I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1066: Attack the tribe with nest (2 in 1)

When a person is hungry and there is no way to survive, he can really do everything.

   At this time, it is the hungry stomach that determines the human brain, not anything else.

  Because of the atrocities of the Red Tiger tribe, some tribes that have lost the food that they have accumulated to survive their hard work have also begun to become brutal and take risks.

   Just like this tribe who likes to use animal teeth to make decorations.

   People based on this tribe like to make decorations with the teeth of animals. Here we call this tribe the Liya tribe.

   After hearing the meaning expressed by the leader of his tribe, the people of the Liya tribe felt a little panic for a while.

   Before this, many people in their tribe had never thought of grabbing food from other tribes for their own use.

   In the past, they hated the Red Tiger tribe who had taken away the food stored by their tribe.

  Because they hate the Red Tiger tribe’s act of snatching food from their tribe, the people of the Liya tribe also hate the act of snatching food from other tribes for their own tribe.

   Therefore, they were so surprised when they heard the leader of their tribe saying this.

  Many people subconsciously want to oppose the leader of their tribe, and want the leader of their tribe to dispel such thoughts.

   But in the end, no one said anything like this.

  Because they know that at present, apart from such a road, their tribe really has no other way to go!

  Some people are sitting here sighing, some people are silent, seeming exceptionally silent...

"@#@#twenty three……"

   After a while, someone said.

   He meant, which tribe are they going to rob?

These tribes around    were all snatched by the domineering Red Tiger tribe.

  The situation of these tribes is no better than your own tribe.

   Even if they really rob these tribes, they won't get much.

  'S harvest is most likely not as great as their normal hunting and collecting remaining fruits at this time.

  The rich Red Tiger tribe who took away all the food of their tribe, they can’t afford to provoke...

   At the beginning, the people of the Liya tribe were worried that this kind of thing was too evil, and when they waited for someone to **** it, they would hurt the people of the other tribes.

   However, when they really started to seriously consider how to **** the rest of the tribe, they discovered that snatching food from the rest of the tribe is not a simple and easy task.

   This is really hurting myself before hurting others.


   Regarding this question, the leader of the Liya tribe had obviously considered it before.

   After hearing the question from the person in his tribe, he did not hesitate to tell the target of the looting.

   He said that the object to be snatched is not someone else, it is the nest tribe, which is between the Red Tiger tribe and the ordinary tribe, who are the second trader.

Nest tribes are richer than ordinary tribes. This is just to see that with just one exchange each time, people with nest tribes can use very few things and exchange a lot of food from their tribe. You can see it.

   After the leader of the Liya tribe said the name of the nest tribe, the people of the Liya tribe couldn't help but shine.

   How did you and others forget about the nest tribe?

   There are nest tribes that are indeed richer, and there is more food in the tribe.

   More importantly, the nest tribe with a lot of food is not strong enough!

   is at least much weaker than the domineering and brutal Red Tiger tribe.

  Another more important reason is that the nest tribes have a lot of food, and after their tribe snatches part of their tribes, the nest tribes can continue to live on the food left by their tribes and others...

   This is really a good goal that can make things the best of both worlds.

   Not only can my tribe survive this crisis, but it can also prevent the objects robbed by my tribe from becoming like my tribe and unable to survive...

   The people of the Liya tribe are carefully thinking about the nest tribe here. The more they think about it, the more they feel that the goal chosen by their tribe leader is better.

   is really in line with the current situation of his tribe.


   Someone spoke at this moment, looking a little worried and hesitant.

   What he meant is that even if the nest tribe is far less powerful than the Red Tiger tribe, it is stronger than your own tribe. It is not easy for your own tribe to attack the nest tribe...

   In this case, it is undoubtedly a scoop of cold water falling from the sky, which instantly made many Liya tribe people awake and recognized this ruthless reality.

   They have just considered everything, everything is so perfect, but they just ignored the fact that their own tribe is not as powerful as the nest tribe...


   In a heavy silence, suddenly someone spoke again.

  He means that there are nest tribes and their own tribes can attack, and they can attack.

   After figuring out the meaning of what this man said, many people in the Liya tribe showed a look of disbelief.

  The nest tribe is stronger than your own tribe, how can your own tribe be able to attack the nest tribe?


   Faced with the puzzlement of the people in the tribe, this member of the Liya tribe then opened his mouth to explain.

   What he meant was that it is true that people with nest tribes are strong, but not all of them stay in the tribe.

   Many of them left the tribe, carrying pottery and other things, and exchanged with people from the other tribes outside.

   At this time, there are not many people in their tribe. People from their tribe will definitely be able to beat them down and get enough food from them.

After understanding the meaning of this person, the people of the Liya tribe quickly remembered that a few days ago, the people of the nest tribe, with goods and other things, passed through their tribe and went to the rest of the tribe. Things to exchange.

   Thinking of things like this, and then thinking about the people in my own tribe, what I just said, the frustrated Liya tribe quickly became less frustrated.

   The leader of the Liya tribe who also ignored this point, with a confident smile on his face, kept facing his tribe and nodded slightly.

   It seems to be, this point long ago, he had already thought that the person who was so flustered just now was not like him.

   The situation is critical now. The tribe is really short of food, and the people of the Liya tribe can’t wait for a moment.

   Therefore, after reaching this consensus, the members of the Liya tribe immediately eagerly prepared to open, and began to pack weapons and other things to prepare for the actions that their tribe would take in the future.


  When the people in the Liya tribe packed their things and prepared to leave the tribe and start a long journey, one of the people in the team suddenly spoke.

   After hearing what he said, he had already packed up, and the Liya tribe who was about to set off was quickly stunned on the spot, including the leader of their tribe.

   Because of this person, a very serious matter just came out.

   A problem that was completely ignored by all of them before.

  The question is, after my tribe snatches enough food from the nest tribe, can my tribe continue to live in peace?

Those tribesmen with nests who went out to exchange with other tribes, after returning, after learning from their tribesmen what they and others had done, they really would not come to attack their tribes and **** them back. The food of the tribe, and give a lesson to your tribe?

   There is no need to think about things like this at all, the answer is already ready.

   The answer is definitely yes!

   After my tribe was robbed of food by the Red Tiger Tribe, many people still wanted to seek revenge on the Red Tiger Tribe, but because the Red Tiger Tribe was too powerful, they finally stopped this dangerous idea.

   did not put it into action.

   Now, a similar thing happened to the head of the nest tribe.

   My own tribe is not comparable to the Red Tiger tribe, even the nest tribe.

   When all the people from the nest tribe came back, they knew that they were a tribe that was not as powerful as their tribe. After they robbed their tribe’s food, they would definitely come to their tribe with weapons and ask for an explanation!

   When the time comes, people with nest tribes will no longer have the same smiles on their faces when they exchanged with their tribe before.

   This is indeed a terrible question.

  The raising of such a terrible question caused the people of the Liya tribe to be stunned on the spot.

   The robbing business that was about to begin, once again fell into a standstill.

   There are nest tribesmen who want to prevent them from going out. After they come back, they come to find the trouble of their tribe. At present, there is only one method that can be used!

   The leader of the Liya tribe, there are many people lying down in a pool of blood in his mind.

   The dead cannot speak, let alone reveal what their tribe has done to them...


   Thinking of this kind of thing in his heart, the leader of the Liya tribe opened his mouth to the people of his tribe...


   stomped on the dried leaves, making a clattering noise.

   A group of people are walking in such a forest, seeming to be in a hurry.

   There are a lot of people in this group, about a hundred people.

  The composition of the team is very mixed.

   In addition to adults, there are a lot of minors and some older people.

   In the arms of some women, they were born in their arms, or children who were not walking well.

   In addition, there are some people who are also carrying things such as pottery pots with a blackened base.

   This is the trend of moving.

   Otherwise, it wouldn’t be such a way of supporting the old and young, and bringing the most important belongings in the tribe.


   These people have already walked a long way, and many of the people in the team are exhausted.

   In such a situation, the person walking at the front of the line turned his head to look at the crowd and shouted loudly.

   What he meant was that the nest tribe is about to arrive. After the nest tribe, oneself and others can get a lot of food.

   can eat a game presumptuously, so that everyone can eat it.

   When the leader said this, everyone in the tribe's eyes brightened.

   The body that swept up with hunger and exhaustion had strength again.

   Driven by such power, many of these people speeded up their pace and walked toward the front.

The leader headed by    saw some smiles on his face.

The person headed by    is not someone else, but the leader of the Liya tribe.

At the beginning, the leader of the Liya tribe, the people who came up with the idea of ​​avoiding the nest tribes going out for trading, after returning, the way to retaliate against their own tribe is to remove all the nest tribes left in the tribe. To kill.

   In this case, the nest tribesmen who returned from the outside would not know that their tribe robbed their tribe of food, so they would not come to avenge their tribe.

   However, such a method was ultimately not implemented.

   Because after he said it, people in the tribe felt very **** and cruel.

   Your own tribe has already taken too much food from the nest tribe, and then killing the nest tribe is really unreasonable!

   The leader of the Liya tribe was actually quite disgusted with this incident ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ After seeing so many people in the tribe opposed, he also changed his mind.

   Then everyone in the tribe brainstormed and finally came up with a new solution.

   Of course, this method is not to drag the family, help the old and the young to come to the nest tribe, then kneel down, begging the nest tribe to give their tribe some food to eat...

   After robbing the nest tribe, he will not return to the original tribe.

   They will take the looted food and go to other places to live.

   In this way, even if the nest tribes who went out for trading return and know what they have done, there is no way to take their tribe.

  Because they have left the place where they used to live, they don't know where they and others are going to settle down, let alone those with nest tribes!

  Of course, in addition to this one reason, they can also use this to stay away from the domineering and cruel Red Tiger tribe, avoid being harmed by the Red Tiger tribe again, and thus fall into the current dilemma...


   The leader of the Liya tribe stopped once again, pointed to a place and said to the people in the tribe.

   Looking along the place of his fingers, there are a lot of rubble.

   The color of these gravel is strange, it is yellowish brown, it looks like a layer of rust...

  :. :

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