I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1077: Rich iron ore

Several people in the original Liya tribe were amazed.

In any case, they couldn't think that the people they surrendered knew how to go to the nest tribe!

And it looks very familiar.

Like most people in this era, they will take the initiative to think about strange things that they can't understand, and then settle them down.

It is precisely because of this that these people from the Liya tribe gradually changed their eyes when they saw Han Cheng walking with them.

Full of admiration and respect.

At the same time, the face gradually gained brilliance.

People who choose to surrender myself and others have such a great ability. If you think about it carefully, the faces of myself and others will have the same brilliance!

In this way, in the absence of affection, Han Chengcheng had a lot of goodwill in the hearts of these people.

The already tall and mighty image has become even taller and mighty!

This person is too good. It is really bad. He can do admirable things without knowing it.

I found Han Cheng who looked at him differently, and turned on shameless mode again...

The team continued to move forward, and the scenery on both sides of the road retreated as people walked.

In this retrogression, Han Cheng and others gradually got farther and farther away from Jinguan City, and got closer and closer to the nest tribe...


Between the walks, time passed quietly, and Han Cheng and his party had arrived at Youchao tribe.

Did not go directly to the nest tribe, but after a certain distance from the nest tribe, stopped, and then asked the tribes of the original teeth in the tribe to start searching for the iron ore they picked up last time Stone place.

The reason why he would stop at a certain distance from the place where the nest tribe people lived, and let people start searching.

On the one hand, it was because from the reports of the Liya tribe, Han Cheng already knew that the place where they obtained the iron ore was some distance away from where the nest tribe lived.

On the other hand, it was because Han Cheng didn't want to alarm the people of the nest tribe yet.

Along the way, the admiration for Han Cheng has become like a few people from the Liya tribe. After knowing the meaning of their allegiance through trade, they immediately began to think hard about the previous ones. The memory, the search for it is here...

For the nest tribe, these people from the original Liya tribe still remember very clearly.

After all, this is the beginning of the extremely dark days of exile for their tribe.

They also suffered a fiasco here. In order to defeat the nest tribe and get some food from the nest tribe, the people of their tribe, under the leadership of the leader, stayed here for three days!

Because of this, it didn't take too long. Under the leadership of these people, Han Cheng and others came to the place where they found iron ore.

A person who was walking slightly lame, pointed at a place not far away, and said to Han Cheng aloud, with a strong sense of excitement.

The rest of the people also brought some joy and ease.

Because they have successfully completed what they have loyalty to and what they have accounted for!

Did not live up to his account.

Han Cheng followed the direction pointed by their hands, walked quickly, and came to the place where the pile of rocks was.

For some reason, there are a lot of iron ore stones piled up here.

These iron ore are mostly large in size and small in size.

This may be because many small pieces of iron ore were picked up by the people of the Liya tribe and used as weapons to attack the nest tribe.

Many of these iron ore have rust on them, and where there is no rust, they look similar to the color of freshly-baked pig iron.

Under the sunlight, it seems to be shining with some metallic colors.

Looking at these iron ore, Han Cheng's face was instantly full of smiles.

These are all good things!

Good things that can make the tribe prosperous!

After carefully inspecting here for a while, and confirming that the stones in front of him are almost all iron ore, Han Cheng's mood improved.

"Good! Good! You guys are doing well!"

Han Cheng, who was in a very comfortable mood, once again used old routines to express his feelings.

As he said this, he stretched out his hands and patted **** the shoulders of these people in turn to express his feelings, and praised these people by the way, so that they could truly appreciate their feelings and gain more More sense of accomplishment, and a better experience of contributing.

Sure enough, after being treated like this by Han Cheng, a few people who were already very happy suddenly became happier, with their mouths grinning behind their ears.

"Mao, you scatter around and use copper shovel and shovel to dig some soil, and dig down more to see if there are any stones underneath, whether it is iron ore.

After slapped his shoulders and praised these people for a while, Han Cheng smiled and said to Mao, Xiong Youer and others who followed.

Mao and others are also very happy, after all, there are really a lot of iron ore here.

Thinking back to the usefulness of the iron tools, the smiles on their faces became stronger and stronger.

The mood is so beautiful.

At this time, hearing Han Cheng's instructions, everyone responded, took out the tools they carried, and spread them around the pile of iron ore, and then began to descend on the ground with copper shovel and other tools. Digging.

Using this simple method, make a rough estimate of the amount of iron ore stored here.

Of course, the iron ore storage estimated by this method will not be very accurate.

However, after this kind of operation, it can still make people feel a little bit deep.

"here has!"

"here has!"

Here too! "

As time goes by, the members of the Qingque tribe who are operating in accordance with Han Cheng's orders will report the results of their excavation surveys from time to time.

After confirming that there is indeed iron ore in the excavated place, they will not only give a report to Han Cheng, but also insert a branch or something near the excavated pit. Used to mark.

After finishing these things, as a group of several people, they will go a little further, choose a new place, then dig, continue to survey...

With the continuous movement of everyone, one by one potholes appeared here.

More than half of the potholes are filled with branches.

Suddenly, it looked like someone had set up a battle here, very bluffing.

After a long time in this way, some directions stopped.

Only about less than half of the direction continues to extend outward.

In these stopping directions, people can no longer dig down iron ore.

One possibility is that there is no iron ore under this area. Another possibility is that the soil layer here is too thick and the excavation is too shallow to survey.

"Okay, stop, no need to dig forward!"

After standing here for a while, Han Cheng said loudly to the people in the tribe.

Hearing Han Cheng's call to those in the tribe who were still digging, he stopped his movements in accordance with his words.

"God, there is still ahead."

He was digging and digging, and he was sweating profusely, and the white air above his head was transpiring, like a bear who has reached the super strong state of the three-flower gathering, pointing to the front.

Although tired, Xiong You Er still looks full of energy.

It is very unwilling to find out the range of iron ore.

"It's okay, you don't need to dig forward and look at it. The current inspections are enough for our tribe!"

Han Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, everyone stopped their hands with a smile on their faces.

With some tools stained with soil in his hands, standing here looking at the large area where the branches were inserted, the people of the Qingque tribe showed joy and satisfaction smiles on their faces.

With this large piece of iron ore, my own tribe will surely be able to cast many useful iron tools.

With these iron tools, you can do more work, make the tribe better, and have more things.

Living in the tribe is also comfortable for myself and others.

Of course, more importantly, when facing the other tribes, an extremely comfortable feeling will arise in my heart.

This kind of feeling of letting the life of one's tribe live on top of that of other tribes through the efforts of one's own tribe is really good and it makes people feel particularly intoxicated.

This sense of accomplishment through hard work and comparison will urge people to continue to work hard for such things.

From the bodies of many people in the Qingque tribe, we can clearly see...

Han Cheng looked at the large piece of land planted with branches, and his smiling face showed some thoughts.

A large amount of iron ore has appeared, and our own department now has the technology to turn it into iron and ironware, then naturally it is necessary to develop and utilize these iron ore.

Otherwise, these iron ore can only be some stones.

If you want to develop and use it, you can choose from two general directions.

One is the iron ore that is mined here, and then transported to Jinguan City, where it is smelted and then iron is cast and made.

Such an idea only appeared in my heart not long before it was rejected by Han Cheng.

This method is too wasteful of manpower and material resources.

From here, to Jinguan City, the distance during the period is much longer than the Qingquezhu tribe, to the Tongshan residential area, it is twice as long as I don't know.

And the traffic is not convenient.

Cars are impassable, and if you want to transport iron ore, you can only rely on shoulders and donkeys and bulls for piggyback. The hardship and slow efficiency can be imagined...

Han Cheng would not do such a thing.

After eliminating this general direction, there is only one choice left.

The choice is to directly build a furnace here, cut wood and burn charcoal nearby, mine iron ore, and smelt iron ore to obtain iron nuggets.

Just like the Tongshan residential area.

After all, compared with transporting iron ore, transporting iron nuggets is really much easier.

But when he thought of this, Han Cheng hesitated.

Because the situation here is a little different from the Tongshan residential area.

Among them, the most important point is that when the Tongshan residential area was built, the largest tribe living in the Tongshan residential area, the Tengshe tribe, was wiped out by them.

There is basically no need to worry about threats from the outside for production, living and construction there.

As long as the wall is built, even if there are few people left there, it doesn't matter.

But the same thing is different here.

The Yiba here, the Red Tiger tribe is still alive and still very powerful.

Although he was blackmailed twice with porcelain bowls and porcelain tigers, the vitality of their tribe has not been damaged, and the tribe is still there.

Moreover, the Red Tiger tribe is a tribe far stronger than the Teng Snake tribe.

Based on what he has learned now, in terms of the number of people alone, the number of people in his tribe in Jinguan City is not as good as that of the Red Tiger tribe.

It is impossible to build a new settlement next to such a tribe without a certain degree of worries.

How great the experience is, and how irresponsible people are to be able to do not worry at all under such circumstances!

After all, this matter is not the rest, but is related to many life and death matters in his tribe.

Because once a new tribe is built here, someone must build it here, produce and guard it here.

It is impossible not to consider their safety.

Although iron is important, the lives of the people in your tribe are equally important.

Han Cheng didn't want the iron that his tribe later possessed to smell of blood.

At least it can't be contaminated with the **** smell of the people of his tribe.

So when I think about it this way, things are a little bit difficult.

The number of people staying here is not enough to deter the people of the Red Tiger tribe, making it afraid to do harm to the people of their own tribe who stay here.

Too much left here ~www.NovelMTL.com~ will cause a waste of manpower, which is very uneconomical.

Moreover, supplying so many people who stay here to eat is also a problem...

Han Cheng stood here thinking about these things, but felt that there were many difficulties, many things need to be considered and all need to be resolved.

But despite thinking this way, Han Cheng has never wavered.

This is that the iron ore here must be developed and utilized.

Overcome as many difficulties as there are, and eliminate as many dangers as there are dangers!

Although there are many difficulties, the problem is man-made, and there is always a solution!

This new tribe must be built near here, and a furnace for iron smelting must be built here!

While Han Cheng was standing here and thinking like this in his heart, someone came towards the nest tribe...

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