I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1091: I want to repent, we are guilty! (2 in 1)

Among the Red Tiger tribe, the sentiment against the Qingque tribe has been unprecedentedly high at this moment.

The crowd yelled, waved their weapons, and clamored to blow the heads of the Qingque tribe people!

Amidst these shouts, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe remained silent and made no sound.

The shouting crowd looked at the witches of their tribe, waiting for the witches to express their attitude.

Today, as long as the witches express their opinions, they will immediately wave their weapons and kill them towards the Blue Sparrow Tribe.

Let the people of the Qingque tribe feel the power from their Red Tiger tribe!

Even if they have weapons that can shoot far away!

Moreover, even if they have such weapons, don't worry too much.

Because their tribe now has many such weapons!

Even if they are not as good as the people of the Qingque tribe, they can effectively offset the Qingque tribe's superiority over their tribe with this weapon!


Under the gaze of everyone in the Red Tiger tribe, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe finally spoke.

Before speaking, she raised her hand above her head and shook it vigorously.

Following her movements, the excited Red Tiger tribe members calmed down, looking forward to the witches of their tribe.

I hope to get a convincing answer from their witches.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, facing the people in the tribe, said here.

The mood is far less high and enthusiastic than those of the Red Tiger tribe who actively invite the war.

Her emotions also seemed agitated, but her excitement was different from the excitement that most people in the Red Tiger tribe wanted to fight, and it was another level of excitement.

Here in the quiet Red Tiger tribe, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe kept talking here, and only her voice sounded here.

As she told her, the anti-blue sparrow tribe atmosphere that had just risen in the tribe, which seemed very fanatical, began to slowly extinguish, not as enthusiastic as before.

After a while, some members of the Red Tiger tribe lowered their heads in shame...

The reason for such a big change is because of what the Red Tiger Tribe maiden said.

The meaning of what she said, in summary, is that the reason why their tribe is like this is not because the sacred incarnation of the gods is useless and ineffective.

It was not because the people of the Qingque tribe were unscrupulous and sold them to the inferior **** incarnation of their tribe.

The incarnation of the gods is still as sacred as ever, still as effective.

This time, the fundamental reason why his tribe had such a big and bad experience was not in the divine incarnation of the gods, but in themselves.

It is because many of them are not sincere to the gods, which ultimately led to the incarnation of the gods not only not giving the due blessings, but on the contrary, they also lowered the punishment.

The gods sent such punishment, just a small punishment to the people of their tribe, without really getting angry.

According to the ability of the incarnation of the divine god, if you are really angry, your own tribe will not be able to bear it at all, it must be unable to eat it!

Even if the entire tribe is destroyed, it is easy.

Therefore, the gods in the tribe are still very kind.

After saying this, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe also took the initiative to say that during this period of time, when she served the gods, some of the performances that were not very good and did not respect the gods.

For example, on one occasion, after she went outside to carry out the reincarnation of five grains, without washing her hands, she went directly to the sacred **** incarnation to remove the dust from her body.

For another example, she fell asleep inadvertently while praying in front of the sacred **** incarnation.

These are all disrespectful and impolite actions towards the gods.

With the words of the Maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe, as well as the examples she personally carried out, it would be strange for everyone in the Red Tiger Tribe to not calm down.

Through this recounting of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, especially after listening to her disrespectful actions towards the incarnation of the divine god, many of the Red Tiger tribe’s people changed all at once. I was terrified.

Because, through the witches of their own tribe, many of them gradually recalled some of their disrespect to the incarnation of the divine **** during this period of time.

For example, some people remembered that when they prayed to the sacred gods in their hearts, just like the witches of their tribe, they did not carefully clean their hands with water after performing the reincarnation of grains.

Someone remembered that during this period of time, they had doubted the sacredness of the divine gods in their hearts.

Was wondering whether the divine incarnation of the gods really has such great power?

How can one doubt such a divine incarnation of the gods? !


Under such circumstances, the people of the Red Tiger tribe quickly recalled many of their disrespect to the gods.

At the beginning, people felt that this kind of disrespect of themselves and others was just a small matter.

Moreover, the number of disrespectful people is not large, and the punishment given by the gods may be a bit too heavy.

But as everyone began to tell, after a lot of things were said, the thoughts in everyone's hearts disappeared.

On the contrary, they have become fearful in their hearts, and while they are somewhat fearful, they also have insight and understanding in their hearts.

My own tribe has so much disrespect towards the gods, and the gods are really not serious about this punishment!

What the witch said is pretty good.

The gods really love their tribe very much.

If this is not the case, relying on the many disrespectful things done by your own tribe, the punishment will be more than just this!

It is very normal to inflict greater punishment, or to destroy one's own tribe directly!

Under the guidance of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe quickly found the root cause of their tribe's encounter this time!

After finding out such a reason, they would naturally no longer hate the Qingque tribe as before.

After all, what happened at this time was not because the people of the Qingque tribe sold their tribe's fake **** incarnation, but because they themselves made inappropriate behaviors.

Under such circumstances, how could they resent the Qingque tribe people?

Thinking of these things in my heart, the people of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly became panic.

Because they don't know how to save this matter.

If it is an ordinary person, or even a powerful tribe like the Qingque tribe, which hinders their tribe, they can also muster the courage to fight them, and tell them well.

But now, such an object has been replaced by the supreme god.

This makes them unable to find a way.

Can't it be the incarnation of this supreme and sacred deity, slapped hard, or even destroyed it?

Such a disrespectful thought just appeared in his heart, and the person who thought this way couldn't help but shiver suddenly.

His legs suddenly softened and he almost didn't kneel on the ground...

In full of horror, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe cast their eyes on the witches of their tribe.

There was a deep plea in his eyes.

They desperately wanted a solution to this matter from the clever maiden of their tribe.

Otherwise, from now on, the hearts of all of them will become unstable.


The witches of the Red Tiger tribe deserve to be recognized as the first wise men of their tribe, and they exist in peace.

It didn't take long for him to speak again and start telling everyone how to save it.

As she continued to tell, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe gradually became calm...

The yellow, not much warmth of the sun shone, and the Red Tiger tribe was quiet here.

In the past, even at night, it would not be so quiet. There would be some snoring, teeth grinding, farting, and other sounds that are more beautiful and can arouse people's interest.

But now, it is obviously daytime, and there are so many people in the tribe, but the red tiger tribe can be heard.

It was quieter than the quietest night, and there was no extra sound.

On the clearing in the middle of the houses where the Red Tiger tribe lived, many people gathered at this time.

In the center of the open space, at the door of the house where the Red Tiger Tribe maiden lives, there are slates that are neat for them.

The stone slab is covered with a fair red cloth.

Above the red cloth is the incarnation of the most revered and sacred deity.

There are two avatars of the gods, one standing with eyes open, and the other lying there with eyes closed.

In the open space in front of the slate, there were many people.

These people gather here.

There was no sound.

In addition to being quiet, there is a more obvious feature.

This characteristic is that no one of so many people is standing.

Even the Red Tiger Tribe's highest-ranking maiden, and the rank slightly lower than the tribal maiden, the second leader of the Red Tiger tribe, did not stand.

At this moment, they all lay down on the ground in the most pious posture, facing the two most sacred statues of the gods of the Red Tiger tribe.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe lay protruding in the front, and some places behind are the leaders of the Red Tiger tribe.

Behind the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, there is a more sturdy figure in the tribe, and behind it is the warrior in the tribe...

The last person is the slave of the tribe.

This may not be very accurate, because there are two other people on the open space in front of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden and the platform.

The only difference is that both of them have died and lost their heads.

This, the empty neck and the bloodstains all over the floor can testify.

These two people were from the Red Tiger tribe, who were slaughtered according to the order of their tribe maiden.

Are two slaves of their tribe.

These two people were selected, partly because they were slaves in the tribe.

On the other hand, the two of them will not have children.

A person will not be born because he is old.

The other person is not big, but just can't give birth.

Even if the strongest group of people in the tribe was sent over, and they continued to tumble the grass with them, the belly of this young female primitive person was still too big to give birth to children.

Children, or population, is one of the most important resources of people in this era, and people generally attach great importance to them.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural that the female primitives who cannot give birth have a low status.

It is precisely because of this that the two of them will be killed and become sacrifices to worship the gods and pray that the gods will forgive the people of their tribe for the wrong things they have done!

Lie down on the ground, facing the statue of the gods, confessing, and begging the gods to forgive them, there are blood stains on the foreheads of those who have done so.

These bloodstains were not because of the imprints left by the people of the Red Tiger tribe who smashed their heads on the ground.

It was the blood of the two slaves who had been slaughtered and used as sacrifices!

The people of the Red Tiger tribe lay down in front of two tiger-shaped statues made of kaolin by the Qingque tribe, and they continued to confess in their hearts.

Pray for the gods of the tribe to forgive their previous disrespect and inadvertent offense.

The sunlight flicked across the sky inch by inch, from east to west.

Time passed slowly in this movement.

The members of the Red Tiger tribe were still lying on the ground, continuing what they had done before.

When the sky was dark and the cold was blowing down, the people of the Red Tiger tribe, under the leadership of their tribe witches, stood up.

This process is not easy.

Maintaining a posture for a long time caused many of them to lose their vitality, and their bodies became numb.

It takes a long time and a lot of hard work to succeed in this matter.

These people are fortunate, and a few people will never stand up after this incident is over!

Because the food in the tribe has been greatly reduced compared to before~www.NovelMTL.com~ Many people in the tribe are beginning to become weak.

Moreover, in order to show their sincerity to the gods, under the leadership of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, they did not eat together in the morning.

The weather is cold at this time, and maintaining such a posture outdoors for a long time is not only a test of people’s will, but also a test of people’s body...

Looking at these few people who can't get up anymore after everyone got up, the people of the Red Tiger tribe, I felt a little panic in my heart.


It was at this time that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke again.

She told the people in the tribe that these people did not lose at all when they died.

Because they were not sincere enough to treat the gods and confessed not sincerely enough.

That's why Shangai annoyed the gods, made the gods take action and easily took their lives...

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