I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1130: Return of the Red Tiger (2 in 1)

With the arrival of the long-legged man from the dry green bird tribe, the Red Tiger tribe immediately burst into cheers.

These children, surrounded by long legs and others, were extremely happy.

This is due to Han Cheng's arrangement.

Under Han Cheng's arrangement, the twenty people who were in charge of cooking and cooking at the Red Tiger Tribe Coal Mine came over and came to the forefront.

The purpose is to take advantage of their previous cooking and cooking, to give the Red Tiger tribe the friendship between the weak and small people left in the tribe, and to play a more role in this chaotic time, use the friendship to gain More benefits make things easier and easier to do.

"Shall we cook and eat in a while?"

The long legs touched the little girl's face affectionately, and then said this to the little girl and the other children of the Red Tiger tribe with a smile like this.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe have been in contact with the people of the Qingque tribe in recent times, especially those who dig coal and transport coal, and they are in contact with the people of the Qingque tribe every day.

These people are grateful to the Qingque tribe and feel that the Qingque tribe is better than their tribe. Under such circumstances, it is logical to learn the language of the Qingque tribe consciously or unconsciously!

This kind of inner admiration, yearning and interest is the best learning promoter!

It is faster than in the classroom, the teacher brings the teaching.

Under such circumstances, many people in the Red Tiger tribe can speak some Mandarin, and some people understand it better.

As their children, they will naturally be affected. It is the most normal thing to be able to understand and speak some Mandarin.

So after hearing what the long legs said, the little girl with the long legs in her arms immediately laughed happily.

There are other children who can understand the long-leg raised words.

As for the children who didn't understand the long-legged words, they all quickly became happy.

Because the little girl in his arms had already started to twitter, and told the children in the tribe what the long legs said.

In this way, the long-legged people who rushed all the way to carry out a sneak attack on the Red Tiger tribe’s nest, and the children of the Red Tiger tribe, entered the Red Tiger tribe happily, without any blood or sacrifice. .

Not to mention the bloodshed and sacrifice, not even the necessary sadness and tears!

This is because beforehand, Han Cheng and the long legs of the Qingque tribe and others have used the food Dafa used in the tribe to the extreme, creating a deep friendship.

On the other hand, it is because this time what happened is urgent and passionate.

People in the Red Tiger tribe who didn't have much affection for the Qingque tribe, were called by their leader to follow in the footsteps of their tribe's witches and went to the Qingque tribe.

Another part of the people also went to the Qingque tribe one after another.

Because there was no prior arrangement, the Red Tiger tribe did not have any guarding power here.

Except for these children, the adults who remain in the tribe are old, weak, sick and disabled, not even a stronger person.

Because the stronger people have participated in the expedition or the great thing of defending the Qingque tribe!

Therefore, Long Legs and others entered the Red Tiger tribe smoothly.

It didn't look like an enemy who came to attack the lair, but like a person returning home.

With so many little helpers, Long Legs and others easily found a place where the Red Tiger tribe stored food.

With these foods, long legs and others, naturally they will no longer use the small amount of food of their own tribe that they and others carry.

It was natural to take out the food stored by the Red Tiger tribe.

"This, food... the leader, the witch will not let... will fight..."

After seeing the movements of the long legs and the others, the little girl said with a stumbling and tangled expression in Mandarin.

These foods, in their tribe, have always been allowed to move only after the witch or the leader speaks.

The Red Tiger tribe's punishment is very severe for those who voluntarily take these food without order.

An ear will be cut off the first time it is found.

The second time I found out, the entire palm would be chopped off.

If this person does not change after repeated instruction, and there is a third time, then this person's head will be chopped off directly, and there will be no chance to eat again.

Right now, in the conspicuous place where the Red Tiger tribe stores food, there are more than a dozen skulls of different colors and the same number of palm bones.

It looks extremely scary, and extremely shocking!

This is also the biggest reason why these people who stayed in the tribe were so hungry that they couldn't bear it, and no one dared to take these food privately!

After understanding what the little girl had expressed, Long Legs smiled: "It's okay, don't be afraid. The witches and leaders of your tribe won't do this. You are all hungry like this, and you don't eat food anymore. Will be starved to death!

They will understand you.

If they are not considerate, we will definitely not hurt you! "

While talking about the long legs, they put down some food from the granary of the Red Tiger tribe and let them start cooking.

For these children to eat, but also for myself and others.

Hearing Long Legs say this, the nervousness of these children has been much reduced.

After Long Legs took out the food, a few people were arranged to cook, and then the rest of the people who followed began to get busy.

This includes gathering the food stored by the Red Tiger tribe so that it is easy to care for.

On the periphery of several granaries, there were people hurriedly constructing shelters with stones, tree trunks and other things there.

On the periphery of the bunker, there were people using the shackles, copper shovel and other things that they brought with them, digging into the ground quickly, and then burying the sharpened sharp bamboo thorns in the pit...

This is a trap.

The purpose was to prevent the people from the Red Tiger tribe. After they rushed back, they saw that the old nest had been copied by others, and the food had been cleaned by them.

Through the confession of God's Son, these people in the Red Tiger tribe understood how important and difficult this thing they and the others were doing, so when they arranged these defensive measures one by one, they were very hardworking and hardworking.

Under their operation, they didn't dig deep one by one, but the bamboo thorns and other things inside were placed enough traps to be laid out one by one.

Around the granary where food is stored, shelters made of stones, wood, etc. are also rapidly growing, thickening, and taller.

Even in this process, there are many children from the Red Tiger tribe who have participated in helping, and doing things within their power for these people in the Qingque tribe...



A heavy, bellows-like panting sounded, and the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who was staggering and weakened, was marching forward desperately.

At this time, he was covered with sweat.

Tears have long since stopped flowing.

Maybe it all turned into sweat flowing out.

Beside him, there are some other Red Tiger tribe people.

The image of these people is also better than the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

But they didn't rush to rest. Although they were already exhausted, they still ran forward with all their strength.

What prompted them to do this was not just the confession of the witches of their tribe to them before, let them live with the tribe, and don't let the tribe die.

More importantly, the people behind the Blue Sparrow tribe who are also mad, and even worse than their madness, are chasing them all the time!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe said in a hoarse voice as he marched desperately to those who were marching with him.

What he said is that they are almost reaching their own tribe. Their tribe has food and water. They can eat food and drink water to replenish their energy!

Hearing what the leader of his tribe said, mentioning these things, these people in the Red Tiger tribe immediately became more energetic.

This continuous flight consumed a lot of their physical strength, making them thirsty, hungry, and extremely tired.

What the chief of the Red Tiger tribe is saying now is very attractive to them.

Attracted by food, water, and rest, these people who ran with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe got some spirits and quickened their pace.

Under the leadership of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, this group of people from the Red Tiger tribe gradually saw the deserted tribe that was built there.

After seeing the tribe, everyone including the leader of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

It's good to return to the tribe, and when you return to the tribe, you can take a rest for yourself!

Their footsteps became even faster and they headed towards the tribe.

Soon he came to the side of the tribe.


When he was about to reach the tribe, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe said aloud.

What he meant was that after returning to the tribe, hurry up to eat and drink. While eating, he should also pack up food, weapons and other things.

Prepare for the next time you leave the tribe and go to live elsewhere.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe is not going to live in the place where they have lived for a long time, and decided to leave this feng shui treasure for their tribe!

After the witches of their tribe were preparing to fight for their lives and assassin the insidious and cunning **** son of the Blue Sparrow tribe, when they were about to act, they explained this to them.

They said that after the incident, no matter if they succeeded in assassinating the **** son of the Blue Sparrow tribe, they should not stay, nor think of revenge for her.

But to run towards the tribe for the first time!

After returning to the tribe, immediately pack up things, leave the tribe with food, and go to live in other places and start again!

Only in this way, their tribe can be alive and will not completely disappear under the angry attack of the Qingque tribe!

There will be new development opportunities!

Regarding the decision made by the maiden of her own tribe, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe found it difficult to accept it at first, thinking why their tribe couldn't fight with the Blue Sparrow Tribe and make the Blue Sparrow Tribe almost the same.

At the beginning, after the tragic death of the witch of his tribe, he roared to make the people of his tribe run away from the blue bird tribe, not because of his wish, but because of the previous confession of the witch of his tribe.

However, as the next chasing battle took place, as he fleeed all the way, he saw the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who had met the methods of the Qingque tribe, and his mind slowly changed.

From being forced to accept the idea of ​​the witch of his own tribe, and to implement it, he became actively identifying with the idea of ​​the witch of his own tribe.

Now, he really couldn't get up to the idea of ​​fighting with the Qingque tribe.

Because of the series of things that happened, he clearly told him that his tribe really couldn't fight the Qingque tribe!

If you really stay in the tribe, don't go to other places, far away from the blue sparrow tribe, your tribe will really disappear completely just like the witch said!

There will never be their blue bird tribe in this world!

At this time, the witch has died, and the new witch has not grown up yet~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe is the person with the highest position and the greatest power in the tribe.

Correspondingly, all the burdens are on his body.

Under such circumstances, he really can no longer do whatever he wants.

He needs to consider the future of the tribe!

When the leader of his tribe said that he would leave the tribe where he had lived for a long time and go to live in another unfamiliar place, those who followed the leader of the Red Tiger tribe did not have any strong emotions.

They generally accepted this matter.

The series of things that can be called a great change, as well as their deeply tired body and mind, has already consumed the kind of reluctance and nostalgia for them to leave the tribe.


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe made some surprised sounds, and looked into the cold tribe with some surprises.

He smelled some residual food, and some fireworks.

People who were too late to serve their own tribe opened the food storage area privately without getting their own orders, and were angry when they took out the food to cook and eat privately. The head of the Red Tiger tribe felt a sense of surprise.

These people in their own tribe are just too timely to cook food!

I know I won’t be hungry!

They can eat ready-made food when they go back, which is really a great thing for them.

It can fill their stomachs quickly, and it can also save them a lot of time to prepare for running as soon as possible.

However, after walking a little further inside and seeing the scene in the tribe clearly, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe couldn’t be happy anymore...


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