I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1100: Han Cheng's plan (2 in 1)

About three miles away from the largest settlement of the Red Tiger tribe, a group of people scattered and were digging here with tools.

There is no doubt that these people are from the Qingque tribe headed by Han.

At this time, what they are doing is the same as what they did in the Tieshan residential area. They are all for surveying the buried minerals, so as to have a rough idea of ​​the distribution of minerals and the amount of minerals stored. Understanding.

As the people of the Qingque tribe continued to move, one by one potholes appeared here.

At the same time, there were piles of moist soil.

And the twigs stuck in the soil.

Han Cheng stood here with a dark hand, looking at the area in front of him that was expanding with everyone's movements, he couldn't help but smile.

There is a lot of coal storage in this place right now.

Only what has been surveyed by simple methods so far is enough for my tribe to use!

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng smoothly threw aside the coal he was holding.

Seeing his black hands stained with coal, Han Cheng suddenly remembered an experience in the Red Tiger tribe.

This experience is that once he brought someone to the Red Tiger Tribe, and after having a cordial handshake with the leader of the Red Tiger Tribe, he found that his palm was soaked black.

At that time, he only thought that the hands of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe were too dirty, so he was disgusted and quickly washed his hands with water.

Now it seems that the ash on his hands was not ordinary ash at all!

That's pulverized coal!

Fortunately, my tribe eventually discovered this coal mine hidden near the Red Tiger tribe. Otherwise, this thing would be really regrettable!


Just think of Cao Cao.

At such a distance from the Red Tiger Tribe, it is impossible for so many people to come to make such a big movement without disturbing the Red Tiger tribe.

So looking at the Red Tiger tribe people who appeared in front of him at this time, Han Cheng didn't think it was weird to get points.

Of course, among the people who came, the leader was the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, not the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

In view of the fact that the people of the Red Tiger tribe had been exchanged for the food in the tribe with a fair and just trade before, Han Cheng had very reason to believe in the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. , I am not in the Red Tiger tribe, but I don't know where to stay.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are indeed very pious now. Under normal circumstances, they stay in the exquisite room that belongs to her alone, praying in front of the two sacred gods for a long time. thing.

Moreover, as long as she doesn't come out and anything happens outside, people in the tribe can't call him.

Some people in the Red Tiger tribe before found out that their tribe did not have rice seeds. They did not choose to tell the witches of the Red Tiger tribe immediately, but waited outside the door, which is the best testimony.

However, there is one exception to everything.

Han Jincheng is this exception.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe had made a rule before.

This rule is that as long as the **** son of the Qingque tribe comes to the vicinity of his tribe, no matter what he is doing, he must come and inform himself.

The reason why such a rule can be made is that she feels that the **** child of the Qingque tribe is special and unusual.

Every time he comes, he can bring enough changes to his tribe.

Faced with such a character, it is very necessary for him to come out and meet him in person.

In the entire tribe, apart from himself, no one else has such qualifications and abilities.

On the other hand, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe felt that the incarnations of the two sacred gods of their tribe were obtained through the gods of the Qingque tribe.

Moreover, the identity of the **** son of the Qingque tribe is very special.

When he came, let the people in the tribe tell him the news, and it would not make the gods guilt.

Even at that time, I was having extremely religious communication with the gods of my tribe...

The shrine maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was very dazed for a while looking at the scene in front of her.

She didn't know what the people of the Qingque tribe were doing, and what was the point of such a weird behavior.

The black stone of your own tribe, except for markings, the rest of the stones that have no effect, are they really so attractive?

Have such a big charm?

Seeing the red tiger tribe maiden who appeared in front of him and looked at herself with a dazed expression, Han Cheng immediately smiled.

He stepped forward, stretched out his hands and directly held the hands of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, and continued to shake them, refusing to let go for a long time.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have long been accustomed to the way of expressing enthusiasm and welcome from the Qingque tribe, so she didn't feel much panic, she also stretched out her hand and continued to cooperate with Han Cheng.

After a long time, when the four hands were held together, they were separated.

The agitated Red Tiger Tribe witch did not notice that her hands were already covered with black ash.

And the black hands of the **** child of the Qingque tribe with an especially brilliant smile on his face were obviously much cleaner at this time.

Of course the smile on Han Cheng's face was brilliant.

This is not just because he took the opportunity to wipe the black dust on his hands.

Another more important reason is that some of the ideas in his heart can only be realized with the help of the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

His plan is really very simple.

I just want some people from the Red Tiger tribe to dig coal and transport coal for their tribe.

Digging coal and transporting coal is not such a simple and easy job.

Especially when there is no river connecting with rafts between the two places, flat roads that are open to traffic have not been built, and all transportation needs to be carried on the shoulders of people. In the case of animal piggybacking, this kind of thing is done. It is more time-consuming and labor-intensive and requires a large labor force.

At present, the Tieshan residential area has indeed received a large number of new migrants, and the number of labor has been greatly increased.

But correspondingly, there are many things going on in Tieshan residential area at the same time.

Dig ore, smelt iron, strike iron tools, build houses, fences, and develop surrounding land that can be developed...

With so many things going on at the same time, Han Cheng, who is accustomed to watching the rapid development of the Tieshan residential area, is naturally unwilling to let such progress go down under the conditions.

So he thought of using the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

Of course, in doing so, in addition to making a large part of the Red Tiger tribe workers, there is also an important reason that can assimilate this part of the Red Tiger tribe through this method!

Han Cheng is confident that through such a long period of time, uninterrupted contact will assimilate the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

Turn these people into people of your own tribe!

A single method cannot be used to treat the Red Tiger tribe.

War is only the last resort. Basically, when it is used, it is used to make a final decision.

Before that, there are many methods that can be used to deal with the enemy.

As a later generation, Han Cheng knew a lot about these things and used a lot.

Some people may feel that this method is too dark to use and not fair enough.

However, this world is so cruel.

Moreover, in many cases, the effect of open and honest means is very limited, and even will have a counterproductive effect, and the effect is far less than some seemingly trivial methods.

Well, maybe we can call such a method a white lie.

Some shameless person thought this in his heart.

"Mao, you tell them that people from their tribe can come out to transport this black stone partly for our tribe.

They transported this black stone to our tribe, and our tribe can take care of these people's food.

Eating is better, at least the one that won’t make people starve..."

Han Cheng said to Mao who was on the sidelines.

After hearing this, Mao didn't have much hesitation, and according to Han Cheng's statement, he began to translate the witches of the Red Tiger tribe, and conveyed Han Cheng's meaning to the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

After hearing Han Cheng's words, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe's eyes lit up.

You know, their tribe lacks the most, and the most uncomfortable thing is the problem of food.

This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is this season. It is not a good time to get more food.

The Red Tiger tribe is basically sitting and eating, and there is no good food.

At this time, I heard the meaning of Han Cheng, who was relayed by Mao, and understood that as long as this useless black stone was transported to the Qingque tribe, we would be able to get full food from the Qingque tribe, the Red Tiger tribe’s Miko, of course will be happy.

As for the people of the Green Sparrow tribe, what is the use of this useless black stone? What is it for? The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe don't care.

Just give them food for the tribe and everything else is not important.

It is not a matter of their Red Tiger tribe to eat or not, but the Qingque tribe rushed to come.

It wasn't just the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe who had bright eyes, but the eyes of the other Red Tiger tribesmen who understood the meaning of trade could not help but light up.

In these days, the life of their tribe has been too hard, and many people have green eyes when they are hungry.

If it hadn't been for the Red Tiger Tribe Miko, the number one sacred stick, and constantly instilling some ideas in them and strengthening their beliefs, perhaps the Red Tiger tribe would have long been unable to hold it.

At this time, hearing Mao say such words, it would be strange if their eyes were not bright!

With bright eyes, they looked at Han Cheng and the others with gratitude in their eyes.

They really did not expect that at this time, the people of the Qingque tribe would extend a helping hand to them at this time!

In their opinion, this is really an act of great kindness.

Because at this time, they have no spare place to get much food.

The people of the Qingque tribe, but at this time, let them transport such black stones, and then take care of their food. This is not kindness and what is it?

At this time, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe's favor with Han Cheng and other Qingque tribes is soaring.

After exuding a strong affection towards Han Cheng and others, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe cast their eyes on the tribe maiden standing in front of them, full of expectation.

They really don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity to eat!

Under the gaze of everyone, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe slowly shook her head...

Seeing the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe shaking her head, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe was immediately stunned.

They never expected that the witches of their tribe would make such a move at this time. This is a great opportunity for many people in their tribe to eat food!

Once they missed it, they really couldn't think of any opportunities to eat food.


Just when the people of the Red Tiger tribe were shocked and anxious to get angry, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke, facing the trade, and her emotions were also quite agitated.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is of course excited, because just now, she thought of a very good thing!

This is the problem of rice seeds that she has been thinking about recently!

Before that, her idea was to see if the people in her tribe could bring back rice seeds from outside.

If you can't bring it back, first obtain seeds from the Qingque tribe, plant them, and then repay the seeds obtained from the Red Tiger tribe before the harvest.

This is indeed a good way, and the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, when they say these things to the people in the tribe, they also say vowedly.

However, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe didn't have much in her heart.

Because in her opinion, this is purely that their tribe is taking advantage.

According to the virtues of the Qingque tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ such things, they really don't have much possibility to do it with their tribe.

But now there is no problem.

People from the Qingque tribe now take the initiative to find their tribe to do things, and also take the initiative to ask people who want to manage their tribe to eat food.

Under such circumstances, their tribe doesn’t want food to eat, isn’t it okay to turn the food the Qingque tribe people give to their tribe into rice seeds?

Just thinking about it a little bit in her heart, the Red Tiger Tribe witch already knew that this thing could basically be done, and it was much easier to use than the method she had thought of before!

Because of this, the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe told her what she was thinking without much thought.

After saying this, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe immediately looked at Han Cheng intently.

She knew that these things she said needed a nod from this not strong man...

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