I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1064: Find accessories from iron ore (2 in 1)

In the early morning with some cold fog, amidst the unkind cries of the big rooster with the little hens foraging, the group set out from Jinguan City.

   These people lead donkeys and deer, and carry weapons.

   In front of the team, someone held a flag that was higher than the tribe's pole, and the flag one size smaller was walking in front.

   After coming to Jinguan City, the Jinguan City Trade Team, which was composed of a small group of the original trade team’s backbone and new personnel, set out again with the goods and went to trade with the other tribes.

   Han Cheng stood here watching Mao and the others leave, with some smiles on his face and some hope in his heart.

   I hope that the trade team can build a magical skill, and in this way, let themselves know the clues of iron ore!

   Under Han Cheng's gaze, Mao and the others gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared. Only the sound of some copper bells came from a distance, very pleasant.

   This is the sound of a bell hanging under the neck of a donkey...

   There is no doubt that as Mao and others went away, they came to the tribes that had exchanged with the Qingque tribe, and told those tribes about this, these tribes immediately boiled.

Stones, seeds, etc. have not been put in their eyes at all, and they only think that they are useless things. Now they can actually be exchanged. In the past, only a lot of food could be exchanged for salt, pottery bowls and other things. How can this not let them? Feeling excited and fanatical?

At the moment, these people who got the news put aside the busy things in their hands, and didn't even get food. Instead, they started looking for the stones and other things that they used to find useless in a fanatical state. .

   The more the better!

  Because many of them are worried, the people of the Qingque tribe suddenly became awakened one day and stopped doing business with them which is obviously extremely loss-making...


   There was a lively noise in Jinguan City where the tall walls stood tall.

   There is flame burning here.

   In the fire, from time to time, there will be some bamboo that has been heated, the gas in the body has expanded to the extreme, and it suddenly exploded in place, making such a sound.

Amid the sound of firecrackers, some people wrapped in colorful cloths, beating gongs and drums, clappers, and twisting the immature Yangko that the son of God had taught to the tribesmen a long time ago. These fires can't stop spinning in circles.

   After turning enough circles, he left here, headed to a new house not far away that had been built and could live in, came to the room, and beat.

   The all the way is exceptionally lively, with noisy gongs and drums.

   These children in the tribe became extremely excited one by one. Following these people, they jumped and laughed, and sometimes even slapped around. They were all unhappy.

   The house that seemed deserted before, is now suddenly filled with laughter and becomes extraordinarily lively.

   This kind of thing lasted about one morning before it ended.

  In the afternoon, people after the excitement began to move things into these rooms.

   is basically the necessities for sleeping like bedding.

   Everyone is basically the same.

   But it is the same and all different from the previous move.

   For example, in addition to what everyone has, some people will have other things that are unique to them.

   For example, a few small flowers planted on stones, a bunch of bone products that have been polished to shine, and a few beautiful pebbles.

   A beautiful horn comb, a few beautiful tie ropes...

   These are personal items.

   By this time, the people in the tribe already knew what was public and what was private.

   can distinguish clearly which things are owned in common, and which things belong to oneself or others.

  Because there are so many things in the tribe that need to be busy, it is impossible to devote all the manpower to building houses, so the number of houses built is limited.

   This time, it is impossible for everyone to live in this newly built, spacious and bright house.

  Only about one-third of the people can stay.

  Among these people who can stay in, Han Cheng must have this **** son.

   Moreover, the house he was staying in was still a separately built house, with a total of three rooms.

   These three houses are all owned by Han Cheng, and only Han Cheng can live.

   Such a decision was not made by Han Cheng, but made by the people in the tribe.

  They felt that the **** son of their tribe, with a high status and respected by others, should live in such a house.

   Of course, the house built was also affected by the residence of Han Cheng when he was the main tribe.

   At that time, Han Chengchi lived in a single-family room with only three rooms.

   However, at the other end of the room, there is still a witch.

   Now, Wu has not stayed in the main tribe, and has not come to Jinguan City.

   Under such circumstances, this house built after imitating the pattern of the main tribe was occupied by Han Cheng alone.

   It's not that Han Cheng didn't let the other people in and lived in the other end of the house.

   However, no one wanted to live in, even if Han Cheng personally called the name.

   Because people in the tribe generally believe that the son of God is wise, kind, and has a high status in the tribe.

  In the tribe, only the old Degao witches can barely qualify to live in the same house as the respected son of God. The rest, no matter who they are, are not qualified!

   Han Cheng also wanted some old and weak in Jinguan City to live in his own house first, but no one agreed.

   It is not only the rest of the people who disagree, but even those who were invited by Han Cheng.

   They said that if the son of God does not live in the new house first, then they will not live in the new house either.

   I would rather still live in the low, small dome house built before, rather than live in the spacious and bright house!

   Facing the attitude of the tribe people, Han Cheng had no other way to think about it. He could only live in the house that belonged to him with full of touch and warmth.

   After everyone helped Han Cheng move things, they started to move their things...

   Looking at the many people in the tribe with simple smiles on their faces, Han Cheng's face also overflowed with unbearable smiles.

   Meeting such a group of cute and simple people, all the hard work I have made before is worth it!

   At night, lying alone in an empty house, I feel a little lonely.

   Some feelings that are obscured by the light of the day and many busy things will also involuntarily reveal themselves.

   A lot of things, mixed with a lot of relatively low emotions, constantly echoed in his mind, until a long, long time, Han Cheng finally fell asleep...

   On the next day, the people who built the house continued to build the house without stopping.

   In order to be able to have more than half of the people living in spacious, bright and warm houses before the Chinese New Year, Han Cheng sent some more people to participate in the construction of the houses.

   There are more people involved in building houses, so the speed of building houses will naturally become a lot faster.

   Han Cheng cleaned up his house and walked out of the room.

He did not participate in the construction of the house, but found the second senior who has accumulated a lot of experience in smelting bronze and has a lot of knowledge. Let him build a new one on the basis of the bronze stove. The stove comes out.

  Moreover, this stove should be as durable as possible than the bronze stove in the tribe.

   This is Han Cheng preparing for the subsequent iron smelting.

  Although he is not sure whether they can bring back iron ore from the rest of the tribe, but this does not affect him in the tribe, let people prepare for this first...

   Time passed quietly in the increasingly colder weather.

   Unknowingly, a green bird's flag appeared among the trees with withered leaves in the distance.

   Soon, a group of people appeared from behind the flag.

   This is the return of the trade team headed by Mao.

   This time the trade team has returned with a rewarding experience.

   Looking from a distance, the donkey and the rattan baskets on both sides of the deer's body are full of things.

The back baskets of    Mao and others were also full of dangdang, full of miscellaneous things.

   There are some people who are tired and sweaty.

   Han Cheng, who had been looking forward to the return of Mao and others, was filled with joy when he saw Mao and them appear in his field of vision.

   immediately walked out of the gate of Jinguan City and greeted them personally...

   In the open space of Jinguan City, Han Cheng looked at the baskets of stones and other things, full of expectation, but also with some anxiety.

Take a deep breath, and muttered a word in his heart silently-below, is the moment to witness the miracle, Han Cheng buckled a full basket on the ground and poured out the contents. After that, they squatted aside and began to look at the things brought back by Yumao and the others, like a treasure hunt.

   This is indeed a treasure hunt.

   Once you find what you want, the help to the tribe is too great!

   Time went by little by little, and the baskets of things were pulled over by Han Cheng one by one.

   Most of the things were thrown into the waste pile by Han Cheng, only a small part was left behind.

   And among these remaining things, there is nothing he wants most.

   Among these things, there are purely strange and unique stones, and two very beautiful rough jade stones...

   Seeds, except for a very small part, the rest of Hancheng was left.

  Because Han Cheng couldn't distinguish the types of other seeds except for some common and very few seeds.

I can only wait and scatter them in a clearing outside the tribe, and then quietly wait for them to sprout and grow, and then judge their types based on their leaves, flowers, and fruits. ,what is the purpose……


   The last basket of things was poured out by Han Cheng, and a stone caught Han Cheng's attention.

   This stone is the size of a fist and is white all over.

   Despite this, the stone is not translucent.

   Its surface is not smooth and has many small edges.

   It can be seen that these edges are the original things on the stone, which are left after falling off.

   Han Cheng took it in his hand and touched it with his fingers. A delicate feeling came from his fingertips.

   Han Cheng raised it to his eyes and watched it carefully. After a while, a smile appeared on his face.

   If you read it correctly, this thing is probably that thing!

   Han Cheng put it aside, then squatted here, continuing to check the rest.

   After a while, Han Cheng couldn't help sighing.

   Among so many stones, he did not find the iron ore he wanted.

   This is really an uncomfortable and sad thing.

   My tribe wants to find iron ore, why is it so difficult?

   Han Chengdu somewhat held back his head and asked the sky.

   "God, this is?"

  Mao looked at the white stone that was taken out by Han Cheng alone and put it aside, and asked Han Cheng, he wanted to know if it was iron ore.

   "This is not iron ore, but another kind of stone, which is somewhat useful."

   "The kind that can be used for eating."

   After thinking about it, Han Cheng added.

   People in the tribe are not uninterested in eating.

   seems to have been trained and possesses titles such as the first translator of the Qingque tribe and the first living map, and the same is true.

   After hearing Han Cheng say this thing is edible~www.NovelMTL.com~ eyes suddenly brightened.

   hurriedly leaned in front of him, and now I will quietly get a little bit of it and have a taste.

   Upon seeing this, Han Cheng smiled and stopped.

   "This thing cannot be eaten directly, it is something similar to ingredients."

   Hearing Han Cheng's words like this, Mao dispelled the idea of ​​trying to try something now...


   In a room, as the sling was shaken, a rhythmic creaking sound followed.

   The soy milk in a continuous line ran down the bottom of the watery sling and fell into the basin below.

  In the simple room, there is the smell of raw soy milk...

"use this."

   It's time to order tofu. The people in the tribe who are in charge of ordering tofu are habitually looking for brine.

   Han Cheng smiled and passed a bowl over.

   This bowl contains some water, and the water is not clear.

At Han Cheng's gesture, the man poured the water into the big tank containing the cooked soy milk, and then began to hold a long-handled scraper and stretched it to the bottom of the big tank. But turn up the soy milk very thoroughly.

   After turning a few times, he temporarily stopped his movements, took the prepared wooden shovel from the side, picked up some from the inside, and carefully watched the color...

  :. :

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