I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 123: I already hugged the towering tree when I look back

  'S lame eyes are shining, and he can't help turning around the wooden ladder made by Han Cheng.

  While turning in a circle, he touched on the wooden ladder from time to time, and sometimes held one end of the wooden ladder, lifted it, and shook it vigorously.

   But the wooden ladder is still strong and does not mean loose.

  The more so, the brighter his lame eyes, because he has discovered a whole new direction!

   In the past, when he wanted to connect two things together, the only way he knew was to tie them with a rope, or a rattan that could be used as a rope.

   But now, the **** child has actually made a very strong wooden ladder that can be connected without a rope!

   For the lame obsessed with all kinds of handicrafts, it is no worse than the night after adulthood, when you open a new world door!

   "The Son of God!"

   The more I thought about it, the more excited he was, and he let go of the wooden ladder to salute Han Cheng, and shouted respectfully.

   This is the Qingque tribe’s way to show respect to Han Cheng. Even the respected witches rarely receive such courtesy.

   Witch is also looking at the wooden ladder. In his opinion, the wooden ladder made by the **** child is indeed more delicate, better than the one tied with rope, but it is not as good as ecstatically.

   It's so good not to be excited.

   This is the cognitive bias caused by different occupations.

   is like a pottery plate for engraving that the witch is delighted with, but it seems that it is actually nothing more than that...

   There is an avid handicraft lover of lame, and Han Cheng basically does not interfere with the remaining wooden ladders, and let him do it.

   He will guide him only if he doesn't understand the place.

   It is worth mentioning that Han Cheng has already taken out the ruler.

Because as more and more things are manufactured, the production of various objects must meet certain standards, so that the things produced are more beautiful, and the other is that they are made according to certain standards, and the things on the objects are damaged. In order to be easy to replace, it will not happen that one part on the object is broken and the whole thing will be scrapped.

   Of course, there is another that Han Cheng wants a relatively accurate measurement tool.

   This ruler is also simple to make, that is, I found some straight wooden strips and peeled off the outer skin, leaving only the white inner and inner bones.

   First estimate a length of ten centimeters, and then use this ten centimeter length as the standard, step by step to extend a ruler of one meter, one meter five or even two and a half meters.

Then, in this standard ten centimeters, the scales from zero to ten are evenly carved, and they are marked with numbers. After the carving is completed, get a little charcoal foam on your hands, and then rub your hands on these scales. How obvious the scale is, it will immediately become clear.

Similarly, compare this ten-centimeter wooden stick as the standard. The scales on the other sticks of different lengths are all accurate to centimeters, and a small vertical bar is engraved in the middle of each centimeter. , That is a half-centimeter mark.

   For the current Qingque tribe, the accuracy to the centimeter is enough.

Of course, Han Cheng’s estimated distance of ten centimeters is more or less different from the ten centimeters of later generations, but don’t worry, as long as he can continue this standard to ensure that the ruler manufactured later, They are as long as the first ten centimeters, so his standard is accurate.

   Therefore, Han Cheng is very careful about the first ten-centimeter wood section.

After communicating with the witch for a while, after talking about the importance of this thing, the witch who seemed to understand or not understood placed it on the stone slab with the crest and the bone rod in front of the totem pole. It was the most sacred place in the entire bluebird tribe. , Is also the safest place.

  Wu didn't fully understand the words of the **** child, he didn't know how this section of ordinary wooden stick suddenly became so important.

   But since the son of God said so solemnly, it must not be wrong.

   The manufacturing of the ruler is a meticulous job, and it is not sloppy at all. In order to make these things well, Han Cheng has done it for seven or eight days before completing it.

   However, the ruler made of wooden sticks also has its shortcomings, that is, the length is not enough, and the shorter thing is OK. Once it grows, it is extremely inconvenient to use.

   Then the tape measure came into being.

  The material of the tape measure is very simple, just a twisted rope.

   Han Cheng intercepted two ropes, one of ten meters and one of five meters, both of which were measured using the previous calibrator.

Then from the beginning, every ten centimeters, a single rope weed was used to tie a small knot here, and a thin rope twisted by two rope weeds was used to tie a large knot at a distance of one meter, which was a perfect solution. The problem of leaving marks on the rope.

   These two ‘tape measures’ are basically used to measure the ‘foundation’ of the courtyard wall, the gap between the beams, and other large distances. They don’t need to be too accurate. A scale of ten centimeters is enough.

   The manufactured ‘tape measures’ are wrapped around the short wooden sticks, pulled apart when used, and wrapped around them when not in use.

   In order to popularize the concept of a ruler to the people in the tribe and teach them how to use these, Han Cheng also took a lot of effort and spent a lot of tongue to get them to gradually accept and understand what a ruler is and how to use it.

   In terms of the understanding and use of rulers, the fastest thing to learn is not the stone who is extremely talented in Chinese and Chinese characters, but the guy who is lame.

   This may have something to do with a series of things, such as weaving fish cages, wooden rafts, and fences.

  Because these things must have a certain size to make, he has more contact with them, and it is naturally faster to understand and use than ordinary people.

   Next is the black baby, the first pottery maker of the Qingque tribe, and then the stone.

Among these people in the tribe, Han Cheng admired the lame ~www.NovelMTL.com~ because he had suffered a leg injury before and experienced the sorrow that became a burden, so when Han Cheng appeared and gave him some hope, He grabbed it desperately and didn't let go.

   That's it. After more than a year, when I look back, I will be surprised to find that he already has so much! And many of them are far beyond ordinary people.

Limp holding a piece of charcoal in one hand and a one-meter-long ruler in the other hand, making gestures on a wooden pole lying flat on the ground. He did not know what he was muttering quietly. , Will make some marks with black charcoal on the wooden pillars.

   looks a bit like a later carpenter.

  He is looking for points that need to be punched out.

   If you want to make a wooden ladder, the piercing eyes on the pillars on both sides of the ladder must be aligned, otherwise, the bars will either not fit in or loosen...

   He was doing things selflessly, but he didn't notice the approving look in the eyes of Han Cheng who stood by.

   (Good news! Good news! I received the news that I will go to Sanjiang at two o'clock in the afternoon this Sunday. The recommendation I have been waiting for for so long is finally coming, so excited!

   Thank you for your support, thank you. I am also very grateful to my editor boss for giving me such an important push and pull position for this niche book. Thank you.

   Tomorrow, the old book will end. You can concentrate on writing a book. From the day after tomorrow, it will be double-updated every day. Save some manuscripts and wait to be put on the shelves. The update will not be so weak after it is released, and it will break out from time to time.

   Then... still ask for tickets, comrades, please greet me as much as you like when you have tickets! Not afraid of pain.

   Finally, such a happy event must be changed! Three shifts tonight, to celebrate. Thank you book friends for your love. )

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