I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1075: 1 small step for the green bird tribe, 1 big step for humans

The place where the bronze cone stabbed was closer to the bottom of the furnace.

The second brother didn't use too much force, he directly pierced a hole in the furnace wall.

After piercing a hole here, he put a little force on his hand and quickly pulled out the awl that had been pierced.

The whole process was clean and tidy, with some beauty.

The layman may not know what kind of skills and beauty it looks ordinary.

But those who have personally engaged in such things can understand what it means for the second brother to do this.

How long does it take to practice to achieve this level.

This is a real skill, and it's a fake.

"Bah Bah Bah..."

As the second brother removed the bronze cone in his hand, a red liquid with extremely high temperature flowed out along the hole pierced by the bronze cone.

Seeing the red liquid flowing out, Han Cheng couldn't help but flushed.

It was as if the extremely high temperature and red color carried on the red liquid had been transmitted to his face.

This matter cannot tolerate him not being excited.

Because this means that from now on, your own tribe can also smelt iron, officially taking the step of the Iron Age!

Well, to paraphrase the famous saying of the first person to fly to the moon-this is a small step for me, but a big step for mankind!

Under Han Cheng's excited gaze, the little red liquid that had just flowed down has stopped flowing and changed to dripping.

After a while, even the dripping stopped dripping.

At this time, in the Taoist that was shoveled out by the second senior brother on the ground, only a few had solidified the solution.

Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed.

This is really a small step.

This small step is really too small, it has just been taken, and it is over.

If a normal person's step is fifty centimeters away, this step is not even ten centimeters away!

This is too short!

Han Cheng, who had just gotten excited, looked at the scene before him, and kept making complaints in his heart.

Of course, the current situation is not particularly surprising, because my tribe does not get much iron ore, and it is not bad to be able to get so much molten juice.

Han Cheng said to himself like this in his heart, it was a lenient understanding of himself.

However, when the second brother made a hole in the bottom side of the furnace where molten iron no longer flows out, the wide solution that Han Cheng just performed failed.

Of course, this was not because the furnace fell uncontrollably after being operated by the second brother, and then hit Han Cheng.

It was because after the second brother took out the hole on the side of the stove, he also got something out of it by the way.

These things are some iron ore that is placed on top and has not melted much.

The appearance of these things proves that the lack of molten iron produced before is not only due to the lack of iron ore, but also because the iron ore has not completely melted.

"There is less charcoal. When the next time, I will put more charcoal in."

The second brother summed up the situation on the sidelines and came up with ways to improve next time.

Compared with copper and tin, which have relatively low melting points, iron has a much higher melting point.

Therefore, even the melting point of iron ore is higher than that of copper and tin.

With regard to these things, through Han Cheng's previous remarks and the process of dealing with iron bacteria, the second brother knew something.

So when the furnace was opened this time to try to smelt iron ore, he also deliberately added more carbon to the furnace.

However, it seems that the charcoal added is still a little less.

Han Cheng has nothing to say about such things.

After all, for a new thing, there must always be a process from unfamiliar to familiar.

In this process, it is inevitable that some misunderstandings will occur, and some bad things will be done.

If an error occurs, correct the error and it will be better slowly...

After squatting here and waiting for a while, the solidified molten iron became cold.

Han Cheng reached out and took it into his hands.

In fact, it is not accurate to call it molten iron.

This is because after the iron ore has melted and solidified, there are many impurities in it.

Compared with the iron nuggets or iron products that Han Cheng saw in later generations, it was fundamentally different.

The tuft that Han Cheng held in his hand was extremely bad in shape.

If it is beautiful, it would not be described by Han Cheng.

The pimple on the top is not regular at all.

It feels lighter when picked up.

It is much lighter than an iron block of the same volume.

While Han Cheng took this extremely unsightly mixture of iron and impurities and looked carefully, the second senior brother had already started muddying and re-closing the hole that had been opened in the furnace wall.

After doing these things, take some firewood from the side by the way, put it in the stove, and light it.

This is to dry the newly added piece of wet soil as quickly as possible, and then continue to burn the iron ore that has never been melted.

While the second brother was doing this, there were quite a few people nearby, all staring at the mixture of iron and impurities in Han Cheng's hand.

Many people can't help but keep scratching their heads with their hands.

Because what they saw in front of them was very different from the tools they had seen before.

People who have ever seen meteorite iron tools really can’t figure out what method can be used to turn the iron in this state into a regular and usable tool.

"God, why didn't you catch it with a mold? After a while, doesn't it have to melt again?"

Someone stood by Han Cheng and watched for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask his doubts.

Many others nodded in succession.

This is indeed what puzzles them most.

Because of the increasing popularity of tribal bronze tools, many people in the tribe have seen how to smelt bronze and how to cast bronze utensils.

They think that ironware is made, just like bronze, when the iron is just flowing out, a mold is placed underneath, let it flow into the mold, and then cast the tools they want to have.

It is not surprising that they, who lack knowledge and have a certain understanding of casting bronzes, would have such an idea.

Because many times, people's imagination is based on some things they know and come into contact with.

In the case of pure molten iron, there is of course no problem in casting many utensils in this way.

Such things as plowshares.

But these things are obviously not pure molten iron.

And the number is too small.

Basically, it is not enough to cast things.

"Wait, there are too many impurities and too few quantities..."

Han Cheng said to these people and explained.

While talking about this, he began to command some people in the tribe to let them raise another stove on the side.

This stove is different from the stove being mashed with wet mud by the second brother, it is much lower.

This furnace is not used to smelt steel, but to strike iron.

It is the so-called ironing stove.

When the second elder brother over there pastes the iron stove, the flame on this side is also burning.

Driven by the bellows, the charcoal is burning.

Glowing red.

Seeing this, Han Cheng put the thing he was holding on the stove and let the charcoal fire grill it.

After a while, this lump of things was completely burnt red.

Seeing this, Han Cheng used a prepared bronze tongs to clamp it out of the furnace and place it on a prepared bronze ingot.

The other hand, holding a small hammer, beat this tuft.

It didn't take much effort, because the gap between this tuft of things was too big at this time.

If you use too much force, it is not easy to beat them together.

As Han Cheng hit with a hammer, the piece began to deform.

The gap between them began to shrink, the shape began to change, and it began to gradually become regular.

Moreover, as he beats, something will fall off the main body of the thing, and flies to the side.

Someone saw it nearby. After waiting for a while, when the color of these collapsed objects changed from red to black, they bent over and stretched out their hands to pick them up.

My own tribe has only made such a small thing now, it is a shame that it collapsed.

It is better to pick it back and let the **** son continue to beat it.

He picked it up very carefully, and didn't let go of the smallest bits of debris.

Han Cheng quickly saw such a move.

Facing such careful behavior of the tribe people, while he was a little bit dumbfounded, he was moved a little bit in his heart.

"No need to pick up, these are all impurities, not iron.

Only by beating and separating as many impurities as possible can we obtain useful iron."

Han Cheng smiled and stopped the man's movements and gave the reason.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, this talent threw away some of the scum he picked up in his hands, and looked a little bit embarrassed.

After Han Cheng knocked it for a while, the color of this tuft was not so red.

Seeing this, Han Cheng stopped the beating, picked it up with pliers, and put it on the ironing stove for incineration.

When the iron block is not being burnt, the bellows on the side of the furnace is not pushed.

Only when the iron block is placed on it for burning, will people push the bellows.

In this way, not only can the consumption of charcoal be reduced, but also the people pushing and pulling the bellows can have a rest without being too tired.

With the push and pull of the bellows, the iron-making furnace, which had been dimmed not long ago, soon became red again.

It didn't take too long to burn this tuft of things red again.

Seeing this, Han Cheng once again picked it out with pliers and placed it on the copper ingot for beating...

Ironing is a matter that requires a lot of repetition.

Repeat the actions and things you have done before.

In fact, many things in this world need to be repeated continuously.

Even people’s lives, many times when you think about it, you will feel that it is repeated day after day.

It is in this uninterrupted repetition that many things have been done.

More and more impurities flew out of this tuft that was beaten by Han Cheng.

As these impurities flew and fell off, the thing that was beaten by Han Cheng became more and more stylish, and it was much harder than before.

However, the volume of this tuft has also shrunk seriously.

Up to now, it has become a cube with a side length of basically only two centimeters.

Just such a little iron, what is better to use for it?

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng decided to use it to make a dagger and use it himself.

Things like daggers seem to be useless in later life, but in this age, they are very useful.

Whether it is for self-defense, or cutting something, or dismembering some prey to eat meat~www.NovelMTL.com~, they are inseparable.

Of course, if you want to make a dagger, the state of the iron block is not enough now, and you need to beat it repeatedly before you can make a dagger with better performance.

Otherwise, it is just a dagger made of pig iron, and its performance is not as good as that of bronze.

If this were not the case, things like iron would not have been called evil gold in the pre-Qin period.

People would rather use bronze than evil gold.

But if you want to do the following things, you still can't use this small hammer. It's too laborious and the efficiency is too low.

So Han Jincheng replaced it with a sledgehammer to beat him...

Ironing is not an easy job.

Otherwise, there will be no saying that you need to be hard when you strike iron.

After beating the iron for most of the day, when he went to bed at night, Han Cheng slept with a special fragrance.

It didn't take long to lie down on the bed, and he fell asleep soundly.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt pain all over my body.


The sound of iron beating from the stove once again sounded.

This time, Han Cheng picked up the hammer again.

This is because he is tired and his arm still hurts.

On the other hand, it is because now, he should also take out the correct postures of ironsmithing things he saw in later generations, lest the tribe people make detours.


Han Cheng carried a small hammer and hit the piece of iron, and then quickly removed the hammer.


After he removed the small hammer, a sledgehammer hit it heavily.

The place where he was beating was the place where the hammer that Han Cheng held just now.

This person who was beating with a sledgehammer is the second brother...

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