I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1102: The Temptation of Food (2 in 1)

Holding a copper shovel in his hand, his face stained with some black and gray sheep waist, he straightened up and looked in one direction while he was resting for a while.

   His gaze is fixed on a person, his gaze is full of reverence and eagerness.

   This person is not someone else, but the **** son of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng.

   Sheep looked at the **** son of his tribe, feeling particularly admired.

   The change of his destiny began after he met the Qingque tribe and joined the Qingque tribe.

  Before joining the Qingque tribe, they lived every day with fear, not to mention their dignity, they bowed down and feared that someone would come to kill them.

   The past is not guaranteed.

   Before, let’s not say that it was the ability to straighten up and exhale when facing the Red Tiger Tribe. The Red Tiger Tribe did not look for them, it was already a great gift!

   Now this kind of people facing the Red Tiger tribe can not only straighten their waists, but also point their fingers at them, which they didn't even dare to think about before.

   But now, these things that I didn't dare to before, just happened in front of my eyes.

   The people of the Red Tiger tribe, who were inextricably in the past, have become extraordinarily well-behaved when facing them, and there is no resistance at all!

   Such a huge change makes the waist of the sheep particularly refreshing.

   But he was also soberly aware that such a big change was not because people like them became better.

   but because they joined a tribe named Qingque and became a Qingqueren!

   Under the leadership of the people in the tribe, who is called the Son of God, they gathered together to have such a big energy!

   only now has the status and status, can he achieve the real sense of exaggeration, straight up!

   People who have this kind of thought in their heart are not only the sheep waist, but there are many people who think like this in their hearts.

   So, after stepping on the backbone of the people of the Red Tiger tribe, Han Cheng once again had nothing to do with him, and he reaped the admiration of those who had newly joined the Qingque tribe since these years.

   At the same time, it also made them more united and more united to the Qingque tribe.

   They took an extremely solid step on their way to fully integrate into the Qingque tribe.

   This way of speaking without using too much words, but using facts, is more convincing and convincing than many words!

   This is a proof that facts are better than eloquence.

   Labor makes a person fulfilled, makes a person rich, and can obtain something.

   But at the same time it makes people feel hungry.

  Especially the kind of high-intensity physical work, which makes people feel boundlessly hungry.

   Such things as mining and coal mining are naturally not easy jobs, so everyone who does these jobs will become very hungry.

   Especially when the sun rises above the head, it is already noon.

   The manpower of the Qingque tribe, at this time, had already stopped their work and started to rest after the busy work.

   Not far away, there was smoke rising into the air and spreading.

   It didn't take long for the scent of food to spread here, moving people's minds.

   This is a member of the Qingque tribe, cooking and making food!

   Three meals a day, this habit was brought over by Han Cheng from later generations, and gradually became the habit of everyone in the Qingque tribe, and a strong proof of the happy life of the Qingque tribe beyond the surrounding tribes!

  Of course, the lunch meal at noon will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

   For example, when there is little food in the tribe, there will not be too much food at noon, and soup is the main ingredient, and there is less food in it.

   can make people eat one half full.

   It’s just a little pad.

  Only when the food is richer, the lunch will be fuller.

   is precisely because of this, after a long time, the people of the Qingque tribe, when they called the meal that they ate at noon, they gradually stopped talking about eating, but calling it soup.

   Until now, the term ‘drinking soup’ has basically become a synonym for lunch in the Qingque tribe, and is used exclusively for lunch at noon.

   When the two meet each other at noon or in the afternoon, it is a very common way to say hello to each other if they had any soup.

   "Cook more food, cook more soup, and make it thinner than usual..."

   Han Cheng stood beside the people who were boiling water and making soup, and spoke to them.

   The cook immediately acted upon hearing the words, and washed out a large cooking tank, and then began to add water, add food, and cook.

   When they want to come, with this additional tank of food, it is enough to meet the request of the **** child.

   "Put up the remaining three large tanks and cook the food in them as well."

Han Cheng stood here and waited. After seeing these people just set up a big pot for boiling soup, he stopped moving, and said, and pointed his finger at the other three empty big pots. .

   Hearing Han Cheng's orders, the people who were cooking here were taken aback.

   They did not understand the meaning of the **** child.

   After a little doubt like this for a while, someone finally couldn't help but asked the doubt in his heart.

   "God, now these foods are enough for the people of our tribe. If they are cooking, they won't be able to finish eating at noon, and there will be leftovers..."

   The leader of the cooking group said hesitantly.

   Her job in the Qingque tribe is cooking.

   has been doing it for a long time, and naturally I have mastered some laws.

   For example, we can roughly estimate how much people in the tribe can eat at this meal.

   How much food they need to cook for this meal to eat enough for the people in the tribe, and there is not much food left.

   Coupled with a large tank of food, these people working here in the tribe can eat one by one.

   If you make more food, it will be left.

   As the leader of the cooking group, she feels it is necessary for her to tell the **** child about this matter.

   What the cooking team leader said, Han Cheng naturally knew.

   After all, he himself was a frequent cooker.

   still know a lot about these things.

   However, he still chose to do this.

   Because he did this, he had his intentions.

   "It's okay, just do it, I'm useful..."

   Han Cheng smiled and nodded, saying so.

   Hearing Han Cheng's words, these people who were cooking stopped talking and started to cook according to Han Cheng's meaning.

   Han Cheng stood here and watched everyone cook for a while, then turned his head and looked to the side, with some smiles on his face...

   The scent of food is an extremely attractive scent, especially when people are hungry, it becomes more attractive and uncontrollable.

  The people in the Qingque tribe sitting here to rest, one by one couldn't help but constantly look at the cooking place, with full expectations.

   The people of the Qingque tribe who are able to eat are still so at this time. The people of the Red Tiger tribe who have not eaten enough and have straight eyes when they are hungry during this period of time, so let alone.

   One by one, the eyes floated towards the food cooked by the Qingque tribe.

   Hungry grunting screamed, the front chest pressed against the back, the whole was flattened.

Many of them cannot help but want to take a step forward at this time and rush towards the place where the Qingque tribe is cooking, and eat all the food that the Qingque tribe is cooking. In the mouth, nothing is left to them!

   However, after thinking of the powerful combat power of the Qingque tribe people, this thought stopped again.

   "It's dinner! It's dinner!"

   Someone shouted loudly here, and banged the pot lid they were carrying.

   After hearing such a movement, the Qingque tribe who was taking a rest in this area suddenly became excited.

   They headed towards the cooking place, and when they came to the side, they lined up very consciously.

   A line was lined up in front of a large bowl of rice.

   The person in charge of serving the rice, holding the spoon in one hand and the bowl in the other, quickly served the rice here.

After    was filled, he handed it to the person in front of him.

   The person who followed the rice bowl consciously took the rice bowl, left here, and took out a pair of chopsticks from the bamboo basket not far away, and squatted to the side to have a beautiful meal.

   The sound of sucking and sucking is simply not too spectacular or too pleasing to the ear.

   The people of the Red Tiger tribe have always had two meals a day, and there is no noon meal.

   But at this time, all of them are already unbearable.

   Nonsense, anyone who has been hungry for a long time and hasn't eaten for a long time, standing here and smelling the rice, watching others eating here happily and continuously, is equally unbearable!

   The people of the Red Tiger tribe, one by one, couldn't stop swallowing, their eyes were green.

   When a person is hungry, swallowing is of no use. Except that it will only make people hungrier, the rest is of no use.

   If it wasn't because of the maidens of my tribe who insisted on asking for rice seeds, then at this time, among the people who are eating here, there are also others!

   I and others will not endure such hard work at this time!

   You and others can also pick up the bowl like the people of the Qingque tribe, and have a good meal!

   But now, because of the unsatisfactory decision of the maiden of the tribe, the opportunity to wait for others disappeared.

   When the Qingque tribe was eating, he and others could only stand here, watching the people of Qingque tribe eat their food, they and the others had nothing to do except swallowing saliva.

   Originally, with the passage of time, these people in the Red Tiger tribe have no longer felt that resentment towards their tribe maidens.

But now, the scent of the food made by the Blue Sparrow tribe stuns the gluttons in their stomachs. Under the influence of the maddening stomachs, the people of the Red Tiger tribe treat their tribe witches. Dissatisfaction was immediately re-motivated.

   is not only aroused, but also expanded and enlarged.

   Smelling the incense of the rice, looking at the people of the Qingque tribe and the Red Tiger tribe who can’t stop eating, their dissatisfaction with the maidens of their tribe has never been so strong!

   The Red Tiger tribe people who were stunned by the Qingque tribe people who were eating, turned their heads and looked in the direction of their tribe maidens.

   with anticipation and desire on the face.

   These people, at this time, are eager to let the witches of their tribe and order them to cook some food.

   They really can't bear this kind of suffering.

   The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

   At the same time, his eyes were a little big, and he looked surprised at the Qingque tribe people who were constantly eating food.

   She never thought that the people of the Qingque tribe would actually make food at this time!

   How extravagant this is, how should it be struck by lightning!

   Prior to this, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe had always felt that their tribe was quite rich.

   But now, after seeing the infinite luxury behavior of the Qingque tribe, I immediately stopped thinking of it!

   Compared with the Qingque tribe, my tribe is not at all rich!

   Not only now, even in the past!

   At this time, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe felt a lot of gazes from the people of their tribe.

   This kind of gaze that contains eagerness, prayer and longing, Ling's red tiger tribe's maiden, her eyes can't help but some dodge.

   But this kind of dodge is only temporary, the next moment, her dodge will be burned by infinite anger!

   The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are really angry now~www.NovelMTL.com~ She works hard for the tribe, and she keeps thinking about how to make the tribe stronger and richer.

   kept praying to the gods.

   But now, you can't tell the difference like this!

   would actually eat a bite for a mere bite, and at this time, to her own majestic Red Tiger tribe maiden, do such a thing!

   I'm worried about myself, but it's all down!

   But it is for the future of all fall!

   What an important thing rice seeds are!

   And you guys actually did such a thing for just a bite!

  Do you know that apart from this method in front of you, your tribe basically has no way to get rice seeds again!

   The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she rushed up uncontrollably with anger.

   After a while, she finally couldn't bear it!


   She yelled angrily, and then moved her sturdy legs towards these people in their tribe.

After    came in front of him, he raised one foot, yelling, and kicked his leg towards one of them!

   Suddenly, this place becomes a little bit of a jump...


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