I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1216: Why can't it be one step closer? (2 in 1)

After the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe went to talk to the chief of the Pegasus tribe and others, the chief of the Pegasus tribe immediately changed too much.

Just looking at the posture, it was obvious that he was about to take the same evil people in the tribe to do cruel things again, but now because the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe has passed, they have ordered people to put down their weapons and prevent the tribe. Of people have done this!

Eyes can't deceive people, so these people's admiration and respect for the Red Tiger Tribe maidens has grown again!

The witch is worthy of being a witch!

The bottom of my heart is kindness!

In order to prevent more people from suffering from this evil Pegasus tribe, at this time, they went directly to the evil and terrifying Chief of the Pegasus tribe to dissuade them!

And it succeeded in discouraging!

How can such behavior not make people feel special admiration?

The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe who walked to the side couldn't help showing some smiles.

What she was happy about was not the matter itself, but because the Pegasus tribe became stronger day by day.

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe sincerely hope that the Pegasus tribe can become more powerful, so the idea that I just made with the leader of the Pegasus tribe is also very sincere.

She stood here and couldn't help turning her head to look southeast.

After extending his vision forward, it was blocked by some mountains.

But the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe still didn't take her gaze back, she still kept looking here.

It was as if her gaze suddenly became far away, passing through the layers of mountains in front of her, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, and falling on the land where their tribe lived...

She couldn't help but squeezed her hand up, her nails pressed against her palms, and she looked a little bit pierced...


In another place in the valley, the leader of the hill tribe said so excitedly.

Then the people gathered here began to get busy.

These busy people all seemed very excited.

They packed up the weapons of their own and others in the tribe, as well as the tents made of animal skins used to keep out the cold and warmth.

Tie it to the backs of some cows and horses.

The people of the hill tribe are going to leave this valley!

For the people of the hill tribes, what passed this winter was an extraordinary torment!

Even if it is still cold now, and compared with previous years, it is still a bit early to get out of the valley, the people of the hill tribe have no nostalgia!

On the contrary, one by one is exceptionally happy!

In fact, it is not just the people from the hill tribes, but the other tribes who gather here, live with the hill tribes, and hug themselves together. At this time, they are also extremely excited.

Because they have been waiting for this day for too long!

This winter, for many tribes living in this valley, is extremely tormenting.

It is true that the evil Pegasus tribe is too cruel!

And this brutal tribe has such powerful weapons and power!

Because of the warnings and invitations issued by the leader of the stone tribe, they brought people from the tribe to live with the people of the stone tribe to resist the evil Pegasus tribe.

But even so, in the subsequent encounter with the Pegasus tribe, the people who united with them so many were still crushed and beaten by the Pegasus tribe, and they did not gain the upper hand.

However, this kind of union still has some usefulness. Otherwise, the many men here are probably dead. The cows, sheep, horses, and the female primitives and children are already attributed to the evil Pegasus tribe. , Does not belong to them anymore.

They cannot live here either.

From this perspective, the previous ideas and strategies of the hill tribe leader are still very useful.

If it weren’t for the leader of the hill tribe to find out and inform the rest of the tribe, the hill tribe has become extraordinarily cruel, and they have also given a way for everyone to gather together to resist the Pegasus tribe, then the consequences that many tribes will face are very promising. I guess.

For this reason, the leader of the hill tribe has become the most important and prestigious existence among the many tribes present.

Many people and many tribes looked at the hill tribe leader, and they all looked extremely grateful.

When everyone started to pack things, the hill tribe leader who first gave the order did not clean up with everyone. Instead, he walked around the place and greeted loudly. After the greeting, he turned and came to a block. Waiting at the big stone.

After such an operation, within a short while, someone came out from here and gathered next to the leader of the hill tribe.

There are more than ten of these people, all of whom are leaders of their respective tribes.


After these people came, the leader of the hill tribe didn't wait much, and just started talking.

What was said was not nonsense, but a straightforward statement to everyone that the evil Pegasus tribe still exists, and after this winter, it has become even stronger.

Judging from the situation currently displayed by the Pegasus tribe, this evil and cruel tribe will definitely not stop there.

In the time to come, they will definitely continue to look for the rest of the tribes as before, and then start to attack and rob the rest of the tribes.

Destroy that tribe...

Now, I and the others have left the valley, and the distance from the evil Pegasus tribe is widened, but they are too far apart!

Now in this valley, everyone can resist the evil Pegasus tribe together and help each other.

But once out of the valley, each went to the place where their tribes used to graze most often, and spread out, it would be impossible to help each other!

In the years to come, when encountering the evil Pegasus tribe, apart from the same fate as the tribes destroyed by the Pegasus tribe, there is no other way to go.

Therefore, the leader of the hill tribe put forward a suggestion, that is, after going out of this valley, the people should not be separated, or the people should live together as before in the valley.

There is a good response to each other, and continue to work together to deal with the cruel Pegasus tribe.

This method has been proven before and is a practical and feasible method.

After hearing the words of the leader of the hill tribe, many leaders present could not help nodding their heads, expressing their agreement with the leader of the hill tribe.

But not everyone will agree with the proposal of the leader of the hill tribe.


A man who looked very strong, not long after the leader of the hill tribe had spoken, stood up and said this.

What he meant was that after going out, the situation was different from that of himself and others in the valley.

When I was in the valley, because the weather outside was cold and the sky was freezing cold, I and others wanted to go out to escape, but they couldn't do it.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally very easy for people from the Pegasus tribe to come and find people from the tribe.

Now the weather has gradually become warmer, and the snow has completely melted.

There is a vast world outside, where you can live for yourself and others, and there are forages for cattle to eat everywhere.

Under such circumstances, the people of the Pegasus tribe are fierce, but it is not easy to find themselves and others!

After hearing this person's words, many people present couldn't help but nod their heads.

Things are exactly as this person said, after coming outside, the venue suddenly didn't know how wide it was!

Under such circumstances, even if the Pegasus tribe deliberately wanted to find themselves and others, it was not easy at all.


The leader of the hill tribe spoke again, looking a bit angry and cold.

The person he looked at was also the person who had just spoken.

What I mean is, if I really meet the Pegasus tribe, what should I do?

Of these tribes present, one counts as one, which one can face the Pegasus tribe alone?

But what should I do if time really meets the Pegasus tribe? Should the people in the tribe wait to die?

The words of the leader of the hill tribe, everyone present could not help but stagnate.

The leader of the hill tribe made a lot of sense. According to the brutality and power that the Pegasus tribe has shown during this period of time, when living outside, it’s natural not to encounter it, but it’s true that it is. What should I do?

Wouldn't it be the same as those tribes killed by the Pegasus tribe, and the whole tribe will be completely wiped out from now on?

After saying this, don't talk about the other people, even the person who just retorted the leader of the hill tribe, couldn't help but change his color.

Such a thing really makes people feel particularly frightened and frightening!

It's just that this person has always been dissatisfied with the leader of the hill tribe.

Because among the leaders of this tribe, he is the strongest, and the leaders of the hill tribe are far behind him.

So he took it for granted that he should be the backbone of these people and these tribes!

However, the fact is that the hill tribe leader who is not as good as him occupies such a position.

He Kong has an extremely strong body, but he can only succumb to the leader of the hill tribe.

This made him feel particularly aggrieved.

Just forget it before the ice and snow had melted. Everyone was in the valley, and there was the Pegasus tribe, a tribe that was so brutal that it could kill people, staring at it.

Although this person was dissatisfied with this and felt aggrieved, but he had to endure it and resist the evil Pegasus tribe with everyone.

But now, the situation is the same!

After thinking about it for a while, this strong man, after swallowing his saliva, stared at the leader of the hill tribe, opened his mouth again, the voice was loud, and even his complexion turned red!


His meaning is very obvious. To sum it up, don't think I don't know, you just want to be the head of the people, and you want the people of these tribes to obey you.

Then slowly absorb everyone into your hill tribe!

Now it's obviously getting warmer, and the danger is already very small. You still said this to scare everyone!

You clearly have bad intentions!

As the strong man spoke, and after expressing such a meaning, the place was suddenly commotion again!

The face of the leader of the hill tribe was also flushed.

I don't know if it was mad, or because of some other reasons...

A chaos appeared in a joint tribe centered on the hill tribe, and then slowly returned to calm.

The people who had been in a panic here for a winter, and the cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock that drove them out of the river valley, soon spread a large area on the ground.

After walking out of the river valley, some people and some animals gradually separated from the large army, and they went farther and farther, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

There are still many people in the world who are willing to believe that their luck will not be too bad. These tribes have brought people from the tribe, driven the animals in the tribe, and left these tribes headed by the hill tribe.

Even if the leader of the hill tribe, it was clearly mentioned before. If a single tribe encounters a brutal Pegasus tribe in the following years, it will not be except that the entire tribe will die. There are other endings, these people are still gone.

The leader of the mountain tribe, standing here looking at the many tribes who had left, couldn't help but shook his head.

He really didn't expect that under the current situation, these people and these tribes were actually separated from them and went to the rest of the place alone.

Leave as soon as you leave, anyway, when the time comes when you are met by the Pegasus tribe, it is not your tribe that died.

Thinking like this in my heart, while feeling relieved, the leader of the hill tribe couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Because these people's departure undoubtedly reduced the power of their group a lot.

When they encounter the Pegasus tribe in the future, they will become a little dangerous.

But ~www.NovelMTL.com~ these people insist on leaving, and he has nothing to do. He can't take people with them at this time and beat them up.

In this way, at this moment, I'm afraid that the Pegasus tribe in the valley will catch the opportunity to come out and defeat themselves and others.

Of course, in addition to these, the hill tribe leader has some other ideas.

Before, he only wanted to bring people from these tribes together and resist the evil and cruel Pegasus tribe together. He didn't have any other ideas.

But now, after the words of those who ran away, the leader of the hill tribe suddenly became transparent, as if there was something opened in his heart, and his heart was very touched!


Now there is the Pegasus tribe that is eye-catching. Many tribes have felt the crisis. They have gathered together to resist the **** Pegasus tribe, and they are still faintly centered on themselves.

In that case, why didn't I go one step closer?

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