I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1079: In my dream, can I still be bullied by you? ! (2 go...

Han Cheng sat on a piece of iron ore and looked at the area where the tree stick was inserted.

Thinking about things in my heart.

The more you plan, the happier your heart will be.

In the past, my own porcelain tigers just wanted to get more food from the Red Tiger tribe, so that Jinguan City can survive this dangerous period when rice has not yet been planted on a large scale.

But now, when I look at this matter again, I suddenly discovered that the actions of the previous time actually still created such a big opportunity!

A Ling's own tribe can get a great opportunity for rapid development in this area south of the Qinling Mountains!

Such a plan is undoubtedly very good for the development of one's own tribe.

It is also for this reason that although it is possible to perceive that this matter continues to be implemented, there will definitely be many innocent people who will be harmed or even die in this matter, but Han Cheng still has to try his best not to think about this, so that he can continue. Do this.

There is no other way. People are self-interested. In order to develop their own tribe, sometimes they can only use darker methods.

Well, maybe afterwards, those who join their tribe and lead a better and more stable life will be glad that this happened.

Because if this were not the case, they would not have the opportunity to join their own tribe, and they would not be able to quickly get rid of the wilds, enter a more advanced tribe, and live a higher quality life.

Such things are bound to happen.

From this point of view, the implementation of this plan of my own will not only cause harm, but will also bring a lot of human blessings, bring them a civilization that radiates light, and bring them a better life...

The things I will do are still very bright and majestic!

Thinking of this in his heart, Han Cheng's mood suddenly improved again.

This thing, just do it!

He gritted his teeth and thought, then smashed the stone in his hand to the ground!

Such a movement made many people beside him feel surprised.

What's wrong with the son of God?

With a bright smile on his face, why did he throw the stone so hard?

Han Cheng stood up, looked at the people in the tribe, and said with a smile: "Go! Let's go to the Red Tiger tribe!"

Many people were surprised when they heard Han Cheng's order.

When he came this time, didn't the gods say he came to check the iron ore?

Now that the iron ore has been checked, what needs to be done next is not to use these iron ore to make iron?

Why didn't the son of God allow himself to wait for someone to do this, but instead went to the Red Tiger tribe?

Of course, although I felt puzzled in my heart, few people asked.

After all, Han Cheng's identity is here. Not everyone is like a stone or a bear with ears, who can ignore these things and ask if they don't understand.

However, everyone quickly got a reply from Han Cheng and solved their doubts.

Because Xiong Youer once again lived up to expectations and opened his mouth, which means that everyone has asked their doubts.

"Let's go to the Red Tiger tribe in exchange for food. After we have the food, we can recruit manpower to mine iron ore and make iron here..."

Han Cheng looked at everyone and said with a smile.

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

With some helplessness.

It seems that in the tribe, he has not been harsh.

Very approachable.

But I don't know since when, many people in the tribe will always feel unnatural when facing themselves, and have deep and deep awe of themselves.

Those who are more able to get along with themselves naturally, the most are the oldest old people in the tribe.

For example, people such as stone, iron head, lame, strong, star, and chen.

However, as time goes by, when these people face themselves, it seems that they are not as natural as before.

Perhaps, this invisible sense of distance is the price of growth...

Han Cheng thought about these things and smiled helplessly.

Then he took people out of here and headed towards the nest tribe.

Ready to pass through the nest tribe and head to the Red Tiger tribe to start a new exchange business...



The sheep waist controlled his legs and ran forward as fast as possible.

Said it was running, but it was not going anywhere.

No one has even gone fast yet.

It's really not that he doesn't want to run faster, it's really that he has no strength anymore.

There are still many people beside him, some are faster than him, but some are even slower than him.

The waist of the lamb was very tired, many times he even thought about it, just stop lying on the ground like this, and get a good sleep!

But the longing for life made him deeply suppress this idea and didn't implement it.

Because before, several people in the tribe wanted to lie on the ground and take a good rest.

After lying down on the ground, I never got up again...

There is no meat on the human body, only Bai Sensen's bones are exposed, which looks too ugly, with a little terror.

Sheep waist didn't want to be that kind of existence.

So even if he has no strength anymore, he is still striding forward hard.

Even if you know, no matter how fast you run forward, there is no hope of alive, and the same is true.


The waist of the sheep, who was running hard, suddenly fell to the ground.

It's not that he didn't control it and fell to the ground by himself.

Instead, he fell to the ground after being hit.

The waist of the sheep lying on the ground, supporting the ground with his hands, hardly propped up the upper body, and looked forward.

Then he saw something that made him feel very puzzled--

When escaping before, the people who ran in front of him and the others unexpectedly ran back again at this time!

There are nest tribes behind!

Not long ago, the people of their own tribe suffered a big loss from the nest tribe. They were beaten by the nest tribe and they could only lose out. I was afraid that the nest tribe would catch up.

These human bodies have good strength and ran ahead. Why are they running back now?

The doubts of the sheep waist quickly disappeared.

Because one of them ran back in a hurry, he stepped on his head and slammed his head to the ground.

The body was already weak, and the waist of the sheep, which had no strength, was stomped so severely by this person, and he fainted...

Sheep waist woke up from the coma, and what awakened him from this deep coma was not by the side, but by the smell of food.

People who once worried that they would never be able to wake up in a coma, now that they wake up from a coma, their first reaction is not to be glad that they are still alive, but to feel that they are not awake yet. Is in a dream.

The reason for this is because there were scenes in front of him that shouldn't have appeared in reality, but for a long time recently, they can only appear in sleep.

This scenario is that there is a bowl of rice in front of him!

However, the hesitation of the sheep's waist is only a short moment of effort.

At the next moment, he had already lost much strength, and he didn't know where the strength came from at this time.

I just turned over and sat up, then took the bowl on the side into my arms, and started drinking when I reached my mouth.

Even in a dream, this opportunity to eat is not to be missed.

Although I know that eating such foods can't make people full, but at least I can recall the taste of the food and the extremely wonderful feeling when eating the food!

This rice was obviously only made for a short time, it was still steaming, and it looked very hot.

However, the lamb's waist did not pay attention to it, and after bringing it to his mouth, he just poured the hot soup into his mouth.

In the midst of the sound of "snoring and snoring", a bowl of steaming rice quickly disappeared, all of which entered the abdomen of the sheep's waist.

In a short time, he ate a large bowl of rice and a polished sheep waist, and couldn't help but exhale a long breath.

Can't help but smack.

Aftertaste the delicious food.

The food I ate just now is really delicious. It is the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life!

Tasty is delicious, but it’s a bit bothersome...

The lamb's waist was reminiscent of the delicacy of the soup he had just drunk, while carefully touching the hot foam on his mouth that had just been scalded, thinking like this.

After eating this bowl of delicious food, there was some stock in the belly, and some other sights appeared in the eyes of the waist of the sheep. It was no longer the same as before, except for the bowl of steaming and fragrant smell. Outside of the meal, the rest of the scene can no longer be seen.

The lamb waist with a mouthful of foam quickly became surprised.

Because he found that the dream he had this time was so great!

This time, in his dream, not only did he eat himself, but also all the people in his tribe who were alive.

This is really an extremely great thing!

Yang Yao's eyes quickly fell on one person.

The man is holding a bowl and pulling food out of his mouth happily.

This person looks much stronger physically and mentally better than ordinary people.

This person is not someone else, but the leader of the Yangyao tribe.

After seeing this scene, Yang Yao's heart suddenly became furious!

On weekdays, if you eat more food, you will also eat more food. How come you dare to eat so happy in my dream?

Thinking like this in his heart, Yang Yao carried the bowl and walked all the way to their leader.

The leader of the Yangyao tribe realized that someone came to him, and then he looked up.

After discovering that the person who came was the sheep waist of his tribe, he didn't care too much, and he didn't have any necessary pauses, and then began to eat the rice in his bowl.

The sheep waist, who came here with an empty bowl, saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel angry from his heart!

You are the leader of the tribe on weekdays. Everyone dare not provoke you. It doesn't matter if you are arrogant, why do you dare to be so arrogant in my dream now?

If I were not great enough, how could you eat at this time? !

So, in the next moment, Yangyao did something that he would never do in reality!

This thing is, raising his hand to face his tribe, squatting on the ground holding a bowl, eating cheerfully on the head of the leader, he beat it up!


While beating, Yang Yao was still arrogantly shouting something.

What he meant was, in my dream, I still can't clean you up?

After slapped up, he didn't even need to pass and stop, and slapped up again.

There is a kind of endless feeling.

The leader of the Yangyao tribe was caught off guard, so he lowered his head from the palm of the sheep's waist, and buried half of his face directly in the bowl he was holding.

After the leader of the Yangyao tribe was taken aback, he quickly raised his head.

As a result, he just lifted up a bit, and the slap on the waist of the sheep came again, and he dropped his head down again, and buried it in the bowl again...

With such a sudden scene, the rest of the Yangyao tribesmen who were gorging themselves with their jobs around were stunned.

He looked like hell.

When has this sheep waist been so brave?

How dare to treat the leader like this?

Seeing everyone in the tribe looking at him in amazement, the waist of the sheep couldn't help being filled with joy, and he couldn't help but straighten his chest tall.

Are you stupefied?

Haven't seen the world?

In my dreams, I am such arrogant!

On the side, in the constant beating of the sheep's waist, he insisted on quickly giving the bowl of rice to the chief of the sheep's waist tribe, put the empty bowl aside, and stood up.

He took the empty bowl held by the sheep's waist from the sheep's waist and placed it on the ground as well.

Then he jumped up abruptly, kicked the proud sheep's waist and lay on the ground with one kick.

I came to the waist of the sheep in two or three steps, and there was no stopping for a moment, so I sat directly on the chest of the waist of the sheep~www.NovelMTL.com~ started working with both hands, and kept beating the head of the waist of the sheep...

Many people from the Yangyao tribe couldn't help closing their eyes when they saw this.

This time it was the sheep's turn to be confused.

Didn't you say that you have your own dreams? Why can't he beat this guy?


His head hurts, I just feel that the whole head is big, and the lamb's waist with a lot of blisters burned out of his mouth, stepped forward and walked forward.

This time, they no longer followed the leader, but followed many people who dressed differently from many tribes, but looked very strong, including their leader.

At this time, the sheep's waist, which had been completely awake by a series of slaps by their tribe leader, knew the truth of the matter.

My own tribe has joined this weird but very powerful tribe...

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