I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 105: It's another spring coming

   The deer was very injured, because since his job was robbed that day, every day from now on, this person, a wolf, and a deer would come to share their milk.

It wants to stop this group of milk-stealing thieves, but its own Laozi doesn’t help itself, not only doesn’t help, but also helps the two-legged beast to push himself aside and prevent himself from coming, so that the little two-legged beast can **** himself. Milk.

   After watching a mouthful of milk, he cocked his mouth to reveal a row of front teeth and a wretched face. Xiao Lu strongly doubted whether he was born with him...

   Since he discovered deer milk that day, Han Cheng has come to squeeze some.

  According to the usual practice, first give the uncle deer who is competing for milk for his own children, and the dog-legged leg blessing will be divided into some, and the rest is taken back to the tribe and boiled, then divided into three.

   Han Cheng has the same number of witches, with the fewest stones, only a half mouthful, but he is also extremely happy because this deer milk does not even have a share of the leader.

   Considering Xiaolu’s growth, Han Cheng didn’t squeeze too much, and squeezed a small bowl every day.

   Eating less milk has little effect on the fawn, because it can already eat grass and does not live on milk.

   Han Cheng, the doe who was milked, did not owe him either. After each squeeze, he would be fed a few clean small rapeseeds.

   You know, these little rapeseeds were basically the patent of Uncle Lu before.

   Under the operation of Han Cheng, the deer milk matter has formed a happy situation for everyone.

   Of course, this has to ignore the wronged deer.

   Because the production of deer milk is very small, the only people in the Qingque tribe who can drink deer milk are Han Cheng, the **** son, and the witch, and the stone that is cultivated as the next witch.

   No one thinks there is anything wrong with this.

  Deer is not a cow after all. Once the deer reaches a certain age, the milk will gradually disappear and it is impossible to provide stable milk all the time.

In order to be able to eat milk all the time, when Han Cheng feeds Uncle Deer again, he will do ideological work with Uncle Deer when it is okay. Don't wander around and let him be okay. Please pamper your harem more, so that you will have milk to eat. .

   But this guy is not on the road, no matter what Han Cheng said, he is indifferent. If it were not for short legs, Han Cheng would definitely kick his ass...

Day by day, the weather is getting warmer, and the ice and snow begin to melt. When the **** on the west side of the wall protrudes from under the ice and snow, sleepy eyes yawns, and then wakes up and starts to turn from yellow to green. , Spring has truly arrived.

   Spring is here, and now many things that I wanted to do but couldn’t do before can finally do it.

   After the witch led the people to worship the gods and the gods standing by, with the order of the big brother, the people of the Qingque tribe took the tools made in the winter and began to dig earth and mud.

   Under Han Cheng’s proposal, the first step was not to raise the fence, but to cover the unfinished deer roof with mud.

This is because with the coming of spring, the rain will increase. After the roof of the deer pen is made, not only can the deer have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, but also the wooden products such as rafters and fences on the roof. Less rain, reduce the chance of decay.

   The people of the original pig tribe, after spending half of the winter day and night, have now fully integrated into the blue bird.

   They are very curious about the upcoming work.

Brother    put the bone shovel on the ground, holding the handle of the bone shovel with both hands, raised his right foot and stepped on the right side of the upper part of the bone shovel, and the sharp bone shovel got into the moist soil.

   He held the bone handle with both hands and pulled it back slightly, and a large piece of mud was lifted from the ground.

   The others are also doing their own labor.

  Because the people of the pig tribe have never touched this kind of tools, nor have they performed this kind of work, whether they are digging soil, carrying water, or making mud, they seem very strange.

   But it doesn’t matter. These tasks are not too complicated. If you do it for a few days, you will become proficient.

Taking into account the problem of the tribe’s own defense, before digging the soil, Han Cheng first drew out two lines three meters apart and parallel to the wall on the outside of the east wall of the tribe, 15 meters away from the wall, and let everyone dig the soil. This is done in two lines when making mud.

   His idea is very simple. He wants to take this opportunity to create a ‘wall-guarding ditch’ on the east side of the wall.

   Anyway, whether it is to put mud on the fence, raise the fence, or build a house, a large amount of soil needs to be excavated. By doing this, he can kill two birds with one stone.

   At the beginning, the elder brother and others did not understand the arrangement of the son of God.

   This is mainly because the deer pen is built inside the wall, but the son of God asks them to dig soil and mud outside the wall.

  The deer ring and the mud area are far away from the gate of the courtyard wall, facing each other across the wall~www.NovelMTL.com~ Even with a pole, transporting mud inside the wall will take a lot of effort.

   But their confusion disappeared quickly.

   Because Han Cheng asked people to tie two ropes to the animal skins that were used to wrap mud or fruit.

   The two ends of each rope are tied to the adjacent corners, so that a ‘gray pocket’ is completed.

When using, stretch the'ash pocket' on the ground, then shovel up the mud and put it on the animal skin. After shoveling a certain amount of mud, put the two ropes together and walk with one hand Up.

   This way, it saves a lot of effort and is easier to handle than simply wrapping it with a skin.

   In the beginning, Han Cheng actually wanted to use straw baskets, but the straw baskets were not strong enough to hold dry soil. If they were used to hold mud, they would be too easily damaged.

   And because the space in the straw basket is too large, it’s easy to pack more, so it’s too hard to transport.

   is far inferior to the sturdy and hard-wearing animal skin ‘gray pocket’ which is convenient to use.

   Of course, the problem of long transportation distance with the ash pocket alone will not be solved. This requires the help of a tool, which is a rope with a hook.

   Rope is not rare in the Qingque tribe now. Because of the spinning top, the speed at which they make the rope has been greatly improved.

   Now, they already have a lot of idle ropes. As long as a wooden hook is tied to one end of the rope, the tool is ready.

   With these two tools, the person in charge of transporting the soil outside only needs to carry the soil to the edge of the wall, and then hook the two ropes of the ‘gray pocket’ with a hanging wooden hook.

   The rest is done by the person standing on the low wall inside.

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