thin teeth at Uncle Deer.

  The insulted Uncle Lu also knew that this guy didn't dare to bite himself. After a defeat, he immediately turned his head and ran into Fu Jiang again...

   This wolf-wolf-deer fight ended with the victory of Uncle Deer.

The main reason for    is that Fu Jiang forgot to tie a rope around his neck this time.

   After dodge a few more times, the rope was wrapped around Han Cheng's body, and it also lost the space to move.

   The victorious Uncle Deer walked on his slender limbs, held his head high, and walked away in an extremely arrogant posture. He even forgot to find Han Cheng to untie this obstructive halter.

  Fu Jiang looked at Han Cheng with extremely resentful eyes. If it weren't for this stupid master, he wouldn't have been humiliated by that **** deer. Thinking of what happened just now, Fu Jiang felt pain in his butt...

   Time passed bit by bit, seemingly slow, but when I looked back, I was always surprised that it was fast.

   The wall that opened the gate to the south of the Qingque tribe is all heightened, and the low wall behind that wall is only a little longer when it has not increased. The prosperous rapeseed that has faded away can finally be harvested!

   Same as last year, before harvesting the rape, Han Cheng first commanded the tribe to clear out an open space called the "field".

The    field is in the courtyard of the Qingque tribe.

The yard of the    Qingque tribe is large enough, and apart from toilets, bunny pens and deer pens, there are no other buildings, and there is plenty of space to build a field.

Han Cheng chose the location of the field near the gate to the west. This is also his consideration. One is that when the harvested rapeseed is transported to the tribe, he can travel less distance, and the other is to get rapeseed. There will be a lot of dust, broken grass and other things at the time, and the gate is far enough away from the cave to reduce the impact on the cave.

   And the west side wall of the gate has been heightened. The rapeseed piled up here will not affect the construction of the wall.

   Compared with last year, the development of the wheat field is much easier. (A single "field" feels very awkward, so I will call it a wheat field in the future, although the Qingque tribe does not have wheat now...)

   This is mainly due to the strong wind last year, which uprooted countless trees. Han Cheng and the others only need to level the ground, and then use slabs or other relatively flat objects to smash them in a row.

   In view of the fact that there are more rapeseeds this year than last year, Han Cheng also built the wheat harvesting field a lot bigger, almost 50 to 60 square meters.

Rapeseed harvesting, the iron head Ruhua couple is the main force, especially the iron head. Since these days, mowing with a stone sickle has already been cut smoothly ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ The same applies to the harvesting of rape. Both harvested quickly.

   Just like harvesting thatch, the harvested rapeseed is also placed in small piles nearby, and then tied with a rope to be transported to the barley field in the tribe.

   If you have more strength, make the rapeseed bundle bigger, and if you have less strength, make it smaller.

  Because there are not many rapeseeds, not all the people in the Qingque tribe participate in the **** harvesting.

   Han Cheng just mobilized a quarter of the manpower from the people who built the wall, plus the Heiwa couple, it was enough.

   The two carefully cultivated rapeseeds, which totaled less than two hundred rapeseeds, Han Cheng did not let others do it, but harvested it himself.

After    was harvested, it was **** with four strands of straw twisted with straw, and then hung carefully on some tree trunks on the west side of the tribe’s cave entrance to dry without mixing with the rest of the rape.

   is not only not mixed with other rapeseed, even the two pieces of rapeseed are strictly separated when drying.

   They don't seem to be much different now, but in Han Cheng's expectation, they will become two major factions.

The    group is moving in the direction of Chinese cabbage, while the other group is moving in the direction of rape, which tastes better and has more seeds.

   Of course, even if this thing succeeds, it will be at least seventy or eighty years later.

   Han Cheng looked at the rapeseed that he had hung on a tree branch to expose his ‘corpse’, he couldn’t help sighing slightly. This is really a long way to go!

   Thinking like this, he immediately laughed again. At this time, he was lucky enough to meet this primitive rapeseed. Where else could he be picky? Just do it slowly.

   As long as the direction is right, there will always be a day of success.

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