I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1081: Honest and trustworthy **** son Han Da (2 in 1)


Yang Yao looked at these Qingque tribesmen who were smiling at him, and asked like this.

He was asking if these people understood what he meant.

Mao nodded with a smile.

They know the meaning.

Yangyao looked at Mao who nodded his head, and during the conversation, the members of the Qingque tribe who were still unceasingly heading towards the direction of the Red Tiger tribe could not help but become even more daunted.

Are you sure you all know? Did you understand what I said? !

After you understand it, shouldn't it stop this extremely wrong move immediately, and then turn around and fly away without stopping?

It is a sin to stay here for a moment!

Why are you still doing such a deadly act with a smile on your face? !

"We are not afraid. This time we went to the Red Tiger Tribe and obtained food from the Red Tiger Tribe. The people of the Red Tiger Tribe dare not hurt us..."

Mao conveyed this meaning to the past.

After understanding the meaning of Mao, Yangyao was confused all over.

What? !

What are you talking about? !

How is this possible!

How can this matter sound so magical, so unbelievable?

You just said these words in reverse, right?

What the Red Tiger Tribe is like, those of us who have been devastated know more than you guys!

Over the years, I have only heard of people from the Red Tiger tribe who obtain food from the rest of the tribe, and I have never heard of any tribe whose people can obtain food from the Red Tiger tribe!

Sheep waist still wanted to say something to stop them, so that these people could realize what terrible things they were doing now.

Let them quickly abandon this terrible idea, take advantage of time to turn around and leave here.

He didn't want to have just joined a tribe, only to eat a few full meals, then once again lost the tribe and live the extremely uncomfortable life again.

In the end, at this time, Mao stretched out his hand and patted his leaderboard vigorously, indicating that he didn't need to say any more, don't worry, just follow them.

This made Yang Yao's heart suffocated.

Seeing the people of the Qingque tribe with joy on their faces and constantly marching toward the place where the Red Tiger tribe is located, the sheep waist filled with anxiety, a thick unbelievable rise in their hearts.

He shook his head vigorously.

What is this all about!

The tribe that he is waiting for talents to join is very nice and rich. It looks like it doesn't lack food.

It just seems that people's brains are a little abnormal.

What a great tribe! How good is it to settle down!

Why do people in the tribe have a bad mind?

Hey, I and others say that I can’t live the life of the former turbulent and displaced, and I still may be starved to death...

Sheep's waist couldn't help lamenting in his heart, and the whole person became listless...

In fact, it's not just the sheep waist, and the people of the sheep waist tribe. Several members of the original Liya tribe in the team are also uneasy.

After all, they took a glance with the people of the Yangyao tribe. Before, they were really severely harmed by the Red Tiger tribe.

Moreover, the dominance and brutality of the Red Tiger tribe have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In their hearts, it is already deeply rooted...

In the midst of these people's anxiety and extreme worry, Han Cheng and other members of the Qingque tribe are taking steps and constantly moving towards the Red Tiger tribe...


The eyes of the sheep's waist are bigger than the eyes of the sheep.

The entire eyeball protruded outwards, as if there were no eye sockets blocking it here, it really made people worry that it would break out and flew out.

Being able to make the lamb's waist break through its own limits and stare its eyes to such an extent, it is naturally an extremely surprising thing.

The thing that surprised him was not something else, but what happened before his eyes.

In his extreme fear, a crowd of people came to the Red Tiger tribe.

Moreover, people from the Red Tiger tribe soon found them, and ran over like the wind.

In such a scene, Ling's waist and legs are trembling.

If it weren't for the trembling of the legs and the inability to run, the sheep's waist would definitely run at this moment, no one could catch up, and ten cows would not be able to pull back!

However, the development of the next thing made the sheep's waist extremely astonished, and only felt that the three views were completely broken by the impact!

The people of the Red Tiger tribe who rushed over in a very swift posture did not directly attack the people of the Qingque tribe as he had imagined.

On the contrary, when they came to the Qingque tribe, many people from the Red Tiger tribe showed smiles.

Very sincere and kind.

Just this one action is enough to make the eyes of Yangyao and others astonished!

In the past, how many times did they see the Red Tiger tribe? Didn't the people of the Red Tiger tribe keep their faces straight?

The attitude is extremely cold and evil?

It's like all the tribes secretly harvest the rice that belongs to their tribe.

Today, they discovered that this extremely cruel and domineering tribe would also laugh!

They didn't laugh before, but they didn't meet the right tribe.

When Yangyao feels that what he is seeing now is an extreme disintegration of the Three Views, shocked to no avail, reached the culmination, and there is no way to describe it, the next thing is really real. Tell him here that what he said just now was just the beginning.

The people from the Red Tiger tribe who came swiftly not only greeted the people of the Qingque tribe with a smile, they were very kind, and they seemed to have completely changed from a tribe to the people of the Qingque tribe. A very strange welcome etiquette-handshake!

Moreover, it didn't take long for a man with a mace that gleamed in the sun in his hand to run over.

This person is not someone else, but the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

I saw this fierce guy with a bright and sincere smile on his face.

He shook his hand with the **** son of the Qingque tribe, shaking constantly, looking extra cordial.

Is this still the fierce mess with a mace? !

This was not the most exciting. The most exciting thing was that not long after the leader of the Red Tiger tribe came, a group of people came from the place where the Red Tiger tribe lived.

This person’s dress is extremely peculiar. The most conspicuous thing is the thick string of beads made from various things on her neck, and her face, which should have been It is the position of the nose, the black hole that appeared!

Although I haven't seen it before, many tribes in this area know the legend of the red tiger tribe maiden.

As a person living in this area, Yangyao is still a lot of people who have been bullied by the Red Tiger Tribe. Naturally, he knows the legend of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

According to legend, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have weird looks, no noses, and huge beads on their bodies.

There are many kinds of beads worn on the beads.

Some are yellow and dazzling bronze, some are white bones, some are solid wood...

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe are extremely mysterious and wise.

That kind of extremely easy-to-use pottery, as well as the extremely delicious salt that people can't forget and can't live without after eating, was made by the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

The witch of the Red Tiger tribe is still very evil, and all members of the Red Tiger tribe must obey her.

The evil things that the Red Tiger Tribe has done over the years are basically ordered by the witches of the Red Tiger Tribe.

In addition to these, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe are also exceptionally cold.

Basically they live in the most magnificent cave that belongs to her alone...

I heard that the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe not only look evil, but also the things they do are extremely evil. Cannibalism is common!

However, now this is such an area with many legends and orders on the body, many tribes, many people dare not face it, and the existence that they can’t lift their heads has actually come in person. In front of them!

Moreover, from her smiling face and her long-term refusal to let go of the hands of the **** child of the Qingque tribe, it can be seen that her appearance at this time is not intended to harm people as in the legend. Or maybe what you want to do to others.

They came out to meet these people from the Qingque tribe!

Faced with such a scene, compare it with the deep-rooted things in memory. Yangyao and others only felt that it was a thunder rolling in the sky, and the whole person was shocked more exaggerated than being struck by thunder!

What is this all about!

How does this, this seem so unreal?

In a daze, Yangyao suddenly wanted to come to the leader of his tribe again, and then stretched out his hands and slapped the head of the original leader of his tribe, to confirm whether something Dreaming.

This is indeed a very good way to verify if you are dreaming.

Because after doing this, not only will my hands hurt, but my head will also hurt after a while.

It is a very good way to verify if you are dreaming...

The people of the Qingque tribe saw the reactions of Yangyao and others in their eyes. Suddenly, countless people felt an unparalleled comfort in their hearts!

This feeling of stunned others through my own efforts is really so comfortable!

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe had a good attitude towards Han Cheng and others.

Because she feels that Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, is very good, and he is very honest and trustworthy.

What I said the last time I sent the sacred incarnation of the gods to my tribe has now been fulfilled!

The incarnation of the sacred god, really has a very powerful effect and very effective as he said!

Faced with such a person who is honest, has a heart of innocence, treats himself and his tribe frankly, and sends his tribe the most sacred **** incarnation, how can he not be enthusiastic?

If you are not enthusiastic enough, I am afraid that the incarnation of the gods in the tribe is not willing!

Looking at the extremely enthusiastic and kind-hearted Red Tiger Tribe maiden, the son of Han Da, who was given an honest and trustworthy card with a good person, couldn't help showing a kind and enthusiastic smile.

This is the way to do transactions. It must be honest and trustworthy, and it must be done to the satisfaction of both buyers and sellers.

Only in this way can the business be maintained for a long time and the next step of exchange can be continued.

The honest and trustworthy **** son Han Da thought with a smile, without knowing where he had thrown his face...

Han Cheng had an enthusiastic conversation with the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

Although no one can understand what the other party is saying, this does not affect the conversation between them, nor does it affect the warm atmosphere at all.

After a while, Han Cheng checked that the time and heat were about the same, and stopped the seemingly very warm, but in fact, non-nutritious greetings.

"Is the sacred incarnation of the gods useful? Is it effective? Have you blessed your tribe?"

With a smile on his face, Han Cheng sincerely greeted the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

After saying this, he winked at the trader who was standing beside him.

After receiving Han Cheng’s signal, he quickly ended the state of standing on the side watching the play, took a step forward, and started his translation, and conveyed what Han Cheng just said to the Red Tiger tribe. Witch.

After understanding the meaning of Han Cheng's words through trade, the face of the red tiger tribe maiden suddenly burst into light.

The whole person is like a different person.

Obviously, Han Cheng asked the point just now and scratched the itch of the red tiger tribe maiden.

She has a lot to say about what Han Cheng asked just now.


The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ couldn't bear it anymore. She kept talking to Han Cheng, dancing with her hands and feet, and began to tell Han Cheng that these days, holy The various things done by the incarnation of the gods.

She was so big that she relied on the blessing of the sacred **** incarnation and came up with an excellent way to get food. When she was too small a few days ago, she couldn't get constipation, and then prayed to the sacred **** incarnation, and then successfully solved herself Of this difficulty...

No matter the details, all the good things that had contact with the sacred incarnation of the gods were told by her.

Han Cheng stood by, listening carefully through Trade.

Although there are a few things in this one, it's particularly flavorful.

Looking at the red tiger tribe maiden with brilliance on her face and all the miracles she said about these things, Han Cheng couldn't help thinking about it for a while. Then through his own sketches, Yu Heiwa, etc. Does the porcelain tiger made by humans really possess such great power...

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