I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1225: The charm of wok cooking (2 in 1)

?  The heated and melted beeswax was poured out.

   After a short while, the flaming red molten iron that had melted was poured into the hole once again along the hole left in advance.

   The sound of the upper part of the small saw pull mold also sounded.

The mold on top of    was lifted and removed, and the iron pan was also removed under the combined action of iron tongs and wet rags.

   This time, everyone didn't immediately rejoice, but first focused their attention on the iron pot, and looked carefully to see if there were any holes in it.

Even though they didn’t seem to see any holes in this way, these people were not overjoyed as before. Instead, they lifted the iron pan, which was a little cold again, and then looked up at the sky carefully. Check to see if there is any light transmission on it.

After such a careful inspection, it was confirmed that the iron pan was indeed free of holes and would not leak. After that, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and took the iron pan and walked quickly towards the kitchen... …

When these people came to the kitchen, the hapless big fat pig had already been shaved, and there was a person who was facing the opening of the pig’s feet with a sharp knife, and blowing inward with his mouth constantly, The pig lying there was blowing bulgingly, preparing for the next time.

   Seeing such a scene, these people who came with the iron pan took a long breath.

   It’s not too late to wait for someone to come!

If the son of God kills all the pigs and cuts all the pork, he is here waiting for the iron pan of the others to cook, but he and the others still have not made the iron pan, then it is true. What a shame! It's really shameful!

   When Han Cheng saw these people coming with an iron pan, there was a smile on his face.

   then took the 30-centimeter-diameter pot and looked up and down in his hand, the smile on his face became even better.

The iron pot in my hand is a bit smaller, but it is indeed a pot. It has the shape of a familiar pot, and it is also very complete. It is not like the previous pots, which are full of large and small holes. .

   "Good! Well done!"

   Han Cheng smiled and praised these people.

   then said: "Today we can taste the taste of braised pork made in an iron pan!"

The conversation turned: "But this pot is too small and too few, the pig is too big, and one pot can’t fit at all. You guys, can you make some more iron pots, so that everyone in the tribe can taste the iron today. The taste of cooking in a pot?"

  Han Cheng's remarks, I heard these people who came with the iron pot, their faces were full of joy, and their hearts burst into arrogance, even the back straightened.

   These people, under the lead of one person, immediately turned their heads and left, all the way towards the iron furnace.

   masculine and arrogant, especially excited in my heart.

   After coming to the iron furnace, these people split up and used four molds directly, including the mold with a lot of holes in the cast iron pot.

   It's just that when using this model, someone made some improvements to it.

   This improvement is to use a small drill to make two holes in the other two places on the upper part of the mold.

   After opening these two holes, he began to pour molten iron into it.

   This is an improvement in response to the situation that occurred in the previous casting.

   Tieshan residential area is a lot of things cast out of iron.

   But none of the things cast before are as big as this iron pot now.

   So some situations that have not been encountered before when casting ironware, have encountered this time.

   However, in the face of such a situation, after a little thought, the people present have already begun to try to find a way to solve it.

The people here really have never used iron to cast such a large ironware, but don’t forget that there are copper mines in the Qingque tribe, and the development of copper casting technology is earlier than that of iron. Iron is good.

   Although there are many differences between these two things, there are still many similarities.

   So after encountering the current situation, the people present and experienced in bronze casting suddenly thought of these from the method of bronze casting.

  Similar problems can be solved in this way when casting bronzes. Why can't we try to apply this method to iron casting?

   In fact, this kind of analogy to general solutions is very desirable.

  Because of this method, the iron pot made with the same mold this time is no longer the same as before, with holes.

After the success of this event, the people here have learned a lot. They have made some holes on the molds with diameters of sixty, eighty, and one meter for ventilation and to facilitate the air out of the mold. ...

   In the open space outside the kitchen in the Tieshan residential area, there are already simple stoves.

   An iron pot is placed on the raised simple stove.

   Among them, two iron pots of one-meter size are the most conspicuous.

   The flame was burning under the simple stove, and the water in the iron pan was steaming out.

   Seeing this scene, the people around me couldn't help but feel a joy, and they couldn't help but express some emotion.

   This iron pot is so fast!

   The fire under this stove has only just started to burn for a long time, and it has reached such a level!

   I just don’t know what it will be like when it’s used for cooking.

In the primitive age, after such a long time, Han Cheng finally used the iron pan. At this time, he was so powerful that he was holding a copper spoon in one hand, and the other hand was gently pressing on the side of the cutting board. Above, the whole person looks extraordinarily chic.

   was overwhelmed by a more comfortable, indescribable emotion.

   stood here and waited for a while, and saw that the water in a pot had already boiled, and even the meat that had been prepared and cut into small cubes was brought to the pot for water.

   Put a pot in it at once.

   When the raw meat started to pass the water, the smell was not so good, but Han Cheng didn't care.

   After all, being a person can't be too hypocritical, especially in primitive times.

   stood here and waited for a while, and seeing that the fire was almost over, Han Cheng used a fence to fish out these small pieces of meat one by one.

   As for the white foam and reddish sludge on the meat, I don't care about it, because I need to wash it with water later.

   After taking out the shrunk and color-changed meat from the pot, Han Cheng did not scoop out the water and splash it, but poured in another pot of meat and blanched it.

   After all, there were a lot of people present. How could a mere pot of braised pork satisfy everyone in Tieshan's residential area?

   In fact, even if two bowls are not enough, it is guaranteed that everyone can eat a little.

   The best way to make braised pork is pork belly, but the pork belly on a pig is limited and it is impossible to cut so much, so Han Cheng found some fat meat with lean meat and cut it in.

  The taste of this kind of meat is naturally not as good as pork belly, but the taste is quite good.

   Therefore, Han Cheng also used a lot of this kind of meat, mixed with pork belly.

   After blanching the water, the people who had attacked him started to wash the meat, while Han Cheng scooped out the meaty water from the pot and rinsed the pot with water two or three times.

   Then he started cooking.

   The iron pan heated up quickly. Han Cheng poured a little oil into it. After it heated up, he used the spatula to pull it back and forth several times, so that the bottom of the pan was moistened with oil.

   Then pour into a pot of washed braised pork and stir out some fat.

   Seeing some squeaking noises in the iron pan and constantly popping up oily pieces of meat, Han Cheng's heart is not to mention how wonderful it is!

   How many years have it been!

   Now I finally saw this scene.

At this time, let alone waiting to eat braised pork cooked in an iron pan, just looking at the scene in this way made Han Cheng feel extraordinarily happy in her heart, extraordinarily drunk, and tasted better than braised pork. It makes people comfortable...

   The good smell of meat began to permeate. When soy sauce, wine syrup, ginger, sugar and other things are put in the pot, and the fire under the pot continues to burn, this scent becomes more intense!

   Many people can't help but swallow.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, or it’s actually the case, or it’s because of the various words that Han Cheng said about iron pot cooking is delicious. Many people present felt that it was just the current smell. It smells better than the braised pork made in the past in the tribe...

   In the expectation of everyone, the braised pork is finally out of the pot by the **** child who is not easy to cook now, using the iron pot that is very delicious in the legend!

   And the pan is more than just braised pork.

   Had already eaten too much stew and thought of iron pan cooking, Han Cheng felt uncomfortable after he was scratching his liver. Now he finally has an iron pan and has become a legendary person with a pot.

I’ve been thinking about iron pans for a long time. Now I suddenly get the iron pan, and I can’t hold it anymore. I want to put it into the pan when I see it, put oil on it, and stir-fry it. Some.

   can't control his hands at all!

   is precisely because of this, when the meal was started, there were seven dishes!

   Except for the braised pork, all the rest are fried.

Not only the meat slices are fried, but even the small rapeseed that was dug up after a few years and then dehydrated and dried. After being soaked in water, the addicted Han Da Shenzi, who was fried by the fried stuff, was put in the pot and fried. Stir fried!

   "Come here, the big guys taste the taste of this iron wok cooking. They have been busy for such a long time. At this time, the meal is finally open. Everyone has a taste, but you are welcome."

  Han Cheng, who has not drunk yet, was as happy at this time as if he had just drunk alcohol during the Chinese New Year. He smiled and greeted everyone present with his chopsticks.

   Then, when he was cooking not long ago, he already took the opportunity to eat a lot of food in the name of tasting food. He took the lead in moving his chopsticks and took a small green vegetable stir-fried with chopsticks and delivered it to his mouth.

   The rest of the people smelled the scent of the food for such a long time, and they had heard the name of the wok cooking from the **** child long ago, and the gluttons in their belly had already been stalked.

At this time, I heard Han Cheng's greeting, and saw that Han Cheng, who is a **** child, moved the chopsticks first, and he moved the chopsticks one after another. I couldn't wait to pick up the particularly attractive dishes placed here and deliver them to my mouth. .

  The dishes fried in the iron pan were sent to the entrance. Many people present couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they couldn't help but feel full of emotion!

   There is nothing wrong with what Godko said. This dish cooked in an iron pan tastes very good, surpassing the dishes I have eaten before!

   For a while, many people couldn't help but gave their thumbs up in praise!

As for why I just gave a thumbs up instead of speaking to praise, it’s because now that people in the tribe are used to gestures like thumbs up to express admiration and admiration. .

   And some people are stupid, it is not easy to use words to express the more complicated feelings in their hearts. Under such circumstances, it is so quick and worry-free with such a silent thumbs up.

   Of course, there is another reason because ~www.NovelMTL.com~ speaking will definitely affect the speed of eating and the taste of food.

   is not as comfortable as putting up the thumb on the left hand.

In this case, people with thumbs up can express their admiration for the gods, iron pans, and iron pan cooking, without affecting themselves and others holding chopsticks with their right hands, and constantly picking up these exceptionally delicious dishes. Wok fried vegetables delivered to the mouth.

   After such a long period of time, the people in the tribe have already had a lot of experience in how to act quickly and eat more food when eating with everyone.

   Han Cheng saw such a scene, he couldn't help being a little funny, and feeling a little helpless.

   These guys in my own tribe, this has been so long. When I started to eat, I still didn't know to pay attention to it. There was no image at all, all of them looked like starving ghosts.

With a big chopsticks stuffed in one cheek and a big chopsticks stir-fried dish, Han Da Shenzi, who looked a bit hard and chewed, reached out with the back of his hand and wiped the vegetable water flowing out from the corner of his mouth. Looking at these people in my own tribe, I can’t help but complain like this in my heart...

   All the people present after a meal were heartily, the iron pot, and the name of the iron pot cooking, became a hit here in the Tieshan residential area!

It’s really not that the people of the Qingque tribe have never seen the world, but that the iron wok cooking does have such a great charm, otherwise the later generations will not be so famous, and this fellow Han Cheng will never forget... …

  :. :

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