I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1086: Strong bald head for digging bugs (2 in 1)

Following Han Cheng's orders and the hard work of everyone in the Qingque tribe, this land soon changed.

A wall made of stones, mud, tree roots and other things began to appear on this piece of land that seemed extremely barren at the beginning, and kept getting higher.

While this was going on, some seemingly simple houses also began to appear on the land surrounded by the walls being built.

A lot of food has been put into this newly built house.

Higher treatment than people.

The wall that is being built is the same as the previous wall. It is built first with a small inner wall.

After constructing the inner wall that is small in construction and easy to build, so that the people who live here can rely on, build a larger wall under the shelter of the inner wall.

This is the so-called riding a donkey to find a horse, first take care of food and clothing, and then seek other greater development...

It looks a little stupid, but it's actually very practical...

The sky was gloomy, and the entire sky became even more gloomy under the shadow of the surrounding trees that had already fallen out of their leaves.

Cold and hunger are like maggots of tarsal bones, which surround people all the time.

The stomach is hot, and it seems to be filled with a burning hot coal.

In such weather, a group of people in ragged clothes wandered here.

Looking down in this woodland like a lonely ghost.

From time to time there will be a ‘crashing’ sound.

This is when some people move the leaves in order to find some food...

Among them, one person is the most eye-catching.

This is not because of how majestic and temperament this person is, but just a little look, and there will be a strong leader's temperament rushing to his face.

The reason why this person stands out is that he is too special.

Not to mention his small body in front of the huge head, just the head with no hair growing can make him stand out among a large group of people!

Such a look is really attractive and recognizable!

This person is a celebrity among this group of people.

This is not only because he looks different from ordinary people, but more importantly, this person is very capable.

Whether it's hunting, picking, or making tools, this person can do it smoother than ordinary people.

In addition to these being stronger than the average person, there are some aspects that this person is also better than the others.

For example, giving birth to a child.

Generally, regardless of whether it is a female primitive person in your own tribe or female primitive people in other tribes, as long as you sleep with him, you will be able to conceive a child in all likelihood.

It is also because of this that this person has a gorgeous name that matches his image and abilities particularly-strong bald!

Of course, because of the age of life, this light head didn't always hold a chainsaw in his hands thinking about logging.

At this time, he was holding a tool made of wood in his hand, constantly turning over the leaves and the layer of humus composed of dead branches and broken leaves under the leaves.


Bald Qiang let out a happy cry, and then quickly bent down.

By the time he straightened his waist, a fat white bug appeared in his hand.

This kind of worm will become swollen when burned with fire carbon.

With such a light bite in the mouth, it is full of fragrance and deliciousness.

But at this time, there is no need to burn it with fire.

The extreme hunger made him no longer have the time to do this.

Such a shout full of joy immediately drew envy from the surrounding eyes.

Looking at the hungry, thin and weak child with big head and eyes and not much energy, Bald Qiang hesitated for a moment, and then took out the fat bug that had been sent to his mouth.

After swallowing two mouthfuls of saliva fiercely, the bald head walked to the child's side and fed the fat insect in his hand into his mouth.

The child was still young and ignorant, and he was so hungry in his belly that he didn't even make any excuses. He swallowed the plump bug that he had dug out with his bald head and hard work.

Eat extremely greedy.

Bald Qiang swallowed a few saliva again, and then took the tree stick to dig the land below...


A shout sounded, the stomach was on fire, the bright and huge head dizzy bald head strongly heard the sound, and after a short pause in place, he turned his head to look at the place where the shout came.

I saw some people appear where the shouts came.

These people are in a very good state of mind, and they know that the food is good.

Just the moment he saw these people, the thought of rushing to **** these people came into his heart!

However, his thoughts quickly extinguished after seeing the long, somewhat dazzling weapon in the hands of these people.

Past experience told him that people holding weapons of this kind are not easy to mess with.

If it is easy to provoke, their tribe will not be reduced to this point.

Now their tribe can be pitiful, but he doesn't want to provoke such a person at this time, this is really pushing his tribe to the absolute path!

After the bald head watched these people for a while, he then started to dig on the ground with a tree stick.

At this time, for him, nothing is important to get food!


Those people came towards them, and they kept talking.

Although the words spoken by this person are different from those of their tribe, the general meaning is still understandable.

Shao Touqiang raised his head again, looking at these people who came suddenly in surprise.

Because what these people said just now was too surprising and unexpected!

This person actually said to make food to eat with people who have never known them!

How is this possible!

Even if it is normal, food is extremely precious, and no tribe is willing to waste it.

Not to mention at this time now!

Only at this time, the food is too attractive!

He was able to endure it and was able to think about this extremely puzzled thing in doubt, but it didn't mean that the rest of the tribe could also do such a thing.

Some people who heard these people's words began to move their steps carefully and hesitantly toward them.


The bald-headed Qiang, who was still standing there in shock, couldn't help shouting when he saw this.

He asked these people to stop quickly, don't go over!

Maybe these people want to fool some people from their tribe, and then eat them!

With the gradual reduction and shortage of food, Shao Touqiang has seen many nasty things in the process.

At this moment, he couldn't help being careless in the face of such a thing.

After hearing what he yelled, the tribe was ready to move. The people who couldn't control their two legs stopped immediately, then looked at these people who appeared suddenly, and began to reluctantly retreat slowly. ...


Yang Yao laughed.

The food of the same kind did happen in the past when there was a shortage of food in the tribe and some people were about to starve to death.

But now everything is different!

He and others have joined the Qingque tribe, and are no longer the original self!

With so much food, how could you wait for someone to do such a thing? !


After laughing, he tore off the animal skin covered on the back basket on his back, revealing the food inside!

Then he tore off the animal skins on the back baskets of several people one after another, and then patted the edges of the back baskets with his hands, and said to the people in front of him.

What he meant is, eat you? How can this be! We are so rich, how could we eat you?

You guys are not delicious!

The strong bald eyes looked straight!

Since their tribe encountered the evil Red Tiger tribe, he has never seen so much food again!

At this moment, the strong bald eyes can't help being green!

He really wanted to rush to **** it, and take all these foods for his own tribe.

But look at those who are holding very impressive weapons, and they abruptly hold back.


The bald head swallowed a few saliva fiercely, and then shouted loudly at the people in the tribe.

He is urging the people of his tribe to leave quickly, don't have more contact with these people, don't eat their food!

These people look weird, and they invite themselves and others to eat food for free. Is there such a good thing in this world? !


Someone in the tribe didn't want to leave, so he kicked his feet severely...

Under the bald-headed strong call, he and the people of their tribe left here and headed for the rest of the place!

Humph! These malicious people!

Even if my head is strong, I am starving to death! Even if you jump from a tree, you will never take a bite of your food!

After walking a short distance, Bald Qiang turned his head, looked at the strange people, and spit out fiercely, thinking viciously in his heart...


When I got to the side of the bowl, I took a big sip of the rich and fragrant soup. The bald head couldn't help but sighed, full of admiration!


It smells so good!

He has never eaten such fragrant food!

Not only him, there are many people around, and they all give him the same, all of them look like this!

Each one sighed while eating food, their tongues were swallowed into their stomachs!

These people are not someone else, they are people with bald heads and strong tribes.

The hungry, bald-headed and strong tribes are still not lured by food.

Especially when the people from the Qingque tribe who were full of smiles at first saw them walking away, they gradually changed their complexion, and then walked around behind them, drove them out with a weapon, and forced them to eat food. After that, they have no more room for rejection.

At the beginning, the bald head and others seemed very restrained and fearful.

But when these foods were actually delivered to them and eaten in their mouths, everything disappeared...

Bald Qiang walked forward with the people of the tribe, following the people of the Qingque tribe.

As he walked forward, he turned his head from time to time to look at a direction behind him.

In that direction, there is a place where everyone in their tribe has lived for a long time.

There, some of them are familiar with one plant, one water and one stone.

There are all kinds of things they live there.

But there is no food!

If it were the past, they said nothing would leave the tribe so easily, and follow a group of people who appeared suddenly to go to unknown places.

Not anymore.

The tribe has reached its limit.

If you don't seek some change, then in the future, the people of your own tribe will not be able to survive.

There are so many stomachs and so many mouths in the tribe. It is not just relying on white bugs that are excavated occasionally and some leftover food to fill it.

This strange tribe said that they have a lot of food there. As long as you join their tribe, you don’t have to worry about starving to death and you can eat.

For these words, Bald Qiang didn't believe much.

Having a lot of food to feed everyone who joins their tribe, this thing sounds too magical.

Even when the food of their tribe is not robbed, few people in the tribe can get enough food all year round.

Most of them just eat half a full meal.

Perhaps it was only for this period of time to suddenly go mad and **** food from many tribes. The Red Tiger tribe who gathered in their tribe dared to say such things and do such things.

The tribe in front of him, obviously not a member of the Red Tiger tribe, has said such big words. How can it be believed?

Bald Qiang never thought that following this strange tribe, he would be able to eat everything in the future.

As long as he can let the people in the tribe eat one and a half full, or a 30% full and not starve to death, he will be very satisfied!

Will follow this tribe to the end!


A panic shout suddenly sounded ~www.NovelMTL.com~, interrupting the bald head strong thoughts.

He suddenly raised his head, and bright sunlight flashed above his bald head.

With just this glance, boundless fear has already surfaced in his heart.

Because in front of the team they were moving forward, a group of people suddenly appeared!

With just a glance, Bald Qiang recognized the identities of these people!

These people are the extremely evil Red Tiger tribe!

The food of his tribe was robbed by the people of the Red Tiger tribe!

Now, I have just joined a new tribe, and I have just seen some hope that everyone in the tribe can survive. As a result, the members of the Red Tiger tribe have come again!

These strange people in the team are carrying a lot of food!

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