I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1047: Do you want to let the gods shelter? ! (2 in 1)

Obviously, Trade’s worries are redundant.

After he translated the meaning of these words by Han Cheng, the transaction didn't turn off.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe were trembling slightly, looking at the exquisite porcelain tiger she was holding in her hands, she was full of dismay.

She really likes this exquisite porcelain tiger!

This is exactly the image of the gods of their tribe, and she is reluctant to give it this way.

However, there is no way to lose it.

Because this thing belongs to the Qingque tribe, not their tribe.

If it is from other tribes, she can also order people in the tribe to use violent means to forcibly **** them.

But now, the subject has changed to a member of the Qingque tribe, she really dare not use this method.

The Qingque tribe is not easy to provoke, she had already fully understood it the last time the two tribes met.

But she really let go of such a treasure-like thing that was completely in line with the image of the gods in her mind, and her heart was extremely reluctant and extremely uncomfortable.


After a while, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe spoke to Han Cheng and cooperated with some movements.

When she said these words, her face was full of prayers.

What she meant was simple, that she wanted this precious thing.

To this end, she is willing to give a lot of food, and other things that Han Cheng and other Qingque tribe people want!

After understanding the meaning conveyed by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, Mao couldn't help but was stunned, and then resisted the excitement and began to translate with Han Cheng.

During the translation process, Mao's little tongue couldn't help trembling slightly.

It's not that his concentration is not enough, it is really that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe put forward the conditions too tempting!

The excited person was not only the fancy translator, Mao, but also the leader of the Red Tiger tribe who was posing in a dreadful posture. He couldn't bear to shiver all over his body.

The words of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe just now were completely immersed in the alluring light of this little porcelain tiger, and he, who couldn't help himself, was awakened.

The **** child of the Qingque tribe brought out something very similar to the **** of his tribe. It was indeed an extremely good object, and people would involuntarily indulge in it and want to own it.

Even he is the same, wanting to own this object at all costs.

Then the thing is enshrined and worshipped daily.

At this time, only the food in the tribe can awaken him from this obsession.

Just like later generations, Han Cheng's depression can be cured in an instant, only the medical expenses of more than 1,000 in that hour.

It scared him instantly, and he never dared to get sick again.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe at this time was also the same. He was so frightened that he no longer dared to imagine the exquisite fetish in the hands of the **** son of the Qingque tribe.

It's not that he doesn't want to own it anymore, he really thinks this thing is too bad for the food in the tribe!

It makes people feel painful, and the stomach is not enough.

After the body shivered suddenly, the sober leader of the Red Tiger tribe quickly took two steps and came to the maiden of his tribe. He stretched out his hand to pull her. If you want the maiden of your tribe, hurry up and sober, don’t do this. Say.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is exceptionally powerful, much more powerful than him.

As soon as the Red Tiger tribe leader's hand was pulled up, she shook his arm forcefully, directly to the side.

The look and the aura was almost a hooligan.



Undoubtedly, there was a disagreement between the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and the maiden about whether to exchange for this exquisite **** from the Blue Sparrow tribe.

The two people started arguing directly here.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe meant that he wanted such a beautiful thing as well, but he needed too much, and his tribe did not have that much food to exchange.

Before, there was basically no disagreement between the Red Tiger Tribe maiden and the leader, but now because of the Blue Sparrow tribe, there is once again a disagreement.

Generally speaking, women’s resistance to something beautiful and full of fantasy is generally lower than that of men.

Men are generally more pragmatic.

Of course, what is said here is only in the general sense, and cannot be compared with individual examples.

If you use a case for comparison, then you are not comparing, but hooligans!

For example, what the leader of the Red Tiger tribe thinks is much more pragmatic than what the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thinks.


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke again, meaning that she hadn't asked the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe whether this thing needed to be exchanged for a lot of food, so we didn't need to rush to conclusions.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help humming.

Do you still need to ask about such things?

You don't need to ask, it must be very expensive.

However, he did not say this, but let the witch ask.

Because he himself has some expectations.

The fact is more straightforward than the leader of the Red Tiger tribe imagined, because the **** son of the Qingque tribe directly said that such a sacred thing can be exchanged for something?

This is a priceless treasure!

After understanding what Han Cheng meant, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, although a little lost, was more of a breath of ease.

It's okay not to exchange.

If you don’t exchange it, you don’t need to worry about it or think about it.

However, his ease did not last long.

Old treacherous, extremely cunning, and always secretly looking at their changes, and watching the development of things, how could he let him succeed and make him wishful?

"However, given that our two tribes are so friendly, you want so much, and this fetish is very similar to the image of your tribe's gods, I will reluctantly adapt.

If you are willing to fully show your sincerity, I will send this incarnation of the **** to your tribe!

This incarnation of the gods is the incarnation of the gods of your tribe, not the incarnation of the gods of our tribe.

If I could meet such a beautiful and sacred incarnation of our tribe's gods, then no matter how much food I spend, I would be willing. Exchange it for it!

This is the incarnation of a god!

For the gods, if you don't even want to pay such a price, then why do you want the gods to shelter the tribe in the days to come.

The people in the refuge tribe will not get hurt or get sick. When hunting and gathering, they can get a lot of food, so that everyone will be full without being hungry..."

Qingque tribe's first big sacred stick began to talk, and the big way was set with small principles, and the talk was set.

He makes people dizzy.

Full of admiration, the trader performed simultaneous translation on the side, trying his best to convey the meaning of Han Cheng's words as much as possible to the maidens, chiefs and others of the Red Tiger tribe.

Mao swears that he has never worked as hard as he does today when he is translating.

In fact, what the son of God said today is too classic and too awakening.

He would feel very sorry for any small deviations in the communication above!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who stood by, watched and listened to Mao's communication, intently watching.

The more you listen, the more excited the whole person, the brighter the eyes, and the mood drifting upward.

A feeling of finding a confidant appears in my heart, and it continues to ferment and expand, and my heart is full of it!

At the end, there was no teary clapping applause.

What the son of God said is really great! It's so right!

This extremely exquisite and sacred thing, but the incarnation of the gods!

How can you be so pretentious about dealing with the gods?

How can it be so ungenerous? !

You really treat the incarnation of the gods in this way. In the days to come, how do you want the gods to continue to bless your tribe and make your tribe prosper? !

The **** son of the Qingque tribe can do such a thing for the gods of their tribe, and their tribe is no worse than the Qingque tribe. Why can their tribe not be able to do what they can do?

Is your own tribe so much worse than Qingque tribe? !

The **** son of the Qingque tribe is very right, this thing is nothing but a god!

If it's other things, you and others can still hesitate, can still bargain, or even just don't want it.

But at this time, what he and the others are facing, but the gods!

How can this be done in the face of the gods?

This is so disrespectful to the gods!

Thinking with such unparalleled approval in her heart, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe began to nod her head madly, in order to express her high recognition and support for Han Dahuyou's remarks.


After a while, the **** son Han Da spoke to the red tiger tribe maiden in her heart, turned her head and spoke to the leader of the red tiger tribe.

The meaning expressed was basically the same as what Han Cheng said to her just now and what she had in mind.

The illusory things like the gods, in many cases, are more deterrent and persuasive than many things that exist in reality.

This is the situation at this time.

Even the leader of the Red Tiger tribe became shaken after listening to Han Cheng's words, and then to their tribe's maiden.

It seems, as if what they two said makes sense!

The things of the gods are indeed different from ordinary things, and they cannot be too deductible.

This is the incarnation of the gods of his tribe, and it is by far the most exquisite and sacred incarnation that others have seen!

In such a situation, how can one let the incarnation of the **** of the tribe ignore it?

Over the years, the biggest reason why one's own tribe has been able to surpass the surrounding tribes and have so much wealth is because of the protection of the gods.

If, because of this time, the gods no longer protect their tribe, that matter...

Thinking like this in my heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly felt that it was a very necessary thing to welcome this extremely exquisite incarnation of the **** to his tribe.

However, after thinking of the huge price that his tribe paid for the porcelain bowl from the Qingque tribe last time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who just felt it was necessary to do this, was shaken again.

The last time I only exchanged a porcelain bowl from the Qingque tribe, I made my tribe give so much food.

Now, what I and others want to exchange from the Qingque tribe is the incarnation of the gods, an extremely precious thing, and the food for exchange cannot be less than when they exchanged porcelain bowls!

Otherwise, this matter would be very shabby.

The deity of his own tribe is actually no better than a porcelain bowl? !

This kind of thing, you only need to think about it in your heart, and then you can know it, it is very, very unreasonable!

Can't explain it.

This is really done, let alone whether the gods will bless your tribe, it is very good not to punish your tribe!

Does the Red Tiger Tribe have more food than the food given to the Qingque Tribe last time?


After all, it was late autumn, and the large amount of rice planted in the tribe had been harvested and dried.

In addition to these, people in their tribe also obtained a lot of food from other places except rice.

These foods are mixed, but they can also satisfy hunger.

However, this is what everyone in the Red Tiger tribe uses to survive the winter, and for a long time to come, they need to rely on it to satisfy their hunger and live their lives.

He really threw more food from the granary of his own tribe than the ones given to the Qingque tribe last time, and the Red Tiger tribe's next days would be really sad.

In other words, I can't live it anymore!

Today's Red Tiger tribe can no longer withstand such a toss~www.NovelMTL.com~ can not withstand such a loss!

Thinking about these things in his heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly became extremely heavy.

At this moment, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly found out with horror that the witches of his tribe were nodding their heads, she wanted to accept this matter, and cost this precious **** at a price far beyond the ability of his tribe. The incarnation of, the look of exchange for it!

With such a discovery, the leader of Ling's Red Tiger tribe suddenly became sober.

Almost without even the slightest necessary hesitation, the leader of the Red Tiger Tribe jumped directly to the side of the Red Tiger Tribe Miko, and suddenly stretched out her hands to hold her nodding head.


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who reached out to hold the head of his tribal witch, shook his head vigorously, while talking hurriedly, expressing his anxiety in his heart, and wanted to stop the madness of his tribal witch Plan...

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