I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1098: Meet the black stone (2 in 1)

The wind blows.

The boundless wasteland.

The withered grass blades collided with each other, making a rustle.

The fierce fighting ended as a wooden stick inlaid with bones slammed into the chest of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

The eyes of this Red Tiger tribe man were wide open, with confusion and disbelief.

There was blood flowing beside him, and there were more people lying on the ground, who had no life.

His wide-eyed eyes slowly turned, looking at the dead people of his own tribe. Through the gap, he also saw the big prey fed by this strange tribe not too far away from them.

I also saw these people who looked at them either ferociously or with disdain.

How did things become like this?

My own tribe is obviously a tribe blessed by the gods!

What the witch said to her tribe before was also firmly remembered by herself and others.

The food in front of me is clearly prepared by the gods for himself and others!

My own tribe is an extremely powerful Red Tiger tribe that can be feared by just hearing the name!

I waited for others, I had already arrived here, so close to these foods!

Why did things become like this in the end? !

This person from the Red Tiger tribe has wide-eyed eyes, slowly turning his eyes, looking at the surrounding scenes.

No one can answer his doubts.

With such doubts, he died.


The people of this tribe pulled out the weapon that had been inserted into the chest of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe with force, and blood shot out.

The body of the man from the Red Tiger Tribe didn't even move, and he just lay here straight...

A fierce battle ended in this way.

None of the members of the Red Tiger tribe survived, they all died.

When the people of the Red Tiger tribe were scattered and far away from where they originally lived, their glory disappeared.

Perhaps this is the strong dragon not crushing the snake.

The Red Tiger tribe people who died did not understand the root cause of their failure until they died.

It's not because the gods of their tribe are not good, nor are the words of their tribe maidens inaccurate.

But because at this time they are already at the end of the battle!

After the long journey without food, they are already exhausted to the extreme. Of course, it is not the tribe who has a great advantage over them in terms of number or physical strength and is here to wait for work!


Among the newly emerged tribe, the strongest person stuck his weapon on the ground and said this aloud.

With his voice, the people in their tribe moved into action.

They took off the skins of the Red Tiger tribesmen, leaving behind the weapons they were holding, and then dragged the red tiger tribesmen away from where they lived. The vegetation was burned and it was set ablaze.


Looking at the corpses of the Red Tiger tribesmen who were dragged away by the people of their tribe after their clothes were stripped off, the leader of this tribe stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

Looks very puzzled.

These people are very thin and weak, they don’t have much flesh on them, and their ribs jump up and down.

Moreover, the number of people is far less than that of their tribe.

He really couldn't understand how such a person had the courage to launch such an attack against their tribe!

After scratching his head and thinking about it for a while, the head of the tribe, the doubt in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He seems to have found the reason why this tribe has such courage!

He bent down, reached out and picked up something from the ground.

This is a weapon used by the Red Tiger tribe.

The leader of this tribe had seen this weapon in previous battles.

The marks on the weapons he used before were left behind by such weapons.

The weapon he used before was already strong enough, but when he encountered such a weapon, he still didn't look at it enough.

In a matter of life-and-death struggle, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for only one party to suffer casualties.

Just like this tribe living on the grassland.

In the previous struggle, their tribe really defeated the people of the Red Tiger tribe and killed all of these sudden enemies.

However, many people in their tribe were injured and even died directly!

A group of people in such a state can still cause such large casualties to them. The main reason why such things can happen is this kind of weapon that has never been seen before!

The leader of this tribe is very sure, if it weren't for these attackers to have such weapons in their hands, their tribe would not have paid such a price anyway!

After thinking about it for a while, the leader of this tribe held the newly acquired weapon in both hands and slashed it down fiercely.


With a strange sound, his previous weapon that had been injured was directly cut into two pieces!

The leader of this tribe, looking at the weapon he used when he became two pieces on the ground, and then looking at the weapon in his hand, his eyes lit up...



Around the place of residence, there are animals gnawing on forage, and sometimes some raise their heads and scream a few times.

Such a cry, mixed in the blowing wind, made the scene extremely desolate, with a sense of ruggedness and depression.

In the area where the people of this tribe gathered, everyone gathered at this time.

In the middle of them, weapons were placed on the ground, and some people were watching with weapons in their hands, or they were cutting something.

What was placed on the ground and what they were holding were all bronze weapons they got from the Red Tiger tribe this time.

Seeing the sawdust falling on the ground and the pieces of meat that were easily cut apart, all the people of this tribe had their eyes widened and couldn't help being excited.

In the past, they were still saddened by the people in their tribe who were killed by those who suddenly came, but now, in front of such an incredibly sharp weapon, all such sadness is gone.

Not only did they hate the people of the Red Tiger tribe who had been killed by them, but they also became grateful for them.

After all, if it weren't for these people, how could their tribe get such a good weapon? !


Three days later.

The group set out from the gathering place of this tribe and headed east.

These people carried weapons with them, and the weapons reflected some dazzling brilliance under the sunlight.

They also led the big prey raised by their tribe, and some food for the road was tied to the back of the prey.

There is no cloud in the sky, they still waved their hands, and then continued to the east.

After walking for a while, some people got tired, so they climbed up on the backs of the prey they were holding, and let the prey carry them forward.

The purpose of their departure this time is very clear, which is to find more such extremely sharp weapons!

For this extremely sharp weapon, the more these people use, understand, and love.

No one too many good things.

What's more, they themselves didn't get many such weapons from the Red Tiger tribe.

So after some discussions, the tribe made a decision to send some people out to find such weapons.

This sharp weapon is only worthy of powerful tribes!

Like the tribe they encountered before, it would be a waste of such a good thing to fall into their hands!

This tribal leader rides on the tribal prey, and while walking forward, he is thinking about these things in his heart.

After a while, regrets arose in his heart.

Before he regretted it, why didn't he think of these things, why didn't he realize the great value of this weapon!

If I realized these things earlier, I wouldn't be a killer to the previous ones.

At least they will not be killed.

In this way, he can know the whereabouts of this weapon through the survivors.

It is much easier and quicker to find.

At least it won’t be like this. Apart from knowing that these people came from the East, they don’t know anything about it...

The leader of this tribe does not lead many people.

On the one hand, it is because they have to leave a certain amount of manpower to help manage the prey in the tribe and participate in the defense of the tribe.

Prevent someone from doing something wrong with their tribe while they are out.

Another reason is that in the previous battles, they have personally experienced the people with these weapons, how scumbags the combat effectiveness is!

Before, they used the old-fashioned weapons of their tribe to solve them three times and five times. Now they have all replaced with this new and extremely sharp weapon. If you encounter such a person again, you can deal with it. It's not too easy!

The leader of this tribe thought this in his heart, and the whole person's back straightened up...

Qingque tribe Tieshan residential area here.

Production and life, after Han Cheng led people to this land, never stopped.

It's just that the scale of production here is much larger than before.

This is not only due to the accumulation of people in the tribe, but also an important reason is that during this period of time, many people came here and joined the Qingque tribe, and then After a short recuperation, he continuously participated in the production and life of Tieshan residential area.

Today, relying on this approach, the number of people joining the Qingque tribe has exceeded 1,200!

As time goes by, the number of people joining will continue to increase.

Because the people nearby have basically joined here, the number of people going to the Tieshan residential area has shown a downward trend.

But this trend is not too big.

At least smaller than Han Cheng's previous expectations.

Before Hancheng, although he considered the distance and the situation that as the weather gradually warmed, food would become better, he ignored the Red Tiger tribe, which had been looting other tribes!

With the Red Tiger tribe continuously plundering and creating poverty, there is no need to worry too much about how much food these tribes can obtain...

"The Son of God! The Son of God!"

Han Cheng carried a hammer made of smelted iron, beating the iron ore one after another here, breaking the big pieces of iron ore into small pieces.

In the tribe, Han Cheng is an absolute privileged class.

If you don't do a bit of work, no one will have an opinion.

However, people still have to move around and do not do any work. It is really uncomfortable.

At least Han Cheng is like this.

It was at such a time, a surprise and eager shout came from a distance.

Han Cheng turned his head to look, and saw a group of people rushing towards him from a distance.

Han Cheng just glanced at it for a while and recognized the identities of these people.

These people are not someone else, they are just one of the teams sent out by Han Cheng to recruit the tribe!

"Black stone! Black... black stone!"

"God, Son of God!"

The cries of surprise in the distance sounded again, and compared with the previous time, there was a lot more content.

Han Cheng, who had already shown some smiles on his face, suddenly froze.

After a while, he threw the hammer in his hand to the ground, then speeded up and greeted the people who were shouting for the return.

During the trot, Han Cheng's heart couldn't help beating.

Not only Han Cheng, but the entire Tieshan residential area that is being put into production and life, has become restless and boiling because of the words Black Stone!

The distance gradually shortened, and Han Cheng recognized the person who ran to the forefront holding a black stone and made his body and hands black.

This person is not someone else~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is the sheep waist of the Yangyao tribe that was the first group to join his tribe after coming to Tieshan residential area.

Behind the waist of the sheep, there are many people from the Qingque tribe, carrying some black stones in their hands or in the back basket behind them.

Just taking a few glances like this, Han Cheng's heart couldn't help but beat violently.

Because he has basically determined that the stone that Yangyao and others are holding is the coal he has been thinking about for a long time and has never gotten!

For coal, Han Cheng still knows better.

My first personal contact with coal was when I was growing shiitake mushrooms at my childhood.

When turning shiitake kang into dried shiitake mushrooms, coal is burned.

In order to save costs, the family did not directly buy ready-made briquettes, but instead bought briquettes.

After returning, make your own briquettes...

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